Intellect Devourer

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 132 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Our Price: $16.99

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This is a great product due to its tie-in to the pathfinder adventure path. I have several products from World Works Games. I have to admit I have never attempted to assemble any of them.

I got this product over the weekend, printed it out and today I put together the first room. I assume the motivation to build this one compared to the others I have bought must be because it is already tailored to an adventure I am going to run. Taking out the step where I have to plan what I am going to build got me excited to construct this one.

This prodcut is not for someone that does not have he time or does not want to spend the time it takes to build these. It can be time consuming.

Our Price: $6.99

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Beautifully detailed miniatures


Received these miniatures yesterday. I have to say these are of great quality and teaming up with Crocodile Games (who makes great looking miniatures) was a wise choice. The level of detail is amazing for a miniature that does not come in pieces. I have already cleaned these suckers up and plan to start painting them soon.

I would also like to mention that the detail on these are so good that even if you did not want to paint them they would not look half bad just with bare metal.

For anyone who likes using miniatures I highly recommend getting these.

List Price: $4.79

Our Price: $4.31


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Beautifully detailed miniatures


Received these miniatures yesterday. I have to say these are of great quality and teaming up with Crocodile Games (who makes great looking miniatures) was a wise choice. The level of detail is amazing for a miniature that does not come in pieces. I have already cleaned these suckers up and plan to start painting them soon.

I would also like to mention that the detail on these are so good that even if you did not want to paint them they would not look half bad just with bare metal.

For anyone who likes using miniatures I highly recommend getting these.

Our Price: $7.99

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Beautifully detailed miniatures


Received these miniatures yesterday. I have to say these are of great quality and teaming up with Crocodile Games (who makes great looking miniatures) was a wise choice. The level of detail is amazing for a miniature that does not come in pieces. I have already cleaned these suckers up and plan to start painting them soon.

I would also like to mention that the detail on these are so good that even if you did not want to paint them they would not look half bad just with bare metal.

For anyone who likes using miniatures I highly recommend getting these.