
Pemberfoot's page

19 posts. Alias of Jason Pemberfoot.


What I would like to see is a more practical appearance for the characters who portray a specific class. Realism is not necessarily a must in Fantasy, however does make the world seem more believable. Take for example LOTR and Game of Thrones. Those characters costumes were relatively practical from a naked eye view. And it takes the Heroes from looking like a person who stands among his fellow man/woman differently however NOT looking like they are gaudy over decorated fashionable Super Heroes.

I realize the aim at making "memorable" characters that become a franchise recognition. But this could be done with a touch more reality/fantasy in mind. Remember they aren't going to a GenCon...they are going to a tactical situation.

Class based designs with Region based influence and very minimal personal flare would be my template for the artists.

And maybe even bring in some actual costume/clothing designers...this is WA state we are talking about after all.

Serpent wrote:

I've been running this for three players. Each session is 4 hours, and on average there's been about 1 hour of RP with NPCs and 3 hours of action and exploration in each session. We've had hardly any breaks to maximize the time spent on actually playing.

Our progress thus far (spoilered because the thread title doesn't contain a spoiler warning:
** spoiler omitted **

In all, I'd say 30 hours assuming a similar play style and party size.

Love that others are doing what I planned on and injecting it with some extras. :) The setting is great and really could be stretched out and explored more.

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This is ridiculous! It's like you enjoy reading my mind and creating awesome things for me to spend my money on.You even include Callous Jack knowing he is irresistible to refuse. Dang you Paizo!!!!!

Whosdasht wrote:

Making the trapped tiles double side would be great, one side the normal looking passage way, flip it over and a 20' pit filled with spikes and acid!

Do it!

Take my money! *Throws dollars at Whosdasht*

Mike Shel wrote:
Serpent wrote:
Mike Shel wrote:
Serpent wrote:

I'm slightly confused about the members of the Benhovy family:

** spoiler omitted **

Sir Pelle Benhovy is ** spoiler omitted **

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the additional info, Mike!

It's a pity there was no room in the module for interesting tidbits like this. But I'll be sure to include new side quests and sinister secrets involving not only the sheriff...
** spoiler omitted **

I was thinking very seriously about posting additional information to the boards for fleshing out the townsfolk of Belhaim and even talked to James to get his OK. However, current Paizo assignments make it unlikely I'll be able to do that before at least November or December (and then only if there's sufficient interest).

In the meantime, here are a couple more tidbits for you:

** spoiler omitted **

Love getting more detail on the residents of Belhaim. Thank you Mike Shel! I plan on doing a long term campaign continuing past the module and really appreciate the fine details to breathe more and more life into the setting.

The versatility that this and the Dungeon Corridors will provide GM's is excellent! I absolutely love using the Tile Sets from WOTC...However construction of a Dungeon can be a pain if happening ON the Fly. This offers a great solution to the problem of spontaneous Dungeon building. Thanks Paizo for being fricking sweeeeeeet!

Joe M. wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:

Is it me, or does it look like the boss might end up really easy?

**Spoiler Omitted**
Haven't got there yet, but if my group looks like they'll stomp the final encounter I'm planning on boosting it with a Hound of Tindalos or two. There are some cruel tactical possibilities there. :-)

If you play a Dragon tactically like it should (Because Dragons are geniuses) then your party should have a huge challenge on their hands. Look up Circle Strafe on Countermonkeybard via youtube you will see what I mean.

There is definitely room for two great fantasy RPGs and even more. Granted we all know that PAIZO produces a superior line up. However the healthy competition gives companies the incentive to give us the fans some new excellent products. Kind of like spoils of war.

magnuskn wrote:
Didn't we just have this thread?

Yes...I guess we did. Either way the question still stands lol ;)

That's just my idea...whether its a box set or a box with pdf expansions I would love to see it happen. I wanna hear what others have to say about what they would love to see. And anytime money is involved its competition ;) albeit healthy competition.

Wotc has positioned themselves as a no-show at Gencon 2013 this year. This can guarantee that next year they will be dominating the Con in 2014 with the release of 5th Edition NEXT. Asa PAIZO fan I am curious as to what exactly PAIZO will be releasing before the next Con to keep their WINNING tradition. My suggestion is to have a BOX set (I just heard the PAIZO crew yell collectively) that takes a small area and fleshes it out as a detailed sandbox setting. Giving detailed instructions on how to run sandbox style campaigns. That's my idea! What's your idea of what PAIZO has up their magical sleeve for GENCON 2014?

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Currently I am populating each of the Townsfolk of Belhaim (Main NPC from each location) using my three different decks of Gamemastery Face Cards. That way when a player wants to visit a locale...or see who is in the Tavern, I can pull out a Face Card (from my binder) and show them. Loving this setting and its Sandbox style! Would love to see a follow-up adventure set in the town but I feel its gonna be up to me to continue the life of Belhaim...and that's OK!

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I plan on expanding this Module using slow level progression. I am going to give an intro of the group meeting to join the Caravan Guard position that gets them to Belhaim and include an encounter there. I plan on slipping in extra side quests as well as adding to the locale a few more sites of interest. I am going to expand the region of Belhaim roughly 5-8 miles. Any thoughts from the posters on suggestions?

I would like to see an "Optional" Gamemastery map that corresponds with a Module. Separate sale. Almost like a bonus double sided map that you don't NEED to play the Module...but would be really cool to have in addition too.

Plan on subscribing as soon as I reach my new home in Alaska! Very satisfied on how Paizo has thought out the Module and related material releases. Love being a PATHFINDER FAN!

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So from what Im seeing they are keeping a steady level build with the quarterly releases. And I DID notice this one is ALSO in Taldor (Awesome!!!). Throw in the really helpful Adventure Deck as well as gorgeous Callous Jack illustrated Paper Minis and I think Paizo is really on to a serious marketable plan for the Quarterly Module releases!!!

Would love to see more of Taldor in the future Paizo!

Callous Jack,

Have you been approached to do non-modular based paper mini sets. Would love to see more of your paper minis in the future! Reminds me of the Steve Jackson Paper Heroes collection (Touch of old school gaming flavor IMHO). I saw your art style changed throughout the process towards a more serious realistic style and less cartoony (which I love btw). Was that your conscious decision or a request from Paizo?

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Amazing Callous Jack! Big fan of your previous Sanpoint Townsfolks.