Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen (OGL)

4.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen (OGL)

Print Edition Unavailable

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Protect your important notes and die rolls from prying player eyes with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen! This beautiful 4-panel screen features stunning artwork from Wayne Reynolds on the player's side, and a huge number of charts and tables on the GM side to speed up play and reduce time spent leafing through rulebooks in search of an obscure modifier or result. From skill check Difficulty Classes to two-weapon fighting modifiers, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen gives you the tools you need to keep the game fast and fun. Constructed of ultra-high-grade hardcover book stock, this durable screen is perfect for travel, convention play, or repeated regular use.

Tables and Charts Included
Acrobatics DCs and Modifiers
Bluff Modifiers
Climb DCs and Modifiers
Diplomacy DCs and Modifiers
Disable Device DCs
Fly DCs and Wind Effects on Flight
Heal DCs
Knowledge DCs
Perception DCs and Modifiers
Ride DCs
Spellcraft DCs
Survival DCs and Tracking Modifiers
Swim DCs
Attack Roll Modifiers
Armor Class Modifiers
Combat Maneuvers
Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties
Concentration Check DCs
Common Conditions
Armor and Weapon Hardness and Hit Points
Substance Hardness and Hit Points
Common Object Hardness and Hit Points
Experience Point Awards
Treasure Values per Encounter

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen measures 8.5" x 11" when folded and 34" x 11" in when unfolded.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-216-6

Alternate cover art versions of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen are also available:

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen (OGL)

Product Availability

Print Edition:



Fulfilled immediately.

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Average product rating:

4.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Mostly Excellent Presentation of Key Information


I've had the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen for years, long before I actually started playing Pathfinder regularly. The purpose of a screen, of course, is so the GM can hide their notes from pesky players, assemble miniatures of diabolical villains without being seen, roll dice ominously, and, most importantly, remind themselves of key rules so the game doesn't have to stop so everyone can flip open their 500+ page rulebooks. This four-panel screen is certainly a durable product, as it's survived (quite literally) more than a hundred sessions and still looks brand new. It's made of quite sturdy stuff, unlike many other screens I've seen, and won't easily tip over.

The exterior side facing the PCs is a line-up of the most iconic images of the Pathfinder Iconics: the embodiment of each character class. I once found the art style a bit over-the-top and cartoony, but I've really warmed to it now and quite like it. I can't say what it's like to stare at the characters for hours, but there's so many little details on each character that the eye shouldn't get bored quickly! (Note there are two alternate screens available with different characters, but I don't own either of those). I've found it quite handy to use paperclips to hold pics of NPCs the party is talking too, monsters they're fighting, etc.

The interior side facing the DM is, of course, what matters!

Two full panels are depicted to summaries of various skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Fly, Heal, Knowledge, Perception, Ride, Spellcraft, Survival, and Swim. Not every skill is represented, and one could argue that some of the missing skills (like Stealth, Intimidate, and Use Magic Device are used more often than some of the skills that are represented like Swim). Still, the skills that are included are broken down into very handy, easy-to-read lists of activities, modifiers, and DCs. It's a very attractive, smart presentation.

The third panel is devoted to combat, and the top half of the panel has five sections: Attack roll modifiers, armor class modifiers, combat maneuvers, two-weapon fighting penalties, and concentration checks. With the possible exception of two-weapon fighting penalties (which a player should have figured out well ahead of time), all of these things are extremely important things to have available for easy reference. The bottom half of the panel is a summary of the effects of common conditions, which is again quite handy--it's annoying to have to stop and look up what the effects of being stunned or nauseated are every time it happens.

The fourth panel is a bunch of miscellaneous stuff, and it's here that I think there was room for improvement. The left half of the panel is all devoted to listing the hardness and hit points of weapons, armor, common objects, and various materials. I don't mind this much, because even though this information is needed rarely, when it's needed it's usually important (like whether a sundered weapon is going to break). Still, I wouldn't have devoted so much space to it considering how much other stuff in the game is probably more important. The right half of the panel lists experience point awards by CR and treasure values per encounter. To my mind, this is the least essential information to be on the screen, as most groups handle this either between sessions or at least after a session, when an extra minute to flip open a book is no big deal. Because most monster entries already list XP and treasure, this is the only part of the screen that I never use.

So on the whole, that's 3 to 3 1/2 panels of a 4 panel GM screen that are extremely useful! My biggest problem is actually remembering what's on the screen, as often I look something up in a book only to realize later that it was on the screen the whole time. Anyway, while a screen like this is not strictly essential, it's about as close as it gets. A session will run faster and smoother if the GM has one of these, and it's worth the money.

Functional and well-built, but utilitarian


* Very sturdy.
* Good selection of DM info.
* Fair price.

* I'd prefer a landscape screen. Pretty please?
* The art is a collage of recycled iconic portraits, which probably helped keep costs down, but I would have preferred something a bit more inspiring. After all, the players are going to be staring at this thing quite a bit...


Another Great Product...


This four panel Gamemasters screen for the Pathfinder role playing game features extra durable hardcover stock pages, a great piece of art on the player's side, and four pages of quick reference charts on the GM's side.

Page One, "Skills", includes charts for acrobatic maneuvers, bluffing, wind effects on flight, Climbing, Diplomacy, Disabling Devices, and flying.

Page Two, "Skills", has references for healing, knowledge, perception, riding, spellcraft, survival, and swimming.

Page Three, "Combat", contains attack roll modifiers, armor class modifiers, combat maneuvers, two-weapon fighting, concentration checks, and a great list of conditions that affect combat.

Page Four, "Miscellaneous", shows armor and weapon hardness, other item hardness, and common item hardness as well as charts for XP awards, and for treasure values per encounter.

Having these charts at your fingertips saves a lot of time leafing through the various books for a quick ruling. The four panel construction gives GM's room for both a notepad and their maps. The heavy card stock covers means its very durable and suitable for frequent use. If you're a GM for a Pathfinder game, and you don't have this screen, my suggestion is that it be the next item on your "To Purchase" list. Highly recommended.



Don't know what to say that the other reviews haven't already said. This GM screen was built to last, and the boatload of information each of the panels contains is the perfect reference for any GM.

I actually don't mind the fourth panel. I just figured it was common for party members to think "I should try and break his sword instead of just stabbing him." :)

Great Value


I was very impressed with the quality of this screen. For the money, I really expected just a thin card stock screen. What I got was a very, heavy wall.

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Asgetrion wrote:
and none of them (to my knowledge) hail from Cheliax!

Lem, Seltyiel! :p

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

However, Lem is not very fond of his homeland. Every time somebody mentions Cheliax, the poor tyke is muttering "the horror....the horror !" and his eyes open wide with terror.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Wait, who is the guy with the flaming bird on the far right end?

Liquidsabre wrote:
Wait, who is the guy with the flaming bird on the far right end?

Seltyiel, the iconic:

  • half-elf
  • multi-class
  • evil

  • bugleyman wrote:
    David Fryer wrote:
    I think I just had a nerdgasm. A GM screen that is actually within my budget. Paizo never ceases to amaze.

    Umm...the 4E one is $10, and quite good.

    Just sayin'.

    But it has 4e on it, so it cannot be good :P.

    Plus, Paizo can't do the $10 thing for the screen, they already did that with the hardcover PDF - which explains why wizards had that price range open for the screen ;-)

    Dark Archive

    vagrant-poet wrote:
    Asgetrion wrote:
    and none of them (to my knowledge) hail from Cheliax!
    Lem, Seltyiel! :p

    Bah! They are not *true* Chelaxians with strong roots to their homeland, or Chelish ideals and interests in their hearts! I want to see *REAL* Chelaxian heroes such as our Blackguards and Clerics of Asmodeus! ;)

    Dark Archive

    Asgetrion wrote:
    Nah, what we Chelaxians want is more *DEVILS* on that screen... what is this? A bunch of "iconic" do-gooders, and none of them (to my knowledge) hail from Cheliax! If they added some Devils, Hellknights, our beloved and revered Majestrix and finally the glorious Chelish flag into the background, this screen would be perfect! ;P

    Maybe a few kneeling supplicants from Andoran and Taldor?

    Or a Cleric of Sarenrae, finally seing her error and converting to Asmodeus' Church?

    Dark Archive

    Gorbacz wrote:
    However, Lem is not very fond of his homeland.

    Fondness is overrated. Awe and Fear is what stays with you forever.

    Gorbacz wrote:
    Every time somebody mentions Cheliax, the poor tyke is muttering "the horror....the horror !" and his eyes open wide with terror.

    Ah, someone trained him well!

    It is heartwarming to see this reaction in expats even years after they left Cheliax.

    Asgetrion wrote:
    *REAL* Chelaxian heroes

    Read it through, say it out loud.

    Its got to be a paradox or oxymoron of some kind. :p

    Dark Archive

    vagrant-poet wrote:
    Asgetrion wrote:
    *REAL* Chelaxian heroes

    Read it through, say it out loud.

    Its got to be a paradox or oxymoron of some kind. :p

    I'm ignoring your pitiful remarks, bug boy! ;P

    Dark Archive

    Tharen the Damned wrote:
    Asgetrion wrote:
    Nah, what we Chelaxians want is more *DEVILS* on that screen... what is this? A bunch of "iconic" do-gooders, and none of them (to my knowledge) hail from Cheliax! If they added some Devils, Hellknights, our beloved and revered Majestrix and finally the glorious Chelish flag into the background, this screen would be perfect! ;P

    Maybe a few kneeling supplicants from Andoran and Taldor?

    Or a Cleric of Sarenrae, finally seing her error and converting to Asmodeus' Church?

    Why, those are EXCELLENT ideas, Tharen! And don't we all want some *realistic* scenes pictured on that screen? ;)

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    It's amusing to watch these fleshlings who think such great things of themselves, but in reality they are nothing but pathetic slaves of devils. They are so puny, compared to my masters of old who built by the might of their rune magic a big sevenfold empire!

    So, where did I put this blasted key?

    Liberty's Edge

    Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
    Majuba wrote:
    Liquidsabre wrote:
    Wait, who is the guy with the flaming bird on the far right end?

    Seltyiel, the iconic:

  • half-elf
  • multi-class
  • evil
  • An EVIL iconic? Bwahaha cool!

    Dark Archive

    Tharen the Damned wrote:

    Or a Cleric of Sarenrae, finally seing her error and converting to Asmodeus' Church?


    Those girls are usually lithe and graceful. The flesh dens will make good use of them!

    Lanx wrote:

    It's amusing to watch these fleshlings who think such great things of themselves, but in reality they are nothing but pathetic slaves of devils. They are so puny, compared to my masters of old who built by the might of their rune magic a big sevenfold empire!

    Says someone who was built on an assembly line and has an obedience chip in what passes for his brain.

    Liberty's Edge

    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Any hints to what (if any) the insert may be?

    Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

    I like the Art....BUT.... I'd prefer 1 panel of Art and Useful Player Stuff on the other side...sorry...I prefer function....but I WILL OWN...I subscribe.... so KUDOS on a nice looking product...just hope the Meat on the other side is MEATY enough

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
    KaeYoss wrote:
    Lanx wrote:

    It's amusing to watch these fleshlings who think such great things of themselves, but in reality they are nothing but pathetic slaves of devils. They are so puny, compared to my masters of old who built by the might of their rune magic a big sevenfold empire!

    Says someone who was built on an assembly line and has an obedience chip in what passes for his brain.

    So ... how many of your slaves have such a chip build into their brains? Hm?

    So, where did I put this blasted key?

    Dark Archive

    Lanx wrote:
    KaeYoss wrote:
    Lanx wrote:

    It's amusing to watch these fleshlings who think such great things of themselves, but in reality they are nothing but pathetic slaves of devils. They are so puny, compared to my masters of old who built by the might of their rune magic a big sevenfold empire!

    Says someone who was built on an assembly line and has an obedience chip in what passes for his brain.

    So ... how many of your slaves have such a chip build into their brains? Hm?

    So, where did I put this blasted key?

    But we don't have slaves... we only have loyal, obedient servants, who don't have any chips inserted into their brains. They serve, because they acknowledge the majesty and greatness and superiority that is Cheliax, blessed by the almighty Asmodeus!

    Come to Westcrown, and we will show you... (Where in the blazes did those thrice-damned Imps leave my scrolls of Geas)

    Lanx wrote:

    So ... how many of your slaves have such a chip build into their brains? Hm?

    None. You'd be amazed what the ritual sacrifice to the Underachiever of the Month does to motivation.

    KaeYoss wrote:
    Lanx wrote:

    So ... how many of your slaves have such a chip build into their brains? Hm?
    None. You'd be amazed what the ritual sacrifice to the Underachiever of the Month does to motivation.

    Which Devil is the underachiever this month? I never get in on the office politics.

    Dark Archive

    Asgetrion wrote:

    Come to Westcrown, and we will show you... (Where in the blazes did those thrice-damned Imps leave my scrolls of Geas)

    Feh, amatures. A true believer of discipline wouldn't need such items, so much better to use the Way and sheer Charisma to make the fools want to serve you.

    <announcer voice>We've secretly replaced Asgetrion's scroll of geas with a scroll of grease Let's see if he notices the difference.</announcer voice>

    I was checking out my subscription and saw this item was going to be shipped priority mail (my preference is set to standard). I'm all for getting product faster, but I start to have issues paying $10 for shipping on a $15 item. Is there a reason that it's shipping priority versus standard?

    Scarab Sages

    Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
    Ryan Rank wrote:
    I was checking out my subscription and saw this item was going to be shipped priority mail (my preference is set to standard). I'm all for getting product faster, but I start to have issues paying $10 for shipping on a $15 item. Is there a reason that it's shipping priority versus standard?

    Someone else asked about this in the Customer Service forum. The thread is called 'Massive DM screen'. But this is what Alison said in response.

    Alison McKenzie wrote:

    With our current dimension estimates, the GM Screen can't ship via the typical Standard Postal Delivery - its size and weight combine to make it ineligible to use that shipping method. So the only USPS shipping option for this product is USPS Priority Mail, which is more expensive. However, the dimensions we have in our system are only an estimate, and we won't know 100% whether or not we can ship them until we get the final dimensions. So that shipping price may change (but it may not).

    However, our current goal is to release the GM Screen and the Bestiary at the same time, so they should be shipping together.

    Grand Lodge

    Kyle Baird wrote:
    Off-topic: Is there an iconic Halfling?

    Lem the Halfling Bard

    Andrew Betts wrote:
    Lem the Halfling Bard

    *heads back to bed*

    Stupid brain telling me he's a gnome.. I'll come back when my brain is fully functional again.

    Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

    Ryan Rank wrote:
    I was checking out my subscription and saw this item was going to be shipped priority mail (my preference is set to standard). I'm all for getting product faster, but I start to have issues paying $10 for shipping on a $15 item. Is there a reason that it's shipping priority versus standard?

    When you choose USPS domestic shipping, there are generally three services that our packages can qualify for.

    First Class has a cutoff of 13 ounces, and since the screen weighs about a pound plus the weight of the box, it can't go First Class.

    Books (and packages that contain mostly books, by weight) qualify for discounted rates as Bound Printed Matter, but since the screen doesn't actually have a binding, it doesn't qualify for BPM rates (unless it's in a box with other stuff that's mostly books).

    Otherwise, it has to go Priority Mail. We do try to get you the best Priority Rate possible, comparing Flat Rate and weight-based options for your particular package, and offering the cheapest to you.

    (Of course, if you choose 2-day or overnight, we do that instead, but it's not something we'd choose for you.)

    Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

    Vic Wertz wrote:
    Books (and packages that contain mostly books, by weight) qualify for discounted rates as Bound Printed Matter, but since the screen doesn't actually have a binding, it doesn't qualify for BPM rates (unless it's in a box with other stuff that's mostly books).

    By the way, there's a pretty good chance that the GM Screen and the Bestiary will be shipped together—we should find out in a week or two—in which case shipments containing both will be mostly Bound Printed Matter by weight, so they'll qualify for Standard Mail after all.

    Liberty's Edge

    Vic Wertz wrote:
    Vic Wertz wrote:
    Books (and packages that contain mostly books, by weight) qualify for discounted rates as Bound Printed Matter, but since the screen doesn't actually have a binding, it doesn't qualify for BPM rates (unless it's in a box with other stuff that's mostly books).
    By the way, there's a pretty good chance that the GM Screen and the Bestiary will be shipped together—we should find out in a week or two—in which case shipments containing both will be mostly Bound Printed Matter by weight, so they'll qualify for Standard Mail after all.

    As of yesterday the Bestiary was sent to the printers. What is the GM Game Screen's status?

    Thanks for the quick responses everyone. Much appreciated!

    Misery wrote:
    SirUrza wrote:
    I love it. Could you guys PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE release an image in a resolution suitable to be used as a desktop wallpaper?
    ... if only.

    I made one at 1920x1200 nearly identical to this. Waiting to hear back from someone official if I can share it around w/ peoples. All the images have come from the Paizo Blog.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
    DM Jeff wrote:

    We asked, they delivered. Again. Notice a pattern here?


    -DM Jeff

    A screen is a little bit of a no brainer, its like being amazed when you ask your parents for dinner at 5:45 and then at 6:00 they say "hey it's dinner"

    Kyle Baird wrote:
    Misery wrote:
    SirUrza wrote:
    I love it. Could you guys PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE release an image in a resolution suitable to be used as a desktop wallpaper?
    ... if only.
    I made one at 1920x1200 nearly identical to this. Waiting to hear back from someone official if I can share it around w/ peoples. All the images have come from the Paizo Blog.

    Boo-urns. Personal use only. :(

    For what it's worth, all(most?) of the images on this screen can be found in the blog, and with a lil' bit of magic wanding in photoshop, it's quite easy to make.

    Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

    Kevida wrote:
    Vic Wertz wrote:
    Vic Wertz wrote:
    Books (and packages that contain mostly books, by weight) qualify for discounted rates as Bound Printed Matter, but since the screen doesn't actually have a binding, it doesn't qualify for BPM rates (unless it's in a box with other stuff that's mostly books).
    By the way, there's a pretty good chance that the GM Screen and the Bestiary will be shipped together—we should find out in a week or two—in which case shipments containing both will be mostly Bound Printed Matter by weight, so they'll qualify for Standard Mail after all.
    As of yesterday the Bestiary was sent to the printers. What is the GM Game Screen's status?

    I saw the final proof on Erik's desk yesterday, so it's not far behind. (And it's a much smaller job for the printer.) At this time, we have no reason to expect that they won't arrive together.

    Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

    The GM's Screen is now at the printers as well, so it should arrive about the same time as the Bestiary, I should think.

    We'll post updates as soon as we have more exact information.

    Dark Archive

    Erik Mona wrote:

    The GM's Screen is now at the printers as well, so it should arrive about the same time as the Bestiary, I should think.

    We'll post updates as soon as we have more exact information.


    Liberty's Edge


    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


    Hopefully It can be shipped as one single package with the bestiary, It’s that the plan (for subscribers)?

    Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

    Wagram wrote:


    Hopefully It can be shipped as one single package with the bestiary, It’s that the plan (for subscribers)?

    If they arrive together, they'll ship together.

    This will be the first screen I've purchased in a looong time.

    Liberty's Edge

    Erik Mona wrote:

    The GM's Screen is now at the printers as well, so it should arrive about the same time as the Bestiary, I should think.

    We'll post updates as soon as we have more exact information.

    Well spank my butt and call me "Charlie". This is going to be AWESOME!

    Erik Mona wrote:

    The GM's Screen is now at the printers as well, so it should arrive about the same time as the Bestiary, I should think.

    We'll post updates as soon as we have more exact information.

    Nice. I hope "the same time as the Bestiary" is sooooon :-)

    RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

    Will it list the conditions? (I.e. sickened, nauseated, exhausted, etc.)

    Forever Man wrote:
    Will it list the conditions? (I.e. sickened, nauseated, exhausted, etc.)

    I certainly hope so.

    Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

    Is it here yet? At the printers, to come out the same time as the Beastiary?

    Most importantly, is this, or is this going to be, put up as a screen saver?

    Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

    kevin bienhoff wrote:
    At the printers, to come out the same time as the Beastiary?

    At the printers, *hopefully* to arrive with the Bestiary.

    Is that Vadania in the lower right hand corner?

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    No, that's Lini, the iconic gnome druid.

    This simply rules. Thanks for making sure my game will be smoother by giving me good tools and thinking about layout.

    What do the little icons to the left of forum members names stand for? (Edit, ah, pathfinder society).

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