posthuman's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. *****Venture-Agent, Online—VTT 91 posts (267 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 38 Organized Play characters.


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M human architect/37

The tension in the atmosphere surrounding Bastiar-5 eases as the golden energy enveloping it withdraws into the immense pit. The receding light sweeps away the jinsul fortifications, restoring the planet’s natural, rugged terrain. The remaining jinsul forces scatter, soldiers scurrying toward the horizon and starships fleeing into the Drift. Across a battlefield strewn with dead and wounded bodies, Starfinders cheer at the sight of the retreating enemy.

As the Starfinder fleet regroups, the communication screens light up with the image of both First Seekers, the various faction leaders, and numerous venture-captains. Luwazi Elsebo, front and center, beams with pride. “Agents, we stand together in the midst of our Society’s most glorious victory to date! Today, we have risen from the ashes of our previous failures, stronger and more united than ever before! Not even an army of bloodthirsty jinsuls, with an armada and the power of a waking god at their backs, could defeat us!”

Jadnura nods. “We have indeed accomplished much, but there is more in our future. With Dhurus defeated, the Scoured Stars are safe, but only so long as others don’t seek to foolishly unlock their secrets. Coming here was my mission as First Seeker, and while I have succeeded, I intend to continue seeing this mission through. I shall remain in this system, communing with the waking Kadrical and standing sentinel over others who would disturb this site. My time as First Seeker has truly ended.”

Luwazi’s smile softens as she looks at Jadnura, and after a moment she speaks. “As for me, my only goal as First Seeker was to rebuild the Starfinder organization and rescue those we had lost. I can say that our organization is stronger than ever, boosted by powerful allies and friends. While I cannot think of a higher note to end on, I do not believe the time has come for me to step down, but instead I shall stay on a short while longer to ease the transition to a new First Seeker. I cannot wait to see where our remarkable society goes next under new leadership. Perhaps someone currently among our ranks will be the next to choose our heading? You’ve all certainly demonstrated that you have what it takes. But that can be our first order of business once we return home. For now, we tend to our wounded, we recover, and we celebrate!” And so the Starfinders head for home.

Days after its momentous victory in the Scoured Stars, the Starfinder Society fleet emerges from the Drift near Absalom Station. With their deeds relayed through Drift beacons, the crews of the returning vessels begin tuning into the local infosphere to hear the Pact World’s response to the Society’s victory in the Scoured Stars. The reactions flood in.

“I, for one, believe that an organization that can amass that many military-grade resources needs to be held on a tighter leash.”

“Didn’t the Pact Council vote not to interfere in the Scoured Stars? Who do these Starfinders think they are?”

“Yeah, the Strawberry Machine Cake concert rescue was pretty great… but what if it were a Starfinder setup, to help justify their little war?”

“Does anyone know what the jinsuls did to us? I mean, I heard that the jinsuls were a peaceful civilization, and the Starfinders just wanted to pillage their homeland.”

All over the Starfinder comm channels, pundits and social media stars relay similar questions and messages of dismay at the Society’s recent actions. Moments later, First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo sends out a fleet wide broadcast. “Starfinders, it’s clear that we’ve not returned to the hero’s welcome we hoped for. In fact, it looks as though we’re the target of some sort of coordinated media attack, as organizations we’ve never had any dealings with are smearing our recent triumphs. Fear not, this is just another challenge for us to overcome, and perhaps the next few months will be well-spent polishing the reputation these hidden attackers have sought to so recklessly tarnish.”

Thanks for playing in SFS 2-00: Fate of the Scoured Stars!

M human architect/37

The jinsul high command collapses as Kadrical’s blessing wanes, affording veteran Starfinders an opening to strike.

Table GMs, the Frayed Leadership condition is now in effect.

M human architect/37

A critical mass of jinsul ships explodes under a withering hail of Starfinder attacks, evening the odds between the two warring fleets overhead. The heavily damaged Master of Stars fights on.

A path to the planet’s surface opens through the blockade of jinsul starships, which has been weakened by relentless Starfinder attacks. Part 4 encounters are now unlocked!

M human architect/37

First Seeker Luwazi addresses the fleet. “Stopping Dhurus is our primary objective, and we can’t waste more time than necessary fighting starships. The Master of Stars can hold the line; it will have to. Starfinders, do what you must to cut past the jinsuls’ defensive line and get to Bastiar-5!”

Table GMs, the Jinsul Advantage condition is in effect for Part 4.

M human architect/37

We have captured a pivotal jinsul command center, and our agents have found renewed vigor in our cause. Table GMs, the Trench Assault mission is complete and the Victory in Sight condition is now in effect.

M human architect/37

The Starfinder fleet converges as it approaches Bastiar-5, forming an arrowhead pointed directly at the barren planet. Between the Starfinders and the planet gathers a swarm of waiting jinsul ships, from small tactical strikers to an ominously large capital dreadnought. Writhing shapes are visible along the jinsul command vessel’s prow, each impaled by a vicious, violet metal spike. Smaller jinsul ships move to take up supporting positions around the immense vessel.

First Seeker Jadnura broadcasts to the allied fleet. “Every minute that goes by, Dhurus grows stronger, and the jinsuls seem intent on slowing us down. Strap in for some intense combat, Starfinders. We should have enough strength left if we play it smart and—” He trails off as the colossal Master of Stars breaks from the Starfinder fleet to confront the jinsuls alone.

Fitch appears on the viewscreens. “That’ll take too long. I’ll take on the jinsul fleet on my own, and while they’re busy, you slip past with the smaller ships!” She types in several commands before adding, “Guess I’m glad I left the kids back on Absalom Station” and signing off.

Jadnura clasps one fist and nods appreciatively at her bold strategy before Luwazi Elsebo interrupts.

“Jadnura, no. There are too many jinsuls, even for the Master of Stars!”

But Jadnura only shakes his head before responding solemnly, “Luwazi…the choice to depart the known, to witness the unknown, to risk everything so that others might persevere— you know as well as anyone that being a Starfinder is always about choices. And now that choice is ours.”

Table GMs, solicit a vote from your players for which action to take.

M human architect/37

First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo communicates to the fleet.
“Starfinders, the jinsuls are on the run and retreating to surround Bastiar-5. They have concentrated all their remaining forces around this planet, which is exuding a high level of mystical energy. We suspect that Dhurus is here, harnessing Kadrical’s energy for its as-yet-unknown endgame. We must descend on Bastiar-5 and stop whatever Dhurus is planning, but to do that we must first pierce through what’s left of that jinsul fleet. Starfinders, abandon your missions and prepare for our final offensive!”
Table GMs, you have the rest of today to wrap up your encounters.

M human architect/37

Overseer GM:
Starfinder agents have compiled reports detailing jinsul ground troop formations from a base camp on Agillae-2. Our strategists have devised a way to safely air-drop agents behind enemy lines in order to disrupt the jinsul infantry’s leadership. Given the high concentration of jinsul battalions on Bastiar-6, that seems the ideal place to strike.

Table GMs, the Ground Force Intel mission is closed, and the Paratrooper Strike mission in Part 2 is now unlocked.

Using the flood of crucial intelligence about the enemy, the Starfinder leadership strategically divides responsibilities to afford everyone some rest.

Table GMs, the Change of Guard condition is now in effect.

M human architect/37

Overseer GM:

Our salvagers managed to extract enemy strike coordinates from some of our felled starships orbiting Agillae-5. It appears the jinsuls’ plan to topple our long-range scanning towers on Bastiar-8’s fourth moon, which feed us all our information about their fleet movements in that system. We need stalwart warriors to stop the attackers so our data can keep coming in.

Table GMs, the Recovery Efforts mission is closed, and the Scanner Defense mission in Part 2 is now unlocked.

The Starfinder Fleet moves into position above Agillae-2. The Jinsul Fleet moves into position above Bastiar-8.

M human architect/37

Each fleet provides air support for its allies in its location, perpetually granting them either covering fire for combat encounters or a +2 bonus to gunnery checks in locations with starship combat encounters. Due to their familiarity with jinsul starships, any PC with the First Skirmish boon slotted as a Social boon ignores any covering fire benefit granted to enemies by the jinsul fleet. PCs in the Starfinder fleet’s location can automatically boost and pass an Aid Token without consuming any resources or needing to succeed on a check. Alternatively, if they use an unboosted Aid Token in the Starfinder fleet’s location for any benefit that does not require a boost to use, they still gain the boosted effect. PCs in the location occupied by the jinsul fleet must overcome additional challenges detailed in the encounter’s description as the jinsul army converges on the location.

M human architect/37

Overseer GM
Our pilots captured a jinsul ship and traced its flight coordinates to a secret command base hidden on Bastiar-3. The base is well defended, but destroying it will disable the jinsuls’ communications network. This mission calls for agents ready to storm jinsul defenses to win us a crucial advantage.

Table GMs, the Scout Hunt mission is closed, and the Trench Assault mission in Part 2 is now unlocked.

The Jinsul Fleet moves into position above Callion-1. The Starfinder Fleet remains in position above Bastiar-6.

Matthew Pittard wrote:
(Does SAFE HAVEN mean that all our guns do +4d6 more ? :) )

Unfortunately not :(

M human architect/37

Overseer GM:

We have tracked down and stopped the spy who was giving away our positions, granting us some time to rest in a few secret locations the jinsuls aren’t aware of.

Table GMs, the Stop the Mole mission is complete and the Safe Haven condition is now in effect.

The Starfinder Fleet is moving to Bastiar-6.

M human architect/37

Starfinder hackers have recovered navigation routes for supply lines from a jinsul data center on Agillae-4. Using this information, we have identified vulnerable courier routes in the space surrounding Bastiar-6. The First Seekers need some skilled starship crews to choke the jinsuls’ resource pipelines.

Table GMs, the Data Theft mission is closed, and the Sever Supply Line mission in Part 2 is now unlocked.

The Starfinder fleet stays in position above Agillae-4, and the Jinsul Fleet moves into position above Bastiar-6.

M human architect/37

A jinsul captive revealed that we have a traitor in our midst! A double-agent has been feeding sensitive information to the jinsul data center on Agillae-4. We need Starfinders adept at hunting fugitives to track this turncoat down and stop them from leaking any other valuable data.

Table GMs, the Captive Interview mission is closed, and the Stop the Mole mission in Part 2 is now unlocked.

M human architect/37

The Starfinder Fleet has moved to Callion-2. Jinsul Fleet is staying steady at Agillae-4.

M human architect/37

As preparations wind down, a stillness settles over the crowd of Starfinders gathered on the command deck of the Master of Stars. First Seeker Jadnura, flanked by nominated First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo and the android Iteration-177, steps forward to an elevated captain’s platform and looks out over the assembled agents. Jadnura’s resonant voice carries across the assembly.

“Starfinders! Today we gather not merely as explorers and scholars, but as defenders of the galaxy. Ever since the jinsuls ambushed our rescue mission into the Scoured Stars, they have assailed us and our allies at every turn. The danger the jinsuls present to our friends and homes cannot be ignored. We now know that they intend to awaken the divine being responsible for trapping our first expedition into the Scoured Stars. We know that this scheme threatens not only the Scoured Stars but all the space surrounding it. This leaves us with one mission: break the jinsul fleet and drive them from the Scoured Stars, putting an end to their depredations once and for all. Today we march to war!”

The Starfinders disperse to their ships and launch into orbit, assembling into either tactical strike formations or vanguards surrounding the larger vessels. The fleet’s synchronized screens flash to life, showing Luwazi Elsebo from her own command station.

“We are ready to approach the Scoured Stars system from the outer orbit of the Agillae system’s star. The majority of our fleet will stay together to protect our supplies and support our ground troops, while our field agents are to scout the system and find the most strategic places to engage the jinsuls. Kadrical’s divine herald, Dhurus, is the head of the snake: find where he is hiding so we can direct our full forces against him. Once we close in on him, we can face down Dhurus on equal footing and end this conflict.” She nods to the camera, continuing. "Stick together, support each other, and stay the course. We live or die as one today. Good luck, Starfinders. Fleet—activate Drift engines now!”

The screen shuts off, and each formation of starships surges forward as a unit, vanishing into the Drift.

The Starfinder fleet emerges from the Drift as a single force, the three suns of the Scoured Stars burning brightly against the surrounding void. Moments later, onboard computers ping with streams of incoming data detailing nearby jinsul ships, planets with concentrated industrial activity, and further commands from the First Seekers. Several files emerge on the captains’ screens: briefings of locations where field agents could find useful information about how best to target the jinsul fleet’s weak points.

Table GMs, Part 1 has started. The Starfinder Fleet is currently at Agillae-2, while the Jinsul Fleet is at Agillae-4.

M human architect/37

Luwazi Elsebo, First Speaker of the Starfinders, addresses the Starfinder fleet en-route to the Scoured Stars system.

“Starfinders, after two years of hardship following our devastating first foray into the Scoured Stars, we now stand taller than ever and are back to fighting form. Today, new recruits rally beside experienced agents and rescued veterans, coming together to form the most resourceful, prepared, and skilled organization the Pact Worlds have ever known. This newfound strength comes not a moment too soon, for the threat within the Scoured Stars is unlike any we’ve ever faced: a hostile military force known as the jinsuls, committed to our complete destruction. Stopping the Jinsul Hierocracy will challenge us more than anything we’ve done before, but what I’ve seen from our agents these past two years assures me that we are more than up to the task! Your orders will arrive shortly; for now, gather your equipment, finish your preparations, and send any messages you wish before we reach the Scoured Stars.”

Table GMs, you may start the Introduction!

M human architect/37

House GM dotting in. If you need me, fastest place is finding me on discord @ogrenoah.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's linked in Castamir and Cottonseed now.

The reason it wasn't linked here (or any of the paizo lodges) is that all three of us on the Con Committee didn't realize we had to post it to all of the paizo lodges separately, we're all almost exclusively Discord GMs so didn't know about this. We figured the one big thread announcement was sufficient. It's been added to the Standard Operating Procedures for future Cons though, so it shouldn't happen again.

I believe the google doc posted at the top of these lodges has now been updated, but I don't have control over it, so couldn't have updated it either way.

Sorry about the confusion!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Announcing Outpost VII: The Allies We Made Along the Way!

Sorry we didn't post it here separately, it has been added to the Standard Procedures so this mistake won't occur in the future.

5/55/55/55/5 * Venture-Agent, Online—VTT

DoubleGold wrote:

I see an error in a listing.

Pathfinder 2e 3-29 Equal Exchanges, the Hidden Current
3-19 is actually Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-19: Mean Streets of Shadow Absalom. Which one is it suppose to be?

There was an error while copying information, I've fixed it. Should be 3-19 - Mean Streets of Shadow Absalom

5/55/55/55/5 * Venture-Agent, Online—VTT

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Greetings Outpost VII Participants!
You can now view the offerings for Outpost VII, as well as GMs and their respective locations!
GM Early access to signups will occur on February 5, while players signup will occur on February 12.
Outpost VII Spreadsheet

5/55/55/55/5 * Venture-Agent, Online—VTT

Thanks Kludde! The Forum url thing I guess tripped me up and it combined two links together.

5/55/55/55/5 * Venture-Agent, Online—VTT

Hello everyone! Outpost VII is happening soon (official announcment in the next few days) but we need your requests for which PF2 and SF specials to run! Please vote on what PF2 and SF specials you'd like to see offered at Outpost VII!

M human architect/37

I think Redelia has to do it, I'll msg her.

M human architect/37

Try it now.

M human architect/37

Drive Link

You should be able to download your chronicles here!

M human architect/37

Yes, that's what I'll do.

M human architect/37

Just a heads up, I might get to the chronicles tonight, but if not, it'll probably slip to Sunday because I'll be at a convention all weekend. If any of you need them faster than that please tell me.

M human architect/37

"Well, I don't HAVE to retire, but I'm choosing to. I've accomplished my goals and it's been a tumultuous few years, and I think my doctor said something about my blood pressure being much higher than it was before I took this job, so, time to take it at least slightly easier."

M human architect/37

"Thank you for returning these to me. I'll make sure to handle them with utmost care. Please, take these for your troubles." She hands you a spell gem of adamantine shot and a spell ampoule of biome adaptation, and a radiation buffer. "I foresaw those might be useful. but I'm afraid you did all of the other tasks before mine. Still, might be useful in the future."

After that, you can return to Ehu Hadif's office. “Come in, Starfinders! Well, what did you think?” Ehu Hadif asks, folding his arms expectantly. “Are the candidates worthy of your vote? Have their mandates caught your interest? Do their interests align with your own?”

M human architect/37

If you have a profession skill, you're free to roll your earned income checks now, as we're pretty much at the end of the scenario. Please tell me if the total credit value is anything besides the dice roll doubled.

M human architect/37

**"Well, there was mention that the reason the storage locker was up for sale was because of the owner's untimely demise. Apparently they were an exiled Prophet of Kalistrade. That's all I know."**

With this information and the artifacts you can return to Nykiti. Once you present the items to her, she looks over them all carefully before thanking you all for your work. "Do you have any additional questions for me?"

M human architect/37

"I picked them up at a storage locker auction." is his initial response, and Irres can tell that he's telling the truth but definitely holding something back. You could press him on this with a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check.

M human architect/37

"Hmm, maybe you're right. This stock is even a liability if I do sell it. Well, alright, I'll give you these three in exchange for a favor and a sign of continued good faith and cooperation with the Society, eh?"

You can examine the dragon statue if you'd like, a DC 12 Physical science check reveals that

it's made of yellow jasper.
and a DC 12 Perception check reveals that is
has a message engraved in the base in Aklo.
If you can speak Aklo and someone points that out, you can read it:
"Take my secret with you, traitor."

If you find this out, you can ask Julzakama about it and give me a Sense Motive check.

M human architect/37

"Well, just because it almost killed me doesn't mean they ain't valuable! How much're you willing to part with?"

A Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidate check could likely encourage him to part with them for free.

M human architect/37

Combat Over!

With the three artifacts calmed, Julzakama takes a few more moments to regain control of his limbs, but he eventually does. "What happened to my shop?! Who are you?"

M human architect/37

George's two tonal stones are enough to disarm the sword, which falls right into Checker's outstretched hand.

M human architect/37

The sword continues to slish and slash to a beat your cannot hear. Anock, Julzakama's eyes seem a bit panicked, and it seems like his muscles aren't working currently. He is temporarily paralyzed.

Players are all up! 2 consecutive athletics checks to pin it, profession related to music, or mysticism to calm the remaining active artifact down.


M human architect/37

Chip sees that the sword is pretty wild but also seems to be dancing to some unknown beat. He surmises that there are potentially a few ways to disable it: Athletics to pin it to the ground, would require two consecutive checks, Mysticism to drain its magic temporarily, or a music related Profession to bring its performance to a close.

M human architect/37


M human architect/37

George 09-23 knows instinctively exactly where to press on the statue to turn it off, and it does.

M human architect/37

The dragon statue pulses out another cloud, and the sword goes on a wild series of slashes and slishes through the air all around in the blue box.

All Players are up!

M human architect/37
Anock wrote:
Julzekama gets Fast Healing 1. See Reactive Repair (level 1).

Julzakama's eyelids pop open, but he doesn't seem to be able to move his body in any way.

Kalem "Chip" Leafgleam wrote:
The yellow highlighted area is safe now that the wand is calmed, right?


Irres, you can tell that the dragon statue is currently releasing soul-sapping clouds every turn, and it could be disabled with Engineering or Mysticism, both of which would have to be adjacent to it. It's cloud is outlined in red.

M human architect/37

The wand seems to consider Soarin's attempts, and then calms down and sits on the box, calmly.

M human architect/37

The wand is shooting out bursts of glittering light that seems to cling to every surface it can touch (as drawn on the map now). You think it could be calmed down with Diplomacy, could be disabled with Engineering, though you'd have to be right next to it to do so, or Mysticism would let you know what command word to disable it with. Any of these checks is a standard action.

M human architect/37

Ok, Julzakama is now on the map! Also, moving him works as follows: You can drag him 10 feet as a move action, though only 5 feet if your strength is 9 or lower. A DC 14 Athletics check can pick him up as a move action, and then move as normally, but encumbered (Speeds are reduced by 10 feet, maximum Dex bonus to AC is reduced to +2, and you take a –5 penalty to Str– and Dex-based checks).

Also, if you want to figure out what any of the three artifacts are doing, you can do a perception check on your turn specifying which one you're observing.

The dragon releases another cloud of dark energy and you see Julzakama become even grayer.

Initiative! All Players are up!

M human architect/37

Yes, sorry, I got sidetracked by trying to figure out who/where Caska was.

M human architect/37

OK, I sent them a PM, hopefully the respond, I'll move on without them for the moment.

M human architect/37

Anyone heard from Caska? I ask because I didn't know they were a player since they never dotted into the discussion thread.

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