A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9.
The Pathfinder Society has discovered the hint of a monumental revelation, but in order to confirm their find, they must send a team of agents into the dangerous and unwelcoming orc-ruled Hold of Belkzen. While an expedition could easily be dispatched to the orc capital of Urgir, the Decemvirate urges caution to ensure success. Thus, a team of Pathfinders must seek out a guide in the Varisian orc city of Urglin. Can they navigate the treacherous city of denizens who wouldn't mind seeing them dead, or will the orcs' Second Home be the site of their final mission?
Written by Christina Stiles.
This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
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I was very excited to be headed into the Hold of Belkzen, but found the orc city to be just as friendly as any disgruntled and troubled village. The (combat) challenges we faced felt like they were only there to be a tedious drain on the party's resources before an inevitable fight. There were some story arcs that I enjoyed and I'm really hoping that this was the failure of the GM to not include more.
I've played in a dark episode of My Little Pony, actually. It was called the Ponyville Horror, and the ponies were in search of the Equinomicon. Erica Balsley ran this at MACE: West. :)
You know, I'm sad that I'm locked in to just The Disappeared and In Wrath's Shadow for PaizoCon. So many great scenarios have been announced since then.
I'm set to run this one as well at GenCon...twice out of my eight slots if I remember right. Plus I'm running it a couple times for the local PFS chapter. I look forward to the wickedness... the surprise after they accomplish the trial is just plain funny...and evil :)
I'm set to run this one as well at GenCon...twice out of my eight slots if I remember right. Plus I'm running it a couple times for the local PFS chapter. I look forward to the wickedness... the surprise after they accomplish the trial is just plain funny...and evil :)
Funny and evil--yeah, that describes my general adventure-writing tendencies. Check out Kobold Press' Beyond the Ghostlight Reef for another example of that.
if the guards succeed at a DC 25 Intimidate check, they laugh and escort the PCs to Ploog with a successful DC 25 Intimidate check. Half-orcs receive a +2 circumstance bonus on these skill checks.
I have a question regarding the abilities of the BBEG in the last encounter...
He's an ettin, and ettins come with Superior Two-Weapon Fighting. There doesn't seem to be any consensus regarding just how many attacks ettins are capable of in a round, taking the full-attack action. Here's a breakdown of the options for the 5-6 tier:
I read that superior two-weapon fighting allows the ettin to essentially make a full-attack with each arm, thereby favoring option B. However, I would rather not get into an argument with my table tonight...
To top things off, the BBEG has both CLeave and Great Cleave. Cleave is a standard action...but if the ettin can make a full-attack with each arm, you've got:
Option A: Cleave at +16, additional attack at +16.
Option B: Cleave at +16 with one arm, Cleave at +16 with the other arm.
I'm really leaning towards option B...players in my neck of the woods tend to lean towards optimization, and even the season 4 scenarios haven't been posing too much of a challenge, and I like giving players a challenge. However, again, I would rather avoid an argument from whiny nerds.
Does anyone know where a good close city map to represent Urglin would be? Back when I ran Curse of the Crimson Throne I found one in Dungeon Magazine that worked great, but I have forgotten the issue.
I have a question regarding the abilities of the BBEG in the last encounter...
** spoiler omitted **
Answer about the BBEG:
Each hand gains the full suite of attacks, meaning he gets two swings at +x/+y for each hand for a final result of +x/+x/+y/+y. This is not technically a full attack action with each arm (that would mean he has more actions than a typical creature); it is that he can attack more often when he actually takes a full attack action.
His superior two-weapon fighting ability does not, however, grant him additional standard actions. As a result, he only makes a single attack when using Cleave, just as would any other creature. His reach makes Great Cleave rather potent, and it also gives him a solid option when reduced to a standard action to attack.
Sorry you didn't enjoy the environmental bits, MisterSlanky. I thought that was one of the coolest things the developers included in the outline, and it certainly proves the dangers of the Cinderlands! I mean, why would anyone in their right mind want to be traveling out there? Taking on the task to get the bullete is really risky--and this proves it. I'm the type of GM who enjoys messing with characters, though, so this is fun stuff in my book.
Thanks for running it, though, and I appreciate the feedback, especially as this was my first time writing one of these.
if the guards succeed at a DC 25 Intimidate check, they laugh and escort the PCs to Ploog with a successful DC 25 Intimidate check. Half-orcs receive a +2 circumstance bonus on these skill checks.
Ok, what?
To clarify, who is making the Intimidate check, the Guards or the PC's.
Obviously, it is supposed to be the PC's, but the sentence isn't sure.
I find the Roleplaying to be fantastic in this adventure.
Our party bought a cage and bait and my alchemist's pseudodragon familiar got really lucky with the poison sting. we ant hauled the bulette [further paralyzed by our other alchemist's wasp poison] and had to explain to the gladiator lord why his Bulette couldn't move and had Roc wounds in it.
The excellence of the scenario depends on the GM I think. (ours was fantastic)