Xyro's Legacy of Fire PbP

Game Master xyrophobic

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"The night was moist..."

Sorry needed something to start this thread. As soon as I get characters we can start this epic story.

Male (he/him) Irish Physicist (Programmer Dedication) 5

Hi all! VP here!

As an introduction, I'm an tall Irish physics student! (Don't imagine me ginger, I don't even have freckles.)

I intend to play a Human Rogue. He's half-Keleshite, half-Ulfen, raised by his Keleshite mother among the bazaars and stalls of Katapesh itself.

I spoiler the rest to save a block.


He did many odd jobs, and even occasional small thefts, but he's quite intelligent and knows to avoid risking the penalties for theft in the city. I won't play Chaotic stupid, so your gear and share of the treasure is absolutely safegaurded, nor is he particularily voilent.

He has tried many get rich schemes, and despite being a shrewd merchant and entreprenuer, he can't follow through his plans long enough for them to pay off. After his mother married a well-to-do tailor and settled down, he no longer felt the need to look after her, he decided to follow his newest idea. He immediately went to the district of Twilight Gate and signed up to become a Pathfinder, hoping to one day start a shop for adventurer's using the proceades of his own journeys.

Despite this merchantile reason for joining, he has found he has a genuine passion for history and mysteries, and gets a thrill from discovery the truth of such matters. So he finds himself in Solku with nothing but dead ends, when he hears the cry of a man named Garavel.

He's a tall rakish man, with wild dark hair, keleshite skin, a coffee coloured right eyes, and an ice blue left eye. He has a big grin and likes to tell ridiculously exagerrated stories and outright lies.

Looking forward to gaming with you all!

The Exchange

xyrophobic wrote:

"The night was moist..."

Sorry needed something to start this thread. As soon as I get characters we can start this epic story.

Hey, this is Nani's boyfriend. I'm going to be working on the character tomorrow and try to get it finished by mid-day / evening. I'm tentatively thinking of a sorcerer. From what I saw only Rogue/Cleric was claimed?

Male (he/him) Irish Physicist (Programmer Dedication) 5
Alizor wrote:
xyrophobic wrote:

"The night was moist..."

Sorry needed something to start this thread. As soon as I get characters we can start this epic story.

Hey, this is Nani's boyfriend. I'm going to be working on the character tomorrow and try to get it finished by mid-day / evening. I'm tentatively thinking of a sorcerer. From what I saw only Rogue/Cleric was claimed?

Looks that way, I think ender_rpm is thinking halfling cleric!

M Dwarf Bard 5

yeah, running a halfling cleric, but few details as of yet. I'll flesh him/her out by wed or thurs PM.

Male (he/him) Irish Physicist (Programmer Dedication) 5

Cool! So, fighter, sorcerer, rogue, cleric and whatever Nani plays. That's a well-rounded group!

M Dwarf Bard 5

yup, all the basic monster food groups, plus dessert :)

Nice mix, I would like to get all the characters in by this weekend so we can start on Monday.

Male Human Rogue 2

Is mine done okay?

The Exchange

male Human ...I think Pragmatist 4

Sorry Im new to how things work here. Is this a new game starting up? Is there still an opening? Thanks.

Makin ibn Fahd wrote:
Is mine done okay?

Looks good, can you post appearance and background on your sheet also.

I also meant to add racial HP from the PRPG.

Scylorian wrote:
Sorry Im new to how things work here. Is this a new game starting up? Is there still an opening? Thanks.

Yes it is, normally you would sign up in the gamer connection forum though. I think we have a full house right now but people drop form games all the time.

Male (he/him) Irish Physicist (Programmer Dedication) 5
xyrophobic wrote:
Makin ibn Fahd wrote:
Is mine done okay?

Looks good, can you post appearance and background on your sheet also.

I also meant to add racial HP from the PRPG.

Done, and done.

Looks good waiting on the others to start the journey.

M Dwarf Bard 5

Sorry, slacking as usual. Will be in place this weekend, inshallah :)

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Xyro, just making sure my character looked good. I think you mentioned that it did, just wanted to make sure.

m human 1

Hi Xyro, I've tossed the shield and adjusted AC, armor check, gold and encumbrance to reflect this.

Vadoma wrote:
Xyro, just making sure my character looked good. I think you mentioned that it did, just wanted to make sure.

Looks good, did you see the response tot he crafting question in the other thread?

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
xyrophobic wrote:
Looks good, did you see the response tot he crafting question in the other thread?

Yep! I'm just going under the assumption that the group is going to last. Thanks!

Male (he/him) Irish Physicist (Programmer Dedication) 5

I want it too last! Has everyone finished up? Are we ready to get cracking?

vagrant-poet wrote:
I want it too last! Has everyone finished up? Are we ready to get cracking?

Let me see, I have:

V-Poet > Makin ibn Fahd
JZ > Haldo Devaro
Alizor > Vadoma
Nani >
Ender >

So I am waiting on the two, Ender is quite busy right now so if I dont get it today then I will run a guy for him until he is ready.

If Nani can't post before tomorrow then the 3 of you with the cleric will set out on the first leg tomorrow and I will right them in as they show up.

Male (he/him) Irish Physicist (Programmer Dedication) 5
Nani wrote:

Long Shou is a merchant, tai chi master and feng shui practitioner from Tian Xia. He has come peddling his wares, mostly books regarding acupuncture pressure points and Confucian sayings. He's not very successful. However, successful or not, when a band of gnolls captured his caravan, he watched as his team were slaughtered and his precious books burned. Long Shou managed to escape after 13 harrowing days, but swore revenge upon the hyena-men, ancestors as his witness. Shortly after making his return to Katapesh, he heard word about Garavel.

Long Shou is a middle aged man of slight build. He has long black hair that he braids in the back, and a wispy beard. He is rarely seen without his strangely shaped hat, his pipe, and a string of prayer beads tucked into his wide sleeves. He's used to the strange looks that he gets by now to both his appearance and enigmatic sayings.

That's the gist anyway, though I don't know about her stats. Maybe her or Alizor will let us know/post them up!

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
vagrant-poet wrote:
That's the gist anyway, though I don't know about her stats. Maybe her or Alizor will let us know/post them up!

I know she finished the stats on paper. I think she asked in the Gamer Connection thread where to post it and didn't get an official response. She got sick this weekend so it probably got sidetracked. I'll let her know to make an alias with it and post in this thread. She (hopefully) will have it done tomorrow.

P.S. Trying to post in my character so people get used to it...

Male Human Rogue 2

That's cool, I'll do the same! We can get in character introduced and acquainted once we get cracking!

I'm ready ...

Male Human (Tian) Monk 1

A small man wearing loose robes and a strange little beard approaches. His movements are smooth and graceful, but his manner is awkward. He bows quickly and frequently, like a white crane looking for fish.

"Ah, yes, this is Captain Garavel? Looking for Captain Garavel to kill some hyena men, yes?"

Looks good, I will start a PbP thread later this afternoon, unfortunately work has me in meetings this morning.

Is everyone familiar with invisible castle for rolling? We will use that for rolling.

Male Halfling Cleric of Irori 3

Faysal looks around the busy market, just enjoying the sights and smells of life. He hears the pitchman's call, and wonders if Kelmarane is the sae town as the one he studied at the monastery. He wanders over to Garavel, and look sup at the larger man "So, when are you headed out?"

Faysal is terribly average physically for a halfling, medium height, medium, build, curly brown hair, skin turned golden by the sun. He wears a knee length linen shirt, cut for mobility on the sides, with loose trousers and sturdy leather sandals. A wide brimmed wicker hat keeps off the sun. He carries a small pack, a walking stick, and a rosewood handled dagger of ancient design thrust through his belt. The holy symbol of Irori peeks out from beneath his shirt, marking him as a seeker of knowledge, and of things lost to time.

Male Human Rogue 2
xyrophobic wrote:

Looks good, I will start a PbP thread later this afternoon, unfortunately work has me in meetings this morning.

Is everyone familiar with invisible castle for rolling? We will use that for rolling.

Just set up my account! Ready to rock, I'm guessing we announce our rolls then link to the dice roll in a spoiler yes? Roll to hit and damage in one to save time and speed things up, yes?

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
xyrophobic wrote:

Looks good, I will start a PbP thread later this afternoon, unfortunately work has me in meetings this morning.

Is everyone familiar with invisible castle for rolling? We will use that for rolling.

I'm actually not familiar with it. I haven't done too many PBP campaigns before. I'll look it up though.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Just signed up with it and played around a bit. Got the roller going.

Male Human Rogue 2
Vadoma wrote:
Just signed up with it and played around a bit. Got the roller going.

Learning the ways of Invisible Castle five? :p

if you enter your caharcter name in the field and then 2 rolls in the dice field (12do+9;2d4+4) then type in what it is in the notes field it will create a link. use the BB code link and copy that directly in to your post. Example
falchion attack and damage (1d20+9=29, 2d4+4=12)

and as you see by my roll, I have a possible crit. When you see that go ahead and post a second roll also.

And so it begins.....
Xyro's Legacy of Fire PbP

Huzzah !

M Dwarf Bard 5

CAn't access Inv Castle @ work, so any rolling will have to be asked for before 0700 or after 1800, sorry :(

Or the DM can roll for me. I trust him.

And I know where he lives.....


I am out of town and may not have access to internet until Tuesday. Feel free to continue to play out getting to know each other and we will start in earnest on Tuesday.

Just in case you need more info about your surroundings:
1. Fort Longjaw is manned by a rather fanatical group of soldiers that live to kill gnolls and are constantly scouring the surroundings to find them.
2. Food, water, and a tent section are strapped to all the camels so you can set up a shelter between trees or even tie them together to make a bigger tent.
3. Garavel starts a fire with old dung and trash when it gets dark. It smells a little but should be good enough for cooking and keeping creatures away.
4. The desert around you is not all sand and dunes it is more like a rocky arid region like the southwest US, it has sparse vegetation. though the oasis has more vegetation, grass and a fig tree with a few quite looking ripe.

Have a good weekend.

M Dwarf Bard 5

yay you're back!!! Can go kill stuff nows plz :)

Male (he/him) Irish Physicist (Programmer Dedication) 5

I can haz kill stuff?

for Haldo:

I rechecked all the characters today and realized you missed a few things. You should have a racial bonus to your HP of 8 making the total 19 (10+1 Con, +8 racial). Also did you add your favored class bonus, I didn't notice it in your skills or HP.

OK, thank you. I don't think I added any Favored Class bonuses. I'll put it toward my HP, making it 20.

I've also swapped out the Seeking Adventure campaign trait for Gnoll Killer (assuming that I have a history enmity against Gnolls from where I'm from in the North.)

Male (he/him) Irish Physicist (Programmer Dedication) 5

Hoi! Core Rules! Just converted Makin!

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
vagrant-poet wrote:
Hoi! Core Rules! Just converted Makin!

Nani and I have the rules and are converting. Makes me sad for Vadoma though, she essentially didn't change except a few nerfs (She can't use her longsword anymore).

Yes convert away if you have the rules if not then you can use the PRD

M Dwarf Bard 5

I think I'm totally updated. Didn't lose or gainmuch in the transition, so I'm happy. Humans got screwed, but I can see the reasoning.

I think I have Haldo updated. I also caught some mistakes I made first time around (like inflating my flat-footed AC.)

M Dwarf Bard 5

Is it me or are we missing people?

Sorry for not posting this week. It's been busy.

The Exchange


No, I've been exceedingly busy as well this past week. Sorry about not posting much.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Just as an FYI, Long-Shou (Nani) is basically without internet for a few days. On the bright side, she'll be back in the States starting Tuesday! (Finally)

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