Fiendish Baboon

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Our Price: $5.00




Sharp sculpt & clean paintjob, well placed on its Large base.

Thankfully, it's not ludicrously large, which could easily make it bigger than most of the owlbear minis from which it would theoretically have been derived.

2 to 4 are easily usable, and they are common enough to be reasonably priced.

Our Price: $10.00


Ludicrously Large


Paint & sculpt get the job done.

Complaints are the near-vertical claws, and outlandish over-its-own-base-and-then-some size of this "Large".

Our Price: $4.00


Adequate, but...


It's clear that it's a girl, so it manages its job.

But the sculpt could be more crisp (especially the lumps for hands), and the choices of a knife, scowl, and semi-fancy dress limit its utility.

And, again, a few alternate paint schemes would improve crowds of kids.

Our Price: $4.00




It's clear that it's a boy, with a clear face.

Alas, the pose is rigid, the wooden sword limits its utility, and the dark colors do it few favors.

A couple alternate paint schemes would have at least allowed for more convincing crowds of children.

Our Price: $3.50


Well Enough


Decently done paint & sculpt.

The pose & weapon make for a nice undead honor guard.

Our Price: $3.50


Not Bad


Well enough done in sculpt, paint & pose, for a sinister-looking warrior-skeleton.

Our Price: $5.00

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A bendy weapon & some flash are minor quibbles. The paint is sufficient, and the sculpt decent.

Nicely, aside from the specifically intended fungal foe, this figure works well both as a zombie or skeleton.

Our Price: $3.50




Though unimpressive, this is a clearly sculpted, small white dog, with no particular flaws.

With an alternate paintjob, several of these could make an excellent jackal or wild dog pack. (The white coat should make that easier to achieve for ambitious re-painters.)

Our Price: $3.50


Not Bad


The web does look a bit silly, but it works: spiders of this size are more likely to drop from above, rather than come charging across the floor at players.

An alternate, dark paintjob would be useful, but the vibrant coloration is a nice change of pace, too.

Our Price: $3.50


Best Medium Spider


The molding is crisp, the pose evocative, the paint well done & well chosen. Many medium spiders have been produced, and this is the finest, hands down. Small & Large spiders of this caliber are badly needed.

Our Price: $3.50


Could Be Worse


Although some pictures seem to show a ludicrous amount of painted-over flash, as well as a comedic painted face, in hand these limitations are not necessarily so pronounced. The paintjob is adequate but workmanlike; still, the paint can hardly be blamed for the lack of crispness in the molding.

Our Price: $4.00

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Absolutely uninspiring


Neither sculpt nor paint (and certainly not color scheme!) are anything to write home about. But it does its job.

It fits well in my "no two goblins are alike!" mob.

Our Price: $10.00

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Nothing fancy, and possibly too big for its size, but an adequate "Type II Demon", often reasonably priced on the secondary market.

Our Price: $5.00

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Why swarms should be tiles, not figures...


A darkly painted mound of mice.

Mixed with a bunch of other ratswarm minis, it adds to the variety.

But ground swarms would be sooo much better presented as sturdy tiles, rather than vertical figures.

(And air swarms should be individuals mounted in a transparent sheet...)

Our Price: $7.50

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The only vulture demon worth having


Paint is fine, sculpt is good, pose is staid but figure is stable.

Most importantly, I have yet to find another demon of this type which isn't in some asinine posture (with the possible exception of the more recent WizKids figure in flight).

Our Price: $11.00


Ichabod Crane's Nemesis...


A nicely done mini of a rakish young gentleman in colonial dress. If only WizKids did a similar line for a setting 1000 years earlier...

Our Price: $6.00

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Reasonably painted, and makes good use of its "base space". Unfortunately, the beast-body is out of proportion to the human part, and lacks definition. It's more like a chubby cartoon lion than a powerful monster's agile form.

Our Price: $18.00

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Excellent. And Big.


This is perhaps perfect.

My only concern is that it may be just a touch TOO big.

List Price: $9.00

Our Price: $7.50

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A bit frail.


A more robust build would help this item, both in appearance & durability. It is small & slender, even dainty, making its fiery potential less inspirational.

Still, it seems just a wee bit sturdier (flexible?) than it would appear (but not much).

Our Price: $6.00

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Yep. It's what it is, and no worse than others, possibly better than most: it may lean slightly less than some.

The colors add nothing new to the world of Unicorns.

Our Price: $10.00

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It sure is what it is.


It's exactly what you think it is, and it's properly sculpted & painted.

Yet I didn't like it.

Our Price: $7.50

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We've needed a Large hell hound.

This is adequate. Decently sculpted, if haplessly painted.

Our Price: $5.00

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It looks better in pictures than in hand.

The arms often need regluing.

Our Price: $3.00




Perhaps the best Imp, if hidden by it's bland painting.

Our Price: $3.50


Nice, if small.


Very well done. It's just a shame it's not Large.