Pathfinder Battles—Crown of Fangs: Girl

2.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Our Price: $4.00


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Featuring friends and foes from the world of Golarion, Crown of Fangs introduces 50 unique figures for your Pathfinder Battles miniatures campaign.

Base Size: Small
Rarity: Uncommon

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Average product rating:

2.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Compared to the boy miniature, I like the girl much better. Her dress is nice. It is simple yet elegant at the same time. I'm glad she isn't wielding a weapon. I don't mind the dagger on the belt. The eyes look good since they are stamped on.

Adequate, but...


It's clear that it's a girl, so it manages its job.

But the sculpt could be more crisp (especially the lumps for hands), and the choices of a knife, scowl, and semi-fancy dress limit its utility.

And, again, a few alternate paint schemes would improve crowds of kids.

little girl is big disappointment


I was so excited over the prospect of a set that included human children, as common people are so often overlooked in miniature packs. This girl (& the boy too) are just ... meh. Mediocre sculpt. Sloppy paint. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't this. I feel like they tweeked a gnome or halfling and just packaged it and let it roll. Not worth the investment. BIG disappointment.

A bad little girl


It´s nice to get a little girl in the same set as a little boy.

The knive is a little too much. The dress is too fancy for a simple townsfolk child.

There is no discernable mouth.
The hands are just painted on the dress.

This is a perfect example for why i wish for a few sets with less sculpts and more painting variants (like in the D&D Storm King´s Thunder set). A blonde girl and dark-haired boy with different colored clothes would be nice to have and really easy to do.

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