silly question, please don't get bent out of shape as some are prone to do... so you get one continual flame spell that carries over scenario? lets say you cast continual flame on Krunes rune carved rod. (lets assume it works) It just disappears from reality, after you defeat him. You don't get to buy it on the chronicle sheet, and you certainly don't get paid for the TWO priceless artifacts that Krune has. The amount you get after defeating Krune is almost an insult, I understand that "balance" demands sacrifice... My assumption is that you'd end up with a non-magical version of the rod? But you'd have bragging rights that it's Krunes rune-carved rod.
Sorry for the necro... Lemme throw in a clone scenario, as one would do if you can cast 9th level spells... Fitting, as we're all about to see a bunch of Palpatine clones? First, clone yourself before you do any soul transfer shenanigans. That way, if you get dispelled or whatever, your soul now goes to your clone if the gem isn't in range, or is destroyed. Second, I know the spell is "evil" and it's an "evil" act to cast it, but... Clone your "victim" and then "Parasitic Soul" into that clone, not on a "living" person, and/or not destroying anyone's soul, yeah?
Jeff Morse wrote: you titled it shenanigans, because you are in what needs to be home campaign stuff. 10 GMs would give 10 build answers because it is not crystal clear on how to do it. Yeah, but my question wasn't really about what is legal for a simulacrum build, that IS up to MY gm, and these people are taking this discussion off the rails... What I REALLY want to know, is if my spell combinations via the Simulacrum are valid or not. The spell combination I'm curious about could be done via scrolls and a high UMD, so if they want someone valid to Simulacrum, anyone with a high UMD will do just fine...
Kevin Willis wrote:
Then you're saying that you'd break the rules. Because RAW "Simulacrum creates an illusory duplicate of any creature" The reason I built my own 18HD caster, is it's a hell of a lot easier for both player AND GM to just make an 18HD creature, than it is to "half" a 36HD creature. The 18HD caster I made up is a lot less powerful than some of the Runelords at that level... That being said, ya'll ain't addressing my actual question, and it would be great if someone could point out flaws in my logic, with the spell combinations I've come up with, OTHER than you trying to over-rule James Jacobs on Simulacrum.
Nefreet wrote:
If he can't be cited, why did he answer all these questions? uestions-Here
Back to my point, Simulacrum can, as long as the spell is on their spell list, use the spell "possession" and the like, yes? Therefore, it could ALSO use the spell "parasitic soul" or "mind swap, major" correct? These are all PFS "legal" spells, so that's the way it "should" work, yes? I think this is one of the more creative spell combos I've come up with... BTW:FWIW: I KNOW that this is HORRIBLY broken, and if it weren't the second-last time that I get to play the character, I would never do this, but he's 17th level now, so...
andreww wrote:
So you're saying I can can create a half powered version of an elder god with 36HD? FWIW:It's just easier to deal with making the simulacrum yourself, because "halving" the abilities of a 36HD creature is a f@~+ing nightmare... Also, I'm almost positive than James Jacobs said you could pretty much build your simulacrum however you wanted to, including templates and whatnot, as long as they were from legal books. I'm just too lazy to find that thread right now.
About to play Rise of the Runelords, looking to pull out all the cheese. Keep in mind this is the legal portion of RotRL, so this all has to be legal for society play. Which simulacrum is... 9000GP gem to create a "half" HD version of a 36th level psychic caster. So this simulacrum is a 18th level psychic, giving him access to 9th level psychic spells. I assume when you create the simulacrum, you get to choose all their spells? What happens when your simulacrum casts "Mind Swap, Major" on a "real" version, say a half-orc of it's "race" ?
The outsider thing is a whole different question that I beg to disagree. The table where it says: manticore to shrew is an example of what it can do. at the bottom it says: "this spell can also" (also being the key word) I believe rules as written would allow me to polymorph one demon into another demon, longer duration if the end product is a less powerful demon.
Meirril wrote:
I disagree. Right in the spell it allows you to polymorph a human into a marionette (which isn't at all allowed by greater polymorph). You want to limit the spell to what greater polymorph allows, but this spell is a higher level spell than greater polymorph. The only question I have is how long would it last in the given circumstance. "human to marionette" isn't allowed in any polymorph spell other than PAO
Here's the problem, when we're talking about "form of the dragon" it doesn't apply, because you're polymorphing meat into bigger meat. The object is no longer a squirrel, or whatever creature I start with, it's meat. A dead body is NOT a valid target for "form of the dragon" the only legal target for "form of the dragon" is "YOU" so the rules for that do not apply. Also, the final form is not a dragon, it's a zombie. You're trying to follow the rules at the end of the spell that say: "This spell can also be used to duplicate the effects of baleful polymorph, greater polymorph, flesh to stone, stone to flesh, transmute mud to rock, transmute metal to wood, or transmute rock to mud." If the amount of meat or STR score mattered for the original meat, I'd buy a dead buffalo, and polymorph that 28STR creature into a dead dragon... The original idea, is that you don't have to have the actual body of a dead dragon around, to make a flesh puppet. I could polymorph a dead body into a dragon body, and then cast "flesh puppet" for fun times...
Wizard casts Majic Jar, into a willing recipient. Once in the host body, wizard casts Polymorph any Object on his original body. Just for simplicity, transforming it into an adlet. questions: does the spell give the wizards now polymorphed body a new "soul" or intelligence? since you can polymorph a rock into something with an INT score? Or did the wizard just transform it's body into a new form, "permanently" and can end the Magic Jar spell as normal. If that's the case, does the wizard now have to make a will save or have his mind polymorphed into that of an adlet?
shaxberd wrote: A fun adventure, but yet another scenario that punishes you for not just being a murder hobo. Is there even a scenario out there below the 7-11 tier that has a Scroll of Teleport on the Chronicle sheet? Meh. THIS! One of the only times my group decided NOT to be murder hobos and we were penalized for it? WTF?!?!?
James Jacobs wrote:
RAW/RAI: If you made a simulacrum of a creature who had "wish" on it's spell list (Solar?) couldn't you just have it wish itself up to full HP? wrote: Can I turn my quasit into a balor for a week or more? Thanks for all the replies! Follow up: first off, I failed to mention, my quasit/balor is a familiar: is it STILL my familiar after polymorph? Does it gain/lose familiar abilities at this point? Do you "lose" your familiar and have to get a new one? Is there a "better" form to PaO my familiar into, that doesn't lose most of his good abilities? Seems like there should be a way to improve your familiar, without losing most of the abilities that make it a good familiar to begin with...
Paris Crenshaw wrote:
Are you the main pusher of all the Lovecraftian influence in Pathfinder, or?
Due to me not realizing Thornkeep gave 3xp and not 1xp, I did some bad accounting on my XP for one of my characters. Up until now, I played my character as if he had 2 less XP. Should I just toss out two XP and pretend like they didn't exist, or do I retcon him so that he has 2 more XP? I only play locally, I never go to cons, but best practices?
Yeah, so I really like this thing for my rogue, looks badass... Questions tho... "extra shot as if user had rapid shot" So, do you HAVE to take the extra shot (to hit penalty is my concern). I'm assuming not, because if you only have a standard to make a single shot, you can do so, no penalty? Also, for those of us that use herolab... In the herolab version the crit-range is only 20, but the original description uses hand-crossbow as the equivalent weapon 19-20 threat range, would you consider this an error in herolab? Thanks in advance for response... |