vagabondriot's page

Organized Play Member. 69 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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With the caveat of power curves and lessons learned (both by us as well as the designers), I hope that there will APs in the future that shake things up as well (ie not just being harder than the last set). I like the idea of the power curve representing what's going on thematically; I thought it fit well with both RotR and S&S, but I can't speak for WotR since I haven't started playing yet.

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Congrats! Please let us know what is going on in LA (I'm certainly looking for a group there, preferably on the westside)

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I do find it a bit strange that you can only upgrade (or have the chance at upgrading, since if I understand correctly, the draws are random) one card per scenario (outside of scenario rewards). In RotR, I would often upgrade 3 or 4 cards in a scenario (and sometimes none). I'll take the designers rules as written since I trust that there is a reason (and I want to conform to the rules); I just want to make sure that I'm interpreting it correctly.

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Myfly wrote:
Klandestine wrote:
The_Napier wrote:
Klandestine wrote:
Am I missing something? Has some new info been released?

it has indeed

Thank you! :)

If you look for Ranzak - he is hiding here ree-rpg-myfly?

Want to know more about the playmats

If you are pleased with Ranzak, please recoommend AMIRI, my lighthouse playmat :) h-quality-6

It might be a good idea to not push your playmats on paizo's own website when they sell their own. You can find Ranzak through his (now correctly updated) character sheet.