• Con: +2, Int: +2
• TYPE: Humanoid (Elf)
• SIZE: Medium
• DARKVISION 60 FT.: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 ft.
• SLOW AND STEADY: Dwarves have a base speed of 20 ft, but their speed is never
modified by armor or encumbrance.
• HARDY: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison,
spells, and spell-like abilities.
• STABILITY: Dwarves receive a +4 bonus to their combat maneuver defense when
resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
• WEAPON FAMILIARITY: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite
longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows),
and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Elven
• Bonus Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
• You have selected the following Archetypes:
- Scout (Rogue)
- (Wizard)
• FAVORED CLASS (Rogue) : You've gain the following bonuses: +4 Hit Point.
• ARCANE BOND: You have formed an arcane bond with a Ring. You require the Ring
to cast (else, make a spellcraft check DC 20 + spell level to avoid losing the
spell), but it can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard
knows and can cast that is not of the opposition school. Metamagic cannot be
applied. (PFCR 78).
• ARCANE SCHOOL: You are a wizard of the Conjuration (Teleportation) school, you
are forbidden from using Necromancy or Enchantment schools. Preparing a spell
from a forbidden school takes up two slots of the given level. You have the
following school powers:
- Shift - You can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using
dimension door. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must
be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other
creatures with you when you use this ability (except for familiars). You can move
10 ft. You can use this ability 7 times per day. (PFAPG 147).
- Summoner's Charm - +1 round to duration of Conjuration (summoning) spells.
(PFCR 80). (PFCR 79-82).
• ARCANE TRICKSTER SPELL PROGRESSION: Add Arcane Trickster levels to your levels
to determine spell progression and caster level: 3. (PFCR 377).
• IMPROMPTU SNEAK ATTACK: Once per day an arcane trickster can declare one melee
or ranged within 30 ftattack he makes to be a sneak attack. The target of an
impromptu sneak attack loses any Dexterity bonus to AC against that attack, but
any immunity to critical hits still applies against extra damage. (PFCR
• RANGED LEGERDEMAIN: Perform Disable Device, Open Lock, or Sleight of Hand at a
range of 30 ft. at a +5 DC (you cannot take 10, must have at least 1 rank in
skill). Any object to be manipulated must weigh 5 pounds or less. (PFCR 377).
• ROGUE EVASION: A successful Reflex save for half damage results in no damage.
Must be in light armor or no armor and not helpless. (PFCR 68).
• ROGUE TALENT: You have chosen the following rogue talents: Snap Shot.
- Snap Shot: A rogue with this talent may treat her intitiative roll as a 20
for a surprise round, regardless of her initiative, but she may only take an
attack action with a ranged weapon. Her normal initiative roll is used in
subsequent rounds. If two or more rogues possess this talent, their initiative
determines the order in which they act, but they all go before any other
creature. If a rogue is prevented from acting in the surprise round, this talent
has no effect. (PFAPG 131). (PFCR 68-70).
• ROGUE TALENT(4th lvl): Melee Archer (Ex) - A rogue with this talent may flank enemies
10 feet away from her while using a ranged weapon, as if the ranged weapon were a
reach weapon. If the rogue threatens squares with her ranged weapons (i.e., through
the Snap Shot feat,) she may also flank enemies inside her threatened area.
• SCOUT'S CHARGE: When you make a charge, you deal sneak attack damage as if the
target were flat-footed. Foes with uncanny dodge are inmune to this ability.
(PFAPG 134).
• SCRIBE SCROLL: The wizard gets Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat. (PFCR 78).
• SNEAK ATTACK: Deal +3d6 sneak attack damage in addition to weapon damage any
time the enemy is denied a dexterity bonus to AC or is flanked by you. Ranged
attacks must be within 30 ft to do sneak attack damage. (PFCR 68).
• SPELLBOOK: The wizard must prepare all spells from a spellbook, except Read
Magic. (PFCR 79).
• TRAP SENSE (+1): +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. (PFCR 34).
• TRAPFINDING: Add +2 to Perception checks to locate traps and Disable Device
checks. Can disarm magic traps. (PFCR 68).
• WEAPONS AND ARMOR: You are skilled with all simple, rapier, sap, shortbow,
short sword, hand crossbow, weapons. You are proficient with light armor, and no
shields. Armor and shields may interfere with casting, requiring a Arcane Spell
Failure roll [PFCR 83]. Armor and shields may interfere with casting, requiring a
Arcane Spell Failure roll [PFCR 83]. (PFCR).
• WIZARD BONUS LANGUAGES: The wizard can select Draconic as a bonus language at
1st level. (PFCR 78).
• WIZARD CANTRIPS: The wizard can cast known 0-level spells at will. (PFCR
• WIZARD SPELLS: A wizard may know any number of spells, and cast them according
to the spell progression in PFCR 78. (PFCR 78).
• FOCUSED SHOT: Standard action. Make bow or crossbow attack within 6 sq. and
add 4 to damage against foes vulnerable to sneak attack and crits. (PFAPG 160)
• IMPROVED INITIATIVE: You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks. (PFCR 127)
• POINT-BLANK SHOT: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged
weapons at ranges of up to 30 ft. (PFCR 131)
• PRECISE SHOT: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in
melee without taking the standard -4 penalty on your attack roll. (PFCR 131)
• ARMOR PROFICIENCY (LIGHT): When you wear a type of armor with which you are
proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Balance,
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble
checks. (PFCR 118)
• WEAPON FOCUS (Longbow, Composite): You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you
make using the selected weapon. You can gain this feat multiple times. Its
effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of
weapon. (PFCR 136-137)
• SCRIBE SCROLL: Scribe scroll as per the rules in PFCR 552. (PFCR 132)
-- TRAITS --
• DEFT DODGER (Combat): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves. (PFAPG 328)
• WARRIOR OF OLD (Race: Elf): As a child, you put in long hours in combat
knack for quickly responding to trouble. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative
checks. (PFAPG 330)
Mikilith, or just Mik to the common world, was born to the Ekujae elves of the Mwangi Expanse. Mikilith has always called the Mwangi jungle home. Little has Mikilith ventured from his home although the vastness of the jungle gives Mikilith plenty of room to roam. Having spent much of his early life with his father’s father, Mikilith learned much of the jungle as well as the ways of battle and magic. With his grandfather, Mikilith learned what it meant to be an elven warrior of the Mwangi Jungle.
From the time that Mikilith could grasp something in his baby hands, his grandfather introduced Mikilith to the bow. While just a toy of a bow, it was Mikilith’s constant companion as his tribe would travel from area to area, constantly facing the dangers of the jungle. As tradition is with his people, the tribal elders have a great responsibility to the young, often raising them more than the parents, instilling beliefs, customs, and rituals that are passed down from generation to generation. Mikilith’s youth was no different, spending a great portion of his early years with the father of his father, Sarilith.
Mikilith was taught the ways of the Ekujae elves, learning about customs through stories, lessons taught primarily from his grandfather. This is not to say that Mikilith’s parents were not involved, far from it, just to place the emphasis on how much of an influence was his grandfather on Mikilith’s developmental years. Seeing what a great warrior of his people, Mikilith has striven to live by the principles instilled in his youth by Sarilith. To be worthy to carry the Sandothian name is one of Mikilith’s greatest goals.
Soon young Mikilith was able to hunt and he fondly remembers his first trip with his grandfather into the wilds. For nearly a week were they separate from their tribe, living off of the land. It was the first time Mikilith killed a creature with his bow and also the first time Mikilith came close to dying. Neither event would be the last, however. It became common for Mikilith and Sar to travel separate from the tribe, sometimes as scouts for relocation, sometimes to hunt, sometimes to hunt dangerous animals, including humans.
Preserving the Mwangi jungle has been a major focus of his tribe for the entire history of his people. Working in conjunction with other elven tribes in the Mwangi jungle, each tribe will work together for the good of the jungle, creating a network of protectors that has helped shape and maintain the Mwangi jungle. Thus did Mikilith spend his first 120 years of his life, dedicated to maintaining the balance of the jungle. Stories of old tell of different civilizations that have cropped up in the jungle, often upsetting this balance, and of his people working together to ultimately undermine these civilizations. Patience and perseverance has allowed the Ekujae elves to triumph over these attempts to bring “civilization” to the jungle. Some of the societies were content to carve out their little niche in the jungle and did not upset the balance too much and incurred little resistance from the jungle protectors beyond containment. Other societies sought to control the jungle, bending it to their ways and raping the valuable resources of the Mwangi jungle. These were met with serious oppositions and tales tell of great battles being waged between the inhabitants of the jungle verses the interlopers. Banding with other denizens of the jungle were the protectors able to defeat the invaders, again returning the forest back to its rightful place of balance and peace.
As of late, the Mwangi jungle is facing another threat, the Aspis Consortium. Having established a base on the coast of the Mwangi Expanse at Bloodcove, the Consortium has been pillaging the jungle for its vast resources. Many of the tribes of the Mwangi jungle have taken offense while some, like the Bekyars, have leagued themselves with the Consortium, seeking profit. Mikilith’s tribe has aligned themselves against the Consortium as well as the Bekyars, killing them on sight without benefit of trial or jury.
Having grown into an adult, Mikilith wanted to do more than stage raids against the Consortium. These raids became less fruitful as the Consortium, with the aid of the Bekyars, learned to better protect themselves as well as avoid the traps laid out by the Ekujae. Mikilith and his friend Krantik set out to learn more about the inhabitants of Bloodcove, travelling first to Free Station and then down the Vanji River to Bloodcove. For a few years did Mikilith and Krantik spend blending in with the inhabitants of Bloodcove, carefully learning how to best strike out at their sworn enemy. Little friends did they find in Bloodcove as many of the inhabitants enjoyed the profit that the Consortium brought. Humans can be so greedy. Gradually, Mik, Krantik and their small band of rebels set up plans to strike at the heart of the Aspis Consortium’s jungle trade, causing losses to their market. Their plans started out small and were relatively untraceable but over time, the plans became greater to have a larger impact. The Consortium values profit over most things and soon took notice of these events. This was the beginning of the end of our rebel band as the Consortium was closing in on their headquarters.
Returning from one of the scouting missions for a future raid, where Mikilith and Krantik were carefully observing the shipping yards, the two lifelong friends soon realized that something was amiss. Smoke was observed from up ahead, dangerously close to their hideout. A pair of humans with crossbows was also set up in an ambush blind facing their warehouse. Without a moment’s thought, the pair loosed arrows into the backs of the humans, dropping them both. Continuing to circle around, the pair encountered several more human pairs and unleashed their vengeance upon them. There were simply too many and the warehouse was already engulfed in flames. The few rebels who managed to escape the burning building were quickly and efficiently mowed down with crossbow bolts. Five pairs of humans were killed before the two elven friends were found out and had to flee from the forty or so remaining Consortium ambushers. With a bounty on their heads, they soon realized that no place was safe for them in Bloodcove and none would assist them, seeking the bounty instead.
The two friends fled Bloodcove after staging one last assault on the Aspis Consortium headquarters itself. They were able to kill a few minor officials but knew they could not survive any further assaults. Leaving Bloodcove behind, the two friends parted ways with Krantik returning to the tribe and Mikilith venturing out to the ruins of Saventh-Yhi which necessitated a stop at Tazion which legend is said to hold the key to finding Saventh-Yhi. Mikilith feels his tribe is too passive in dealing with this threat and feels that more can be done to stop the advancement of the Aspis Consortium. He has vowed to destroy the Consortium’s infringement before returning to his people.