Horgus Gwerm

thegrognard's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Grand Lodge

Got a Male Human Hunter done up, and put in an add request. Declinmoor

Grand Lodge

Looks like its time to do up a new toon.

Grand Lodge

Hey, they made a figure of my ex-wife. As for the Caryatid Column? DONT BLINK!!!

Grand Lodge

Face cards on PDF, then I would be able to show the players an NPC/Monster via a Kindle or iPad?

Grand Lodge

Total thread necromancy, but I just converted The Weather in the World of Greyhawk article from Dragon Magazine #68 to Golarion. Not perfect, but better than nothing.

Grand Lodge

I'm going to pretend that I never read the title to this thread. Blasphemey!!

Grand Lodge

Will this have a PFS element to it like We Be Goblins?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am on it like a fat gamer on an awesome Paizo offering. Waitaminute . . . ..

Grand Lodge

Totally blindsided about this announcement. Had to let it sink in for a few minutes. I give it a resounding 'Meh'. Love the RPG and they're just launching the Minatures line; they may be jumping the shark with this project. But what do I know. Good luck with that, I'm not interested at all.

Grand Lodge

It's the Spider-Rat-Knife league!!

Grand Lodge

Didn't know which end you were on, I was waiting for the doors to open up and the wave of gamer flesh to rush in.