Pathfinder Paper Minis—The People of Belhaim PDF

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Every town has a backstory, and quiet Belhaim has tales of ferocious dragons and a hero that faced it down. That was long ago, but now Belhaim is back on the map with Pathfinder Modules: The Dragon's Demand!

"The People of Belhaim" contains over 50 miniatures representing many of the townsfolk in Belhaim, from Lady Origena Devy, matron of the Devy estates, to farmers like Etor Adula and tinker Phedra Delbin. In "The People of Belhaim," you'll receive the following miniatures for your in your tabletop roleplaying game:

  • Adjatte Gruev, female expert
  • Anagrit, female witch
  • Axelia Medus, female expert
  • Bassy, female gnome bard
  • Belko Adras, male expert
  • "Big Bull" Baccus, male half-orc warrior
  • Calladastina Honas, female expert
  • Caspar Tymek, male commoner
  • Chavis Gorendel, male expert
  • Chosk Grellen, male expert
  • Davin Melashi, male expert
  • Dendo Bendetto, male expert
  • Dorcas Soory, female expert
  • Emarthine Willoway, female elf druid
  • Enrie Monette, male expert/warrior
  • Etor Adula, male commoner
  • Eudomas Biton, male ranger
  • Eupapehnia Targas, female aristocrat/cleric of Abadar
  • Euphemi Hardglow, female commoner
  • Gergis "Gorgeous" Bellett, male warrior
  • Gregol Lenton, male expert
  • Ionnia Nachis, female expert
  • Isadorer Malak, female commoner
  • Jace Timon, female commoner
  • Jacoba Kivris, female aristocrat/expert
  • Lennold Brenlow, male expert
  • Lezara Dodgion, female cavalier
  • Lorna Kandos, female expert
  • Mafellen Kandos, male expert
  • Melanctha Adras, female rogue
  • Marcus Chance, male expert/warrior
  • Marla Varlis, female commoner
  • Marvon Pascis, male commoner
  • Mirary Scalyn, female commoner 3
  • Nilos Genser, male bard/cleric of Shelyn
  • Origena Devy, female aristocrat
  • Orrin Alki, male commoner
  • Otho Burr, male aristocrat/bard
  • Pasara Odayalle, female commoner
  • Pelle Benhovy, male aristocrat/fighter
  • Pelnas Magara, male commoner
  • Pero Govan, male expert
  • Phedra Delbin, female expert
  • Prake Abrassus, male commoner
  • Raissa Karvely, female commoner
  • Selia Woldenar, female expert/warrior
  • Sheep (3)
  • Swerlo Grayhands, male rogue
  • Talia Orem, female expert
  • Theon Sensina, male commoner
  • Tivadar Admes, male expert
  • Villager, female human (4)
  • Villager, male human (4)
  • Villager and donkey (Large)
  • Villager and horse (Large)
  • Villager and wagon (Huge)
  • Xenne of Demgazi, female alchemist
  • Zera Dymas, female commoner

Artwork by Callous Jack.

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I really love these paper miniatures, which support the Dragon's Demand module. These are even better than using painted plastic or lead miniatures, because each and every villager in Belhaim is given his or her own unique miniature and likeness. The art is excellent and so is the variety. I particularly appreciate the serious art style which is significantly less "cartoonish" than some previous Paizo paper miniatures.

If you're running Dragon's Demand, or indeed any adventure based in a town or urban area, I can't recommend these highly enough. I'm running a play-by-post game and use the images to give life to the characters as they appear in the game.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Now available!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is ridiculous! It's like you enjoy reading my mind and creating awesome things for me to spend my money on.You even include Callous Jack knowing he is irresistible to refuse. Dang you Paizo!!!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I can't drink tea fast enough to keep up with the need for boxes to keep the minis in!

And I drink a lot of tea.

Oooo! I'm actually using pawns for Monsters and N/PCs. The one thing the pawn sets are really missing though are just regular townsfolk. This sounds like it would be great for filling that missing role. The question is how hard would it be to turn these into pseudo-pawns? Specifically what could I print them on that would have the same thickness and all? hmmmmm

Webstore Gninja Minion

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Arikiel wrote:
Oooo! I'm actually using pawns for Monsters and N/PCs. The one thing the pawn sets are really missing though are just regular townsfolk. This sounds like it would be great for filling that missing role. The question is how hard would it be to turn these into pseudo-pawns? Specifically what could I print them on that would have the same thickness and all? hmmmmm

Several people have reported great luck printing them out on sticker paper and then onto the pawns (or onto cardboard of the same thickness as pawns).

Sovereign Court

Thanks Liz and thanks guys!
I hope they prove to be very useful!

Liz Courts wrote:
Several people have reported great luck printing them out on sticker paper and then onto the pawns (or onto cardboard of the same thickness as pawns).

Swanky! I think I might just have to try that. :)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Arikiel wrote:
Oooo! I'm actually using pawns for Monsters and N/PCs. The one thing the pawn sets are really missing though are just regular townsfolk. This sounds like it would be great for filling that missing role. The question is how hard would it be to turn these into pseudo-pawns? Specifically what could I print them on that would have the same thickness and all? hmmmmm
Several people have reported great luck printing them out on sticker paper and then onto the pawns (or onto cardboard of the same thickness as pawns).

Yup, I've been doing this for Curse of the Crimson Throne, and for other pawns I need to make. I would KILL for a blank pawn set though so I didn't have to use pawns that have something on them already for it.

ooh this is SMEXY! Must download!!

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
Yup, I've been doing this for Curse of the Crimson Throne, and for other pawns I need to make. I would KILL for a blank pawn set though so I didn't have to use pawns that have something on them already for it.

Check out bookbinding board. Super thick, heavy duty, and ready to apply all the sticker paper you want to it.

Sovereign Court

Liz Courts wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Yup, I've been doing this for Curse of the Crimson Throne, and for other pawns I need to make. I would KILL for a blank pawn set though so I didn't have to use pawns that have something on them already for it.
Check out bookbinding board. Super thick, heavy duty, and ready to apply all the sticker paper you want to it.

Very cool idea!

Big thanks to Tarondor for the review!

Purchasing this week! Can't wait to use these along with my online Kingmaker game. My online and tabletop players are going to be inundated with unique artwork.

And I can't wait to do the sticker paperboard trick. So much easier than gluing things together.

Does anybody have an instructional video on Youtube?
*nudge nudge wink wink*

Sovereign Court

Arikiel wrote:

Does anybody have an instructional video on Youtube?

*nudge nudge wink wink*

For the sticker paper? I think it's just a matter of buying the right brand, printing it and sticking it right on the pawn itself. It comes off when you're done.

I believe Cori Marie used Standard Avery Sticker stock.

Kajehase wrote:

Yeah, I can't drink tea fast enough to keep up with the need for boxes to keep the minis in!

And I drink a lot of tea.

So, what type of tea boxes do you keep your paper minis in? Do you modify the boxes in any way?

We also drink a lot of tea, and I'm strongly considering getting paper minis because they cost less per mini. I would love to see how others have stored them in a way that makes them last longer.

I'm strongly considering picking this set up to populate the village of Ravengro for the Carrion Crown AP that I am starting this Friday. That brings me to the question: Any plans to do Carrion Crown paper minis?


The boxes I'm using are ones that keeps 100 tea-bags (yes, I've resorted to using tea bags to get good storage for my paper-minis) which I don't modify in any way other than gluing the title of the adventure the minis is from onto the lid.

(The only problem is that minis bigger than 2 size-categories above Medium doesn't really fit on account of the base being too large.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Here's an excellent tutorial on how to turn the Pathfinder paper minis into Pathfinder-style pawns: s/

I've not done it myself though, as once I discovered the One Monk* style (full front & back paper minis with interchangeable stands, etc.) I can't go back to paper standees like these. The mirrored-backs are scarcely any better than solid sillhoutte backs.

I _REALLY_ wish that Callous Jack/Paizo would spring for double-sided minis. I love Callous Jack's art (the earlier minis I can pass on), they are Pathfinder-specific, and they fill gaps most other mini-makers don't (like townsfolk & other NPCs).

As it is, I'll only be picking up a set, maybe two at the most. They are almost, but not quite, worth the conversion on my own to full front-and-back.

* see the Cardboard Warriors forum for many publishers of papercraft miniatures, maps, and terrain.

wackyanne wrote:

Here's an excellent tutorial on how to turn the Pathfinder paper minis into Pathfinder-style pawns.

I've not done it myself though, as once I discovered the One Monk* style (full front & back paper minis with interchangeable stands, etc.) I can't go back to paper standees like these. The mirrored-backs are scarcely any better than solid sillhoutte backs.

I _REALLY_ wish that Callous Jack/Paizo would spring for double-sided minis. I love Callous Jack's art (the earlier minis I can pass on), they are Pathfinder-specific, and they fill gaps most other mini-makers don't (like townsfolk & other NPCs).

As it is, I'll only be picking up a set, maybe two at the most. They are almost, but not quite, worth the conversion on my own to full front-and-back.

* see the Cardboard Warriors forum for many publishers of papercraft miniatures, maps, and terrain.

Linked the link for convenience.

Webstore Gninja Minion

wackyanne wrote:
I _REALLY_ wish that Callous Jack/Paizo would spring for double-sided minis. I love Callous Jack's art (the earlier minis I can pass on), they are Pathfinder-specific, and they fill gaps most other mini-makers don't (like townsfolk & other NPCs).

It's a lot of extra work for the artist for a system that doesn't use facing.

That being said, that is a really awesome tutorial—thanks for sharing!

Doubling the number of art pieces would have some effect on the price, I suspect.

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Doubling the number of art pieces would have some effect on the price, I suspect.

Yes it would—and I'd much rather get an entirely new set of Paper Minis. :D

Sovereign Court

Itchy wrote:

I'm strongly considering picking this set up to populate the village of Ravengro for the Carrion Crown AP that I am starting this Friday.

Join the dark side...

Itchy wrote:

Any plans to do Carrion Crown paper minis?

Ask Liz. :)

Kajehase wrote:
(The only problem is that minis bigger than 2 size-categories above Medium doesn't really fit on account of the base being too large.)

Time for the 1000 teabag box. :)

Itchy wrote:

["wackyanne"] Here's an excellent tutorial on how to turn the Pathfinder paper minis into Pathfinder-style pawns.


I totally forgot about that link! Thanks for posting it!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

More townsfolk!


Callous Jack wrote:
Itchy wrote:

Any plans to do Carrion Crown paper minis?

Ask Liz. :)

Okay! Hey, Liz, are there any plans to make Paper Minis for the Carrion Crown AP? If they are made, I will buy them!

Webstore Gninja Minion

Itchy wrote:
Okay! Hey, Liz, are there any plans to make Paper Minis for the Carrion Crown AP? If they are made, I will buy them!

There are definitely plans. :)

Liz Courts wrote:
Itchy wrote:
Okay! Hey, Liz, are there any plans to make Paper Minis for the Carrion Crown AP? If they are made, I will buy them!
There are definitely plans. :)

That is VERY good news!

My players are soon to enter Harrowstone. Unless the first set gets released very soon, I might miss getting that one. However, we only game once a month, so I may still end up needing it.

Ms. Courts :)


I love the artwork so much on the People of Belhaim Minis. Callous Jack is amazing. Is there any way I am able to get a bigger image of each character to show as a larger picture to referenced for myself and show to players during in game conversations?

Is there any place to see an examples of these???

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