Johnny_Devo |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

You can increase the reach of your spells' melee touch attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turn by taking a –2 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You must decide to use this ability before you attempt any attacks on your turn.
You can increase the reach of your melee attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turn by taking a –2 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You must decide to use this ability before any attacks are made.
It feels like basically the same feat, which makes me believe they may be unintended to work together. However, I see no indication that the wording on these two prevents you from taking a -4 penalty to AC in order to gain a +10 feet to your spellstrike.

Zwordsman |
Also don't see a reason this can't work.
but I also don't think it's broken. It would give 15 touch attack reach, but a pretty sizable ac penalty. Penalty for a class that generally ha a hrd time with AC and HP amounts, and thats still pretty close. 5ft step for a reach full attack, or a charge with a non reach.
Sure they usually would have other defenses.. but I feel like it balances out well enough.
Though if you have a spell that gives you multiple touch attacks, usuable as if they were normal attacks. IT could get messy from a full attack or AOO stuff.
I note you said "spell strike" as in the magus ability?
That I believe would only benefit from Lunge. Because it's no longer a spell's melee touch attack. It's a spell put on a normal melee attack. So that wont' stack for that kind of attack. But if you just normal cast the shocking grasp it will be longer range.

Manwolf |

Yeah there's a significant reduction in AD, nothing that a 12th level wizard (or Fighter 6, wizard 6 to have a +6 BAB and 6 ranks in Spellcraft) can't offset as he gets ready for combat, but a 15' reach, same as a Huge character, or similar to giving someone Spring Attack with 2 feats instead of 3. I would say, yes the rules may way allow it, but there no way I will. My momma didn't raise no dummy.