Katapesh Merchant

Sly PZ's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts (497 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


I have finished updating Hana, adding in equipment, spells, and background story.

Hello, Eric sent an message suggesting you might need another player. I read through your adventures to date and like the party dynamics. I do have a Kitsune Kensai Magus that is mostly ready to play, still need to flesh out equipment, spells and backstory. I can be completely ready tomorrow afternoon if you like. Her name is Hana, is of orient descent exploring a new, different world in her human form, maybe a carnie guard. She was made for PFS and believe she is legit although PFS is new to me. Her ID is 201053-1 for review.

How about the situation where your good party defeats evil opponents and get their loot. The boss has a +3 Keen Unholy Long Sword. Being a good party, you won't use that weapon nor do you want to sell an unholy weapon. Destroying it is certainly an option but being able to remove the Unholy and then having a weapon that is useful or able to sell would benefit the party.