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My group handles this based on the mechanic. Most scenarios have a finite blessings timer. As far as we understood, closed locations are not prohibited from moving to. The first, free exploration is also optional. I don't feel exercising discretion as the better part of valor is against the spirit of the game nor shameful. Instead, it is recognition for your situation and being willing to concede your progress that may have taken a few hours to arrive at.

However, as an example, Khorramzadeh's scenario creates the mechanic that he will always be in the blessings deck, so the blessings deck can't run out. Thematically, the demonic invasion was not foreseen, and he's the rampaging alpha monster that you really didn't want to see. You can't "win" the scenario under the standard method. As the adventurers, all you wanted to do was run.

This was a really well created scenario, that established the tone of WOTR clearly early on. The mechanic is innovative and makes the scenario standout and memorable as the adventurers could have been trampled out under the chaotic, tidal force of a *50 then 50* behemoth. Following this with a scenario that requires you to bury an unknown, dice-based qty of cards creates an aftermath sensation that the obvious danger may have been dodged, but in your pressed escape, you may have left behind some prized possessions.

Without this kind of mechanic, the game would be very incomplete - not quite tantamount to lloosing a number and rolling die to see where the sum falls but approaching that realm. For my group, all of the aforementioned allows us to deeply appreciate the universe Mike, Vic, and the rest of the team crafted. Ultimately, we've only walked from a couple scenarios.

Find what works for you where there's no clear demarcation. Ask the squishy members to seek help or lower aggression at the 50-75% HP range depending on deck and hand size or help them do it. Talk and determine ahead of time what plausible outcomes you all can live with.

Have fun and good luck!

CY Lin wrote:

Hi everyone, not sure if this question has been asked before,

if you're exploring a location from an adventure or scenario, let say you've leveled up or acquired a couple of new items/weapons/armors/ally, before you finished exploring that location or defeat the henchman/Villain of that location, and something comes up, and you are forced to quit, or you 've encountered something whether it be a monster or barrier, and you don't feel like fighting it, just wanted to bag your treasures and EXP, and quit in the middle of the session. Can you walk away with all the experience points and treasures you've acquired, and come back later with those advantages? Does it count as cheating?

for example: say I am playing Black Fang's Scenario with a new character, and I know there are no monsters in the temple location, so I went in, and acquired an elite weapon/armor/item/ally after the first one or two turn, and I decided that good enough for me, now I wanted to restart the scenario and go to the temple AGAIN and see if I can get even more goods, and I keep repeating the same process, until I feel that my character is ready to face barriers, monsters, henchman/villain.

Looking forward to hear from you.

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Keith Richmond wrote:
I'm guessing the Enora in question was an Occularium Scholar, using her Knowledge to conquer everything (or, at least, barriers).

Our Occularium Scholar closed this one out.

It was a crazy good game for us. It was a roller coaster since we were thrashed by the villain once, but we picked up wo pillars of life (which saved us from wiping), an elemental bombardment, a touch of death, some item that reveals to add to strength or melee checks, but we missed some absurd AD5 staff on a 90% roll.

In an effort to recover from the villain loss, my Kyra blessed herself twice (using iconic blessing) in an automatic blessing acquisition to pick up two extra die, turned all 3 die into d20s, then used the hierophant mythic ability to shuffle back two blessings of ascension and a pillar of life. The pillar was redrawn on reset to be dropped and it healed for about 15 points on the group.

Great job, Paizo!

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It doesn't need to be infinite to be overpowered. It's overpowered at one location close per turn. It's overpowered at half a location explored per turn. Nothing should make the blessings deck inconsequential, which this ability does due to the exploration rate and Alain's combat prowess. If your group knows what it is doing, it can get Alain past the hiccups. There are also mythic charges to do that as well.

I think the hyperbole is present only in the company of ignorance, pardon the harsh reality. Our Alain waxes every encounter, barring a bad beat, with room to spare.

nondeskript wrote:

A bit hyperbolic. I don't think it's possible for Lancer Alain to have infinite explores.

He won't acquire every boon he encounters. He won't want to recharge his weapon to get his mount back to explore. He shouldn't recharge his armor due to the high occurrences of before/after you act damage. That leaves a had with 4 explores +1 free explore, if he maxes out his hand size and takes no damage. Add on to that whatever cards he acquires, noting that he has a d4 Dex, so he's not getting any dex based items. He has a d6 Int and d6 Wis, with no divine or arcane so he's not getting many spells.

It's powerful, but it's only game breaking with a lot of luck in boon distribution in the decks. I'd probably end up using the ability to move and scout more than burn through a whole deck, so that all my fellow players can know what they will hit, and I can use my strength to kill a couple monsters for them on the way.