Another great Ponyfinder expansion, with the new standard layout that really pops!
I very much liked the way the writer thinks - as both a player, but always with a GMs eye towards balance. For example Pegasi can fly of course... but get serious armor restrictions if they do. Nothing is free!
Naming guide - yes please! One binding thread throughout all the Ponyfinder books is a focus on making everything special and unique, so elements like the Naming guide, and also the critical "How do other tribes view this tribe?" sections are absolutely essential, and this one is well done per usual.
My favorite part was the Cloud Walker trait - you'll have to buy it to see what I mean!
I love Everglow precisely because it's a brighter setting. There's enough grim and gritty dark settings. (Not that Everglow lacks its own shadows...) Plus the draw of being able to play some very unique races. (I've gotten my preview of the next full book, and it's really nice to learn more about the griffons. It drops a few tidbits about the suncats and purrsians as well.)
Missed that this was coming out. SO bought! P9nyfinder is some of my absolute favorite 3rd party content, and not just because of my love of a certain show. Silver Gzmes are very good at what they do. :-)