This set contains over 100 key NPCs and monsters for "The Shackled Hut," part two of the Reign of Winter Adventure Path!
Far from their homelands in the wintry and witch-ruled Irrisen, characters will face off against all manner of cold creatures and their masters. Wolves, worgs, and worse await in this Pathfinder Paper Minis set, which has everything you need to run the second adventure of the Reign of Winter Adventure Path!
This set contains the following miniatures:
Agilur, male human fighter
Agilur, male winter wolf (Large)
Amagarra, female ice troll (Large)
Auraenos, male dawn piper
Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut (Huge)
Back-Alley boy, snow goblin warrior (Small) (3)
Bella Belvorica, female human (Chelish) bard/expert
Bonepick, male wikkawak
Boreal wolf (3)
Borger, male ogre (Large)
Bragda, female winter wolf (Large)
Caryatid column (2)
Charmed merchant (3)
Elzbethe, female baccae
Elzbethe, female bestial baccae
Evija, attic whisperer (Small)
Faernip, male winter quickling (Small)
Falcon feathered companion (Small) (3)
Finngarth, male human fighter
Fishcamp guard, human fighter (4)
Freshwater merrow (Large) (3)
Garen, male faun
Garskink, male ice troll (Large)
The Gobbler, animated object (Large)
Golem, bone (Large)
Golem, ice
Granny Nan, female venerable human (Jadigwa) witch
Gremlin, nuglub (2)
Greta, female human fighter
Greta, female winter wolf (Large)
Grindtooth, male snow goblin alchemist (Small)
Hartlegrath, male ice troll (Large)
Huecuva (2)
Ice troll (Large) (4)
Joliphetta, female baccae
Joliphetta, female bestial baccae
Jorhan, male human (Ulfen) commoner
Korgin, male winter wolf (Large)
Koruunden, male ice troll< (Large)
Logrivish, male young white dragon
Marcian Enarxion, male human (Taldan) rogue
Mari, female baccae
Mari, female bestial baccae
Marrowsnap, male ice troll (Large)
Megaloceros (Large)
Mindlsaver mold (Small)
Mirror man (2)
Mortin, male human expert/wizard
Nadya Petska, female human (Ulfen) ranger
Nazhena Vasilliovna, female human (Jadigwa) witch/winter witch
Norgrimm, male winter wolf (Large)
Peryton (2)
Ravathiel, male dawn piper
Raven swarm (Large) (2)
Ringeirr Malenkov, male human (Ulfen) ranger/rogue
Rorgurt, male ice troll (Large)
Scrobe, male winter wolf (Large)
Sliverthorn, male twigjack
Solveig Ayrdahl, female human (Ulfen) cleric of Milani
Sylgia, female huldra sorcerer
Thukk, trollhound
Tindlecrick, male winter twigjack
Whunk, male ogre
Winter Guard falconer, human ranger (4)
Winter-touched jinkin (Small) (6)
Winter wolf commander (Large)
Worg (Large) (2)
Wortleby, male spriggan
Wortleby, male spriggan (Large)
Yargin, male winter wolf (Large)
Zephimere, female dawn piper
Zorka, female advanced kikimora
Zzabara, female winter quickling
Artwork by Todd Westcot.
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Great Art..I particularly like Greta. Covers everything you need plus a few extra. I love the theme, it seems to fit Reign of Winter perfectly and is consistent with the "The Snows of Summer" set. Bravo!
And thank you everyone for your patience. I hope to get back to producing minis on a more regular schedule going forward. I'm already well into part 3 of Reign of Winter!
Been meaning to ask, was producing the jinkins (page 2) as small rather than tiny a deliberate choice?
Good catch! No, they're supposed to be tiny. I've already updated the file and sent it to Liz. Not sure when it'll be posted due to the holidays but it should be soon™.