![]() For a customer who bought two CRB and intend to buy the beginner box, I will NOT buy the reorganized books. Unless they include some rule changes or an overhaul, in this case it's better just do a second edition. And I dare say if Paizo came up with second edition right now they would definitely lose many, many customers. ![]()
![]() Gorbacz wrote:
And Someone put Mind blank in 7th level section, while it's actually a 8th level spell. ![]()
![]() Sean K Reynolds wrote: I really am sorry that the UM VOP doesn't work for you. But you're asking for something that goes against one of the basic assumptions of the standard game, and one page or one paragraph isn't going to create something that (1) gives you what you want, (2) is balanced against the other characters, and (3) is also realistic in any sort of way. How about making a whole new book talking about gearless characters? Judging from the posts in this thread it will sell pretty well. :P ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote: Still doesn't mean everything in a Paizo rule book is in Golarion. But perhaps a more accurate way to say that is that until someone comes up with a good idea they're not in there. But once they are, they're in! This still concerns me though. Yes,not everything in a Paizo rule book is in Golarion. But when Paizo publish more and more books there might be more and more "unique" and/or "strange" cases. If you don't put them in then people start to complain those things"do not gain enough support".I know Paizo folks spend a lot of time,love and effort into this setting and I really, REALLY don't want to see the world got nuked.:( ![]()
![]() Neil Spicer wrote:
Thank you Neil, and all the judges. Though I really, really want an item to control gravity...ah,well. Maybe I'll try different concept next year.Again, thank you so much for your time. ![]()
![]() Gravity Nail of Nethys
![]() Count me as the one who thinks "If you can hear the sound of dice rolling, it's not working as a story". Not to say the author should write whatever he or she wants and ignore the gaming rules. But to make the novel read like someone's last night gaming session is not really that interesting. On top of that, I think it's the very reason new readers hesitated to pick up fictions based on games because ,well, they haven't play the games yet. Just my two cents. ![]()
![]() All I have to say is the day when casters and non-casters reach complete balance and/or the fighter can generate shockwave every hit as well as monk can jump through time is the day I stop playing this game. Everything class A can do, class B can also create samiliar effect with just different name sounds exactly 4th edition to me. ![]()
![]() I failed to understand the arugement such as "magic-users can alter reality in high levels while melee classes can only attack four times per round, therefore it's unbalance", or "high level melee classes need magic items else they cannot beat magic-users on toe to toe fights". So the magic-users shouldn't fly,use teleport, turn invisible or cast wish spell because it's unfair, because high level melee characters can't do that? or the melee characters in high levels should have some "magical cool but not really magic powers " to let them alter reality? ![]()
![]() Guess I'm late to the party, but here's my story:
![]() James Jacobs wrote: Templars were NOT removed for space. Jason spent quite a bit of time wrestling with the concept of a paladin that lived between LG and CE, and in the end came to the correct decision that there's really no such thing. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for making the correct decision. Paladins are lawful good, anti paladins are their counterparts and that's pretty much it. Holy warrior of any alignment can either be Cleric, Cavalier, Inquisitor or Oracle.![]()
![]() Zaister wrote:
yeah...I thought I could just get the Tian Xia sourcebook and ignore the "ultimate" series. :( ![]()
![]() I agree that this Prc is balance if stick to 10 level, but 1-4 level dip it seems to be too good for cleric. Yes you lose a caster level, but can still cast 9th level spells and get all the goodies.
![]() Jared Ouimette wrote: Summoners can no longer have their eidolons and use their summon monster class ability at the same time. They can dismiss and recall their eidolon at any time, however, so they can swap them out. It seems differnet from the sample character(Balazar) of Master of the fallen Fortress. Does that mean Balazar is using Beta rule instead of true APG rule? ![]()
![]() ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Don't know if anyone else have the same feeling ,but I think the artwork in Council of Thieves is not as good as rest of the APs. Some of the pictures are just...ugh. As for the AP itself, I would say: 1)Legacy of fire
![]() Jess Door wrote: this says more about the pure single classed 3.5 fighter than anything. I mean,really, these kind of threads can go on and on and on forever. Last time I checked the wotc splat books, there is a base class which has paladin/ranger-like arcane spell progression, d10 hit dice, full BAB and a couple of special abiltiy. It's called hexblade.And it sucks,most people would just do 3 levels dipping and leave. I don't think people in these threads want another hexblade, they want another duskblade.
The most funny thing is, d8 hit dice, 3/4 BAB , 6 level arcane spells, can cast in light armor. Those might be some people's ideal fighter/mage. And Pathfinder Bard actually fits. ![]()
![]() ProfessorCirno wrote:
Back in 3.5 days, if you have duskblade and Bo9S classes, no one would want to play a pure, single class fighter. That's the whole problem, at least in my group.![]()
![]() Lokai wrote:
I don't think clerics need THAT much nerfing, the broken options(Divine metamagic,Persistant Spell...etc.) do not appear in PFRPG,yet. Clerics need to keep decent HP, AC and saves since they're likely to be the priority targets of enemy. And before channeling appeared, clerics had to stand right next to another party member in order to heal, that makes them easy targets of enemy brutes.If clerics's hit dice dropped to d6, cannot wear armor, it's easy to imagine that they will die very quickly, unless their spell lists got an overhaul. ![]()
![]() I believe Paizo has done very well in multi-class so far, and I fear people crying for optimizing will create the abomination we saw in the end of 3.5 era. I don't think a character who has 15+ BAB, d10 hit dice and cast 7th up spell is "weak". Heck, those spells are definitely better than any of the fighter bonus feats, and d10 hit dice makes you tougher than straight wizard.
Maybe histroy will repeat itself, we'll see. ![]()
![]() In my area (Taipei, Taiwan), among the gamers I know, I'm the only one who has Pathfinder books, as well as Paizo APs and modules. Most of the local gaming groups went to 4E,some stayed with 3.5, a few of them just quit playing like my old gaming groug.
So that's what I've heard. I hope to run at least one PF game in Febuary,start with Carrion Hill and then perhaps Legacy of Fire. ![]()
![]() The difference between ranger,paladin and so-called fighter-mage is that the ranger and paldin are not just fighter with divine spell lists. Yes,they have spell and if combine with 3.5 splat books that may be very powerful. But Ranger is also a hunter, a tracker, a Nemesis and paladin is the symbol of good and justice. What about a fighter-mage?
(I'm also very concern about the templar option in advanced phb, it sounds like "I want the paladin's cool power but don't want to be LG" kind of thing.Please... just don't do that.) ![]()
![]() My biggest complain lies in the races section, pictures in beta are FAR better than the core rule book. I almost always play human but those pictures of elve and half-elf make me actually want to play an elf. Well, the new one in core rule book just couldn't do that. I don't know why they change that. I don't like the new race bonus of half-orc either, guess I'll use the beta version bonus. Paladin seems too powerful while bard seems underpowered. Counting abilities by rounds works fine on barbarian but not bard. Sorcerer got lots of love, at the same time the universal Wizard is really boring and underpowered. Not a big fan of new prohibited schools,specailists can use scrolls and wands of their prohibited schools without penalty,really? I'll houserule that to active such scrolls cause you full round action or longer,use wand and staff cost you two charges instead of one. I'm also concern about critical feats, but haven't try one yet so can't comment on that. That's all for now. ![]()
![]() Quote from PRD:
I think you can only make "one" attack when you're grappling. Also, casting a spell does require concernation check(10+ grappler's CMB+ spell level). ![]()
![]() stardust wrote:
Guess I just roll a natural 1 on knowledge(feat) check and miss the page 113. Thanks for the reply, now I get it.:)![]()
![]() Tholas wrote:
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/feats.html#quicken-spell Quicken Spell (Metamagic)
Benefit: Casting a quickened spell is a swift action. You can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the same round as you cast a quickened spell. A spell whose casting time is more than 1 full-round action cannot be quickened. A quickened spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell's actual level. Casting a quickened spell doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. Special: You can apply the effects of this feat to a spell cast spontaneously, so long as it has a casting time that is not more than 1 full-round action, without increasing the spell's casting time. so this feat is an expection that spontaneous casters use higher level slot instead of increasing casting time?