Community Use Package: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Characters

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This package contains images of 91 playable characters from the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game for use under the Community Use Policy.

The package contains both JPG and PNG files of each character from the following decks:

  • Alchemist
  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Goblins Burn!
  • Goblins Fight!
  • Gunslinger
  • Hunter
  • Inquisitor
  • Magus
  • Monk
  • Oracle
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Summoner
  • Tales
  • Warpriest
  • Witch
  • Wizard

This package also contains both JPG and PNG files of each of the following promotional characters:

  • Ekkie
  • Ranzak
  • Reepazo
  • Tup

Last updated: December 11, 2017

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Fulfilled immediately.

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Paizo Glitterati Robot

Now available!

Awesome. Thanks.

Community & Digital Content Director

Updated to include Ekkie and the characters from the Paladin Class Deck.

What about Arushalae from Wrath of the Righteous? She's a playable character in PACG if the heroes complete a specific scenario.

Just wondering if there is a chance for an update with the Monk, Druid and Barbarian class decks. Thanks!

Thanks for adding Alchemist, Inquisitor and Oracle! I think we are still missing Monk, Druid, and Barbarian. I suspect that is because those characters are so awesome they are causing all kinds of problems for your files.

Community & Digital Content Director

Now updated with missing classes, the Witch Class Deck, and Tup! :)


Community & Digital Content Director

Updated with Goblins Burn!, Goblins Fight! and Gunslinger characters :)

Getting some of my accessories up to date. I think we need Summoner and Warpriest class decks, plus Reeepazo.

Also, we need the unique characters from Mummy's Mask somehow: Ahmotep, Channa Ti, Drelm, Simoun. Not sure if this is the product for them or not.


Also, if it is possible to have these added as avatar options (or at least their heads) that would be great for play by post. Some of them already exist, so in those cases if the character name and/or "Adventure Card Game" could be added that would be great. It would help with card game play by post.

Thanks again!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Friendly bump. I know you must all be super busy with GenCon and the launch of Starfinder. But if you happen to have time to update this package, I'd love to get access to the newer characters. Thanks!

At this point, I think we need:

Summoner Class Deck
Warpriest Class Deck
Magus Class Deck

And these individual characters:
Arushalae (WotR)
Ahmotep (MM)
Channa Ti (MM)
Drelm (MM)
Simoun (MM)

I know things have been super busy. Any chance of an update to this package soon?

I would like to second the request for the Mummy's Mask characters.

Web Production Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Updated with Reepazo and characters from the Hell's Vengeance, Hunter, Magus, Occult Adventures, Summoner, Tales, and Warpriest decks. We haven't typically included unique characters from the Adventure Path sets, but can look into it.

Thanks Chris!

Thank you. :)

Thank you Chris! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Updated with Reepazo and characters from the Hell's Vengeance, Hunter, Magus, Occult Adventures, Summoner, Tales, and Warpriest decks. We haven't typically included unique characters from the Adventure Path sets, but can look into it.

Please don't forget Arueshalae from WotR while you are at it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Any chance of the Occult Adventures and Add-On deck characters getting added to this?

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