David knott 242 |
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See this page.
Anything not listed here has never been reprinted with errata.

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Just wish Paizo would hurry up and send it. I placed an order with my FLGS mid May, and Paizo still hasn't shipped it to them.
Paizo doesn't ship to FLGSs directly, that would be the store's distributor. Its not unccommon for stores to suspend all other incoming orders around Magic releases, (so they can get as large of a magic order in for launch and get to best discount) so it possible that is what your store did, forgetting that your special order was hung up. A new magic set just came out last week i beleive.

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Val'bryn2 wrote:Just wish Paizo would hurry up and send it. I placed an order with my FLGS mid May, and Paizo still hasn't shipped it to them.Paizo doesn't ship to FLGSs directly, that would be the store's distributor. Its not unccommon for stores to suspend all other incoming orders around Magic releases, (so they can get as large of a magic order in for launch and get to best discount) so it possible that is what your store did, forgetting that your special order was hung up. A new magic set just came out last week i beleive.
TIL a thing.

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Thank you David knott 242 for the info.
It is a shame that this one didn't sell well enough to get a second printing, it is, at least too me, one of their best books along with the Core Players Guide, Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Races Guide, and Ultimate Equipment.
I adored Occult Adventures when it came out. One of the big things that struck me was how the classes actually fit the tone of most Paizo adventures better than the core classes; there's usually a bit of the dark and weird in Paizo adventures (especially APs), and I always thought that the OA classes matched that tone perfectly.

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TIL a thing.
To add a bit more, it depends on the distributor, but most distributors no longer accept CoD. instead the stores have a certain amount of credit that they have a few days/weeks to pay back. I think time/amount they are able to take out is based on past payment timeliness. A lot of stores know that when a new magic set releases, they are going to sell a ton on release weekend. So they try to manipulate their payments and orders right before a set in order to have as much product on hand release weekend. Even if its more cash then they have available, knowing that sales that first weekend should cover the debt.
Not all stores do this, and I'm not saying Val'bryn2's is one of them, but its not a rare practice.

captain yesterday |
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Dragon78 wrote:I adored Occult Adventures when it came out. One of the big things that struck me was how the classes actually fit the tone of most Paizo adventures better than the core classes; there's usually a bit of the dark and weird in Paizo adventures (especially APs), and I always thought that the OA classes matched that tone perfectly.Thank you David knott 242 for the info.
It is a shame that this one didn't sell well enough to get a second printing, it is, at least too me, one of their best books along with the Core Players Guide, Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Races Guide, and Ultimate Equipment.
I STILL adore it, as I'm sure you do to, the most used book in our Pathfinder collection.
I can't think of a time since it's release where we didn't have a character from Occult Adventures.

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Michael Sayre wrote:I STILL adore it, as I'm sure you do to, the most used book in our Pathfinder collection.Dragon78 wrote:I adored Occult Adventures when it came out. One of the big things that struck me was how the classes actually fit the tone of most Paizo adventures better than the core classes; there's usually a bit of the dark and weird in Paizo adventures (especially APs), and I always thought that the OA classes matched that tone perfectly.Thank you David knott 242 for the info.
It is a shame that this one didn't sell well enough to get a second printing, it is, at least too me, one of their best books along with the Core Players Guide, Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Races Guide, and Ultimate Equipment.
You are quite correct!
I can't think of a time since it's release where we didn't have a character from Occult Adventures.
There haven't been occult characters in every game I've played in since it came out, but certainly about as much as any book other than the CRB (and even there it's actually fairly close). If I hadn't been trying to play some of my favorite 3pp classes in our Return of the Runelords office game, I'd be playing a spiritualist right now; it's definitely in the top 3 choices for the next time I need a PF1 character, with the other two being 3pp classes I wrote and haven't gotten to play outside of playtest sessions.