pyro da great |
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I am in need of another player or two for my homebrew game Blood of Heroes.
The party is currently has
Barbarian (Drunken Brute / Invulnerable Rager) 4 / Alchemist(Vivisectionist) 4Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)
Flowing Monk of the Sacred Mountain 4 / Brawler Fighter 4
Druid (Menhir Savant) 4 / Rogue (Cat Burglar) 4
Trying to get find a buffer/back up healer.
Character Creation guidelines:
Characters are level 4
Characters will use the Gestalt character creation rules.Alignment: Any Alignment but CE is allowable. Those who wish to be an evil alignment please explain the reason for this to me in the character post.
Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, and Ultimate Combat are allowed. Please tell me where you got your options from so I may look at them. Other options may be allowable if asked and I check through them.
Races: The game will be using home brew races. Found here Link
Stats:25 point buy.
No states over 20 or under 8 after racial modifiers
HP: Max at first level, than half your Hit dice + 1 every level after first.
Ex: 1d6 = 4, 1d8 = 5, 1d10 = 6.
2 traits
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Some house rules can be found here Link
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I wouldnt mind playing do you use skype?