GameMastery Item Cards: Second Darkness Deck

2.70/5 (based on 13 ratings)

List Price: $9.99

Sale Price: $4.99

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From the weapons of the insidious dark elves to artifacts called down from outer space, this gorgeous play accessory collects all of the notable items from Pathfinder's Second Darkness Adventure Path! This 54-card set allows heroes to keep track of their equipment in style and is completely compatible with all of Paizo's other GameMastery Item Card sets. Each of these full-color cards features a beautiful portrait of the item on one side with space on the back to keep notes. GameMastery Item Cards are compatible with any fantasy roleplaying game.

Useable by experienced GMs and novices alike, this product fits perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-126-8

Second Darkness card list:

1 Chain Shirt
2 Full Plate Mail
3 Chainmail
4 Shield
5 Buckler
6 Ore
7 Brooch
8 Key
9 Holy Symbol
10 Holy Symbol
11 Crystal
12 Gambling Chips
13 Potion
14 Potion
15 Potion
16 Ring
17 Ring
18 Rod
19 Rod
20 Scroll
21 Scroll
22 Scroll
23 Staff
24 Staff
25 Wand
26 Wand
27 Wand
28 Hand Crossbow
29 Whip
30 Rapier
31 Longbow
32 Longsword
33 Flail
34 Pick Axe
35 Mace
36 Dagger
37 Greataxe
38 Lance
39 Short Sword
40 Arrow
41 Club
42 Robes
43 Figurine
44 Stone
45 Poison
46 Circlet
47 Book
48 Key
49 Mold
50 Lantern
51 Manacles
52 Spike
53 Medallion
54 Cloak

Sample cards. Click to enlarge.

Illustrations by Chuck Lukacs.

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Ships from our warehouse in 3 to 5 business days.

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Average product rating:

2.70/5 (based on 13 ratings)

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I understand


I understand the negative reviews on this set. But I do thing it has a good variety of items to write up. The art work looks comic like and not very detailed. I think with such a small image details in the art work really show.

Brilliant set of cards!


Ok, first of all, I don't play Pathfinder AP's, I play in my own home-made campaign in the world of Greyhawk. That being said, these cards are awesome! I like the artwork, the descriptions, the style. I would have preferred (goes for all sets) less wands and staves, but apart from that, excellent stuff. Really great to hand out! Love them :-)

Weird but not bad


I can understand people's complaints that some of the items look "puffy" but frankly i like this set for the most part. I mean, it was advertised as containing weird alien items and whatnot. It kind of stands to reason that the items contained within would look pretty weird. The demonic plate is totally out there, the robe is pretty stylish, and the tentacle wand is pretty freakin' creepy. I admit that Lukac's style may not be all that well suited to mundane items, but I wouldn't mind seeing his weirder stuff in another set. It'd be nice to have a break from the more standard fantasy fare.

A VERY underrated set.


I held off on this deck based on the bad reviews, even though I could not see the problem people were talking about on the sample cards.
I'm glad I finally got this one! The art is GREAT and I don't see any "blurry" -ness.
This set is at least as good as any of the others. I can see using many of these items as Drow weapons & armor, but they really could fit as any exotic or stylized equipment.
The sample cards shown do not do this deck justice. Paizo should post several more sample images from this deck and let buyers judge for themselves.
I'm still baffled by the poor reviews.

Also: the Holy Symbols in this set are Cayden Cailean & Calistria.

Very much lacking.


Artwork was blurry, for one. That would be excusable if these cards were actual representations of the items found in Second Darkness, instead of blank ones. Love the AP but you can definitely skip this product.

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Shadow Lodge

I've had some questions that keep springing up in the Ol' Thinker. How many units must sell in order to make a deck worth producing? If enough individuals were willing to pre-order a deck, and THEN submit requests on its content, discuss, debate, and agree; would "The Powers That BE" be willing and able to produce? Many people have had excellent ideas about what could be included in/comprise a whole deck; and I find myself sitting here reading it and saying "I'd buy that"; I'm guessing some of you have done this, as well. Thoughts?


Former VP of Finance

Michael Gear wrote:

I've had some questions that keep springing up in the Ol' Thinker. How many units must sell in order to make a deck worth producing? If enough individuals were willing to pre-order a deck, and THEN submit requests on its content, discuss, debate, and agree; would "The Powers That BE" be willing and able to produce? Many people have had excellent ideas about what could be included in/comprise a whole deck; and I find myself sitting here reading it and saying "I'd buy that"; I'm guessing some of you have done this, as well. Thoughts?


Hey Michael,

How many units must sell in order to make a deck worth producing? Many, many of hundreds. Probably more closely measurable in the thousands.

What happened to the "New Beginnings" deck? I thought I recalled seeing it posted with the rest of the cards, and was set to be released in July. Now I've seen it on quite a few other game retailers sites, but I don't see it listed here at Paizo. Is this deck still being released, and when is the ETA for the release?


It was indefinitely postponed...

Vic Wertz wrote:
It has recently become clear that, given the unexpectedly late start necessitated by the product concept, it is no longer possible for us to finish the set on the original schedule, and delaying it would introduce conflicts with schedules for other sets. Thus, this product has been indefinitely postponed.


Vic Wertz wrote:

Basically, when we put this on the schedule in February, we were expecting to see the 4E equipment lists "any day now." In fact, we only got them last week, when 4E was officially released. So we haven't made a card list or commissioned the art yet, and our artist is now working on the Second Darkness deck. Since that deck needs to come out during the Second Darkness AP, we can't just slide everything back.

It's possible that New Beginnings might wind up on the 2009 product schedule, but it's also possible that it won't—we're making those sorts of decisions in the next few weeks. So, for now, it's indefinitely postponed.

Hi. I'm Dave and I'm addicted to item cards.

Shadow Lodge

Hey Michael,

How many units must sell in order to make a deck worth producing? Many, many of hundreds. Probably more closely measurable in the thousands.

No kidding? I would not have expected thousands of units would be required to break even on production, and start seeing a profit. I guess that depends on the cost per unit and the number being produced. It's very unlikely that we the customers could amass enough pre-orders to offset those amounts. Oh well, I bounced an idea; thanks for bouncing back.


Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I buy at least three boxes of each set...and I have complete sets of the Hero's Hoard and Relics of War (plus dozens and dozes of extras) - I'm doing my part!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Do I need to order this, or will it be sent automaically as part of the Pathfinder Chronicles subscription? In the past, upcoming products were shown in "My Account" under Shipping Soon (which has disappeared).

Paizo Employee CEO

Charles Scholz wrote:

Do I need to order this, or will it be sent automaically as part of the Pathfinder Chronicles subscription? In the past, upcoming products were shown in "My Account" under Shipping Soon (which has disappeared).

Items cards are no longer a part of the Pathfinder Chronicles subscription. We only did that for the Rise of the Runelords deck.


Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So when do we get to see a some teasers?!?

There seems to be a 0 reviews (of course, the deck isn't even out yet), but a 4.5 star rating. Any clue what could cause that?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Iziak wrote:
There seems to be a 0 reviews (of course, the deck isn't even out yet), but a 4.5 star rating. Any clue what could cause that?

It's just that good.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Chris Mortika wrote:
Iziak wrote:
There seems to be a 0 reviews (of course, the deck isn't even out yet), but a 4.5 star rating. Any clue what could cause that?
It's just that good.

Hmm. I have a theory on that that Gary will have to check into... but I've fixed it.

Product Schedule says these are expected early November. Any news on when these will arrive/ship?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Does it come with a spiked chain card? It just so happens I have a player who wants to play a cleric of Zon-Kuthon in Second Darkness...

Rauol_Duke wrote:
Product Schedule says these are expected early November. Any news on when these will arrive/ship?


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We're waiting on an update from the printer, but I think these will be here no earlier than December.

Just noted this got pushed back to January 2009. Is there no chance to get them before Christmas? I had a bunch of stuff in my cart waiting to be non-preorder for the shipping discount, but Christmas gifts do me no good in January....

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Joana wrote:
Just noted this got pushed back to January 2009. Is there no chance to get them before Christmas? I had a bunch of stuff in my cart waiting to be non-preorder for the shipping discount, but Christmas gifts do me no good in January....

We don't have a firm delivery date yet, but if it does make it here December, it would almost certainly still be after Christmas.

We shall just have to see won't we? I know I'm already waiting till January and beyond for the one book to come out that I really wanna see, Razor Coast to be specific, so I have another to wait on, big whoop. I'll just be waiting to be billed for it and then for it to arrive. Although a spiked chain would be nice to have in the set.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Vic Wertz wrote:
Joana wrote:
Just noted this got pushed back to January 2009. Is there no chance to get them before Christmas? I had a bunch of stuff in my cart waiting to be non-preorder for the shipping discount, but Christmas gifts do me no good in January....
We don't have a firm delivery date yet, but if it does make it here December, it would almost certainly still be after Christmas.

These arrived without warning on the 31st.

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Items cards are no longer a part of the Pathfinder Chronicles subscription. We only did that for the Rise of the Runelords deck.


Ack! I didn't realize this. I ordered "an extra one" because I just couldn't wait (looks beautiful by the way) - now I need to decide if I want another.. *mind melting*.

Wait - this means I probably don't have a Curse deck either! *runs off*

Edit: Any chance of a list of what the items tie to the adventure path (as James wrote up for the Runelords deck)?

Forgive my ignorance, but why are these so great? I fail to see how having items on cards that can be lost or misplaced and just take up space is more convenient than just writing it down. The artwork is great, don't get me wrong, but I'm curious as to why people pay $10 for this sort of thing.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
that hobo wrote:
Forgive my ignorance, but why are these so great? I fail to see how having items on cards that can be lost or misplaced and just take up space is more convenient than just writing it down. The artwork is great, don't get me wrong, but I'm curious as to why people pay $10 for this sort of thing.

Why not? It's just something fun.

Here is an example. In the not too distant future my party will experience a catastrophic even that will leave them reeling and equipment-less. After scavenging around I will hand out an unopened item pack to each. They can then roll each item as a random magic item. They can trade or keep them but that's all they get for a while - good luck!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

To answer questions about the art, Vincent wanted a break from item cards, and we're happy to have him doing covers for us. Chuck Lukacs brought his unique vision to this set, and thereafter the art is being handled by another artist, Christophe Swal (who has done a fair amount of other work for us as well).

Thanks for picking up GameMastery Item Cards! We really appreciate your feedback.

Majuba wrote:
Edit: Any chance of a list of what the items tie to the adventure path (as James wrote up for the Runelords deck)?

Still hoping for this, if at all possible/reasonable.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I'll mention it to James and the boys.

I've been a long time fan of the Game Mastery Item Cards - I have literally hundreds and hundreds of them. When I opened the Second Darkness deck it was the first time I had the "WTF is this?" reaction to the product. These cards are just NOT as good as previous editions.

The images are more cartoon-y, less crisp, "puffy" and every other negative thing people have posted about them in the review.

If this represents the future of Item Cards then count me out!

Paizo Employee CEO

Harneloot wrote:

I've been a long time fan of the Game Mastery Item Cards - I have literally hundreds and hundreds of them. When I opened the Second Darkness deck it was the first time I had the "WTF is this?" reaction to the product. These cards are just NOT as good as previous editions.

The images are more cartoon-y, less crisp, "puffy" and every other negative thing people have posted about them in the review.

If this represents the future of Item Cards then count me out!

This is the only set illustrated by this artist. Have a look at the new Wondrous Treasure set for samples from the new artist.

I noticed a few people saying the art isn't very good on these cards. Any chance we could get some sort of gallery so we can decide for ourselves what the quality of the artwork is like?

EDIT: Nevermind. If they are the same as Wondrous Treasure, that's ok.

Yeah, those are nice

Is there a list to itemize which item cards were intended for use with which treasure in Second Darkness? I'm currently running SD, but we are still in adventure 1, and while I've skimmed through the upcoming books, I haven't read all the treasure from each one yet. I'd hate to to give out a crossbow card in adventure 1, only to realize that there is a really cool crossbow in adventure 5 that was waiting for my PCs that the art was intended for! Thanks for the help!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Which holy symbols are in this set. The set list says there are two, but no indication on which gods they represent.

If anyone knows off hand, what holy symbols have been in ANY of the Item Card sets to date.

Here's what I know:

Holy Symbol of Abbadar (CotCT)
UnHoly Symbol of Zon-Kuthon (CotCT)

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