Joshua J. Frost |

Since I cleaned them out of the other thread, I'll clean them out of this one. Please keep (polite) religious discussions to the Off Topic forums. Please do not append your posts with religious-themed quotes that are only going to spark such discussions (whether you intended them to or not). We're all gamers here and we have a vastly different set of political and religious backgrounds between us and the last thing product discussion threads need are arguments on the subject of theism.

Hal Maclean Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

Richard Pett and I just sent in our chunk of this book. We had a lot of fun writing it, hopefully you guys will get some use out of it.
I can tell you first hand that all the rumors about Mr. P.** are true.
** I'm still not sure why he insisted that I refer to him as "Mr. P.", or why he chose to call me "Cupcake" but perhaps for someone with his Olympian intellect it all made perfect sense.

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Probably too late in the development cycle to add my requests but I would like to throw in my 2 cents.
What I need in a Piazo RPG.
A down and dirty adventure / Creature toolkit that I can use to run my adventures. Stats for Guards/ Man at Arms/ Soldiers to throw at my party
Some kind of GM tool kit with common locations with maps. Eg Tavern (Small, Medium and Large) Church. Mannor house.
Environmental Hazards to add to the game and finally a guide to campaign design that breaks it down step by step.
Eg Starting a campaign section. A mid campaign section (How to take what you have built and tie it together into a stronger whole and finally a wrap up thread. Using the information that you gathered in the last step to tie it up so the players feel like they got there money's worth.)
How to customize published adventures (and not just to obligatory one paragraph description of how you can use pre published adventures.)
I would like a guide that takes you through how to take the adventure and make it your own, and also how to take an adventure that was sub par and give it a lift.
In short I want something that after many hours of digesting my players are going to really benefit from my having read this material.
So I may have touched a few things already in progress and if that is the case then I will be happy. I am wishing for the ultimate GM Book that gets so much use that it falls apart. Haven't found the book that hits that beat for me yet

Hal Maclean Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

Enough cupcake, back to your cellar, your work for the time being is done and you have done well.
I am pleased.
Go now and enjoy your feast in the dark, but do not rest too easily, I may need you again soon...
Yessir MrP. We've already talked about the codpiece so I understand your feelings on that.
But what about the red satin cape? Do I still need to wear that too?

gigglestick |

Probably too late in the development cycle to add my requests but I would like to throw in my 2 cents.
What I need in a Piazo RPG.
A down and dirty adventure / Creature toolkit that I can use to run my adventures. Stats for Guards/ Man at Arms/ Soldiers to throw at my party
Some kind of GM tool kit with common locations with maps. Eg Tavern (Small, Medium and Large) Church. Mannor house.
Environmental Hazards to add to the game and finally a guide to campaign design that breaks it down step by step.
Eg Starting a campaign section. A mid campaign section (How to take what you have built and tie it together into a stronger whole and finally a wrap up thread. Using the information that you gathered in the last step to tie it up so the players feel like they got there money's worth.)
How to customize published adventures (and not just to obligatory one paragraph description of how you can use pre published adventures.)
I would like a guide that takes you through how to take the adventure and make it your own, and also how to take an adventure that was sub par and give it a lift.
In short I want something that after many hours of digesting my players are going to really benefit from my having read this material.
So I may have touched a few things already in progress and if that is the case then I will be happy. I am wishing for the ultimate GM Book that gets so much use that it falls apart. Haven't found the book that hits that beat for me yet
Well, for generic Men At Arms and such, there's always TONS of 3.0/3.5 stuff out there. The 3.5 DMG had a lot of generic NPCs available that can be run pretty much as written in 3.75. That's the beauty of Pathfinder, almost all of the 3.5 stuff applies.
If you go to the Gamemastery section of this site, there are tons of maps available already for generic maps and locations and that sort of thing. And DrivethruRPG.com has even more.
(Though a compilation of the Maps of Mystery from Dungeon would be nice...)
Environmantal Hazards are, for the most part, already covered in most of the books (what else do you need, exactly). As for how to bring a campaign together, there are lots of resources for that,m though it sounds like this book will cover a lot of that.
Anything else, ask us here. There are lots of experienced GMs to rely on.

Richard Pett Contributor |

Richard Pett wrote:Enough cupcake, back to your cellar, your work for the time being is done and you have done well.
I am pleased.
Go now and enjoy your feast in the dark, but do not rest too easily, I may need you again soon...
Yessir MrP. We've already talked about the codpiece so I understand your feelings on that.
But what about the red satin cape? Do I still need to wear that too?
No capes!
The tiara - bring me my tiara!

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Just wondering since there is also an NPC book in the chronicles line, are there still going to be alot of them in this book? I know the description say over 100 stat blocks, but I was wondering if that might be out of date?
The final number was actually 112.
112 punishing statblocks, from Village Idiot to Archmage and all points in between.
But they're done! Woohoo!

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I dunno about whore tables. I think to be more inclusive we'd have to include things like charming catamite and desperate addict. And I think it would piss off as many people as it would impress. Not sure.
Oddly enough, the first edition DM's guide had such a table! It also had a table for tyes of torture implements in a torture chamber. Wel it pretty much had a table for everything!

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Okay back on topic:
1) Add my vote for Mass Combat and Naval Combat (Heck, including Aerial Combat in a fantasy setting would be super cool!).
2) I would also like to add my vote for trade rules as well. Quick Link Interactive's Traveller 20 had great rules for that! I am sure that could be used as a base.
3) Furthermore, I have to agree with others who talked about handling Ye Olde Magik Shoppe and what not.

Lanx |

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Wow that is an awesome cover. amongst all the detail and paraphenalia of an archmage tyrant, I find myself liking one small detail above all the others. By his left hand on a little stand is a tall frosted glass with a straw sticking out of it! I just love that amongst all his power and secrets that his matery of Greed has brought him, he has this small concession to a more basic need/comfort. Really nice touch.

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Wow that is an awesome cover. amongst all the detail and paraphenalia of an archmage tyrant, I find myself liking one small detail above all the others. By his left hand on a little stand is a tall frosted glass with a straw sticking out of it! I just love that amongst all his power and secrets that his matery of Greed has brought him, he has this small concession to a more basic need/comfort. Really nice touch.
But it also shows that he'll only go so far in that direction, as he didn't opt for a bendy straw.

Goblin Kings Codpiece |

I absolutely cannot wait for this book! So far I'm loving all the optional rules it's going to include for chases, insanity and world building. I'd like to second the motion to take a look at some sort of (Dawn of Worlds style) player cooperative dungeon/world-building rules...and I don't know if this would be better suited for a future "Playermastery Guide" but a plot/personality mechanic like Spiritual Attributes that PC's can use to buff their characters when the story calls for it would be a nice option that would help to facilitate good role-playing.