Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes (PFRPG)

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Prepare to be Afraid!

The Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes, the latest in the award-winning Book of Beast series, details the deadliest and most frightening monsters ever to grace your gaming table. Bring new life and peril to your mythic adventures with these fierce monsters and high level NPCs. Challenge your players at a whole new level with demigods and traps for the highest levels of gameplay from this 68-page, full-color monster tome.

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Legendary, memorable, awesome.


I love high level play. In fact just a couple of weeks ago, I finished a campaign that had been running for two years and the characters were 23rd level with 6 mythic tiers (and man it was a lot of fun). I grabbed this book as soon as it came out, because I knew I would need some high-CR beasties to even approach being able to challenge my group.

The Good
Monsters! NPCs! Traps! Demigods! And lots of them. Even skimming through the book, you get good visuals and well-named abilities that suit each creature, and most of them provide a very good feel for how you can squeeze them into an existing campaign without throwing verisimilitude out the window.
These ain't your grandpappy's high-CR monsters. Everything is new, and powerful. Sure, there are some creatures that will be a snap for a party, but there are also creatures that will make them recall being 3rd level and fighting a shadow for the first time. And just wait until they fight a CR 15 Dragon Stirge and realise that running for the hills might be a good idea.

The Bad
The creatures in this book fall afoul of my two biggest gripes with high-CR foes:

More. Abilities. More. More. While every ability the creatures are given fit their theme nicely, they sure have a lot of them. It's almost unavoidable in the d20 game engine, I suppose, but one day I'd really like to see a CR 20+ creature that has just one or two powers which are amazing enough to put the fear of God into a party.

Bigger = Power. Yes, there are some handy-dandy tiny creatures included in this product, but the majority are large or bigger, which puts some serious constraints on use. There are never enough small or medium high-CR monsters, which are where I like to peg foes for my players (it can really throw them off balance), and after my third encounter in a row with huge creatures, I want something that looks like it might scale nicely to the PCs, but that's actually fantastic.

The Conclusion
A brilliant mix of exceptional creatures. If you like high-CR encounters, these will give you plenty to work with, and of course have the added advantage that your players haven't memorised the statblocks. Yes, there's room for improvement, and there's some design space that hasn't been fully explored, but if you want a greater variety in your monsters and challenges for powerful parties, this is well worth it.

An review


This massive bestiary is 69 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC/introduction, 1 page advertisement, 1 page SRD and 1 page back cover, leaving us with 63 pages of content, so let's take a look!

High-level monsters are a whole different breed -in any setting where chimeras, manticores etc. roam the lands, these beasts of legend lose some of their oomph and thus, stories are woven around other beings, about creatures that can stand toe to toe with dragons. It is said high level foes that are movers and shakers, that shape a game, that can be the very goal of whole campaigns. It is said monsters that can, by their very existence and passing, change demographics and be the target of quests - the fascination with the Tarrasque, demon lords, archdevils etc. stems from this instinctual dread, from the sense of epic proportions - and from a DM's desire to play creatures that may kill characters and yet have the players cheer, as their beloved characters perished in combat with such a legend. I love high-level critters and this book is chock-full with them - but can they stand up to this lofty ideal?

Well, the first creature herein, at CR 20 is definitely no laughing matter - the 4-tusked demammoth behemoth is the granddaddy of all elephants/mammoths and beyond its impressive crushing powers and physical prowess, its very footsteps shake the earth. And worse, much like a dragon, it can emit a devastating attack with a cooldown: Once every 1d4 rounds, potential adversaries are in for 29d6 points of sonic damage in a 400 ft. line and may be deafened. Even those close to said attack may btw. share this fate. OUCH! Less impressive, but also dreaded would be the Blighrat - an aberration that not only regenerates quickly, but also has an aura that makes you susceptible to disease. As an ultimate nightmare for dwarves, these CR 15 menaces also come with two diseases - claws carrying a nameless nauseating disease, while bites carry a disease that makes your hair fall out in clumps - oh the shame for our poor dwarven brethren...

The flying, fanged and red-eyed CR 16 Blood Lions may have dire-animal-like bonespurs, but are so much more: Not undead, these apex predators can cure themselves via the ingestion of blood and make for deadly opponents. Deific Guards, the dwarven undead guardians of the pharaohs of old at CR 21 will drive the respect and fear into your PCs again - and if you're like me and tend to expand APs, then this should be remembered as soon as Paizo's Mummy's Mask AP hits shelves.

On the more mundane side, CR 17 doombats, huge animals, get an ultrasonic scream and pincer-legged, scaled dragon stirges are nightmares indeed, with their nauseating breath weapon and sundering pincers. At Cr 19, Fallen Angels could have been lazier in their approach, but instead come with a gamut of interesting abilities. Frozen Reapers may only be halfling-sized and subject to the player's ridicule, but 10d6 cold damage for every touch and the option to draw forth ice chunks from their body makes for a lethal foe. Why? well, said chunks deal 32d6 damage as well as potentially 2d4+1 rounds of stun. Yeah. Not laughing anymore, are they?

Vermiurges, Shadows of the Void and Gibbering Orbs (renamed Globs) make a return as old friends from the Epic Level Handbook. Speaking of old acquaintances - while I love the creature, I don't get why the Starak from the rather recent Book of Beasts for the Shadow Plane was reprinted in here . It feels a bit redundant.

Nature itself is not forgotten, though: Whether in the guise of the dwarf-hating, axe-vulnerable Great Caretaker that guards the primordial forests or the massive Guardian of the Mountain that gives elder earth elementals a run for their money. Speaking of element-themed outsiders: Lava Worms could have just been maxed out Thoqquas, but instead get a massive array of unique abilities that include increased chances of stealing and absorbing magic items even beyond the expected fire-themed abilities - and players HATE beasts that take their toys, so yeah - neat! Water Serpents and Wind Sentinels complete the deadly elemental-themed threats. The earth-themed Voidstone, though, deserves special mention, ranking among my favorites in this creature class with its blending of acid and life-drain.

If you're rather an aficionado of creepy crawlies, the walleye might suit your tastes - while not particularly impressive regarding their physical or damage-dealing capabilities, the creature gets a massive array of intel - one greater scrying per eye. As a spymaster, these creatures sitting in the midst of their webs are awesome indeed, if perhaps a bit high on the CR-scale for what they can do. Megabola spiders are another caliber - vermin, yes, but ones that will see any comparable brethren from their type pale and hide and millenial tigermoths and worms also make for nice creatures in the category megafauna.

Fans of the living dead are not left out either: Take the Jack-in-Irons, spawned from powerful beings executed via being drawn and quartered or the incorporeal memory of rage, spawned from years of torture - nice creatures indeed. There also is another failed lich-experiment resulting in a deadly swarm of death-dealing bone-debris. Neat.

The Darkblood Titan, bringing darkness where it threads - a cool creature, though at its size, an aura would probably be more suitable than at-will deeper darkness. Tall colossal creatures, after all, are usually assumed to be about 64 ft. or more - i.e. deeper darkness with its radius of 60 ft. already has a tough time concealing the titan. And yes, he can cast it as often as he likes, but still - an aura with a range of 120 ft. would have imho worked better.

On the slimy side, we get the CR 22 Ooze Dragons as well as godlings - and these toothy blobs are awesome: Primal gobs of slime, these intelligent creatures enslave humanoids to dance in blind reverence around them and worship them as they speak in all languages as once - disturbing and oozing sword & sorcery flair -two thumbs up!

Speaking of deadly chthonic creatures, two qlippoths can also be found in these pages, as can a swarm of will-o'-wisps.

Oh and then there's a rather interesting nod towards one of the most beloved discontinued settings. Does "Rupert" mean something to you? I know some of you out there are grinning from ear to ear right now. CR 25. Space-flight. Saber-toothed. GERBILSAURUS. Yes, not a hamster, but close! And having had gerbils, I can attest to the devastating power of even miniature one's aura of cuteness - does it surprise then, that this apex predator's aura takes immense force of will to resist? Also: crit-range 15-20 plus cursed bite and we get a creature that, like its artwork, manages to look both cute and threatening. Awesome. Of yeah, there's also a sabertoothed moose, but nothing can beat a sabertoothed space-faring giant gerbil destroyer of civilizations.

After that, we get a massive array of different NPCs for the highest echelons of powers: Banshee witches, shadow demon fighters and have i mentioned the awakened fortune-blessed unseelie dire tiger rogue otherwise known as Cat Sidhe? Or an oread worm-that-walks cleric? The 11 NPCs rock hard - but as NPCs, I would have loved backgrounds/legends for them - even at the cost of further increasing the page-count.

That's not the apex, CR-wise, of what to expect, though - there are 3 demigods in here: Pazuzu, the Green Knight and Libet, Deity of the Inner Self - all coming with various statblocks for followers, signature abilities and CRs nibbling at the 30 - in case your level 20 Mythic characters need their butts handed to them... Said minions btw. span the breadth of CRs, from low to high.

After that, we get 5 appendices: One containing universal monster rules (handy), one containing templates used, one for creature types and one containing one feat that allows you to wield two-handed spears in one hand. Have I mentioned the 12 lethal high CR-traps?


Editing and formatting are very good, I didn't notice any game-breaking glitches. Layout adheres to a printer-friendly two-column standard and the pdf comes fully bookmarked for your convenience. EDIT: Minor bookmark hick-ups have been taken care of. The pdf also comes with an array of full color artworks and...well. Artworks are expensive, I get that - especially artworks like some of the ones we can see herein - there are some neat pieces in here. Some. There also are several pieces in here that are stock art and while beautiful, have been used before in numerous publications. Also, unlike previous Book of Beast-installments, the artworks don't blend too well together, adhering to very different styles. Also, there's something off about the way they've been integrated into the respective pages - perhaps it's the color vs. b/w-discrepancy between artworks and the rest of the page, perhaps it's the visible outlines of the artwork's borders showing up slightly on some pages - in the end, they don't fit organically with the very basic no-frills b/w-layout. The pdf is extensively hyperlinked for your convenience - EDIT: Some minor hyperlink-glitches have been cleaned up, increasing their usefulness

Dale McCoy Jr. and Richard Moore can create great monsters - no doubt about that and, coming from a proud tradition of great monster supplements, this one had me stoked hardcore - and indeed, these high CR adversaries are mostly awesome and ooze threatening iconicity. But.

But the monsters could have used monster lore DCs or at least a tad bit more fluff. And once I've seen one artwork used for 3 or 4 publications and then reused, it loses some of its potency. Still, I wouldn't complain (too loudly) about that - if the artworks at least partially managed to evoke a sense of cohesion. Instead, they actually, at least for me, detracted from the book's appeal in some instances: When obvious stock art that wasn't intended for the creature in question clashes with a new artwork and when the styles are so radically different, the book suffers - especially since the full color artworks in every instance just clashes with the pdf's layout to the point where it's imho visually jarring. The hyperlinks and bookmarks also suffer slightly and make this pdf feel like it's been rushed out of the door with some artworks missing/motivation waning.

Now don't get me wrong - this is still a great collection of high-level adversaries, but this pdf had all the makings of becoming a supplement as legendary as the foes included in these pages - and squandered it in minor issues that could have been addressed. I also often try to comment when a layout is truly gorgeous -what Marc Radle has done for Kobold Press-supplements comes to mind, and unfortunately, this pdf is the contrast - a full color artwork, some frills - anything really to make the artworks feel less jarring would have greatly benefited this book of beasts.

Why not e.g. make a box per page and limit the respective artwork to said room? Jon Brazer Enterprises has shown that they can make cohesive-looking monster books and in this one, the layout is really distracting - from the per se excellent content. While not every creature herein is great, the staggering majority are and the amount of work the statblocks take off one's shoulders make this worthwhile. Even with aforementioned glitches and the relatively undetailed, yet gorgeous NPC-statblocks, the additional content and general quality of the crunch makes this worthwhile - though I can't help but feel regret at what this book could have been. My final verdict, in spite of the minor rough edges, clocks in at EDIT: 4.5 stars, rounded down to 4 for the purpose of this platform and a definite recommendation to any DM excited by what I mentioned and in search for some foes to drive the fear back into the players.

Endzeitgeist out.

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President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

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Now available for preorder.

This 68 page, full color book is packed to the brim with CR 15+ monsters and NPCs and even a few demigods and high level traps.

Coming in Sept 2013 with advanced copies at GenCon.

Author: Dale C. McCoy, Jr and Richard Moore
Editor: Kevin Morris

Wow. I'll keep an eye out for this.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Check out the cover in the meantime.

Ooh, he's a biggun. I like it. Reminds me of the original Keep on the Borderlands cover.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

SWEET!!!!! The cover is up!!!

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes will be released later this month for Pathfinder. Today we are showing off one of the "lower level" monsters (as in a CR 15 monster) in the book. Check it this exciting preview today.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Another preview for the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes. Today, we are talking about the one of the inspirations for some of the monsters. Check out this preview now and preorder the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes to get your copy right away.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

With the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes PDF coming out tomorrow, we're posting previews for it all week long. Today we are sharing the monsters, NPCs, demigods, and traps (yes, traps too) listed by CR. Find out what is inside this exciting book today.

Prepare to be Afraid!

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

The PDF of the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes is now available at Get your copy today, or preorder the print and get the PDF as well.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

For today's preview, we are showing off some of the full color art in the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes. Click hear to see some of the amazing artwork in this book. Download this awesome monster book today.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

There are more in the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes than just monsters. Today we are going beyond monsters and looking at some of the Legendary NPCs, show you the all the crazy builds we made. Download the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes today to get these amazing NPCs and monsters.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Because you need more high level traps in your Pathfinder game. Find more in the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

looks great im going to be looking out for this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just picked up the PDF version, and I love it... this is a very welcome aid for my group of 18-19th lvl players. The fact that you've included high CR traps is just exceptional (our trapfinder in the group will come to loathe you.. :)). Keep up the excellent work!!

PS. This is the first Jon Brazer book I've bought, will there be a supporting hero lab pack for purchase as well?

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

I'm really glad you enjoy it. I hope your trapfinder really loves/hates it.

We're still deciding on the Hero Lab file. For a while we were including a hero lab file with every release that we were doing. And our sales went down. Quite a bit. We are deciding if we will come up with one and sell it through Hero Lab, but considering you are the first person I've seen ask for it, it is kind of doubtful at this point in time.

Review coming this week - btw. one of the most requested books regarding a review I had so far!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:

I'm really glad you enjoy it. I hope your trapfinder really loves/hates it.

We're still deciding on the Hero Lab file. For a while we were including a hero lab file with every release that we were doing. And our sales went down. Quite a bit. We are deciding if we will come up with one and sell it through Hero Lab, but considering you are the first person I've seen ask for it, it is kind of doubtful at this point in time.

That's understandable (though suprising!). I'm not too savvy with the coding so I always look for supporting files, but I'm no less excited about the new foes I can use!

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Terronus wrote:
That's understandable (though suprising!).

It surprised me as well. Then it was explained to me that those that do not use Hero Lab felt like they were paying for something they knew they were not going to use. So they didn't buy it. Understandable, but frustrating.

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Review coming this week - btw. one of the most requested books regarding a review I had so far!

Color me excited!

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Terronus wrote:
That's understandable (though suprising!).
It surprised me as well. Then it was explained to me that those that do not use Hero Lab felt like they were paying for something they knew they were not going to use. So they didn't buy it. Understandable, but frustrating.

Yep, I'm one of those. I've recommended in other threads where this subject has come up providing separate with-HL and without-HL options for PDF downloads, though I'm not certain how feasible that is from the producer-side. If it's done in a similar way to providing landscape/portrait orientation options as separate purchase options, I don't think it should be too difficult, but I could be wrong.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Orthos wrote:
Yep, I'm one of those. I've recommended in other threads where this subject has come up providing separate with-HL and without-HL options for PDF downloads, though I'm not certain how feasible that is from the producer-side. If it's done in a similar way to providing landscape/portrait orientation options as separate purchase options, I don't think it should be too difficult, but I could be wrong.

Doing that proved unprofitable as well as detrimental to a product's standing. Basically, I was doing twice the layout work to split the individual product sales. So the individual products never showed on lists of best selling products, getting them lower visibility, which gets lower sales. So I stopped doing a landscape layout. The same would be true if I did with or without hero lab options.

Looks like Pazuzu is getting an official write up in Bestiary 4.

I wonder which Pazuzu will be deadlier...this one, or Paizo's?

In any case, I wouldn't want to go up against either of them! 0__o

Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted my review here, on OBS and's shop. Cheers!

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Axial wrote:

Looks like Pazuzu is getting an official write up in Bestiary 4.

I wonder which Pazuzu will be deadlier...this one, or Paizo's?

In any case, I wouldn't want to go up against either of them! 0__o

Paizo's is. Mine is CR 29. Theirs will be CR 30.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted my review here, on OBS and's shop. Cheers!

Thank you for taking time to review. I am glad you enjoyed the monsters themselves. Atleast I know I need to work on my layout skills.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Print version of the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes will be at the Paizo booth at GenCon. Be sure to check it out while you are there, but quantities are limited so be sure to grab it early.

Lol, this is the 3rd third-party product with the Jack-in-Irons in it... (Fey Folio and Tome of Horrors already had them)

Its really a popular creature, too bad Paizo itself still didn't use it in their own variant.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Remember, grab your copy of the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes at the Paizo booth at GenCon.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

The Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes is now available in print. It is currently listed as backorder since the print copies were taken to GenCon and the Paizo crew is still working on inventory. But you can order your copy today and the PDF will be available right away.

Scarab Sages

Can anyone provide a # of monsters by CR? Really interested if there are lower CR mythic monsters (sub 10).



Name CR Page
Section 1: Monsters 3–35
Behemoth, Demammoth 20 3
Blightrat 15 4
Blood Lion 16 5
Deific Guard 21 6
Doombat 17 7
Dragon Stirge 15 8
Fallen Angel 19 9
Frozen Reaper 21 10
Gibbering Glob 25 11
Godling 17 12
Great Caretaker 15 13
Guardian of the Mountains 19 14
Jack-In-Irons 17 15
Lava Worm 18 16
Memory of Rage 19 17
Millennial Tigermoth 18 18
Millennial Worm 15 18
Ooze Dragon 22 19
Protean, Bladecypher 20 20
Qlippoth, Seglar 16 21
Qlippoth, Serretaur 22 22
Saber-Toothed Gerbilsaurus 25 23
Saber-Toothed Moose 17 24
Shadow of the Void 24 25
Skeletal Storm 16 26
Spider, Megabola 15 27
Starak 19 28
Titan, Darkblood 23 29
Vemiurge 24 30
Name CR Page
Voidstone 24 31
Walleye 22 32
Water Serpent 19 33
Wind Sentinel 20 34
Will–O’–Wisp Swarm 23 35
Section 2: Non-Player Characters 36–46
Bloody Bonnie 25 36
Cat Sidhe 20 37
Dhvaen Orddras 19 38
Eldikar 25 39
Granite Worm 20 40
Jaliktaj 20 41
Master White Scale 20 42
Rhydusan 16 43
Sether’ishik 22 44
Skarn Delven 18 45
Tza’doran 23 46
Section 3: Demigods 47–55
Demon Lord, Pazuzu 28 47–49
Green Knight 29 50–52
Libet, Deity of the Inner Self 28 53–55

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Thanks EZG.

Here's the same thing presented in a bit more easy to read.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Be sure to pick up Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes while it is still $2. The I'm Not Going to PaizoCon Sale ends soon.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Running a high level game, this is the monster book to have.

Dark Archive

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Running a high level game, this is the monster book to have.

Don't forget the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4, and the Faces of the Tarnished Souk NPC Compendium that is forthcoming from Rite Publishing. ;D

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Justin Sluder wrote:
Don't forget the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4

Actually, Bestiary 4 has a total of 48 monsters and unique NPCs that are CR 15 or higher (whether that is from normal construction or from mythic levels). Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes has 51 monsters and unique NPCs in the same range, none of which are mythic and require only the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Additionally, the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes has 12 traps ranging CR 15-24. Unless I missed something, B4 has 0.

So I say again, if you are running a high level game, the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes is THE monster book to have.

EDIT: Also, the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes has the saber-toothed gerbilsaurus. Just saying.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Saber-toothed gerbilsaurus?

*adds to wishlist*

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

El Ronza wrote:

Saber-toothed gerbilsaurus?

*adds to wishlist*

Yes. It is a CR 25 creature and is also known as the giant space gerbil or the gerbil of ill omen.

Special ability: aura of cuteness. :)

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

The Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes is on sale for 30% of the regular price. Download it now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well dang missed the sale. Should be good for next pay check though. Also snagged a copy of the Shadow Planes bestiary.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Everyone loves a review, right? Well, reviewed.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Thank you Chemlak for your review. Much appreciated.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

The new cover image is up and available for download.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes is available now for 30% off right now.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Looking to finish up your Pathfinder game before starting Starfinder, the Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes is great for providing you high level monsters to do just that.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

1 person marked this as a favorite.

High level games require high level monsters. Download Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes today.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

High level games need this monster book. All monsters CR 15+, all the time.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

The Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes is on sale right now. Download today at 30% off.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Even today, this book holds up and is very awesome.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

kevin_video wrote:
Even today, this book holds up and is very awesome.

Thank you. Would you mind posting a review of it? It would greatly help.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
Even today, this book holds up and is very awesome.
Thank you. Would you mind posting a review of it? It would greatly help.

Huh. Interesting. I totally thought I had. Apparently not. I will get on that.

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