This fantastic Jungle of Despair Hydra Case Incentive set contains one beautiful display piece with 10 interchangeable heads that will leave yours spinning with the options! Included in each box is one huge creature from the Pathfinder world: the Hydra!
Note: Orders placed for Jungle of Despair: Hydra from May 2019 and after may not be in original product packaging.
The glue holding a peg to its head peeled off when I gently wiggled it out of its correct socket, causing the head to pop off with the peg still lodged in the neck socket. While I could fix it with some superglue, this was very disappointing for such an expensive figure and made me worry about using the head-changing feature.
so when is Paizo going to talk WizKids into doing Starfinder Battles? if they start now, they can do most of Alien Archives in the first set ;)
Wizkids has passed on the kind offer by Paizo, as has Reaper miniatures.
Sadly, Soda Pop has gotten the rights and they have so far produced zero prepainted minis.
I wouldn't hold my breath for any more prepainted minis than the four initially announced sets and those will very likely take at least until may or june to be available, if not much later. ;-(