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for my tiger weretouched shifter. My internet-fu is failing me. I've seen a lot of good pics but none of them are quite right. I am not looking for a simple weretiger I am looking for a man with slight tiger features. flat wide nose, maybe cat eyes and orange or blonde hair with black stripes, slightly pointed ears, big clawed hands, no weapons, no armor, no tats. honorable mentions I've seen... This guy is pretty much what I am looking for IF I was looking for a man with lion features (and no weapons, or tats) If anyone is good with photoshop they could edit this guy to be more tiger like and delete the weapons and tats This guy fits the claws and cat eyes but he looks too emo, or crazy, or vampire-like. the blood is a nice touch but he looks nothing like a tiger. If anyone can link me a picture with these specifics it would be much appreciated.
So I am DMing this AP in about a year, so far I am reading asylum stone. One of my players is playing a Diviner (wizard with divination school) I want to give him some serious foreshadowing. A few months before the AP starts he has a vision of magnimar just after the formation of the Sihedron. so he sees the darkening of clouds on the horizen and the ground rumbling. It then flashes to the scylla, Aereusa wrecking havoc in soaked streets of Magnimar. then it flashes to the end of the first vision of dead heart of xin... a clockwork army dismantling Magnimar and replacing it with clockwork and crystal. Not too revealing, in the vision he never sees the Sihedron, nor does he ever see Xin. Later he has a vision of Vargun, the troll augur from Kaer Maga, She has her guts spilled out and is in the process of looking through her entrails (her way of seeing the future) as she reads, she looks up and sees the diviner with a rather confused look. then the vision ends. Any Awesome riddles about the sihedron or other questions that he can ask a divination spell? I am terrible at making cryptic texts. Any visions I could give him? I don't want to give him too many so each vision is impactful and important but not too revealing.
I've noticed that many monsters or NPCs have odd numbered stats. Is there a specific reason for this other than flavor? As far as stats go, having an odd numbered stat other than to qualify for feats or abilities (of which most monsters/NPCs don't have) seem to me to be pointless. As a DM, have anyone every added 1 to each of these odd numbered stats or at least taken away from one to add to another and not had a problem with it? And to make a given encounter more challenging because you have veteran players. For example when I decided to make this thread I looked at the Shadow Mastiff (more specifically the shattered star encounter called L18: secret Shrine). In bestiary 3 (page 241) it is marked as having a 19, 15, 17 as physical stats. It has power attack which only requires a 13 in strength. would any veteran PC or DM have a problem with making these stats 20, 16, 18 to make the encounter (slightly) more challenging but not add any XP for reward. Would you ever really notice the difference? also with these increased stats the CR chart (bestiary 1 page 291 Table 1-1 monster stats by CR) for Shadow mastiff is not that much changed from what a CR 5 should be.
Distract trick on ranger's falconer archetype. from PRD:
1. what action does it take? it seems like it should be a standard action but we're wondering if it would be as an attack action. meaning an eagle would use bite to distract and each talon to distract. so it can attempt to distract 3 times in a turn. 2. does it do damage? it still says "on a hit" hits normally do damage. another question unrelated to first two. if an animal companion/eidolon acts on the character's turn, can it make readied actions separate from the character. I would see an animal companion not be able to but an eidolon is smarter. Edit: We have determined that animal companions/eidolons act on their own initiatives.
OK bit of back story I am converting a 4E campaign into pathfinder. in the book there is a large and dangerous open area with a few landmarks. In between these landmarks are chock full of baddies. The book gives so much detail about how to travel on foot between these locations (in the form of dreaded skill challenges) and several scripted encounters. They also have flying enemies roaming around so PCs can't use fly however 4E does not have wind walk. Those scripted encounters could easily be bypassed. the real question is
Meaning should I give enemies magic bows to fire at the clouds whizzing by? the place is in the abyss where there is never a cloud in the sky so they will be spotted by somebody eventually. and wind walk/gas form drops your AC a lot so they can be damaged in gas form. This is both an in game question and an out of game question. in game: would the BBEG (the king of the realm the PCs are in) think to fight against wind walking enemies.(and arm his roaming minions) (he has 26 int and 28 wis) out of game: I read in DMG (or other advice threads) never to undermine the PCs' abilities. if a spellcaster uses fire all the time never throw too many monsters immune to fire. Let PCs use their abilities don't tailor enemies to destroy the PCs etc etc. Overall I think he should. PCs would have used wind walk a lot by now it's nigh time they met an enemy smart enough to fight it.
I made a thread on the advice forum about my player having a really high perception check. I got a lot of good advice from the thread but it outlasted its usefulness and was locked. For those wondering I did simply ask the player and he said he wanted to roll for perception checks and have a chance of failure. The promise of extra XP was too good for him to pass up. And here is the trap I came up with. ...
Perception DC 50 notices a perfectly square crack at the apex of the arch (10 feet high) Pressing it deactivates the trap for one round. When anyone besides the guardians stands within 30 feet of the eye they are subjected to a grapple maneuver +40 vs CMD. If it succeeds it is grappled. The CMD of the effect is 50. In the next round the trap tries to move the grapple to the pit. Success means it is moved 10 feet closer to the pit. Before it reaches the pit however the target gets one last escape attempt with a +4 bonus. The pit is really only 20 feet deep however the floor of the pit is a portal to an extra dimensional space. The portal is all darkness and absorbs all light. It radiates an overwhelming aura of conjuration(calling). Anyone who falls into the pit is teleported to a realm filled with negative energy. They are constantly falling there is no floor in this realm and take 4d8+20 negative energy damage(will DC 31 for half) per round. If they pass the save twice in a row they free themselves of the realm and are teleported near the center of the sarcophagi chamber. Due to momentum not changing when you are teleported you take 20d6 falling damage. As soon as the telekinesis is triggered the alcoves in the sarcophagi chamber conjure up the carrion golems. Battle: 6 carrion golems
At level 15 he has a +40 bonus in perception. How? 15 ranks
he also has the trapfinder trait which lets him disable magic traps. I feel like making traps is just offering free XP because he is always going to find them. the highest perception DC was 34. I made an invisible trap with a perception DC of 50. It was a simple poison needle if he passes he smelled the poison on the lock. the rules for magic traps say the perception DC is 25 + spell level. I wanted to make this really elaborate magic trap but I feel limited by what the rule is. My question is should I make traps with a perception DC of 60, or so, just to combat his really high perception. increasing CR accordingly of course OR Keep with what the rules say and basically give free XP. I am fairly certain I should stick to what is fun. so now my question turns to what is fun? you find this trap, and disable it (similarly high disable check) here have some xp. OR (secretly rolls perception(fails))
Then there is the question of realism, does the trap maker in game even know to make his traps extremely hard to detect mostly via the invisibility spell + permanency. but even then can you even use invisibility on a magic trap? and for those wondering I don't allow detect magic to detect magic traps. two reasons for that... one: balance issue; the spellcaster can use detect magic infinitely and it would basically be able to find all magic traps... and two: there is a 1st level spell called magic aura. if you can make magic traps why would you not use this spell to mask the aura? Use identify if you want to detect magic traps.
I am sending a pair of adamantine golems at my PCs. I'm curious as to whether or not they can harvest that metal to forge their own weapons and armor and if so how much would they get? I know they are going to ask. I'm thinking of using the rules on dragon hide for this. meaning they can create a suit of medium banded mail (from a huge creature) which weighs 35 pounds but not all parts of banded mail are metal. The description says the plates are attached to a leather backing so I would subtract the weight from the leather armor (15 pounds) which leaves us with 20 pounds of usable adamantine ore from each golem. does that seem fair? The description of the golems says they are made of 4000 pounds of adamantine, gold, mithral, platinum and other metals. divide that weight by 5 and that leaves 800 pounds of each metal. since the worth of these metals is 100,000 GP and the price of 800 pounds of gold is 40,000 alone I'm going out on a limb here and saying it's not all completely even in terms of how much of each of those metals is present in the golem.
short question
long example:
level 20 fighter 20 ranks in acrobatics
total bonus on jumping acrobatics checks: +40 let's get crazy and add in the jump spell at CL 9. Should be easy enough. this adds 30 to the jump check. so now our dwarf has a +70 bonus to jumps. and his movement speed is still 20 feet so let's say there is a 50 foot chasm by the check the dwarf should easily make it. My DM has just ruled that the farthest he can ever jump is 30 feet after a ten foot running start because his speed is only 20 feet meaning he can only take a double move in the jump. For this dwarf he would get a 10 foot running start and jump. soar through the air for 10 feet then take another move action(double move) to move another 20 feet then he would have to land or fall. He says this based on a single sentence in the core rulebook under the acrobatics skill about jumping. "No jump can allow you to exceed your maximum movement for the round." Now I get that this dwarf cannot jump and move 80 feet in a single turn then everyone would just be jumping around. What I'm saying is he would jump the 30 feet out then would have to spend the first move action of his next turn to finish the jump. (or in the case of an 80 foot jump two more move actions.) meaning it took a solid 12 seconds for him to jump that far but he had skill and magic aiding him. This allows someone to interrupt his jump a wizard casts wall of force in front of you and then plow. Is there anything in the core rulebook or any paizo product that says that those who rolls a jump check exceeding their speed for the round would have to spend move actions on the next turn to finish the jump? I told him about the standard action that allows you to start or finish a full round action he didn't change his stance.
The city is small (about 1000 people) and well defended the stone walls are 40 feet high, 10 feet thick and has only one gate house. The walls have about 800 HP. The spellcaster is a level 20 sorcerer lich very knowledgeable in the use of scrolls (+40 UMD) and he has more powerful friends that can provide him with any scroll he wants. He has an army a small (50) but strong army (level 8 warriors riding monstrous mounts) but no siege engines. He is tasked with leveling the city but the city also houses many strong warriors (a level 15 paladin and a many others about this strong) PCs also are level 19 at this point. I am looking for a way the spellcaster could get his army through the walls effectively. The mounts don't have a climb speed. I looked at earthquake it does 100 damage to walls it would take 8 or more to bring it down.
any other ideas?
A large creature with a 24 strength picks up a large 50 gallon vat of lava and dumps it on a PC or square/area from 10 feet up. creature is immune to fire. I gather that this lava is about as dense as oil and thus I'm going to say that it weighs about 400 pounds. should there be an attack roll? the large creature has a 26 dex and a +12 BAB
what would be the range? 5 feet or 10 feet?
what would be the damage?
should there be splash damage? here's what I came up with 10 foot range, 1 square is the target, reflex save DC 26 (total attack bonus +10) for half of 10d6, splash damage is 2d6. in subsequent rounds 1d3 after the exposure they take half damage( quarter damage if they passed the save) does that seem fair? PCs are 16th level so no worries about them surviving it
I made a diagram and I am wondering if it is in anyway accurate. This is a link to the diagram. If it is not accurate copy it into paint and possibly make it accurate? it can be uploaded here. The blue circle should be able to make an attack against the others if the others can make an attack against the blue circle, True? The partial cover says it is under DM discretion but "if they can see more than half".
total cover says if "you cannot draw any line from your square to
but that would mean that no matter how far away the attacker is from the target along that wall they will not get total cover since the line from upper right corners would never actually cross a solid barrier(it will get close but never actually cross). so I ruled that if you are 30 feet away or more it's total cover. Agree?
I don't like the mob rules presented in 3.5 DMG2, so I made up my own. I think this represents a whole bunch of creatures acting as one much better. I am wondering though. is it too much? not enough? let me know. I'm not an english major so if you can think of a better way to word something, let me know. Mob rules:
Type: unchanged. Size: There are two different sizes that can be chosen gargantuan, and colossal. Each size has its own modifiers to statistics. Hit dice: remains the same for effects that rely on hit dice but will get a huge boost to hit points as described below. Hit points: a gargantuan mob multiplies base creature's hit points by 30, a colossal mob multiplies base creature's hit points by 40, thus a gargantuan mob of zombies would have 360 hit points. Initiative: A mob's initiative is always +0 Armor class: as base creature -2 due to being in tight spaces (like a squeezing condition). Speed: As base creature except a mob can only move up to its speed once per round. Attacks: A mob loses any standard melee attack and gets a modified "swarm attack". A gargantuan mob deals damage as if the base creature hit 2 times. (a mob of zombies would deal 2d6+8 damage), a colossal mob would deal damage as if it hit 3 times. (3d6 +12 for a zombie mob) If the base creature has an additional effect on its base attack (such as a vampire's slam attack dealing negative levels) this is also multiplied as well. if the base creature can make a ranged attack the mob may do so. The mob can make a ranged attack only against a single target and automatically takes damage just like melee attacks. (thus a gargantuan mob of humans with bows (1d8+2 normally) would deal 2d8+4 to a single target). If the standard attack of the base creature is +10 or higher (like a level 5 fighter with 18 strength and weapon focus) the mob's damage is as if it hit one more time. Any creature who takes damage from a mob gains the grappled condition if the base creature has the ability to grapple. CMD: An enemy is grappled when they take damage from a mob. The CMD to get out of this is the base creature's CMD +4 for a gargantuan mob, and CMD +6 for a colossal mob. Space/reach: the space a mob takes up is shapeable and it can fit through any space the base creature can. the reach of a mob is 0' it must move over an enemy's space to deal damage. This provoke's an attack of opportunity and a mob provokes an AoO for every 5' it moves. Special attacks: A mob retains its special attacks of the base creature, it can only do that attack once per round as a free action. Thus a mob of medium very young red dragons can use its breath weapon as a free action once per round (not once every 1d4 rounds) dealing 4d10 damage in a 30' cone. The save DC of this attack is the same as the base creature. If the base creature has a constant effect that requires a save, every target automatically fails (such as the stench ability of troglodytes, or the gaze attack of a medusa, or frightful presence). If this would result in instant death (such as a mob of medusas) it is recommended to not make that creature into a mob. Special qualities:
Saves: mobs get +2 circumstance bonus on reflex saves against area effects. Abilities: As base creature. Skills: As base creature Feats: as base creature CR: a colossal mob is gargantuan CR +2 base CR for a mob of CR 1 or less is 10.
If the base creature has a particularly deadly attack that enemies would auto fail add up to 3 to the CR. Mobs do not scale well when the base creature is CR 6 or higher. Use sparingly.
I've had several issues come up in the last few sessions. So much that one player said it was frustrating playing my game. it's frustrating for me also 1. Every fight feels like a boss fight.
2. I need to be constantly reminded of PC abilities.
3. I announce things but not all players hear me, sometimes no one hears me and they deny I ever said it, making me question if I said it at all.
4. I forget abilities of my own monsters.
5. I hide all of my rolls, sometimes I roll for a PC and they don't like it.
6. I'm too slow.
So PCs enter a room I have to reveal the room in roll 20, get the map positioned right, read the description of the room, place all the props, put pawns on lettered bases, load the encounter in hero lab, spend a few seconds reviewing the abilities of monsters (because I have a hard time remembering the abilities of my own monsters), then play battle music, assign lettered bases to monsters in hero lab, click on "new combat" and GO!! (not all in that order) if a PC casts a fireball the game lags, write down what monsters are affected, look at the letters in hero lab of those affected, get their save bonuses (and forget consecrate), roll for each one, assign pass/fail on each letter, then assign damage on each letter in hero lab. I was much more efficient using pencil/paper bout to revert back to that 7. If I create my own monster, or create my own ability they feel cheated.
Thanks for reading all this I'm just wondering if this is anywhere near normal or if I just have too much going on.
Ok so I was converting the 4th edition campaign line to pathfinder. We are in the drow enclave module and in that module I saw a thing that said that a dragon comes by, breathes on PCs and leaves. I'm like well that's weird so instead I make that dragon urishtar the final boss in the NEXT module. someone they can't really touch but also to introduce him. He has his own way of thinking, cocky like most dragons. I made him an ancient umbral dragon (CR 19) PCs are lvl 13. so he shows up breathes on them and leaves. with his speed he gets 250 feet away. and the archer fires some arrows and rolls two criticals. he is buffed like crazy and long story short they kill him before he can get another turn. Got to admit I was a little stunned, but if he went all in it would have been a little different but I can't just take it back. I still want to do the next module but it is drastically different. this dragon is on Orcus' radar so orcus goes to his corpse picks up his eyeball and leaves to perform his experiments. "We will rebuild him, make him stronger." Not only does he resurrect the dragon but he also turns him into a dread lich. Now a CR 22. when PCs return home victorious the dragon attacks the town at some point turning most of them into shadows and capturing their souls so none can be resurrected. Much more reason to go after him than what the module suggests I think.
for example a paladin is fighting a spellcaster with a group of minions up front blocking the way to the spellcaster. The Paladin wants to target the spellcaster with smite evil (a swift action) but the spellcaster spends his turns behind a corner taking a move action to come into view of the party, cast a swift action spell, and then taking a move action to get back around the corner out of sight. I know the rules for readied actions and that it takes a standard action even to ready a swift action. he wants to use his standard action (or full round action) to continue whacking at the minions. what he asks is could he delay his swift action to use smite evil on the spellcaster. I know he can't interrupt the spellcaster's turn so he must wait until the spellcaster ends his turn in view which he eventually does. and I also know that his initiative will change to whenever he used the smite evil. I see nothing really that says you have to delay your entire turn. even in "The combat round" section on page 178 of core rulebook it says "When a character’s turn comes up in the initiative sequence, that character performs his entire round’s worth of actions. (for exceptions, see Attacks of Opportunity on page 180 and Special Initiative Actions on page 202.)" in the delay section it says "you take no action" could be meaning you take no swift action. does not say anything about you take no action for your whole turn. another example two rogues start out adjacent to an enemy but not flanking. could one take a 5 foot step then delay the rest of his turn until the other rogue gets into flanking position and then both take full attack actions against the enemy adding in sneak attack damage. keep in mind that combat takes place within 6 seconds of time so all the actions from initiative count 100 to -100 all happen in that one 6 second span of time. so the two rogues who act on the same initiative count can't actually move at the same time and both getting sneak attacks? that seems a little unrealistic.
do I need line of sight to start a spring attack? for example: party is behind an illusory wall. the monster (quickling to be exact) knows it's illusory but can't see past the wall. can the quickling spring attack the party moving back and forth through the illusory wall? I am told that because it is considered a full-round action I must declare a target (which I can't because I can't see a target but I know it's there via other senses) before I start the full round action. OR I start spring attack action and move until I see a target and attack that target then move away completing the spring attack.
the pillar of life spell in advanced player's guide deals damage to undead (1d6 per level max 10d6) or to sunlight weak undead (1d8 per level max 10d8) if they are inside. nothing in the spell suggests that the spell can't simply be cast on them. so find a way to contain an undead creature, (halt undead, grapple, web, entangle, black tentacles, resilient sphere, forcecage, etc) and they will take damage every round, no save, no spell resistance. am I reading that right?
so I created a cleric character and I really want to emphasize role playing for once a friend was showing me a video game on youtube and one of the spells the character was casting, the words he said sounded really cool and I want to say these cool things. "I stand in the full light of the heavens command me who opens the gates of hell, come forth divine lightning. this ends NOW! Indignation." I can change divine lightning to be divine fire and indignation with flame strike but I don't get flame strike until much later and I won't be able to use it. does anyone know any cool sayings like this the kind that give you goosebumps when said. I need sayings for spells like bless, divine favor, shield of faith, magic weapon etc popular 1st level spells. I saw another saying but I'm not sure how to apply it. "all those with us are strong, all those against us, beware." maybe bull's strength.
but I'm pretty sure I know where this is going to end up, and I don't like it. the adventure is prince of the red hand, the section where they enter the church of blessed deliverance... well the PCs entered in open space without hiding or anything that would be considered a "decent plan" so enter blessed angels. this is basically how it went. angel: didn't you read the sign? leave now!
at this point they try to arrest them one PC destroys an angel outright. they try spells, PCs pass all saves. little girl PC transformed into cave troll grapples another angel. the other two try to capture another PC but fails, then they get affected by downdraft and grounded, the PC that killed the first angel deals a lot of damage to another angel, the one that's grappled gets beat up also. the last gets "tripped" and stalls and falls also. by this point they realize they are up against an elite group and teleport away for more backup. PCs realize they can summon in an army, one PC dimension doors as far as she can. another artistically cuts himself to make him looked injured (heal skill/cleric guy), the shapeshifter lets go of angel she grapples turns into eagle (or other fast flyer) and flies away. angels keeping tabs on eagle from high in the air unleashes a fury of arrows which doesn't do much eventually they use hold person and it works eagle falls back to the ground and crashes into a cabbage stand(avatar reference). monk books it using speed. meanwhile the cleric stumbles out while a band of 5 normal guards approaches the church. the cleric says he was knocked out and dragged to this place. (bluff vs sense motive) either way the guards ask him to file some reports and other lawful society stuff. we had to end it at this point as things were quickly spiraling out of control. the shapeshifter was targeted as the biggest known threat as it was in the air, the domain of the angels, and it did a lot of damage to one of the angels. the PC who teleported away and actually killed one is lying low in a back alley tavern. speedy monk is currently running we haven't got that far. so what's next? well the angels have excellent track and hunting skills, the can find the monk easy enough, and the cleric is falling into a clear trap. they can all be used to find the one who actually killed one angel. this all looks very grim for the PCs. all arrested for trespassing, for assault or attempted assault on an officer of the law, one of them for murder (can a devil be murdered?), 3 of them for fleeing. one is already caught but it would be hard to keep this one locked down save an antimagic field. but they got to get her into one I have a feeling simple ropes and two hold persons aren't going to keep her. the campaign now becomes escape from the law instead of age of worms, basically I believe the party is off for these four (they already procurred invitations) the only thing I can see happening is if prince zeech personally pardons them just so he can have them at his party. many options available. I want to hear what you think I should do. should I try to still have them at the party? zeech pardon basically. or should I try to chase them catch them throw them in prison for a few years. start a new group while previous group is in prison?
My players just finished fighting brazzemal, the burning in the phylactery vault. the raging frenzied berserker destroyed the phylactery in one hit with a break DC of 40. Brazzemal didn't like that so he used a maxemized breath weapon and dealt 200 damage to everyone in the room. the 2 clerics and the sorcerer were dead leaving the dexy eternal blade who passed the reflex save, and the raging barbarian. luckily the main cleric cast death pact and was ressurected, she took a 5 foot step, picked up a rod of quicken off the sorcerer(move) cast a quickened revivify on the sorcerer(swift) and used a miracle spell to cast a revivify on the other cleric. this fight gave them a small taste of the fight with dragotha and I have to admit they are a little terrified. they know he's a great wyrm dracolich. what they don't know is the massive amounts of help they could get with balakarde fragments and zulshyn(if she comes). I can't wait.
I love these lists of tactics in the high level age of worms books. they are so helpful. if reduced to x HP they do this. for example thessalar, a lich in the wormcrawl fissure says he retreats to area 7 if brought below 40 HP. in the second confrontation he fights until reduced to 10 hp then retreats entirely. as a standard wizard he has no way to heal himself so he will start the second fight at less than 40 HP against 5 level 19 PCs. he will not survive half of an attack from the main fighter as most of his attacks do more than 80 damage each, the sorcerer does over 100 damage, the cleric can do over 60 damage, and the rogue/wizard can sneak attack undead and do 150 damage. yeah he'd be lucky with his 145 max HP to survive 1 round against this party. of course I changed him up. gave him a way to heal himself some better spells, so hopefully he'll be more of a challenge. but I find it hard to challenge them with anything really.
Ok I just found this... we been playing age of worms for about the last year now after a very shaky start I think we are finally on the home stretch toward the conclusion. here's the party make-up
I just finished Zeech's Gala and I have a few interesting points to make... the Player's for some reason have a hard time listening to me even after I repeat myself several times. anyway Manzorian simply says Alhaster and they are like "let's go!!" without knowing why they are going there. I told them about balakarde the wizard who was obsessed with Kyuss, I told them about Lashonna (major plot hook) among other things several times and no matter what they simply avoid talking to lashonna about anything that have to do with balakarde and age of worms or anything. eventually I just had her show up at their "residence" (church of kord) telling them that she heard of their heroics defeating the ebon triad cult in diamond lake, she liked their "craziness" during the gala and would like to meet with them. she was far from avoided they talked to her even danced with her but made no mention of the need to talk to her about balakarde. anyway the Gala went kinda smooth here are some points. I made all the food myself and served to the players IRL as their characters were served it. I couldn't make everything exact but the almond biscuits made from scratch were good, chicken legs glazed in honey, deviled eggs, ginger bread men(with the heads), ground beef shaped like a worm with green food coloring, chicken pot pies, crab and chicken wrapped in bacon surrounded by ground beef(good), chicken noodle aspic with purple food coloring(yuck!!), and cinnamin blossoms from bob evans. I also had the players dress up and gave them extra xp for it. during the days before the gala B'kruss found them and the sorcerer destroyed him by "leaping" over 30' from roof to roof (he actually flew)(cheater!! b'kruss yelled but the people still cheered for the sorcerer) well he was egged on by several PCs during the bowling for devious heads and he lost against them and then challenged them to a dual, the PCs said to the death. so the barbarian utterly destroyed him. several laughed but other were like "oh my!!!" V'juss was only too happy and the rogue diplomacied with him and got 1000 GP out of him. during the cockatrice fight the sorcerer cheated again by casting an imbued close wounds on one of the cats who'd also pass the save against pertification who would have died. the barbarian put ranks in perform string instruments in order to play the harp of charming from the vault, he played lashonna a song. i giggled a little at the irony I was surprised they didn't destroy the animated skeletons on sight, had a whole script about what would happen if they did. none of them beat zeech in the curious avians, on the sorcerer's last round he knew he couldn't win and he cast fireball on them. when served the foul tojbassarrirge (mouthful BTW) the barbarian was raised by orcs and he ate anyway, everyone gave up their portion to him. Lashonna was sitting next to him, being a dragon, and undead she finished hers. she was awarded some cool points. when the cake fell apart I had the head roll right across the table to the sorcerer (who cheated during several of the games) he simply picked up the head and ate it without hesitation. he said something but can't remember. all in all it was entertaining, hope you enjoyed reading this as I did typing it. |