Secret Wizard |
So my party needs someone who can take the social checks after a death and I retrained my Inquisition to do so.
Which Inquisition is better of these three? Conversion, Heresy or Reformation?
Conversion is cute and fits every skill, but Dominate Person is going to be hard to maintain.
Heresy comes with Bestow Curse which is pretty cool, but being unable to reroll Bluff checks makes it a little bit of a downer.
Reformation is very sweet, but how useful is Charm Person honestly?
If I missed any other useful Inquisition let me know.
Hmm |
Oddly, I really like Perform Oratory, game mechanics or no. It can be fun to tell stories with it, give sermons, stir up trouble. I really like it as a flavor skill.
Still, bluff beats it soundly as far as skill usefulness goes. I guess this depends. Do you see your character as a liar? How much is Bluff a part of how you operate?
Renegadeshepherd |
Conversion is the most stable of the social skills and so in a vacuum that's the one. Heresy is at its best when your making a jack of all trades or psuedo scout, if you don't want to lie go with this period. Reformation is ok but I never take it as the other two serve well enough for me.
You could consider taking glory/heroism in its place. It's not going to be the same mouth piece quality but its level 1 isn't bad for that role. More importantly you get to be bard like in that you grant heroism to the party. It's a worthy consideration in parties that lack a bard or evangelist as you become a good bridge between those two.
Cap. Darling |
Conversion is the only one that gives all the skills. The Spell likes will mostly have combat use since, at least in the games i am in, using charm and dominate on folks is likely to make them hostile when they find out.
If you have a feat for skill focus(diplomacy) i think heresy is a good alternative since the reroll is sweet.
Akerlof |
My PFS Inquisitor has the Inquisition domain Conversion Inquisition, and it's worked well for me through 10 levels of play. I primarily use the Dominate Person SLA when we're interrogating prisoners, (after intimidating them to lower their saves, of course.) Who cares how scared of his boss he is when I control his mind? I imagine the Charm Person SLA from Reformation would fill the same role.
Having all three talking skills is good, but Diplomacy really is the work horse of the social skills. That's why I've never been very excited about the Heresy inquisition. Getting to roll twice on that one really important Diplomacy check can be huge, so I think the Reformation Inquisition would be an excellent choice as well as Conversion. Some GMs allow Bluff to effectively work as Diplomacy, so depending on your character and GM, Heresy would be fine too.
My suggestion is to go with the one that best fits your character. Conversion and Reformation will both do what you want to do, and depending on the group, character, and GM, Heresy can as well.
<edit>Posting before coffee has serious side effects :P</edit>