
plober's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Wishlists and Lists

Wishlists allow you to track products you'd like to buy, or—if you make a wishlist public—to have others buy for you.

Lists allow you to track products, product categories, blog entries, messageboard forums, threads, and posts, and even other lists! For example, see Lisa Stevens' items used in her Burnt Offerings game sessions.

For more details about wishlists and lists, see this thread.

Click here to see all of plober's lists.

My List

(5 items)

1.  Silver Dragon
Re: RPG SuperStar 2012 Total Number of Round 1 Entries?
Post, by Neil Spicer

2.  Orcus
The Varnhold Vanishing (GM Reference)
Thread (521 posts),

3.  Automaton
Dudemeister's KM3 VV - Additions and Changes
Thread (160 posts),


4.  Grey Maiden
Redcelt's Game of Thrones in Brevoy
Thread (128 posts),

Política en Restov

5.  Glass Dragonfly
Oleg's 3D View
Thread (36 posts),

oleg 3d