Featuring friends and foes from the world of Golarion, Deadly Foes introduces 52 unique figures for your Pathfinder Battles miniatures campaign. Deadly Foes follows the lead of popular Pathfinder Battles sets like Dungeons Deep to provide a legion of high-utility monsters and heroes suitable for any fantasy roleplaying campaign. From fearsome hobgoblins to evil soldiers, slavers, and monstrous giants to rare "dungeon dressing" inserts that add realism and fun to your fantasy gaming, Deadly Foes is packed the adversaries your game is looking for.
Pathfinder Battles: Deadly Foes miniatures come in three product configurations:
Four-figure boosters each containing 1 Large figure and 3 Medium or Small figures
Bricks containing 8 boosters (32 figures total)
Cases containing 4 bricks (128 figures total)
Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)
- All humanoids (even the commons!) are as good or better than rare minis of prior sets. Their faces were especially good.
- The dungeon dressing was extremely well done in terms of both sculpt and paint. (Rope Trick, Book of the Damned). Most importantly, the book and pillar will be used!
- Minor gripe, the Invisible Guardian should have been made of clear plastic. Instead he looks like an elemental. I liked that it was common though and wished the bearded devil was common.
- The clockwork dragon and spawn were too specific for me to bother purchasing.
1 star minis: 1 (Keketar Protean)
2 star minis: 6
3 star minis: 10
4 star minis: 16
5 star minis: 17!
All 13 common minis get between 3 and 5 stars!
A lot of often needed monsters are in this set.
The best human faces yet, even better than the Rusty Dragon Inn set!
2 minis were missing in my case.
Too dark paintjobs on quite a lot minis.
While Wizkids finally seems to have the faces nailed, the sturdiness has taken a step back in the wrong direction.
The rare Protean is the size of a medium creature on a large base, it has the wrong eye color (according to the Bestiary entry ALWAYS the same) and it doesn´t look as cool as the Bestiary 2 color-scheme.
This set is mostly comprised of aberrations, Chelaxians, evil/good outsiders, hobgoblins and dungeon dressing. While the paint work is impressive, it is a little bland on a few minis, holding it back from five stars (wish I could give 4.5). I can see myself using just about every mini, which is important to me. As a whole, I really love the set and think it is well worth an entire case purchase. Cheers to Wizkids and Paizo :)
If you do order a case, carefully consider the Clockwork Dragon & Spawn of Cthulhu add-on. They are well done, but rare/specific.
Got my case today. I got at least one of every mini. Dungeon dressing was two per brick for a total of eight pieces. I got two candles and pillars (one of the rest).
1, 3, 4, 6, 13, 14, 16, 26, 27 and 31. 4 copies of each mini.
2, 5 and 10. 5 copies.
7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 19-23, 25, and 28-30. 3 copies.
15, 18, 24 and 32. 2 copies.
Rest of minis only 1 copy.
Initial impressions: I really like the set and the vermin for swarms. Yes, the rope trick does look neat. Favorite would be pit demon and fire diabolist. Close is the gynosphinx. Would like next set to continue dungeon dressing and have more minis for player characters. Especially for newly allowed PFS player races.
Great figure selection ( really love the Lemur)
Got a full set in a case
Pulled two rope tricks and two pillars
Paint jobs are great ( but could se a wash)
The dressing pieces are all useful to me at least.
Way to many unicorns although a quick snip and I had two unicorns and two white horses.
Three broken figures including my Cthulhu
Not enough crabs ( only three) nitpick
The wings on both my pit fiend and clockwork dragon didn't fit and had to be trimmed.
I was wondering if Paizo plans on releasing more gunslinger minis in any of the new products. There are not very many options for gunslingers unless you go with the bones line of minis. A few more dwarves, elves, orcs, tieflings with guns in the pathfinder battles line would be very helpful.
I was wondering if Paizo plans on releasing more gunslinger minis in any of the new products. There are not very many options for gunslingers unless you go with the bones line of minis. A few more dwarves, elves, orcs, tieflings with guns in the pathfinder battles line would be very helpful.
No gunslingers in 2016.
The earliest possibility is the next set (april/may 2017), but personally i don't expect gunslingers in it.
So far "Tsadok Goldtooth, half-orc gunslinger" from Shackles & Skulls and "Lirianne, iconic human gunslinger" either from Iconic Heroes set IV or from S&S are the only ones.
Not many people play gunslingers, so the demand is small...
Plus they get accused of "cheesiness" or "ruining my fantasy by getting your technology all input in my business". I'd like more gunslinger minis, a musket weilder or a pistolier. Maybe in 2017
Does anyone happen to know the "numbering" on these minis? Planning for our local "case draft" and being able to organize them by their series number. Thanks! :)
Does anyone happen to know the "numbering" on these minis? Planning for our local "case draft" and being able to organize them by their series number. Thanks! :)
I´ll get mine today, so i can probably tell you in a few hours.
That said:
#01-#13 are the commons,
#14-#24 are the small and medium uncommons,
#25-#32 are the large uncommons,
#33-#40 are the small and medium rares,
#41-#44 are the large rares,
#45 is the huge "Clockwork Dragon"
#46 is the huge "Star-Spawn of Cthulhu".
I would love to see a series for NPCs and set dressing like they did with the Undead Horde and We Be Goblins. This way it would be 24 specific minis to pad out background players and set pieces!
Do we know when the singles will be on sale? I don't want to miss the ridiculously short timeframe, like I did last set. I only need one more candleabra and I'm happy. Ill probably have to eBay my second Book of the Damned, to pay for it, but I need two candles.
Do we know when the singles will be on sale? I don't want to miss the ridiculously short timeframe, like I did last set. I only need one more candleabra and I'm happy. Ill probably have to eBay my second Book of the Damned, to pay for it, but I need two candles.
They will go on sale tomorrow and be on sale until 12/31.*
*Of course with the caveat that that is not a guarantee that certain singles will not sell out quickly or that all will be available during that entire timeframe.
Does anyone happen to know the "numbering" on these minis? Planning for our local "case draft" and being able to organize them by their series number. Thanks! :)
01 Celestial Lantern (Archon) s
02 Accuser Devil s
03 Salamander m
04 Invisible Guardian m
05 Celestial Hound (Archon) m
06 Peri m
07 Lemure Devil m
08 Hobgoblin Archer m
09 Hobgoblin Alchemist m
10 Hobgoblin Cleric m
11 Priest of Asmodeus m
12 Thrune Enforcer m
13 Giant Crab m
14 Imp s
15 Cocktrice s
16 Cave Catcher (Fisher) m
17 Dwarf Slaver m
18 Celestial Trumpeter (Archon) m
19 Doppelganger m
20 Cerberi m
21 Strix Sorcerer m
22 Bearded Devilm m
23 Erinyes Devil m
24 Torrent Hellknight m
25 Ankhrav Drone (Ankheg) L
26 Cave Giant L
27 Flying Ray (Cloaker) L
28 Hellcat L
29 Sewer Beast (Otyugh) L
30 Unicorn L
31 Advanced Hellhound (Nessian) L
32 Giant Eagle L
33 House Drake s
34 Angelkin Paladin (Aasimar) m
35 Fire Diabolist m
36 Pathfinder Society Leader (Decemvirate) m
37 Technic League Captain m
38 Barzillai Thrune m
39 Jilia Bainilus m
40 Shensen m
41 Gynosphinx L
42 Shadow Giant L
43 Pit Devil L
44 Keketar Protean L
45 Clockwork Dragon H (not included in blind booster/case incentive 1)
46 Star-Spawn of Cthulhu H (not in blind booster/case incentive 2)
DUNGEON DRESSING/RARE: (but still in blind boosters)
- Arcane Pillar m
- Book of the Damned s
- Cage L
- Candelabra s
- Hellgate L
- Rope Trick m
ETA on singles going on sale? I'm supposed to go help my mom move, but I'm afraid if I leave before buying the two singles I need, they will be sold out when I get back from helping her. <sigh> First world, nerd problems.
I suspect that we won't get much if any warning. If you do a search for "Deadly Foes", the mostly blank pages that come up suggest that all they need to do is flip a switch somewhere to make all those minis visible and for sale.
I got my case yesterday. Imo it's the best paint jobs of all the sets, made so far. My only complaint is a few of the minis are too mini. Cthulhu, is painted and sculpted masterfully, but is WAY too small to properly represent the enormity that is Cthulhu. I also thought the salamanders, and cerberis are too small, but those may just my perception. If I could change only one thing, I would make Cthulhu at least three times larger. I love the paint and detail of the clockwork dragon, although the wings are made of a brittle plastic and I think one of them without broken wings, will become a valuable rarity in the near future. Despite my criticism,this is by far the best painted set and also sculpted very well.
@Brell Stormforge:
It's not supposed to be Cthulhu himself, only one of his little Star-Spawn.
That said, i would have liked it to have a lower body too. ;-)
Do you know the Cthulhu mini from Horrorclix?
Now that's a proper size!
I picked up a case (2 bricks) at my local gaming shop, took them home and opened the boosters. In the first brick, the figures were wonderful and beautiful. I liked what I received.
Then I opened the next brick...
And got EXACTLY THE SAME FIGURES over again. The second brick had the same figures in the same combination in each booster.
While this might be nice in building a collection of monsters and unnamed hordes, it did not provide for a suitable mix of figures or opportunity to acquire new minis. I basically got 2 of the same 32 miniatures over again.
And because I got the same combination of minis, I cannot trust that buying a new brick of boosters will provide me with a new set of miniatures. WizKids really let me down on this one.
Does anyone happen to know the "numbering" on these minis? Planning for our local "case draft" and being able to organize them by their series number. Thanks! :)
I had some excitement opening my case. I mostly ordered this set for my next run of Hell's Rebels. So it became increasingly worrying that the ONE mini I did not have was Barzillai Thrune. It was thus a great dramatic moment when he was in the LAST BOX.
I got my case yesterday. Imo it's the best paint jobs of all the sets, made so far. My only complaint is a few of the minis are too mini. Cthulhu, is painted and sculpted masterfully, but is WAY too small to properly represent the enormity that is Cthulhu. I also thought the salamanders, and cerberis are too small, but those may just my perception. If I could change only one thing, I would make Cthulhu at least three times larger.
Do you think this is because of the "emerging from water" effect? With his legs and rest of torso he would likely be around twice the height. I feel as you do, he is small but so well sculpted. As Marco said It is not Cthulhu himself though but one of the Starspawn.
I ALMOST agree with you Marco on the horror clix version. I thinks it's almost too large. The detail is amazing but it suffers from a serious flaw, when assembled the centre of mass is too far to the right and it develops a serious lean over time, tending to topple. It's a function of how the wings were positioned. Plus I wish they had just pushed that little further and sculpted both of his feet! Why must Cthulhu always be emerging from the water?
Question: When buying booster packs is it possible to get unique and/or Huge miniatures (like the clockwork dragon etc.), or must you buy a brick or case for it to even be possible?