Haste and Death or Glory

Rules Questions

Can the effects of the "Death or Glory" feat be combined with Haste? As written, it seems they could be used simultaneously. Even combined with the "Vital Strike" feats. Death or Glory CAN be combined with the Vital Strike feats, can the character then be hasted? Any input?

No, it's not a full-attack action, so you cannot use the extra attack from haste.

You do get the +1 to hit though, although I doubt that was your question.

prd wrote:
A character who can make more than one attack per round must use the full-attack action (see Full-Round Actions) in order to get more than one attack.

Concur with Cheapy. Death or Glory is a different full-round action; it is not the full-attack action.

Death or Glory is also a terrible, worthless feat and you'd be better off throwing your feat slot away for literally nothing than taking Death or Glory and actually using it instead of full attacking.

Sorry, but since the OP was actually asking about the feat, public service announcement is apparently needed. :)

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Death or Glory is also a terrible, worthless feat and you'd be better off throwing your feat slot away for literally nothing than taking Death or Glory and actually using it instead of full attacking.

Sorry, but since the OP was actually asking about the feat, public service announcement is apparently needed. :)

Not a Vital Strike fan, I take it?

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Death or Glory is also a terrible, worthless feat and you'd be better off throwing your feat slot away for literally nothing than taking Death or Glory and actually using it instead of full attacking.

Sorry, but since the OP was actually asking about the feat, public service announcement is apparently needed. :)

It can be pretty fun with crane style/wing. Attack him using the feat, then laugh as he tries to hit you back. Still not particularly powerful, but at least useful at that point.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Death or Glory is also a terrible, worthless feat and you'd be better off throwing your feat slot away for literally nothing than taking Death or Glory and actually using it instead of full attacking.

Sorry, but since the OP was actually asking about the feat, public service announcement is apparently needed. :)

Oh wow, they actually fixed Death or Glory. The last time I looked, it was simply "make an attack and then the creature being attacked gets to smack you back if you don't kill it."

This new one is MUCH better. Time to take another look at my theorycraft Vital Strike builds...

blahpers, with most Vital Strike builds hitting is not really a problem. Death or Glory turns what is already a hit into a slightly larger hit. For the price of getting smacked back. I just don't see the value in it either.

- Gauss

The idea is to use it as a final strike, if I'm assessing it properly. Then they don't get to hit back.

Ok blahpers, so you are spending a feat to gain a +4to hit and +4damage (initially) for what is a final attack anyhow? Again, the +4hit is superfluous since most full BAB builds are going to hit on their first (only) strike. Second, the +4 damage presumes you know the difference between 50points = dead and 54 = dead which you wont.

Of course, if you can afford the return attack that is great. But usually I would rather make a regular vital strike attack than a VS attack with a +4attack/damage bonus which will probably result in me getting hit back. For me, it ranks right down there with the vicious property on melee weapons.

- Gauss

blahpers wrote:
The idea is to use it as a final strike, if I'm assessing it properly. Then they don't get to hit back.

Round 1: Move to target, Vital Strike for 40-45% of target's life

Round 2: Full-Round Action Death or Glory, Vital Strike for 50-55% of target's life. Target should be dead.

Let's take a L9 Two-handed fighter with a Falchion. Note that Overhand Chop is how the strength damage is doubled.
Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Weapon Focus[Falchion], Crane Style, Weapon Specialization[Falchion], Crane Wing, Vital Strike, Death or Glory, Greater Weapon Focus[Falchion], Devastating Strike

I'm assuming that by level 7 you can afford a Belt of Giant Strength +4 and a +1 Keen weapon.

Vital Strike Attack Roll
BAB(9)+Feats(2)+WpnTrain(2)+Str(7)+Weapon(1)+PA(-3)= +18

Vital Strike Damage
Str(2*7)+PA(9)+Wpn(4d4)+DStrike(2)+Wpn(1) + WpnTrain(2) = 32 to 44 (36 Average)

Add DoG and Fighting Defensively for Crane Style...
Attack = +18 + DoG(4)+(-2) = +20
Damage = 40 average

That is all assuming that the Keen Falchion (crit range 15-20) doesn't crit... And you can then use Crane Style to smack away the retaliatory strike if it is going to hit you. A level 10 Warrior would have an average of 75 HP (assuming a Con of 2). In two rounds you would have either severely injured him or killed him.

The +4 to hit can be useful against a sword'n'board vampire in mithral full plate. As a GM, I love to throw monsters with insanely high AC against the PCs from time to time.

AerynTahlro wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Death or Glory is also a terrible, worthless feat and you'd be better off throwing your feat slot away for literally nothing than taking Death or Glory and actually using it instead of full attacking.

Sorry, but since the OP was actually asking about the feat, public service announcement is apparently needed. :)

Oh wow, they actually fixed Death or Glory. The last time I looked, it was simply "make an attack and then the creature being attacked gets to smack you back if you don't kill it."

This new one is MUCH better. Time to take another look at my theorycraft Vital Strike builds...

Wait, they did fix it? Still looks like crap to me...

You're still spending a full round action on one attack with a small bonus, it's still only on foes large or larger, and the foe still gets to smack you back w/ the same bonuses. Before it might have not cost the foe an action (now it's an immediate) and the foe's attack may have come before yours...I forget. But the one currently listed online still looks super bad...

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