Converting 2e APs to 1e

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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First of all, this isn't a thread to discuss the merits of the Pathfinder editions. Discuss that elsewhere.

I'm interested in whether anyone has converted any 2e APs (so probably Age of Ashes) to 1e or plans to. I've converted Hell's Rebels from 1e to 2e without much issue, and expect that the reverse will be doable but more time consuming (but to me, that's more fun).

My big concern is whether 2e AP plot points will rely on changed/nerfed spellcasting rules or other mechanical changes, especially for the PCs.

Thoughts specific to my topic are welcome. Discussion on whether this should be done, comparing which edition is better, etc are not welcome. Please create your own thread.

Our good friend Ediwir has an entire Discord of people working on AP conversions! The forum thread linking it and discussing it is here:

Come join the show!

In general, if there's a plot-important spell or magic thing - like, say, if there was a spell that turned the big bad in to a specific monster or something, that can always be substituted for by Rituals. Thank god for those things.

I realize now that I'm typing this up that you're talking about 2e to 1e. Doh! You may still be able to get ideas from the Discord, though I imagine any rough patches will be easily glossed over by some magic thing that already exists... or GM fiat.

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Grankless wrote:

Our good friend Ediwir has an entire Discord of people working on AP conversions! The forum thread linking it and discussing it is here:

Come join the show!

In general, if there's a plot-important spell or magic thing - like, say, if there was a spell that turned the big bad in to a specific monster or something, that can always be substituted for by Rituals. Thank god for those things.

I realize now that I'm typing this up that you're talking about 2e to 1e. Doh! You may still be able to get ideas from the Discord, though I imagine any rough patches will be easily glossed over by some magic thing that already exists... or GM fiat.

I'm interested in conversions both ways, but this thread is mostly about 2e to 1e. I will give your thread a look though.

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Although it's currently on hold, I have started a conversion of Age of Ages to 1E. Book 1 is fully converted and book 2 has been sitting on the backburner for the past few months. I do plan on finishing the project eventually, but right now I've got too many other things going on and it's not something I'll half-ass.

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Dasrak wrote:
Although it's currently on hold, I have started a conversion of Age of Ages to 1E. Book 1 is fully converted and book 2 has been sitting on the backburner for the past few months. I do plan on finishing the project eventually, but right now I've got too many other things going on and it's not something I'll half-ass.

You are both a gentleperson and a scholar!

This is awesome, though I can't peak too much on the off chance I get to play AoA someday.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Seconded what Artifregicide said. Although so far I personally am, erm, severely underwhelmed by the plots of the first two 2E AP's (to say it lightly. I have hopes that the third AP will be good again, though), I'm looking forward to the conversions.

Thirded that.

I thought Age of Ashes had an interesting plot in the identity of the enemies and the themes covered.

I have not yet seen enough of Extinction Curse. The theme is difficult because no-one I know really knows what a circus is. The AP may appeal more to either older players or those in countries where they still have circus.

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