Pathfinder Adventure Path #32: Rivers Run Red (Kingmaker 2 of 6) (PFRPG)

4.30/5 (based on 12 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #32: Rivers Run Red (Kingmaker 2 of 6) (PFRPG)
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Chapter 2: "Rivers Run Red"
by Rob McCreary

With the heart of the Stolen Lands explored and the bandits who ruled there scattered, the long-contested realm finally lies open for pioneers and settlers to stake their claims. Amid the rush of opportunistic travelers, the PCs find themselves stewards over a new domain, tasked with the responsibility of guiding and guarding a fledgling nation struggling to grow upon a treacherous borderland. Yet the threats to this new nation quickly prove themselves greater than mere bandits and wild beasts, as the monstrous natives of the hills and forests rampage forth to slaughter all who have trespassed upon their territory. Can the PCs hold the land they’ve fought so hard to explore and tame? Or will their legend be just one more lost to the fangs of the Stolen Lands?

    This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path includes:
  • “Rivers Run Red,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 5th-level characters, by Rob McCreary.
  • Expansive new rules for running your own cities and nations, by James Jacobs.
  • Insights into the rugged faith of Erastil, god of the hunt, by Sean K Reynolds.
  • Pathfinder Ollix Kaddar and Phargas get themselves to a nunnery in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Richard Pett.
  • Five new monsters, by Adam Daigle, Rob McCreary, Sean K Reynolds, and James L. Sutter.

Pathfinder Adventure Path is Paizo Publishing's monthly 96-page, perfect-bound, full-color softcover book printed on high-quality paper. It contains an in-depth Adventure Path scenario, stats for about a half-dozen new monsters, and several support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.

ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-233-3

"Rivers Run Red" is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (606 kb zip/PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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Print Edition:

Out of print

This product is out of print.



This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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4.30/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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Excellent work for a great campaign!


Ever want to play Ye Olde "Master of Magic" but with your Pathfinder group? This is the second module in the series and a great introduction on how to make it all happen for your players! Included is a large adventure, great artwork, and rules for players and DM's to forge their own kingdom.

This is also available for you to watch the continuing exploits of our game at...

We started uploading the videos from this in Late January '11.

Final Logline: Your player characters need to experience the feeling of trying to hold together a fledgling kingdom.

Good adventure, even better rules expansion


In a lot of ways, parts of this module plays like a turn-based strategy game (Civilization, Alpha Centari, etc). I, for one, love it. I'm already finding places to employ these kingdom-building rules in other parts of my campaign.

Well done and Written


The story elements and events are very well written as is most of the kingdom creation system, Though I had to reread some lines of the kingdom builing as they were slightly confusing, would of helped if the supplied town district page (with the 9 graphical building blocks, refer to Kingmaker Player guide page 16) had "District Name:___" or "District #: __" on it, or used a graphical example of the system in use to avoid confusion. "A picture is worth a 1000 words." -Unknown. But this one flaw is not enough to break the polish that went into this Adventure Path, I say well done since this is the first Adventure Path I have read.

Awesome and Crunchy


This AP is shaping up to be the best yet. the city rules are fantastic!

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I'm running it now with my group, and they are really psyked about the whole kingdom part :)

It's a really great idea, and with slight modifications you could actually run it set anywhere more or less.

There are some Stat errors on the mobs in the AP though, and the CR for some of the encounters are way off.

Without giving spoilers.

The to-hit for mobs in F. and G. are just wrong, with up to +10 in difference to the real to-hit.

And the CR for E and K are way to high, compared to what they actually face. I trippled the amount of mobs in E, and they still cut through it like butter, and I only have 3 players. While the P, which is only +1 CR, almost killed them, and they where actually lucky there. Thinking that one is actually a higher CR than anticipated.

Would be real nice if someone at Paizo looked through the AP, and used an hour or so calculating the mobs, to see if the stats are true, and then update the .pdf.

But besides that, keep making things like this :)

Can anyone tell me if there is a link somewhere or a way to cut/copy/paste a page full of the houses or other icons that can be used multiable times? I hate wasting paper and printing out the buildings just for one house. I know, some people will say to just write it on the map, but it would be nice to have this for those like me that want it to be "complete". :) Any information would be helpful on this, and thanks ahead of time for any responses and sorry if I've over looked someone else posting this!


Grateful Gamer!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Use SomePDF Image Extractor to pull all of the individual images out of the PDF. That'll give you individual files for each of the 44 building types.

Or else just the snapshot tool in Acrobat Reader (Tools -> Select & Zoom -> Snapshot).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Kvantum wrote:

Use SomePDF Image Extractor to pull all of the individual images out of the PDF. That'll give you individual files for each of the 44 building types.

Or else just the snapshot tool in Acrobat Reader (Tools -> Select & Zoom -> Snapshot).

If you're using Adobe Reader 8 or older, you can just click and copy the object. (Sadly, Adobe disabled that function in Reader 9.)

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Is there a PDF containing just the rules for running a kingdom, suitable for we players? I could get the module and look, but it might ruin the game for me. The player's guide does not really contain enough info. For instance, apparently the tax rate can be set to one of a set of values (oppressive, light, moderate and so on), but the player's guide does not list what these settings are, or how to go about doing building points and so on. A players guide to the kingdon rules as a downloadable PDF would take some strain off the DM.

Paul Murray wrote:
Is there a PDF containing just the rules for running a kingdom, suitable for we players? I could get the module and look, but it might ruin the game for me. The player's guide does not really contain enough info. For instance, apparently the tax rate can be set to one of a set of values (oppressive, light, moderate and so on), but the player's guide does not list what these settings are, or how to go about doing building points and so on. A players guide to the kingdon rules as a downloadable PDF would take some strain off the DM.

However, but some DM's do not want their players to have all of the rules crunch to how the kingdom ticks (I'm not running it, but I've seen some state this in post in the AP threads). They feel that either their players will take too much time on the minutiae of running a kingdom and ignore the flavor/RP or the GM wishes to adjust from the rules as printed. If you wish to peruse them, or your GM wants you to have them, you can purchase the PDF version of the issue and just print out that section by using the download by chapters files.

Just mp 2cp.

James Jacobs wrote:
Rob Vermeulen wrote:

What is the party size assumed in this (and for that matter any)adventure path? I already read that the rulership part has 11 possible roles, so that shouldn't be an issue.

However, we tend to play with a 6 PC party, and I was wondering to which extend I would have to beef up the monsters for that.

Also are there any monsters covered in (relatively) large numbers in King Maker 2, beside the trolls?

I am starting to collect some mini's for the adventure path, so would be glad to know what to collect.

All Pathfinder adventure paths assume a party of 4 PCs.

If you play with 6 PCs, you should probably add a few extra bad guys to most encounters, but be careful trying to beef up encounters by increasing monster HD or level or simply subbing in higher CR monsters. Even though your PCs are more numerous, they aren't individually more tough and a higher CR monster will bring a much-increased chance of killing PCs simply because it doesn't matter how many targets there are on the monster's turn... he's using his attacks against one foe regardless.

I've found that a great way to quickly, on the fly adapt an adventure for 6 players is to simply increase the hit points of all the monsters by 50%; keeps them in the fight a bit longer and keeps folks going pretty well.

As for other monsters in Kingmaker 2...
** spoiler omitted **

This may have been covered elsewhere, but if you've got 6 PCs, should the DM also bump up the experience rewards for doing things like exploration and founding a kingdom and its cities?

Sovereign Court

Eric Hinkle wrote:
This may have been covered elsewhere, but if you've got 6 PCs, should the DM also bump up the experience rewards for doing things like exploration and founding a kingdom and its cities?

There's nothing that says you "should," as the assumption is for 4 PCs. But in the same way we recommend increasing the hit points or numbers of monsters in encounters for 6 players, I'd recommend doing this for other XP awards as well. In fact, that's exactly what I do in my Kingmaker game, which has 7 players. Divide the written XP by 4, then multiply that by the number of players you have. I think that works out to 25 XP per PC per hex explored, and 100 XP per PC per quest completed. My group hasn't gotten to the kingdom building stage yet, so I don't have the numbers off hand, but I'll be increasing those XP awards as well when they get to them.

Rob McCreary wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
This may have been covered elsewhere, but if you've got 6 PCs, should the DM also bump up the experience rewards for doing things like exploration and founding a kingdom and its cities?
There's nothing that says you "should," as the assumption is for 4 PCs. But in the same way we recommend increasing the hit points or numbers of monsters in encounters for 6 players, I'd recommend doing this for other XP awards as well. In fact, that's exactly what I do in my Kingmaker game, which has 7 players. Divide the written XP by 4, then multiply that by the number of players you have. I think that works out to 25 XP per PC per hex explored, and 100 XP per PC per quest completed. My group hasn't gotten to the kingdom building stage yet, so I don't have the numbers off hand, but I'll be increasing those XP awards as well when they get to them.

Thank you, sir, for a helpful and simple answer.

Rob McCreary wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
This may have been covered elsewhere, but if you've got 6 PCs, should the DM also bump up the experience rewards for doing things like exploration and founding a kingdom and its cities?
There's nothing that says you "should," as the assumption is for 4 PCs. But in the same way we recommend increasing the hit points or numbers of monsters in encounters for 6 players, I'd recommend doing this for other XP awards as well. In fact, that's exactly what I do in my Kingmaker game, which has 7 players. Divide the written XP by 4, then multiply that by the number of players you have. I think that works out to 25 XP per PC per hex explored, and 100 XP per PC per quest completed. My group hasn't gotten to the kingdom building stage yet, so I don't have the numbers off hand, but I'll be increasing those XP awards as well when they get to them.

Thank you, sir, for a helpful and simple answer.

Hey everyone love the pathfinder series but I'm kind of lost and confused on this newest one. I'm working on the building the kingdom part and have a couple questions.

How do you figure out the base city value? it says to look in core rules but the page is for magic items.

also how do you figure out how many build points the party gets each month? I'm lost on how many they get. I can't find any reference to it.

and one last one. if a city builds a mill outside town and houses do the bonuses got to the nearest city?

thanks everyone ahead.

Please Pleas Please take and expand on the rule on kingdom building found in this AP and make a supplement with it. I would love to play Kingdom building game all over the map with ne whex fold out maps, new buildings, war rules, ect. I have all the books in this AP but please make more along this line, every one I play with loves them.

There is a supplement containing these rules for sale as a pdf I think. Low price and is it Jon Rivers or Rite Publishing...

Regardless, it is a good book!

Hey all,

I see that it has been awhile since a post on this topic and it maybe covered elsewhere. However, any notice that on page 33, The Lonely Warrior is stated as being a 2nd level fighter, but has rage like a barbarian? I'm thinking of going barbarian, but wondering if anyone could clarify so that I may fix it for future runnings? Still a great product and love it, but just curious on what was supposed to be there.

Thanks for any information!



At the end of this book my players are almost level 8 and their barony is only size 15 with a few buildings in two cities. Anyone else with this problem?
I would like to advance the kingdom building but not stalling the game.

Greetings, fellow travellers.

Your questions have more chance of being answered in the AP forum here.

@ Kris Myatt 47--I think that's more flavor than mechanic; I played him as cairn wight fighter 2, but note that his attack bonus should be +11 not +1 as written in his statblock.

@TheBuilder--I'd go for Kingdom in the background or do it via email between sessions.

But again: in the AP forums you might find further inspiration and answers to your questions.


The Exchange

have they totally stopped making the print version of these? the cheapest one i can find is almost $300.00 on Amazon

Paizo doesn't reprint. For an explanation of why, see the following thread:

Why we don't reprint.

(The post speaks specifically of their maps, but goes on to say that the same goes for Adventure Paths, Modules, and most other products.)

Dustin- you might check the Dragon's Trove. I got my copy from there at cover price several months ago. Not sure if they've currently got it available or not, though.

Nope. It's sold out.

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