The Beasts of Aulbesmil
by Skip Williams
Aulbesmil’s silver mines are played out and mercantile traffic has grown sparse. Orcs and monsters lurk in the nearby woods, but the real menace hides behind twitching whiskers in the town itself. A D&D adventure for 3rd-level characters.
The Prince of Redhand
by Richard Pett
Prince Zeech cordially invites you to party with bandits, slavers, pirates, and a mysterious woman who may hold the key to preventing an apocalypse. An Age of Worms Adventure Path scenario for 15th-level characters
The Hateful Legacy
by Greg A. Vaughn
At the end of the Hateful Wars, Lord Sandor led an army into the foothills of the Barrier Peaks in pursuit of a host of goblins and orcs. He and his army vanished, and now a group of adventurers follows his footsteps to discover what doom fell upon him and his men. A Greyhawk adventure for 12th-level characters.
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We need a Tyralandi miniature!
Would that breach Wizards' IP at all?
In fact, it would be great to see all the Dungeon Iconics in miniature scale. Then I could spread them out in the garden, put on my baboon-suit, and act out the cover of Dungeon 150.
In fact, it would be great to see all the Dungeon Iconics in miniature scale. Then I could spread them out in the garden, put on my baboon-suit, and act out the cover of Dungeon 150.
As I believe you suspected, these are requests you'll need to make to Wizards of the Coast.