Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik moves back 15' and takes a shot at Mr Ugly. Duck Goro says Mik in a beautiful Elven voice. Focused Shot: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25 Mr Ugly should have +4 to AC due to cover. Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 5 = 13
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Well, I feel better rolling so poorly with my Sneak Attack damage. Thanks. Mik will Shift back 10', just over Goro's head, and takes a mighty pull of his bow for another Focused Shot into BA Mud. Focused Shot: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23 add another +1 for Dex increase, I think.
Then he fly past Goro into the wall opening. What are you looking at? says the five Miks in fine elven voices in perfect stereo as they swoops by Goro in a flurry, some to the left, some to the right, and some over Goro's head. Even Mik looks surprised by the change in his voice.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Yeah, I know, just nothing else I can do that would help. Focused Shot is a Standard Action so I can't attack again and I don't want to move more than the 10' movement I took. Did you notice that I look different? Maybe you can't see through all the mud.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik will shake off the mud from his mud diving adventure and shoot BA Mud with a Focused Shot and hopefully some Sneak Attack damage as well, causing 5 muddy images of Mik to appear. Focused Shot: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20 and another +2 for being Inv as well as BA Mud loosing Dex bonus, if applicable. Maybe another +1 for increase in Dex if Mik has become a different race. Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 3d6 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 + 4 + (3, 3, 1) = 19 assuming the +3d6 for Sneak Attack. Mik will fly up another 5' to 15' total.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik will go into the mud but only up to his neck so he can still shift out, if that's allowed. Does he need to make any check to keep his head above the mud? If a swim check is needed and Mik can take 10, he gets a 17. If a roll is needed, Swim: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik, feeling so much better will do a full move action while being all stealthy and such, incurring the -5 penalty. Stealth: 1d20 + 17 - 5 ⇒ (10) + 17 - 5 = 22 and then another +20 for being invisible, to those that it applies. Does he notice that Big Bad has a necklace? Perc: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26 He isn't purposely looking (and not taking a move action cause he doesn't know that he should) but he is on the lookout for the rumored crystals and a necklace might be the crystals he is looking for. {Thoughts of a jedi master whispering "These aren't the crystals you're looking for." spring to mind} Whether he notices the necklace will determine whether he will attack or attempt a Sleight of Hand maneuver for his Standard Action although if he gets killed on his stealthy move, it would be rather moot.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Since Mik is nauseous and doesn't have many options, he will take a move action to move next to the Big Mud (the 10' one, not 15' one) as stealthy as he can, Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20 and hopefully +20 for being invisible and also attempt a swift action to Shift to the other side of Big Mud where I placed the double boxes. Not sure if I can shift and move when I'm feeling this gassy.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Umm, you aren't supposed to miss the big guy, ZAO. As for being elven, I dunno. If you're invisible and you have a mirror, that is also invisible, can you see your reflection? Can you even see your own self, such as your hand in front of your face? Oh, I do have See Inv running so I should be able to see myself. Now if only I had a mirror ... You know, I am actually afraid to speak for fear of what I might sound like.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
I think that is why my ears are more pointy and face is longer and why I suddenly went blind. I don't think I am a dwarf anymore. I seriously hope I'm not a mephit or some other horrid creature and, although being a dwarf was pretty bad, there are certainly worse things.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Just out of curiosity, who has a light source that allows Mik to see? I thought it was on Badger who is submerged. Is there a light source on ZAO? It wouldn't change Mik's action to back into the corner and I think he would be able to do that while blind and in a single move action. Just curious.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik, still being sickened by the stink cloud, moves Stealthy-like to the upper corner of the room. And he tries to not lose his cookies and giving his position away. Does Mik notice that the smaller mud creature has anything around his neck, say a necklace of blue crystals, maybe the crystals we are looking for? Do we know what color should be in this area, by chance? Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18 and hoepfully +20 for being Inv. Not sure what minus for being green.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
DM: Putting one hand on the wall, Mik will hold his breath and move along the wall at half speed. He can easily make the DC 10 Acrobatics check and fly 30' for one move action, trying to be as quiet as possible. Fort save Fort: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 8 + 2 = 14 for the stink cloud, if needed. Also don't know if he drifts up or down while flying as he wouldn't have any idea of direction besides along the wall. Can he see after moving? If not, he will continue moving until he reaches the corner and then fly upwards to the corner, hoping it is a safe location. If he can see, she will move to the entrance. Mik will also feel his face and ears, if possible while moving.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
DM: Perc: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18 with +2 more vs Traps. I take it this all happened before I flew closer to the green stink cloud?
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik will drink what water is still in his hand, can't imaging more than a tablespoon or two and then move to the edge of the stink cloud, all Stealthy like. Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 +20 if Invisibility helps.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Six Mik's becomes visible as his Vanish spell wears off. Mik will cast Invisibility, provoking I would gather unless the creature is so caught off guard that it doesn't react. Yeah, didn't think so. Mik will run the risk that one of his Mirror Images takes the hit (Mik is number 4 on a d6). If Mik is successful in casting Invisibility, Mik will scoop a handful of water as a Move action and then Shift 10' straight up. If Mik is unsuccessful in casting Invisibility, Mik will, if she is still alive, that is, will Shift 10' horizontally, moving out of the room along the nearby wall then Acrobatics another 30' along the wall towards the entrance.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik will glide stealthy-like up to the fountain and get a closer look into the basin and the fountain, looking for any crystals. A move action to Stealth and another move to look for crystals. Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (12) + 17 = 29 and another +20 for being invisible. Please, please, please don't see me. thinks Mik with a sweaty brow.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Gotta love the hearty Dwarven body. Mik will Stealth to and along the wall until he gets closer to the fountain. Counting the stink cloud as double movement, he should be able to get to the last pillar and out of the cloud in one move. He will then examine the fountain, looking for any crystals. Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25 and hopefully add +20 since she is Invisible if they can't sense invisible Mik's.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
How tall is the pillar room? I pulled Mik back 15' and moved him 10' up. For his Standard Action, he will cast Mirror Image on herself for 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 copies of Mik. If the ceiling is higher than 20', Mik will Shift up 5 or 10' more.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik will zip down the hallway into the next room. I moved him 60' but not sure if anything in there would give him pause and stop his flying at the entrance to the room or to cause him to fly up higher. Is there still mud on the ground? I know Mik cast Fly at just before we entered and fought the plant thingy. I assume his 60 rounds are still going but uncertain. His Vanish spell was cast on Round 4 and lasts 6 rounds so still has a few rounds left. See Invisible lasts for an hour so he should be good for a while.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik continues his trek across the domed chamber, finishing up his move action which should complete his turn. She had cast See Invisible as her Standard Action just prior to moving.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Reflex: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19 with Evasion. "They can see invisible creatures" Mik states to whoever happens to be nearby. At least the mud creature knows that the Ooze Mephits can see us if we're invisible as Mik looks around and doesn't see many allies nearby. Since no creatures adjacent to him, he casts See Invisible and flies 60' deeper into the corridor. Well, unless he sees an invisible creature in her line of sight. Assuming nothing invisible catches her eye she will fly 60'. I was only able to move Mik 30' so please move me another 30' deeper into the pit o' despair. Oh, since I turned a corner, I guess I might stop flying if there is some hazard or what have you around the corner. I should also provoke from amaranth and apple green. See what happens when you turn me into a chick, I say things like 'amaranth' instead of red. Agh, I gotta get a wish spell and soon.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Yeah, we experimented with Mik's Ioun Torch for Badger and it was funny to watch Badger chase the Ioun stone circling around his head. Funny until Badger realized a horrible trick was being played on him and he then charged the nearest female dwarf. Look who's laughing now.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Fort: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 2 = 23 assuming +2 vs poison else subtract 2 Mik will cast Vanish on himself and fly further into the cavern, moving along the wall unless he notices an enemy in front of him. I moved Mik at half speed for 20' of distance (40' movement) and then another 20' once he cleared the cloud, assuming the cloud ended. Not certain if he takes an AoO.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik skims the mud and flies up to get a shot on yellow, assuming she can see it. Taking a Focused Shot, if it is visible to him, Mik looses an arrow. Focused Shot: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Seeing the stink cloud dissipating, Mik moves up and tries to get a Focused Shot off at purple, hopefully not pricking the enraged badger. Duck, Badger! shouts Mik as he looses his arrow. Focused Shot w/in 30': 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32 Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 + 4 = 11
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Got it. Mik flies out of the stinky a$$ cloud and up to a height of 15'. I think he can do that in a move action. He will then prepare a triggered action to shot anything coming out of the cloud. Ok, ok, he won't shoot a friend 'cause he ain't ZAO, he will only shoot a foe.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik isn't the wisest creature out there but he's pretty smart and when Badger gets mad and his fur goes up, he's pretty certain there is something there. If it is alright, Mik will use a move action to notice these things and then another move action to back up a few squares. I moved Mik's piece on Roll20 but uncertain if that's a legal space. If not, I can easily move another 5' back.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
So Mik doesn't see them and doesn't know that they are there, correct? If so, Mik will continue to move 5' and check for traps in front of him. Not sure if Mik notices the enraged Badger behind him or Goro casting Barkskin. If Mik notices anything, he will likely scan for any movement and if none seen, retreat around Badger and seek cover from the corner.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Flying a couple of feet above the muck, Mike slowly moves down the hallway, looking for traps. 5' per round and taking 10 to spot traps or other nasties. Perc 23/25 vs traps. Any movement or disturbance in the mud? Anything sticking out or mounds in the mud?
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik will leapfrog Griff and peek around the corner. Can she maintain 15' or does she need to fly lower. If all is clear, Mik will wave Griff up, giving him the "Clear" signal in Handjive. Hmm, wonder if the floor is trapped? ponders Mik.
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik tumbles through the air, hoping to avoid an AoO, and flies half speed for 30' then shifts for 10' more. Mik then spins in the air, still 15' off the ground and fires a precise shot at the plant thingy. Acrobatics: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30 Bow w/in 30': 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
Female (Male) Dwarf (Elf) Rogue (Scout) 4, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 3 [HP 84] [AC 23, 21w/oSh T16 F19] [Init: +10] [Fort +8 Ref +14 Will +8][Perc: +13/+15 vs Traps]
Mik will cast his third Fly for the day and fly up 15' (30' of movement) and then seeing Francis charging in the cave, moves his remaining 30' of movement into the chamber, hoping he doesn't become plant food. Sign in to create or edit a product review. Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins! (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF FREE Non-Mint Unavailable A fun one shotCopperHawk —We played this as our first game before we begin playing a series of Pathfinder Society games. It is a fun little game and a great chance to get a group started. A fun little intro for the Pathfinder rule set and no one is tied to their character so they wont be destroyed if the character is KIA, which really lets people ham it up as Goblins. |