silversarcasm's page

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 156 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
silversarcasm wrote:
Oh hell yeah, I am so excited by this particular plot thread, I do hope it might culminate in seeing Mahja in Divine Mysteries at the end of the year!!!

Very happy to see this is going to be the case!!

Also we likely know which god she is replacing now :D

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Arazni is not still undead and hasn't been for 2e! At the end of 1e the radiant fire severed her connection to her soul cage, freeing her from her lichdom and leading to her ascension to a full goddess!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
In other cover news, bearing in mind that "product images. . . are subject to change," we now have four iconics for Curtain Call: Seoni, Mios, Fumbus, and Jirelle.

The iconics for Curtain Call are Lem, Mios, Fumbus, and Jirelle. Seoni would have been a good choice, but...

Lem is the bard, so he HAS to be in the opera Adventure Path.
Jirelle and Mios both look like they'd be rad on stage in an opera.
And Fumbus is there to ensure that the whimsy built into this Adventure Path is on point.

I just know Fumbus is going to nail the rare Goblin Aria.

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These have been delightful! I absolutely adore Dr Pom and it's wonderful to get some insight on what awakening feels like!!

Also great to hear we can choose the size for awakened animal characters!

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Ly'ualdre wrote:

Not that anyone asked, but here's a list of Ancestry/Heritage related options that have been revealed thus far. Included a brief description and possible real-world inspiration, if only to give any idea of what they are and the diversity of real-world cultures being represented.

** spoiler omitted **

These are some inferences or assumptions I have given some info or things I feel are obvious, given the location.
** spoiler omitted **...

For Goblins, it was mentioned in a stream that they would be getting a heritage based on the Dokkaebi!

And with the news that Oni are no longer fiends I doubt they're gonna be a Nephilim heritage. I am partly wondering if that new vers heitage in core 2 might be a spirit one though that could provide an Oni option...

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Ranger_Player wrote:

" Six playable new ancestries to bring PCs' wildest characters to life: strong minotaurs, swift centaurs, magical merfolk, amphibious athamarus, animals awakened to consciousness, and insectile, metamorphic surkis! "

I'm wondering if the "amphibious athamarus" is the ORC version of the lizardfolk.
Anyway, it's cool to have new ancestries. Hyped to play werewolf too...

It's not, the Athamaru are actually the new Locathah!

But yeah super hyped for this book!!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Brilliant, I expected to have to wait much longer for things like Psychic errata, really appreciate everything you are doing to make sure everything is still playable <3

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theWasp wrote:
Does this make it more likely the third heritage is dragon-linked?

Not really, each of the core books has featured one of the new dragons, one from each tradition!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Got my auth email and everything seems to be in order! Wallet crying out a little but at the price but it was expected with two rulebooks haha
Good luck to everyone, here's hoping the shippng goes smoothly next week!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As an avid witch player, I'm so happy that you'v understood what some of us love about the witch whilst also shoring up their weaker points. Love the doubling down on familiars and very very happy to hear about wilding word being buffed along with immunity being removed.

Thank you so much for all your hard work, looking forward to the remaster!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
pixierose wrote:
Love the Gnome art here. I think it is new art?

It is not, it's from the Lost Omens character guide! It is very cool though!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Any chance we could have the review removed of the individual who stated they did not even buy the product? :)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Always brilliant to get this blogs and hear from the wonderful people behind the books! I hope Sen H.H.S. knows what a hit the lava otters have been in the community!!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This is a really great players guide, absolutely lovd the little paragraphs of context for the different recommended ancestries <3

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tectorman wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Outside of PFS if a GM would not let you play a Centaur cause they’re Uncommon they probably weren’t going to let you play a Centaur even without Rarity.
"Probably" still leaves room open for GMs who would otherwise be perfectly fine with allowing uncommon or rare ancestries deciding not to allow it because of the rarity. I'm glad for all the players not fussed over this. For some of us, it's still a roadblock that takes away from fully enjoying the game.

As a GM I am thankful every day for rarity tags to empower and back me up with restricting things and I genuinely think they're one of the greatest boons to the system. Every time I see a player complain about them I am reminded exactly why we need them.

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JiCi wrote:

So we'll have ibuxis, which are lizardfolks... but not awakened lizards??? This is gonna get confusing XD Are catfolks and shoonies gonna be turned into awakened animals as well?

How is it gonna work?

No, Iruxi, Amurrans and Shoony are all their own distinct ancestry with their own cultures and history who just have some animalistic features and are not just like "cat who talks". They are separate from awakened animals who are literally animals that somehow gained sapience.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Kent Hamilton smashed it out the park again!!

Intensely excited, merfolk and awakened animals are something I've wanted for a long time and I adore the detail of the Surki only recently reemerging with the closing of the worldwound!

I also hope the Athamaru exist alongside the Locathah even if the latter needs a name change, i loved their 2e design.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

FWIW I absolutely adored this way of revealing the new book and am very grateful for everyone who worked on it :D

We had a great time over on the pf2 discord trying to work out what it was leading too and were often ready at 5 for the drop haha

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yeah, the price barrier of this, (even charging for a lot of CRB options!) just makes it completely unusable, we already have great character builders, I already have all the pdfs. What exactly am I paying for here?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Fumarole wrote:
Looks like this is the first second edition AP to not have any articles in it.

Yup. That's a result of an adventure that was larger than expected plus the fact that detailing out 18 Harrow Cards from the deck in each volume ended up taking four pages more than expected as well. In a way, Stolen Fate kind of wanted to be a 6 part adventure (that would have let us do only 9 cards per adventure, sort of like how we did Crimson Throne, with each adventure mapping thematically to one of the 6 ability scores), so cramming all those themes into a 3 part one that went all over the world (it takes more words to detail places we don't have a lot of Lost Omens book coverage for, remember) meant that I had to trim out some of the potential backmatter articles.

I'm eager to hear from folks if this is a good thing or a bad thing, in fact. Do you prefer having one or two articles in the back to support the adventure? Or do you prefer an adventure-only volume like this one?

Personally I'm extremely sad about the lack of articles, I understand for practical reasons why they arent there but it's made this path a lot weaker for me as a result, to have so much space taken up by these cards.

The Vudra article in AoE, the Narakaas article in BL, the Mammoth Lord religions article in QftFF and the Holomog article in BL are some of my favourite things in 2e and likely wouldnt have easily fit in many other places. It would be a real shame to see them discarded

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Close to tears at how excited I am about this, I've wanted playable centaurs for so long and this whole book just sounds delightful! Kent Hamilton continues to smash it and it's awesome to see some new names alongside some old in the author list!

Now.....whats the chances of penguins?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
MadScientistWorking wrote:
So they're Iruxi?

Sounds a lot like they are from Droon! :D

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm wondering if these four wardens might be the four unknown elemental lords! With the Warden of Forests and Meadows being a wood one.

Will have to wait for the next installment of Grandmother's story to find out more!

Very excited!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
redeux wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
Pinktiger wrote:
will be perfect when I end AV AP. Will this also be available in a foundry module?
If nothing change until then, yes. The last word on foundry modules is "All new AP books as they are released, all other content will be as a case by case basis." (Paraphrased)
I can also confirm that the module work has started for this one so it is for sure happening.

Ecstatic to hear this! The modules really are fantastic

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

ahhhhh am I right to assume Jessica Catalan is responsible for my new must have item, the wand of the pampered pet? I am very grateful haha

Everyone did fantastic work on this book and I'm already working on implementing the new items into my games!! Thank you so much!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In Impossible lands, there is conflicting information on how long Imirh the Amaranthine has been the principle spiritforger.

On page 280 it says: "Dunn Palovar was only able to find
a suitable replacement in the last year."

But on page 285 it says "When the Amaranthine took the mantle, Iranez
presented him with one question both she and the Principle Fleshforger
want answered: who caused the Evisceration? They’ve been waiting 14
years now for his answer"

So did he get the position this year or 14 years ago?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ah, my apologies! Should have double checked! I hope we continue to see them!

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Mushroom C1oud wrote:
VestOfHolding wrote:
Mushroom C1oud wrote:

edit* I will likely still get the tokens as a way to support Foundry and Paizo. However, I still believe the cost is too high for art that was already previous sold in book format.

That's not market price, lol. How many months of subscription are you assuming to support this person? Because if it's only one or two to get the packs and leave, oof, very bad form. Not only that, but it says in his bio that his patreon isn't to make money, it's to get a little extra support while he primarily makes maps and tokens for free.

How about other actual businesses, such as other VTTs?

You're also clearly ignoring the amount of art that wasn't already in the bestiaries, or the rest of the work they put into the tokens, like adding proper transparency to the ones that come out of their frames. Not only visual transparency where it makes sense, but also still being able to interact with player and other tokens underneath those overhanging images, so there's no loss of functionality.

First, I've been following Caeora for a long time and I purchase his maps and tokens whenever there's a pack I like.

Second, kudos to Paizo for taking over 1200 digital art assets that are sitting in a file and repurposing them at $60 per person. Taking each art piece and shrinking it onto a token background an amateur artist could do in a weekend is very profitable. Clearly this was a very wise investment for Paizo as the fanbase is very quick to defend the price and obviously willing to spend the money.

If these were on cardstock, then I would say that this was a very good deal as the overhead would be very high. But let's be real, there was not a lot of overhead to make these tokens. If they were all original art, then I wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

There is no way on earth I could recreate this product in a weekend, even if I had somehow skipped the bit where paizo staff went into archives and found art for the ones that didnt appear in the book (you realise that took time too yes?)

And if you think you could, I would love to see it lmao

Stop asking people not to be paid for their labour :)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
silversarcasm wrote:

Oooooooh im so excited, i was talking recently about how excited I was a certain story thread form legends was brought up again in Impossible Lands and now it seems we're getting a whole ap about it? Lets gooooo

Am sad to see its not a 6 parter though, hope they havent been completely abandoned!

If folks want us to do more 6-part Adventure Paths... PLEASE let us know! The 3 part ones seem to be engaging people more and allow for more stories to be told in a year, and I'm hoping that we'll be able to settle into a rhythum that allows for more frequent higher level 3 part arcs, but if people do still want 6 part ones... we need to know. (And that includes seeing evidence in sales and reviews and the like for parts 4–6 of those Adventure Paths, not just requests at the front end.)

Hm. I suppose this is a call for me to get off my ass and do some reviews, something I haven't done. I do have the AP sub though, so 3 part or 6, if you publish it, I'll be buying it. That said, 2 threes and a six each year seems about right to me. I like the sixes for their ability to go more in depth, and the threes for their ability to switch more quickly. Sometimes one is better, sometimes the other. If folks want fewer six parters, maybe one every two years, but for myself I still like one a year better.

Somebody commented about "too many" 1-10s as opposed to 11-20s. Dunno where he's coming from, since the only 1-10 that hasn't been followed immediately by an 11-20 so far is this one, and that's only because we haven't reached the point where'd you'd announce the next AP.

Frozen Flame was followed by Outlaws of Alkenstar, both 1-10

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Yeah I'm very excited for Stolen Fate but the simple fact of the matter is high level play in this game rocks and I always want more opportunities to experience that!

So it would be great to see another 11-20 after this, but for now I am just so so happy to see this particular story being explored, in whatever form! :D

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
keftiu wrote:

Went looking into LO: Legends for any hints it might provide, and I think I have our premise:

** spoiler omitted **

It's not a for sure thing, but there's a legendary lost grave and a complicated dwarven political legacy, and Legends has been a good predictor of 2e plotlines so far. This could potentially be setting up some really interesting shifts for Dwarves and Orcs going forward, or at least explain how...

Yep, this is what my comment was referencing, it was brought up again in Impossible lands and I was so happy to see it hadnt been forgotten, incredibly hyped we're getting a path exploring it!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Oooooooh im so excited, i was talking recently about how excited I was a certain story thread form legends was brought up again in Impossible Lands and now it seems we're getting a whole ap about it? Lets gooooo

Am sad to see its not a 6 parter though, hope they havent been completely abandoned!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ridiculously excited about this and all the new art of the ancestries looks fantastic!
The Lost Omens team have been on fire and I don't expect this to be any different :D

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Leon Aquilla wrote:

So, does the pay-to-use product have Skull Faeries properly statted?

Because the current free build of the PF2 system in FoundryVTT does not, currently.

Just checked my foundry and the skull fairy is absolutely in the compendium. Note that it's "fairy" not "faerie" which is why you might have missed it?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I couldn't care less about it being a day where there's something for DND too, but Im excited about this teased announcement, fingers crossed for Tian Xia!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I appreciate the clarification James! Wasn't sure if I'd missed a ruling somewhere haha

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks for all the amazing work, its great to read this post and be able to put names to the various fantastic parts of this book, what a treat!

The part that got to me the most was probably Kazutal's entry (already one of my favourite goddesses) and her desire to reach out to her fellow Arcadian goddess, Arazni, when so many had abandoned her, so thank you Isabelle for that <3

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Whatever you say. No one is getting durationless slowed in my games.

I'm not saying they should be!

I'm just confused as to why James is saying a ruling exists on a page when it doesn't!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Good luck selling that to your GM then.

Edit: Glossary 630: "condition An ongoing effect that changes how a character can act or alters some of their statistics."

I am a GM haha

And I'm serious, check page 453, conditions and effects are separate. Effects duration rules don't apply to conditions.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Conditions are effects, thus the Duration rules on page 455 apply.

I could buy that if effects and conditions weren't explicitly separated on the page before and if conditions didn't have their own text about durations, specific beats general.

"Conditions are persistent. Whenever you're affected by a condition, it's effects last until the condition's stated duration ends, the condition is removed, or terms dictated in the condition itself cause it to end."

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James Jacobs wrote:
In 2nd edition, the slowed condition (unless otherwise specified in text) decreases by 1 each turn (Core Rulebook 622).

I'm looking at the slowed condition in my crb right now and am not seeing this ruling? Does not appear to be on aon either, am I missing something?

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Was thinking a bit more and I think it's likely Picoperi gets into this one. He's already been brought up in 2e, though not statted, and fits very well into the modus operandi of the firebrands haha

For those who missed todays panel btw, Calistria, Grandmother Spider, Besmara and Arshea are all confirmed for the book!

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Luis Loza wrote:

While I appreciate the feedback I've seen on the matter of adventure content for Lost Omens (and recognize that I'm the one that asked the question that got the conversation going in the first place), I think it might be time to move the topic to its own thread. I'd love to keep the conversation going, but let's bring back the focus on the Firebrands here.

Here's something that might get people talking: Like with Knights of Lastwall, this book features a number of deity entries that fit with the themes of the organizations. Some of these gods are getting stats for the first time. Who could they be?!

Oooooh I would love if Pahti Couatl managed to sneak into this one. I want all the couatl deities statted eventually (arcadia book when!) but the goddess of retribution, investigation and rehabilitation feels like one who could have found a following amongst the firebrands!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Gotta say, I'm loving the trend of awesome ladies from lost omens legends getting to be centrepiece in gorgeous cover arts!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ahhhhh, wonderful to have some more insights into the vourinoi, they deserve more love, and this is a great story!!

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