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Hi all,

This FAQ means a Cure is set aside until the power is resolved. In application, that means the cured cards are shuffled in, and if the Cure's check to recharge is successful, the Cure is recharged. That's my group's current understanding.

What happens if Seelah has zero cards in discard, plays Blessing of Iomedae, and reveals Armor of the Pious? Does the Blessing of Iomedae effect resolve first, and the blessing itself is in the discard now before you reveal the armor, or is the blessing set aside and interrupted by the instantaneous reveal effect of the armor - so the armor would see no cards in the discard to heal? Unfortunately, I don't have Armor of the Pious in front of me to quote card text.


Next, let's say Seelah has an ally and another card in her discard pile. She plays Blessing of Iomedae and activates:

□ When you play a blessing that has the Iomedae trait, a character at your location may shuffle an ally in their discard pile into his deck.

At this point, there are two powers triggered by playing the blessing, which means Seelah can pick the order they happen in, right? In play, that'd mean she can guarantee a recharge of both cards by resolving the ally recharge first, and then revealing Armor of the Pious.

Thank you all for the help.

My group had a question come up today while fighting an Arboreal Blight. Seelah has power:

You may discard the top card of your deck to add 1d6 (□+1) to any check by a character at your location. (□ If that character defeats a monster on that check, he may draw a card.)

Since the Fiendish Tree deals damage after you act, is the card defeated when the check is passed or at some other point, such as when you would banish the tree?

Our question determined whether a character with no cards in hand after the check would need to discard a drawn card or keep it.

Thanks all.

Greetings all,

Seelah's Inheritor's Blade role has a power that is:

□ You may be dealt 1 Combat damage to reduce Combat (□ or any type of) damage dealt to a character at your location by 1 (□ 2) (□ 3).

Is it correct to interpret that as a triggered ability, so it is applicable each time a thing happens (character at your location takes X damage)? E.g. someone at her location gets hit by Magic Ray Fusillade ( lade_180.jpeg). Is she able to repeatedly reveal a Paladin's Helm for each instance of 1d4-1?

Thank you all,

Hi all,

Adowyn has a power that says, "At the start of your turn, you may search your deck or your discard pile for a cohort (or a card that has the animal trait) and put it into your hand, then recharge a card.

Can this ability be used as many times per turn as she wishes?

I apologize since I know this has been discussed, but I'm having issues finding the pertinent threads.

Thanks a lot.

Has anyone else played this scenario yet? I played ROTR and WOTR, and I think this is the best scenario ever made. It's incredibly deceptive.

Any groups have deaths? The scenario is inescapable, and a 60 difficulty villain deals 1d10 to every character if undefeated. The kicker is you can't choose who fights her.

I could see groups getting caught up in farming, only to realize the villain recycles, and the group can't get out.

We fought her twice. The game ending fight happened with about 5 cards left in the blessings deck.

My group recently acquired some iconic minis and their associated ACG cards. We're at a point where we haven't received any check marks on our character cards yet, but each deck has a decent amount of non-basics.

If we wanted to rebuild a character to include the character's owner card, would the rules allow this sequence of events to happen:

1) Player X trades all his non-basics for basics with his party.
2) Player X dismantles his deck
3) Player X creates a new deck using cards from his former deck + owner card (keeping the card type count restrictions in mind)
4) Player X trades all of the previously handed off basic cards back to their respective owners in return for his previous cards.

The sequence of moves would be limited by the number of basic cards available for each card type. If there are an insufficient number of basic cards for any number of types, then an equal number of non-basic cards are returned to the box.

Is this all compliant under "Between Games"?

Thanks all.

Adowyn's Blight Scout role allows her to "shuffle a cohort into your deck to add your Stealth skill to your combat check."

Does this mean she gets to add an extra d12+2? The phrasing is the same as Kyra or Padrig, so I'd think so. However, this seems so powerful for a single power feat check mark. Leryn provides 1d8, but that's restricted to ranged, and Adowyn's power is not restricted to just Leryn.

Next, if Leryn is displayed, can you shuffle him into your deck from display using the power? I'm not sure how this interacts with displayed cards not being a part of your hand, discard, or deck. I've always though "shuffle" without specifying from where means from your hand, but I can't find this in the rules.

Thanks in advance!

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