
xgamemonsterx's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

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Someone asked about an ETA on errata and the APG playtest in Friday's Twitch stream and the response from OfficialPaizo was to stay tuned next Friday.

Take from that what you will...

Grand Lodge

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Another +1 for the Table of Contents. Seeing the allocation of pages to the different sections is nice.

As for the back cover, I'm on the fence. Not REALLY necessary, but it does "bookend" with the front cover to balance things out.

Grand Lodge

I finally got my copy today and have gotten through the ancestry and heritage section. Really liking what I see so far, but I think the Hobgoblin is missing a feat (or one was renamed).

The Onyx Vault sidebar on p.50 makes reference to an ancestry feat called Legion Recruit and there's nothing by that name in the listing of the ancestry feats...

Grand Lodge

Joseph Davis wrote:
Side question here; with the costs of gear changing so much from 1e to 2e, is the Aldori Dueling Sword (pg. 28)supposed to be 20g? That was the price in 1e, and I wanted to make sure with how the currency changes have occurred if that was still the actual price.

Just watched the Friday livestream and Eleanor pretty unequivocally stated that the price was supposed to be 20sp.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good stuff! This book is definitely a must-have!!

Grand Lodge

AMAZING roleplaying in Episode 5! So glad I was able to catch this one on Twitch and was able to chat with some of the participants!

Grand Lodge

I'm looking at the 5th level Kyra and the Core Rulebook, and I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

Fumbus has the Charhide Goblin Heritage. The ONLY place that exists (that I've seen) is the Core Rulebook.

Just saying... the ones I have seem to be correct.

Grand Lodge

Actually, they ARE built with the 2E (not playtest) rules...