The Walking Dead of Golarion, by GM Fiendish

Game Master Fiendish Zen

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Just realised we didn't mention hp recovery when we did the morning's status checks. You should all have recovered 1 hp from the night's rest if you haven't already made note of it

Mr Sickle spots Azmerai as the half-orc levels his weapon and charges with blinding speed, at the last moment a gust of smoke obscures Sickle's vision and his blow goes wide. Not so Azmerai's mighty strike, hacking in to Mr Sickle's leg and nearly destroying it.

Frustratingly, Turrey simply cannot find sufficient handholds in the wall to get any purchse, and fails to get any height at all. He is sure he could do it with pitons, but that would take a good 5 minutes to set up, as the ogre roars again he realises it's time he doesn't have right now.

Polonius' ball of fire sails through the air and impacts on the ogre's chest, burning a distinct hole in the decaying flesh and adding more charred corpse smell to the air.

Shomari's well-aimed blow causes significant damage, and causes half the ogre's face to peel off and dangle down. It is plain to Shomari that the necromantic energies holding the corpse together and moving it are likely to dissipate soon.

Mr Sickle is nearly tottering on his feet, but he winds up for another mighty blow, sickle raised and pounding down on to 1 Azmerai 2 Lenneth 3 Shomari: 1d3 ⇒ 2
sickle: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
slashing: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 83

The blade bites deeply in to Lenneth's shoulder, carving a path down her chest and leaving her collapsed unconscious on the floor from the blow. Azmerai, Shomari and Lilith all hear a sound of tortured anguish come from Indigo, an unsettling event as his wail of lament sounded almost human in its sadness...

Smoke gusts across the street...
fickle breeze: 1d3 ⇒ 2 (1: No smoke, 2: some smoke, 3: lots of smoke)

This round all combatants have concealment

Updated map

ZombOgre stats for the PCs:

AC 20 (Touch AC 8)
CMD 19
Condition (Mr Club): A blackened, stinking pile of rotted burned flesh on the floor. Unmoving.
Condition (Mr Sickle): Looks more disgusting than before, part of a leg missing, burn hole in chest and half his head sloughed away. Barely mobile.

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Moving in for the kill Azmerai steps a quick one closer and waits for Shomari to move into flanking position. In his eyes is the fury of someone out for destruction and he ramms the blade home once more.USing my rage power for the day
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 211d8 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

hobgoblin Ranger 1
Init +5; darkvision 60' Perc +5AC 15, t 13, f-f 12 (+3 Dex, +2 armor) hp 15/22 F+4, R+5, W +2

attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 miss?: 1d100 ⇒ 64
damage: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Not quite sure if I can move to a flanking position or not. If so, I do. Either way...

Shomari moves to where he can swing the halberd and hacks at the monstrous creature.

Rolling for concealment on Azmerai's blow: 1d100 ⇒ 67, Hit!!

Under the combined onslaught of Azmerai and Shomari, the zombie collapses to the stone of the street, unmoving. The gusts of smoke ebb and pulse around you all. Lenneth's form seems tiny compared to the mound of undead flesh you have just felled.

(KILLED IN ACTION) | Gnome | Alchemist 4

As soon as the zombie falls, Polonius runs to Lenneth's side.

She's losing a lot of blood here.... He reaches his small hand inside the wound, pressing and pulling at the ragged flesh and he feels her twist in her semi-conscious state as a wave of fresh agony must flood through her. But if he doesn't find what he's looking for she'll be dead in seconds. He pushes his hand deeper into the gaping wound until he is drenched in blood up to the elbow.

Come on you bastard, where are you..? he curses and then; Got it!

Heal check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 Fail to stabalise

His fingers seize on the severed artery and he pinches it shut with all the force he can muster but he feels the hot blood pump between his fingers.

Shomari, do you still have that extract I gave you? Give it here, quick! he doesn't balk at shouting orders to the massive Hobgoblin. Normally he wouldn't dream of raising his voice to the warrior but now instinct has taken over.

With his one free hand he snatches the flask from Shomari and rips the cork out with his teeth. He then pours the thick liquid into the wound and sees it begin to partially close. It buys him enough time to reach into his pack and pull out a tiny needle attached to improvised thread - fishing line. It would have to do. With deftness and care, he sets to work and pulls the damaged artery back together.

CLW extract: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Took some liberties in the description there, hope that's ok.

hobgoblin Ranger 1
Init +5; darkvision 60' Perc +5AC 15, t 13, f-f 12 (+3 Dex, +2 armor) hp 15/22 F+4, R+5, W +2

heal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Shomari kneels beside Lenneth and finds the artery pumping under her skin. He presses his fingers against the spot, slowing the bleeding long enough for him to fish the extract out of his belt. He tears a strip of cloth from his sleeve to make a tourniquet to stop the blood until Polonius' magic can take effect.

When the danger has passed, he stands and scowls at the two rotting ogres.

"This is new," he says. "We haven't seen them wielding weapons before."

Unless we have, in which case he says something in goblin that sounds like 'chicken soup for the zombie's soul'

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

"Had zombies with spiky gauntlets. You help woman I will play ladder for stunty."


If I did my math right, Lenneth should be at 2 hps now since she had 7, took 10, then regained 5 from the CLW extract.

The last thing Lenneth remembered was seeing a large shape in the shadows before feeling a sudden, tearing pain. Then she was suddenly awake again, staring up at the worried faces of Polonius and Shomari.

"What...happened? Is everyone okay?"

(KILLED IN ACTION) | Gnome | Alchemist 4

Polo sits back on his behind with a thump, breathing a deep sigh of relief.

We are now that you're awake...

He looks about him as best he can through the smoke.

But we won't be if we sit here chatting about it, let's get inside, quick!

He helps Lenneth to her feet and across the road to the apothecary.

Polo, artistic license for fluff is always granted!

Shomari: No, weapon wielding zombies is a first, however I like your goblin hearthsaying so you can say that anyway ;)

Lenneth, your math is fine! Indigo's nerves however may never recover :p

As the group moves over to join Turrey by the apothecary, you have time to notice that Mr Club's weapon is wired in to his fist. Whether he was able to use combat skills from when he was alive or whether the undead menace simply lashed out with whatever was (literally) at hand, is impossible to know however. One thing is clear though, to be right here, right now, these things must have been waiting for you.

Azmerai is able to act as a ladder for Turrey.

Turrey, Azmerai's assistance will grant you +5 to your climb check, though be aware that you are already 6 feet up if you fluff the check and fall... but if all else fails he can Fastball Special you ;)

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

FASTBALLSPECIAL ALL THE WAY!sorry rage still going on.
Azmerai grabs the halfling and says"LL manage"
FBS=Strenght Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

(KILLED IN ACTION) | Gnome | Alchemist 4

Waiting for us... Polo mutters under his breath. Those damn things were here waiting for us...

He can't think about that right now. Deal with what's in front of you now, what you can affect. Hypothesis comes later.


The half-orc grabs the halfling and flings him high towards the window. Turrey, despite the unorthodox manner in which he attained the height, manages to grab hold of the window-frame rather than falling straight back down again.

Mr Butterhill has a high enough reflex safe not to sweat it, and bravo for the innovative solution ;)

Turrey can see the remnants of a bedroom inside, the splintered and scorched furniture would lead you to believe something volatile exploded here, albeit a long time ago judging from the look of things. There is a single (blackened) door leading out of the room.

Character Sheet HP 204 | AC 39 | F+26, R+28, W+31[L], ↻ schadenfreude on crit fail, halfling luck 1/hr | Per+28[M] | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 39

Turrey squeeks with surprise as he's tossed into the air, but he manages to catch onto the window without much trouble. He hops inside as quietly as he's able, finds the sturdiest looking leg of the scorched bed, ties his rope do it, and throws it down to his companions.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

First sorry I had not checked in over the weekend. I was super busy, and for some reason my list of active games was not showing that there were updates in this game until this morning. You guys have all been bust! :) Second, Is it possible that Lilith could have been skipped? Seems like Mr. Sickle attacked twice since she cast the Infernal healing on herself. A d6 of disrupting undead might not have made a difference but if the thing was wounded enough her spell could have brought it down before it ravaged Lenneth. I guess I'll go with Lilith delaying for the smoke to clear enough for a clean shot. And with the fickle wind effect that sort of makes sense. But just for fun, I'll roll the attack.

Range Touch in Melee: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 3 - 4 = 21d6 ⇒ 2 Ah, a miss anyway.

Lilith rushes to the witch's side as she is hit. Lenneth! escapes her limps as she kneels to help stabilize the woman. Her hands feel, inexpertly at the wound to try to stop the life blood from spilling.

Heal to Stabilize: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16

I moved and left her open for the attack. she thinks as she moves to help. But that hit would have likely ended me. What else could I do?

After Lenneth is stable and conscious Lilith watches as Turry enters the upper window. She reminds the group that she can get in with her arcane jaunts and stands ready to do so if she hears the rogue in trouble.

(KILLED IN ACTION) | Gnome | Alchemist 4

Lol now I have visions of Polo, Shomari and Lillith all rooting around in Lenneths guts doing more harm than good!

hobgoblin Ranger 1
Init +5; darkvision 60' Perc +5AC 15, t 13, f-f 12 (+3 Dex, +2 armor) hp 15/22 F+4, R+5, W +2

Shomari the Surgeon. "My scalpel?" He pats the halberd on his back.

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Falling out of rage, Azmerai leans winded to the house. "Waiting... or guarding valuables? Like at... bridge? And pointy,... you in, ...door closed, hard to help! Maybe go up and help... quick stunty" Catching his breath again, Azmerai waits for the others to climb the rope.

Back to explore mode, shout if you want to investigate anything in particular and roll perception, otherwise please continue your awesome RP :)

The party is not disturbed further as they take turns to climb the rope and assist each other getting in to the apothecary's shop. It's clear to you that this upper floor hasn't been lived in for some time. The air smells mouldy, and the areas around the open windows are saturated from the rain, the floorboards are swollen and creak loudly under your feet as you move around.

The rest of the upstairs is much like the bedroom, anything of value long gone. A claustrophobic kitchen and a sitting room not much bigger make up half the space on this floor. Opening the last door your hearts skip a beat, but the two corpses lying on the bed are still and unmoving. A man and a woman, both gnomes, dressed in simple homespun clothing. You briefly recall the spinning wheel in the adjacent room, with a small, scorched and pitted leather apron hung upon it.

heal dc 14:
The corpses are weeks old judging from the decay. With no obvious violent wounds plus the history of sickness in Sandpoint, it is likely they died of plague. You do however note that there are small puncture wounds in their ears, someone was with them in the end and made sure they stayed peaceful in death.

Whether it was the sound of your footsteps or something else, you notice a tiny grubby white shape crawling out from under one of the pillows on the bed, hands going to scabbards and weapon hafts gripped tight as it jumps towards you, you then realise it is another paper creature, this one a frog. Azmerai feels the stirring of its sisters in his pocket.

There is a single rickety staircase leading downwards in to a hallway. Three doors lead off it, one to the front of the building which must lead to the main shop area, one towards the back which might lead to a storeroom, and one under the stairs which presumably leads to a cellar.

All three are boarded up with a serious amount of wood and nails. If you want to open any of them it looks like it will take a few minutes work and noise to do so unless you can think of another way round them.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith casts and maintains Detect Magic through her search. She searches each room almost frantic to find medicines.

Perception Bedroom 1: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Perception Kitchen: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Perception Sitting Room: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Perception Bedroom 2: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Seeing the paper frog Lilith wonders our loud Do we have some friend trying to lead us to the cathedral?

When faces with the three doors she notes My power to dimensionally hop, if you will, will not help here. I must see where I am arriving.


Lenneth, still shaky from her near-death experience, looks around the room cautiously as she leans against the wall for support.

Heal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

She looks at the two corpses and sighs. "More plague victims, it looks like. There had to have been at least a third person with them when they died, because it looks like someone made sure that they wouldn't get back up again."

With the knowledge that she probably wouldn't survive another blow in her current condition, she focuses her mind for a moment and wills her flesh to knit together.

Healing Hex: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

The worst of her wounds knit together, the bruises and scrapes fading. Seemingly satisfied, she looks at the rest of the group. "Is anyone else hurt? I can heal you too, but it only seems to work once on each person, each day."

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Considering the choices Lilith asks Does anyone have a crowbar? This is not going to be quick work, unless we just bash a door down completely. We have tarried long enough. Someone make a decision. I am ill equipped to get us past one of these thresholds.

(KILLED IN ACTION) | Gnome | Alchemist 4

We have no choice but to make our way through these doors. If there is medicine here we need to find it soon, that lady isn't going to last much longer. It's still the best chance she has.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith coughs, reminding Polonious that others might need the medicine as well. She offers I brought one of the hammers from our base.

Character Sheet HP 204 | AC 39 | F+26, R+28, W+31[L], ↻ schadenfreude on crit fail, halfling luck 1/hr | Per+28[M] | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 39

Turrey looks down at the bloody stain on his abdomen, and the intestines starting to bulge out of his open wound. "Lenneth, I suppose I should be next in line. I have to admit I'm feeling pretty woosy right now."

Healing Hex: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 >> That takes me from 5 to 9/19

Turrey relaxes some as he sees the wound seal up, though he can tell it'll take more than that to heal the internal damage. "Thank you, Lenneth.

"Polo, I'm afraid I'm still in a bit of a bad way, if you can spare one of those elixirs of yours.

"As far as battering doors down, I'm afraid I won't be of much aid, though I'll lend a shoulder to the effort if it'll help."

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Azmerai uses his shiny new sword to hack down the first door. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 171d8 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

(KILLED IN ACTION) | Gnome | Alchemist 4

Sorry if Polo sounds brash there, was a rushed post between meetings!

As Azmerai starts the noisy task of breaking in to the bedrooms, Polo bends down to look at Turreys wound.

I can produce two extracts of cure a day. If I remember correctly I gave one to Turrey and one to Shomari (that actually got used on Lenneth. Unless I am forgetting I think Turrey still has his.

He says over his shoulder, I'm sorry Lillith, I know you are suffering as well. If there is medicine to be found here rest assured you will have it.


Satisfied that no one else needs her immediate attention, Lenneth steps forward and plucks the paper frog from the bed. "You're coming with us, strange little paper creature. Three of you; I wonder how many more are scattered around this town?"

Lenneth carefully puts the paper frog into her backpack, with a quiet warning to Indigo that the thing isn't for playing or eating. With that done, she turns her attention to the barricaded doors. "It looks like these were meant to keep things out from this small area, so whichever door we try, we'd better be prepared for more groaners."

Azmerai, which door? You can choose: Under the stairs, back door or front door...!

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Downstairs. The front is most likely to be looted!

Character Sheet HP 204 | AC 39 | F+26, R+28, W+31[L], ↻ schadenfreude on crit fail, halfling luck 1/hr | Per+28[M] | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 39

Turrey drinks the extract and feels a bubbly tingle as much of the bruising and tenderness in his gut go away.

CLW: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Back to 16/19 now. Thanks!

(KILLED IN ACTION) | Gnome | Alchemist 4

That was the last healing extract I could prepare today. If we run into more trouble, particularly at the cathedral I'm thinking, there won't be much I can do to heal. Let's hope that medicine is here after all.

Though not ideally suited to the use, Azmerai's sword hacks chunks from the wooden barrier, sending splinters and nails spreading out over the entire corridor. The space beyond is dark, however Lilith conjures her familiar animated lights and they speed in to the area to illuminate it. Wooden stairs lead down to a small room, no bigger than 20 feet each side. There is a painting of the two gnomes you saw upstairs hung upon one wall, they are grinning at each other and the background shows it as their wedding. Another wall has a stunning number of carved wooden glyphs and pictograms etched in to it. The last wall has an odd contraption mounted on it, consisting of twenty levers set in four rows of five, with each of them seemingly set randomly.

After you have all squeezed in to the room, you are startled when the male gnome in the painting starts to speak, mouth moving though the eyes still stare at his bride lovingly.

Welcome stranger, do not move lest my magic leave naught but smoking boots!
Do you have proof of your permission to be here?
it asks.

Lilith replies No, but you are dead, and we are in desperate need of medicine

The painting is silent a moment, then announces

If I'm gone, you are either a plunderer needing punished or unknowing friend in need. Let's find out which! Bought black, used red, discarded grey

Lilith looks quizzical for a moment, then explains

I think this setup is a simple spell, used in a complex layered manner, the question's correct answer will likely trigger further words to explain how to proceed. Anyone any idea of the riddle's answer?

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Azmerai smiles and whispers:"Coals,fire,ash."

(KILLED IN ACTION) | Gnome | Alchemist 4

Gnomes don't have the same tradition of riddles and word games as Halflings, but the fey-folk have their own love of language and, just like the wizards who left this trap, Polo was not completely ignorant of the simplistic beauty of word play.

He nods sagely at Azmerais answer and tips the half orc s wink.

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Azmerai shruggs."Steal easely often, and keeps shack warm"!

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith nods at Axmeria's response. Charcoal. she answers the painting. I am not sure how this proves us friend though, only decent at riddles.

As soon as Azmerai says 'coal', the painting speaks again.

Alchemist, bard, riddlemaster or clever thief you are. Next push the two levers that make eighty together.

Looking over the contraption with many levers, they are numbered in different scripts, and judging from the positions of those the party understand, they are not in order.

The lever labels:

12, 20, 9, 18, 13

3, 16, 11, 17, 2

4, 19, 1, 6, 15

8, 14, 10, 7, 5

Spellcraft DC 12:
This particular spell doesn't have the ability to reason, it works on a simple answer triggers speech principle. However were the gnome someone who has gone to the trouble of creating all this, he might cast multiple spells, some of which trigger and give wrong directions if the answer is not right. It would therefore be unwise to guess randomly!

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I speak Sylvan Lilith explains and labels the levels labeled in that language.

I've studied languages in general and may be able to figure out the rest.

Linguistics Celestial: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Linguistics Terran: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

{ooc}Lilith is able to decipher the meanings of the labels in context, you definitely have the numbers 1 to 20 and can identify each individually[/ooc]

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Hmm. Lilith considers. Make 80 together... 4 X 20 makes 80. Cound that be the meaning? But so does 8 X 10. I like 8 and 10 better. Any other ideas?

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

What in Asmodeas fat arse means that. I have no clue!
Offplay 4x4 + 8x8 = 80. sorry writing Finance and Investment today and my head is full of formulas

Character Sheet HP 204 | AC 39 | F+26, R+28, W+31[L], ↻ schadenfreude on crit fail, halfling luck 1/hr | Per+28[M] | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 39

Yes, but the riddle specifies two levers

Turrey is nervous at the thought of what could happen here -- so soon after getting sliced open by that groaner -- but he can't help but get excited by the puzzle of it either.

He nods to Lilith. "I agree, I think those are our only choices. Other than doing something beside playing the game."

Before they act, Turrey gives the contraption -- and surrounding area -- a thorough examination.

Per: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 Looking for any clues that might help determine if 4x20 is any better than 8x10...but mostly looking for traps to understand what exactly we're facing. Happy to take my time as needed to get a good sense.

Turrey's thorough search and assessment reveals the following:

There are several mechanisms behind the lever contraption involving counterweights and the like.

The opposite wall of carvings has a number of nooks and crannies concealing hidden holes and hinges. There is certainly the potential for traps to be built in to the wall.

The doorway you entered by is reinforced, and also looks like it has a mechanism attached to it that does something.

The levers themselves are all of the same material, shape and size.

One thing occurs to Turrey as he stares at the levers, with his feet on the floor, he can only easily reach the lowest row.

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

What is the lowest row. The first listed or terran

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I recommend we activate the 8 and the 10 levers. Lilith says to the group, unsure how else to proceed. Or we could search the rest of the house first, and come back here. Weren't we warned about this room?

We were warned about something in the house, but I forget what. I am sure Lilith would not have forgotten. :)

Character Sheet HP 204 | AC 39 | F+26, R+28, W+31[L], ↻ schadenfreude on crit fail, halfling luck 1/hr | Per+28[M] | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 39

Turrey's eyes light up! "Lilith's got it! The clue is that the 20 is too high for me to easily reach, and that would be true of the gnomish creator too."

Now the excitement of puzzling has overcome his fear of the traps, and If no one objects he'll happily pull the lever.

He adds, "It's probably worth mentioning, there are mechanisms behind these levers, and that wall there, and the door we just came through. It seems pretty clear his talk of traps is not a bluff."

(KILLED IN ACTION) | Gnome | Alchemist 4

At the mention of traps, Polonius hesitantly suggests;

Maybe this doesn't need all of us to be in the room. Lillith and Turrey seem to have the combination of intelligence and mechanical knowledge to have the best chance at solving it. the rest of us can offer suggestions from the doorway but be ready to jump in and help should anything go wrong.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith smiles at the gnome's caution and nods. Wisdom. Only one need throw the levers. The idea of 8 and 10 was mine. I shall be the one. Everyone else, out of the room please.

OK we'll assume, unless anyone specifies otherwise before the levers are pulled, that only Lilith is in the chamber, and everyone else is standing in the stairwell just outside the doorway. I'll update in 12 hours or so from now and assume Lilith is pulling the levers alone unless corrected before then.

Lilith, your mage armor spell is still up.

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