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In reading the module, I've run across an area which seems to be on a map but not in the module text itself:

Steve Greer Contributor |

In reading the module, I've run across an area which seems to be on a map but not in the module text itself:
Spoiler:In reading the module, I've run across an area which seems to be on a map but not in the module text itself:
In the Lower Baily portion of the overview map, there is an area marked B16. I can't find any reference anywhere in the module text to this area. I'm assuming it got cut due to time or space.
Good catch. There were originally a couple of extra encounters in the baily that were either redundant or just didn't really do much to further the story along. Towards the end of our work, Tim and I had a meeting in which we went through to make sure the maps matched the changes we made to the adventure. That one must have just slipped past us and the editors.
Of course, if inspired to do so, you could always add your own encounter in that spot. ;)
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I just got this. It's worth it for the appendices alone! Faith orbs? Water Scorpions? Sons of Perdition? This is my kind of material. It's also nice to see paladins being given some "professional" tools. I now have a vivid mental image of paladin of Iomedae caving in some demon's skull with a faith orb, pushing the button, chucking it at the feet of another demon and drawing his sword while the blast goes off, then charging into battle with sword in hand while the four squires behind him use water scorpions to pick off anything that gets out of sword range. Great stuff!

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Had our first session with this last night. It was great!
<drone drone drone goes the sermon....>
You should have seen their faces as I whipped out the Glabrezu miniature! "Holy Crap!" Then with the Vrocks and Dretchs (and a few added extras to bump it up to 14th level) it was quite the cinematic experience!
The Knight of the Chalice rushed up to go toe-to-toe against the Glabrezu and soon found himself dancing on the ceiling. That was awesome! He took the 5d6 like a man -- and then deliberately walked out of the zone to be over the Glabrezu so he could attempt a strike from above. He scored a critical so he was able to add his momentum to the blow. (and took another 5d6 falling - "cause that's what heroes do!")
There were actual cheers at the table!
Then the Glabrezu tried that on the Cavalier. Well that would be the Cavalier with the boots of flying, thank you very much! He just rotated in mid-air and fought *upside-down*. The Cleric took a power stun word to the chest and was out of it for awhile but got in a few good licks towards the end.
The Cathedral Flip-Mat worked great for this encounter, I strongly recommend it.

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I just finished reading through my copy of this and it looks really great, like a lot of fun. My group is running through RoTRL right now, and has been having to take a lot of breaks recently, so I think I am going to toss this in on one of the weeks when everyone can't be there.
With that in mind I'm in the process of converting it over to PRPG to give the alpha rules a full test at the same time.

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I'm really liking this adventure... I just picked it up at my FLGS, and I'm about half-way through it. I noticed something while reading it, though.
Really though, that's a tiny nitpick. What I'm really liking about this adventure is the variety of demons. It's not just a bunch of vrocks and then a glabrezu or something, there's quite a few different kinds that should keep the PCs on their toes!

Steve Greer Contributor |

I'm really liking this adventure... I just picked it up at my FLGS, and I'm about half-way through it. I noticed something while reading it, though.
Happy to hear that! With regards to the sections you described, we were originally going to provide a map, but omitted it for space reasons since the first one you mentioned was only in there for flavor and best left to the imagination. The second one you mention is left for you to map out based on the description of the area.
However, here are some modifications I would make to the map of...
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Happy to hear that! With regards to the sections you described, we were originally going to provide a map, but omitted it for space reasons since the first one you mentioned was only in there for flavor and best left to the imagination. The second one you mention is left for you to map out based on the description of the area.
However, here are some modifications I would make to the map of...
** spoiler omitted **
Thanks for the help! I figured it was something along those lines, but I figured it couldn't hurt to check!
So I finished the adventure, and just wanted to say, I thought it was fantastic! One of my favourites of the GameMastery modules for sure. The new monsters were interesting, and dealt with a facet of demons that I think is lacking in the core rules. The new magic items are also cool! I plan to use water scorpions and faith orbs extensively in the future!
I would love to see a sequel to this adventure, perhaps some sort of assault into the heart of the Sarkoris/the Worldwound?

Turin the Mad |

Nameless wrote:
I would love to see a sequel to this adventure, perhaps some sort of assault into the heart of the Sarkoris/the Worldwound?Oh yeah!!! I would so love to a sequel.
Into The Wound!!!!
'A Paladin in Hell' given a Pathfinder facelift ... I LIKE IT! That was one of the better late-2e modules by a long shot. And this module certainly provides enough dead Paladins to choose from...

Leonal |

Old thread, awesome product. :)
I'm currently running this module pathfinderized and the group nearing the end (ignoring anything and everything between the chapel and the dungeons in the keep).
A question arose that we couldn't find a good answer for. The module often describes demon corpses in multiple places. What happens to demons that are killed within the Demonscope's dimensional lock aura?
Do they still return to the Abyss like summoned creatures do to their native plane, or are they permanently killed? (If the latter, it's a great way to get rid of demons.)
Also, was this written with the intention that the group rests along the way? The amount of encounters suggests so, but the perceived time-limit makes me think otherwise.

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Yes they are. I've had some of these over the years in print, but the opportunity of getting every one of them in print for cheap is something I jumped on immediately.
(Well, almost all. I now have a complete collection of all modules and Pathfinder Adventure Path ... except for D0 Hollow's Last Hope, the 16 page Free RPG day module for 2007. If you have that one around and would care to sell it, let me know.)
Most of these 3.5 modules are really good. Moreover, they each cover many regions in Golarion that have never been visited since (or have only been returned to only very briefly in PFS Scenarios). Either way, if you are a fan of the Golarion setting, getting these modules for $3 each is an AMAZING deal. They are brain dead easy to convert to Pathfinder RPG.
In fact, so easy, that gives me an idea...

Eric Hinkle |

Eric Hinkle wrote:Wait, has my eyesight gone or does it say that a print copy of this is now going for $3.00, and the PDF for $6.74?It's part of the current 10 Year Anniversary Sale. Most (if not all?) of the 3.5 modules are $3 right now, among other great deals
Thank you, sir, I'll have to pick some of these up.

Marco Romano |

Hi to all!
First of all I want to thank you the author of this fantastic module, my players are loving it.
I have some question to you all:
1. This module is for 11 characters, is it consider to let level up the characters during the run?
2. If yes, when it could be better to let them level up ( I want to use milestone) ?
Thank you