Dragnmoon |
We believe that if we offered our Map Packs in PDF form, a significant number of gamers would choose the PDF edition exclusively over the print edition, which would mean smaller print runs for the print edition, which—since print costs are based largely on volume—would in turn mean higher costs for the print edition, which would lead to even smaller sales for it, which would mean we wouldn't have a profitable line anymore.
Then why not offer a PDF version for those who buy the Physical copy from your site?
Same with the Gamemastery Cards and Map Packs
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Vic Wertz wrote:We believe that if we offered our Map Packs in PDF form, a significant number of gamers would choose the PDF edition exclusively over the print edition, which would mean smaller print runs for the print edition, which—since print costs are based largely on volume—would in turn mean higher costs for the print edition, which would lead to even smaller sales for it, which would mean we wouldn't have a profitable line anymore.Then why not offer a PDF version for those who buy the Physical copy from your site?
Same with the Gamemastery Cards and Map Packs
For one thing, that would annoy retailers, as they can't offer the same. (And this is not an appropriate place for the discussion of allowing retailers to offer PDFs with print sale; we've had plenty of threads on that topic already—no perfect solution has yet been devised, but there are some interesting tests going on.)
Dragnmoon |
Dragnmoon wrote:For one thing, that would annoy retailers, as they can't offer the same. (And this is not an appropriate place for the discussion of allowing retailers to offer PDFs with print sale; we've had plenty of threads on that topic already—no perfect solution has yet been devised, but there are some interesting tests going on.)Vic Wertz wrote:We believe that if we offered our Map Packs in PDF form, a significant number of gamers would choose the PDF edition exclusively over the print edition, which would mean smaller print runs for the print edition, which—since print costs are based largely on volume—would in turn mean higher costs for the print edition, which would lead to even smaller sales for it, which would mean we wouldn't have a profitable line anymore.Then why not offer a PDF version for those who buy the Physical copy from your site?
Same with the Gamemastery Cards and Map Packs
I understand, though annoying since I never buy from retailers.... well rarely....
Many of us could use PDF versions of these and it is sad it can't happen for that reason.
william tipton 167 |
They were indeed designed that way. Unfortunately, the new one came back a bit darker than the others, so it's not as visually flawless as we'd have liked, but stuff does line up right.
Worked out really well for me today.
I bought this one in pdf today because I figured I could adjust the colors and then print it out instead of trying to track down a really dark one on ebay or wherever.WOW.
Opened the file and just hit the Auto Level Tonal Range button on the software....exported to pdf, ran it over OfficeMax and holy crap...its the best one of the PDF's Ive printed out yet.
I dont think Paizo messed this one up so much as the printer should have adjusted the colors before going to press.
I worked in offset printing for many years and I know that even before the digital age it was an easy enough process to correct colors before printing a big job.
Today its just a couple mouse clicks from a terrible print to dazzling colors, so there really was no excuse for the printer not to notice how dark the end product was going to be and show the Paizo reps that it could be brightened up a LOT and look 100 times better.