Denny Unger WorldWorksGames |

Couldn't resist posting these pics, so even if it's just the first room... well here's the results from a non-professional guy. :-PI placed a mini, just for atmosphere.
Photos are quite large (about 2MB), be patient.First
FifthCAREFUL! The webhost seems to have annoying NSFW ads!
The white lines you can see at base of the walls is just excess glue that reflects the flash light from the camera.
Nice clean build! Its great to see our first official user made photos of the Undercrypt ;)
If you're looking for a safe, clean and speedy place to store your images, WorldWorksGames has a terrific image host all set up for you here: http://wormholegamer.com/photos/index.php

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Nice clean build! Its great to see our first official user made photos of the Undercrypt ;)
If you're looking for a safe, clean and speedy place to store your images, WorldWorksGames has a terrific image host all set up for you here: http://wormholegamer.com/photos/index.php
Thanks Denny! Will do for sure, but I'll wait to have some more pieces to add, or even the set fully finished.
Rooms 2 and 3 are shaping up pretty good too!
Tigger_mk4 |

I've also constructed room one (no photo as yet) ;
Despite me being all thingers and fumbs, its come out very nice - my only problem was lining the floor up properly.
It takes some patience though; about 2-3 hours in my case, for one room.
(I use white glue, sparsely spread with a scraper made from cut-off card. Works nicely and drying speed is a nice compromise between "no time to move things" and "takes forever to dry".)
I really like the worldworks stuff though, I have lots of Mayhem....my only problems are storage space (even with the usual WW hints)& finding affordable foamcore (it aint cheap).
THe other problem is thaat the adventure hasn't come out yet due to shipping delays (yadda yadda). Any chance of an early release of the PF 19 pdf for subscribers ?

eirip |

I really like the worldworks stuff though, I have lots of Mayhem....my only problems are storage space (even with the usual WW hints)& finding affordable foamcore (it aint cheap).
I am not sure where you live but I bought a 48" X 60" sheet of foamcore at joann fabrics for 12 bucks. Of course I bought the biggest sheet they had, I believe they sell them in a smaller size but not sure of the price.

Denny Unger WorldWorksGames |

Tigger_mk4 wrote:I am not sure where you live but I bought a 48" X 60" sheet of foamcore at joann fabrics for 12 bucks. Of course I bought the biggest sheet they had, I believe they sell them in a smaller size but not sure of the price.Nice.
I really like the worldworks stuff though, I have lots of Mayhem....my only problems are storage space (even with the usual WW hints)& finding affordable foamcore (it aint cheap).
Yeah, foamcore is really variable depending on where you live. Its about $5.00 for a 20" X 30" sheet of black core foamcore here. Well worth the small investment though and your models will last a very long time!

Tigger_mk4 |

I live in the uk.
Its very difficult to get large sheets unless you buy in bulk from wholesalers - even hobby stores rarely have sheets bigger than A4.
Basically, for A3 or larger you have to buy in packs of 20 (at around £35 for white and £39 for black) .
Bulk wise thats not too bad, but its impossible to buy individual sheets, which means a significant investment up front, and probably way more than I need.(At current exchange rate thats about $60-$70 before I can start)

Riley |

Nice set!
Two things:
1) Belt-tightening led me to cancel my Pathfinder subscription last month. This month, Worldworks' Pathfinder terrain prompted me to resubscribe. The prospect of terrain this good, designed specifically to fit the adventure, was simply too good to pass up.
2) This has been surprisingly quick to put together. I built one room Thursday night, and another last night. The circular room took about an hour or so to build (I haven't built the props yet.), while the most fiddly room - the temple with all the alcoves - still took less than two hours from start to finish.
While the terrain is very detailed, it remains straightforward enough to reuse. Just looking at "The Sunless Citadel" maps, I can see two places where the circular room would fit in very well, as well as a location to use the alcove room.
I really look forward to the next set! I can only hope that the adventure is anywhere near as good as the terrain.
Oh, and: what about N'wah's paper miniatures?

Majuba |

These look absolutely incredible! And I've already got a *former* player eager to help build them. Unfortunately (?) I'm 'stuck' already running Runelords and Second Darkness, and don't have the apartment space to just keep it around.
Please keep making more! (And consider the economics of producing stuff for prior AP's)

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Download the intructions last night (started the download but due to the downed pipe I just went to bed). All I can say is wow very awesome instructions. I've downloaded WW stuff before but nothig complicated (eventually I'll get the sailing ship).
Hopefully when the cash becomes available again I'll snag the actual product. Awesome work WW.
Also awesome that they've teamed up with Paizo, hope to see more wonderful creations in the future.
I agree about the previous APs. Would love to see Sandpoint & underneath it comes alive in 3D.

Denny Unger WorldWorksGames |

Download the intructions last night (started the download but due to the downed pipe I just went to bed). All I can say is wow very awesome instructions. I've downloaded WW stuff before but nothig complicated (eventually I'll get the sailing ship).
Hopefully when the cash becomes available again I'll snag the actual product. Awesome work WW.
Also awesome that they've teamed up with Paizo, hope to see more wonderful creations in the future.
I agree about the previous APs. Would love to see Sandpoint & underneath it comes alive in 3D.
I would love to take a trip back in time and push the WWG crew here to flesh out older "stand-out" locations. Again though, that all depends on how popular the terrain is in general. We won't have a really good bearing on that for a bit yet.
I am curious how well older locations would do though. Drop by the WorldWorksGames forums if you get a chance and add some locations to the "Pathfinder Wishlist" section.

Harneloot |

Very nice looking as all World Works Games stuff is, but you must print it, fold it, tape/glue it, and then store it without denting it etc.
To have the author equate this cardstock printable stuff with Dwarven Forge's heirloom quality gaming terrain is a bit disappointing. Dwarven Forge is cast in virtually unbreakable resin, hand-painted, highly detailed and comes in just about permanent, fitted storage containers. They are coming out with new environments every year and their quality and durability blow away anything you can print from a pdf.
World Works Games stuff is great, but please, not in the same league as Dwarven Forge!!!

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I live in the uk.
Its very difficult to get large sheets unless you buy in bulk from wholesalers - even hobby stores rarely have sheets bigger than A4.
Basically, for A3 or larger you have to buy in packs of 20 (at around £35 for white and £39 for black) .
Bulk wise thats not too bad, but its impossible to buy individual sheets, which means a significant investment up front, and probably way more than I need.(At current exchange rate thats about $60-$70 before I can start)
I live in Australia, and, like the UK, hobby stores don't stock it....however nearly every art supply store I went into had it, in multiple sizes, including 40' by 60' in the store just around the corner from where I live. It may be worth your while seeing if the same goes in the UK.

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World Works Games stuff is great, but please, not in the same league as Dwarven Forge!!!
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. While there are obvious differences, where WorldWorks is superior is in the options of the textures, and of course the cost. Each of them has a place, but I have to say that I find the paper products superior. Less weight, more options, and I have to admit it, the hobby aspect of building my own terrain all appeals to me much more than the Dwarven Forge materials.

Denny Unger WorldWorksGames |

Very nice looking as all World Works Games stuff is, but you must print it, fold it, tape/glue it, and then store it without denting it etc.
To have the author equate this cardstock printable stuff with Dwarven Forge's heirloom quality gaming terrain is a bit disappointing. Dwarven Forge is cast in virtually unbreakable resin, hand-painted, highly detailed and comes in just about permanent, fitted storage containers. They are coming out with new environments every year and their quality and durability blow away anything you can print from a pdf.
World Works Games stuff is great, but please, not in the same league as Dwarven Forge!!!
Dwarven Forge makes incredible stuff, no one would disagree with you there at all, especially not us at WWG.
That said, its an entirely different product format with different advantages. Our three key selling points are obsessive attention to textural detail, "print as much as you want" flexibility and an extensive catalog that spans not just Fantasy but modern, sci-fi, horror, pirate and beyond. We could argue the merits of durability but I would only point out that a WWG model can take a fall off a table without shattering and if it does bend or break, you just print a new one ;)
LOVE Dwarven Forge but these are distinctly different products with their own unique advantages.

eirip |

Very nice looking as all World Works Games stuff is, but you must print it, fold it, tape/glue it, and then store it without denting it etc.
To have the author equate this cardstock printable stuff with Dwarven Forge's heirloom quality gaming terrain is a bit disappointing. Dwarven Forge is cast in virtually unbreakable resin, hand-painted, highly detailed and comes in just about permanent, fitted storage containers. They are coming out with new environments every year and their quality and durability blow away anything you can print from a pdf.
World Works Games stuff is great, but please, not in the same league as Dwarven Forge!!!
I just put together caveworks from WWG over the last three weeks and I must say I am totally impressed and happy with the results.........I am not going to argue that cardstock is superior to plaster or ceramic. But, it does have it's advantages: For one, I like to build stuff, and it was FUN putting it together.It is going to be MUCH cheaper using cardstock versus dwarven forge stuff, especially if you are wanting to build scenarios for every module that you run. Furthermore; like Denny said, if it breaks just print up more. Dwarvenforge does have fantastic stuff, I just cannot afford to buy all the things that I would want.If you do not like putting stuff together you will not like WWG's products, but if you do give it a try, the quality is very good.

Anthony Adam |

Yup, I am now in a bit of a pickle having bought this
Pickle 1 - Darnation, I now have to spend oodles on all the other Worldworks sets...
Pickle 2 - Ummm, looks around at all the bookshelves and the gaming room in general - time to remove the table to make room for all the 3-d props = hand on, so where do I play then.
Hmmm, Needs a bigger house now.
Yeah, it's that awesome, built the first room and it's so drooool worthy.

Denny Unger WorldWorksGames |

Yup, I am now in a bit of a pickle having bought this
Pickle 1 - Darnation, I now have to spend oodles on all the other Worldworks sets...
Pickle 2 - Ummm, looks around at all the bookshelves and the gaming room in general - time to remove the table to make room for all the 3-d props = hand on, so where do I play then.
Hmmm, Needs a bigger house now.
Yeah, it's that awesome, built the first room and it's so drooool worthy.
Glad you're having fun with it Anthony! We worked really hard to make sure it was something special on the table. The whole hobby aspect to it is also something people tend not to consider...its pretty addictive once you get through the basics and there's a lot of pride in ownership :)
If you get a chance please leave an official review. We need the support and there's no better way than to give store browsers the quick feedback they're looking for.
And thank you!
I almost finished building this set (only the last room's columns and throne pedestal to go), and I'm just getting hyped about the next release.
Previews, teasers, anything please!
I'll see if we can do something about that ;)
Denny Unger wrote:Yeah, foamcore is really variable depending on where you live. Its about $5.00 for a 20" X 30" sheet of black core foamcore here.My local Target sells black foamcore for a mere $2.89 a sheet.
If its flat black foamcore with a black foam center then that's a great deal! That shinny black foamcore with the white foam center isn't ideal. You have to take a black marker to the edges to get rid of the white foam edge and the semi-gloss surface can cause glue adhesion issues (just warning you in case that's what they have there).

Riley |

Riley wrote:My local Target sells black foamcore for a mere $2.89 a sheet.If its flat black foamcore with a black foam center then that's a great deal! That shinny black foamcore with the white foam center isn't ideal. You have to take a black marker to the edges to get rid of the white foam edge and the semi-gloss surface can cause glue adhesion issues (just warning you in case that's what they have there).
Nope - it's the good stuff: black foamcore sandwiched between two sheets of matte black paper. It's the same brand that I've bought at an Office Max/Depot for $5+ a sheet. The only shortcoming is that Target only stocks 5 or 6 sheets at a time, hidden in a narrow little slot in their art/office supply section - and some of them seem to get a bit damaged at the edges during the shipping/stocking process. Still, for sheets that are going to be cut into pieces anyway, who cares what shape the corners are in?
Also, for those looking to put a bit of Technicolor into their creations, Target also stocks a yellow foamcore sandwiched between two sheets on navy blue paper. :)

Brokenfoot |
Pathfinder Terrain: Ruined Undercrypt of Kelmarane so works for me! Please, please, please, make it a standard product offering for future Pathfinder releases. I spent the extra $69 and printed everything at Kinko's...and let me tell you it was well worth it. I finished my third build last night, and this morning broke ground in the back yard for my full scale version. I had some trouble finding foam board large enough to handle it, but I got bids from a local company to make custom size sheets. I figure my second mortgage will cover most of the building materials, and the rest I'll put on the credit card.
Congrats to all at World Works Games for the great job well done and many thanks to all at Paizo that made this happen.

Denny Unger WorldWorksGames |

any word on when the next installment will be available?!?
The best I can tell you is April. We are rounding the corner and entering final production elements for the next release. Its a great looking terrain location and there's a couple interesting surprises within the terrain which are sure to please ;)
There's a few teasers posted here if you're interested: House Of The Beast Teasers

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I've been interested in WWG stuff but am curious.
This map seems to be designed to be stuck together as is without modification. How hard is it to do up pieces that can be formed to make up maps as you need it?
Ie my players go into a tavern or temple and get into trouble (as PCs are prone to do.)How hard is it to have pieces lying around and quickly piece together stuff for the above scenario?
Or even how hard would it be to have pre-done all the major encounter points in the module even though there isn't a specific map pack done for them. Cause it just seems this product is a very specific map and would not be much use to me afterwards.

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I've been interested in WWG stuff but am curious.
This map seems to be designed to be stuck together as is without modification. How hard is it to do up pieces that can be formed to make up maps as you need it?
Ie my players go into a tavern or temple and get into trouble (as PCs are prone to do.)How hard is it to have pieces lying around and quickly piece together stuff for the above scenario?
Or even how hard would it be to have pre-done all the major encounter points in the module even though there isn't a specific map pack done for them. Cause it just seems this product is a very specific map and would not be much use to me afterwards.
If you go over to the WWG website, they have a whole forum dedicated to 'kit-bashing' which I gather is exactly the sort of thing you are wanting to do.

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If you go over to the WWG website, they have a whole forum dedicated to 'kit-bashing' which I gather is exactly the sort of thing you are wanting to do.
Yes indeed that looks like the deal. Thanks.
Looks like my credit card might be getting an easter shock.

Denny Unger WorldWorksGames |

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
If you go over to the WWG website, they have a whole forum dedicated to 'kit-bashing' which I gather is exactly the sort of thing you are wanting to do.
Yes indeed that looks like the deal. Thanks.
Looks like my credit card might be getting an easter shock.
Don't be afraid to ask questions, the gang over there is extremely helpful with issues like this. If you have basic image editing skills, you'll be surprised with how much you can do with the core files, though some bashes are just a simple matter of using the existing work in a new way. Some customer kitbashes really are incredible.

Wolf Munroe |

Just bought this and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm intimidated. However, I don't plan to start Legacy of Fire for a long time (still running an FR module set I was doing before I heard of Golarion) so I have plenty of time to work on it.
I'm the lazy sort and I'm tempted to go with the 2.5D but I keep thinking how awesome the 3D would be for my players if I could pull the whole campaign that way, and it certainly beats hand-drawing the dungeons on 1 inch grid paper in advance. (Will probably take about the same amount of time. I spent 8 or 10 casual hours drawing a dungeon that way once in my current campaign.)
I'm definitely sold on the product though and plan to buy future AP tie-ins as well as whatever else might help. Wallet allowing, of course.

Denny Unger WorldWorksGames |

Just bought this and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm intimidated. However, I don't plan to start Legacy of Fire for a long time (still running an FR module set I was doing before I heard of Golarion) so I have plenty of time to work on it.
I'm the lazy sort and I'm tempted to go with the 2.5D but I keep thinking how awesome the 3D would be for my players if I could pull the whole campaign that way, and it certainly beats hand-drawing the dungeons on 1 inch grid paper in advance. (Will probably take about the same amount of time. I spent 8 or 10 casual hours drawing a dungeon that way once in my current campaign.)
I'm definitely sold on the product though and plan to buy future AP tie-ins as well as whatever else might help. Wallet allowing, of course.
In your case it sounds like a mix of the two might be the best way to go. Save time and energy by building 2-D corridors but deck out the main encounter areas in full 3-D.
Thanks for the words of support by the way. We'll do everything in our power to cement your new found addiction ;)

Denny Unger WorldWorksGames |

I bought this. I haven't built it yet (because I'm inherently lazy) but I'm eager for the next one to come out because I want to support this concept with my wallet. Is there an estimate on when the second one will be released?
Thank you for the support Wolf Munroe! Your purchase is truly a vote of confidence in the concept and we hope to continue producing further map conversions in this format (if the support remains). I suggest lots of caffeine, good tunes or a movie in the background to get your "build-mojo" going ;)
Our second release is on the tail end of production but we hit a bit of a scheduling snag this past couple weeks. Its all generally positive, productive chaos though but with fairly limited resources/manpower, little snags tend to throw us off. Many hats are worn ;)
Not much longer.
Here's a roundup of previously posted teasers from the next release:

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Kevida wrote:I know that I am coming late to the party but, is there any worn on if any more are coming down the pike?There will be more. They're made some underlying changes to their building system, and follow-up products are awaiting those to be rolled out.
:::squeels like a school girl with a crush on a teen idol:::

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Wolf Munroe wrote:I bought this. I haven't built it yet (because I'm inherently lazy) but I'm eager for the next one to come out because I want to support this concept with my wallet. Is there an estimate on when the second one will be released?Thank you for the support Wolf Munroe! Your purchase is truly a vote of confidence in the concept and we hope to continue producing further map conversions in this format (if the support remains). I suggest lots of caffeine, good tunes or a movie in the background to get your "build-mojo" going ;)
Our second release is on the tail end of production but we hit a bit of a scheduling snag this past couple weeks. Its all generally positive, productive chaos though but with fairly limited resources/manpower, little snags tend to throw us off. Many hats are worn ;)
Not much longer.
Here's a roundup of previously posted teasers from the next release:
For which AP or PF-Module are those? Stone Garden? Those teasers look awesome! I already bought Kelmarane and am very happy with that product!
edited: NEVER MIND! I know it! Stupid me... :)

Wolf Munroe |

Our second release is on the tail end of production but we hit a bit of a scheduling snag this past couple weeks. Its all generally positive, productive chaos though but with fairly limited resources/manpower, little snags tend to throw us off. Many hats are worn ;)
Not much longer.
Any news on a release date for the second one? I hope sales of the first one are doing well. I was under the original impression that one of these might possibly be done for a dungeon in each of the Legacy of Fire issues. Since Legacy of Fire is coming to a close, is that possibility still on the table?