Blue Hesmene

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probably the same answer but crossbows? or no?

I see that you guys have answered this for regular magic Missile. My question involves Mythic magic Missile which for those who don't know, is 2D 4 + 1 so would intensified spell give me extra d-4s or would intensified give me extra missiles? PS I understand that this is a really old form and I'm sorry for whoever has to answer this I just can't seem to find an applicable post to answer my question.

(Attack Action: An attack action is a type of standard action. Some combat options can modify only this specific sort of action. When taking an attack action, you can apply all appropriate options that modify an attack action. Thus, you can apply both Greater Weapon of the Chosen and Vital Strike to the same attack, as both modify your attack action. You can apply these to any combat option that takes the place of a melee attack made using an attack action (such as the trip combat maneuver), though options that increase damage don’t cause attacks to deal damage if they wouldn’t otherwise do so (such as Vital Strike and trip). You can’t combine options that modify attack actions with standard actions that aren’t attack actions, such as Cleave. Source: PZO9468)

So I find this confusing is a attack action just a fancy way of saying that its a standard action?

I have a question about androids vs mind affecting spells/abilities. Can they be affected by them? IE a court bards Satire?

Empty quiver style (flexibility) in conjunction with snapshot to increase the bows granting reach to the bow for melee attacks?

Ok so flat 225% thank you I was unable to figure that out for my self.

Will the non Mythic counterparts to the Mythic versions of empowerment and maximization work together? Or is it a flat bonus? Or is it multiplicative?

Pod-Spawned Creature ature/

at the bottom of the page it states this: "Special Abilities: The creature loses any spellcasting ability and all spell-like and supernatural abilities."

so is that permanent to all magics even after taking the template?
or is it just the ones you had when you first took the template?

so to reiterate at lvl 1 you take "Pod-Spawned Creature" and at lvl 3 you take a magic class would the "Special Abilities" of the pod creature kill that out right?

Ok so my GM is building a campaign were one of his bosses can apply 25 insight bounce to his allies to any and every thing as an immediate action. So I would like to know if the flat footed condition; of one not being aware of the attack would have their insight bonus to AC negated or if there is some why to mitigate it.

P.S. sorry about lack of grammar

A brilliant energy weapon has its significant portion transformed into light, although this does not modify the item’s weight. It always gives off light as a torch (20-foot radius). A brilliant energy weapon ignores nonliving matter. Armor and shield bonuses to AC (including any enhancement bonuses to that armor) do not count against it because the weapon passes through armor. (Dexterity, deflection, dodge, natural armor, and other such bonuses still apply.) A brilliant energy weapon cannot harm undead, constructs, or objects.

what im wanting is clarification on "Armor and shield bonuses to AC (including any enhancement bonuses to that armor) do not count against it because the weapon passes through armor. (Dexterity, deflection, dodge, natural armor, and other such bonuses still apply.)"

so if you could be so kind as to say weather or not a insight, luck, sacred, profane, size, monk ac bonus, cover, un-typed ac (and any others i may have missed)

thank you my dm has ruled that it only will work out side of combat so its not so broken

so i have a question? that is probably extremely broken if it works and that is weather or not fast healing applies with mystical healer?

mystical healer:

Benefit: You add additional dice to any form of healing you generate yourself (extraordinary abilities, spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities).

Special: If you do not possess a caster level, use half your character level, rounded down to determine additional healing dice for supernatural or extraordinary abilities.

When channeling energy to harm an opponent, do not add additional dice. These apply only when healing.

can weapon fineness change the strength prerequisite to a dex mod?

so my question is if Slashing Grace can it be used in conjugation with weapon fineness on the eleven curve blade for 2.5 or 3 times dex to damage?

James Jacobs wrote:
o0NAVI0o wrote:
So I have question you probably answer before but my do is very stubborn so here gose: can you add multiple of the same stat like kinin strike and foused shot to the same attack role for 3 times int to damage? For example with 2 feats. Crossbowmen deadshot and greater deadshot for 1 times dex to damage combined with gunslingers archetype boltace at lvl 5 gains there dex to damage for 2 times dex to damage? And for the 3rd example: Agile (+1 weapon enhancement) use dexterity instead of strength to dam on finesse able weapon combining with weapon finesse for 2 times dex on damage with an enchant and a class feature
Rules questions need to be asked in the rules forums, not here. Sorry!

im not asking for a ruling im asking if that works due to an the first page you made a statement if the same modifier of dex cant be made twice for cmb cmd checks but im wondering if you also meant that to be for attack damage (ie: adding 2 times dex or 3 times int to the attack roll with the feats and class abilities) yes or no did you mean that you cant add the same modifier 2 or more times to all things or just the cmd/b????

So I have my stupid question that is can you add multiple modifiers have Dex to attack damage like 2 times dex to damage like a example weapon finesse and agile weapon make 2 time dex <--- an example? Or for int kirin strike and focused shot making 3 times int. Or would you just be stuck to one times each the only reason I'm asking this question is my dm has confused me about what I have multiple modifiers of stats (2 or 3 times (stat) for attack damage rolls)

So I have question you probably answer before but my do is very stubborn so here gose: can you add multiple of the same stat like kinin strike and foused shot to the same attack role for 3 times int to damage? For example with 2 feats. Crossbowmen deadshot and greater deadshot for 1 times dex to damage combined with gunslingers archetype boltace at lvl 5 gains there dex to damage for 2 times dex to damage? And for the 3rd example: Agile (+1 weapon enhancement) use dexterity instead of strength to dam on finesse able weapon combining with weapon finesse for 2 times dex on damage with an enchant and a class feature

I have a question along these lines and that question is coupling the second ability of the Arcane Archer I believe it's imbue arrow which state is it takes a standard action to imbibe the arrow with the spell of you metamagic the spell that is being imbued will that take a full round action then you may fire it on your next turn?

I now it seams odd that I'm asking this here but it's the best my searching can yeld now the on to the question. What are possible enchantments that add critical rage that work on a bow? And if possible can you also list any spells or gear that also will widen the threat rage. And if you could be so kind as to include the damage side of criticals too... and just to be clear it's for an epic/mythic campaign and most of my stats are 30 or higher wis is 20 and it's a lvl 20 10 lvl are sorcerer and 10 are dragon disciple thanks

Imbue arrow lvl 2 arcane Archer class ability("At 2nd level, an arcane archer gains the ability to place a spell upon an arrow. When the arrow is fired, the spell is centered where the arrow lands, even if the spell could normally be centered only on the caster. This ability allows the archer to use the bow's range rather than the spell's range. A spell cast in this way uses its standard casting time and the arcane archer can fire the arrow as part of the casting. The arrow must be fired during the round that the casting is completed or the spell is wasted. If the arrow misses, the spell is wasted.") could that by pass ("However, this spell cannot reproduce any spells or other limited-use magical effects that you used to enhance that particular attack.") So if I imbue my arrow with suffocation then use arrow eruption on the corps?

OK thank you for your input

So I have a question as to the enhance arrow ability if you use it with a enchanted bow let's say 1d6 fire lightning cold and acid were it's enchants and you use enhance arrow to make the arrow do 1 of the elements of fire lightning cold and acid would you get the ability to have 1 additional d6 of one of the elements listed above?

So I have a inquiry in this can you take this dm allowing of course. For any spell casting class ie sorcerers wizards druids paladins rangers so on and so forth I'm unclear about this due to one of the posts above "Lets analyze this: A hex has a DC of 10+1/2witch level+int modifier. This is no different than primary class spells (of the maximum spell level). Example: Witch is 10th level and has 5th level spells. Her highest Spell DC is 10+5+ability mod. Her Hex is 10+10/2+ability mod." Makes me think that this should work

can they be used in unison with 2 standard actions in the same round?

calcific touch

Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch
Target creature or creatures touched (up to one per level)
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude Partial; Spell Resistance yes

Your touch progressively transmutes the substance of creatures you touch into stone. Once per round, you may deliver a touch attack that inflicts 1d4 points of Dexterity damage and slows the target (as the spell) for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save negates the slow effect but not the ability damage. A target reduced to 0 Dexterity is petrified permanently. Break enchantment, restoration, or stone to flesh can reverse the effects of calcific touch.

ride the lightning

Casting Time 1 swift action
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level (D)

You may transform into lightning as a standard action and instantly travel in a straight line to a distance of up to 120 feet, rematerializing in the new location as a free action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Creatures in this line take 10d6 points of electrical damage and are staggered for 1 round (a successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the staggered condition, spell resistance applies). Objects in your path are damaged as well, with combustible objects being set ablaze and metals with low melting points melted. If your path is interrupted by a barrier or otherwise deflected, you materialize short of your final destination in the nearest open space; targets in the line to that point take damage as normal. You are immune to electricity while this spell lasts.

so buy casting them both in turn 1 then waiting till turn 2 spend a mythic point as an immediate action to gain a second standard action make the necessary roles can your use calcific touch wiles in the ride the lightning effects?

Kalindlara wrote:
o0NAVI0o wrote:

will this: Mythic Bloodline (Su)

When determining the effects of your bloodline powers, you're considered 4 levels higher. This increases the effects of powers you have access to, but doesn't grant you powers at a lower level than normal. If you have a sorcerer bloodline power that can be used multiple times per day, such as metamagic adept, you gain a number of extra uses of that power equal to half your tier (minimum 1). You must have the bloodline class feature to select this ability.

work with EH and MEH?

Not by RAW, because you never "have" the bloodline - you just keep getting the individual powers from it. If you had the bloodline as a class feature, but still needed Eldritch Heritage (somehow), then it should work.

That said, ask your GM. I'd allow you to take it with just Eldritch Heritage (as one of the very few non-gamebreaking things an archmage could do), and I bet many other GMs would too.

yes I have 2 blood lines draconic and elemental (fire){<with EH and MEH}

will this: Mythic Bloodline (Su)

When determining the effects of your bloodline powers, you're considered 4 levels higher. This increases the effects of powers you have access to, but doesn't grant you powers at a lower level than normal. If you have a sorcerer bloodline power that can be used multiple times per day, such as metamagic adept, you gain a number of extra uses of that power equal to half your tier (minimum 1). You must have the bloodline class feature to select this ability.

work with EH and MEH?

so i have a question that is kind weird if you took multiple if EH and MEH you could get a few bloodline powers to full at lvl 22 so insed of that can you just take the one MEH and multiple EH for the same at lvl 22 getting the cap stone powers of the multiple for the one mythic EH

Gaberlunzie wrote:
o0NAVI0o wrote:

hey im thinking of making a svirfneblin pc that will be an arcane archer and im wondering if this feat will work for my needs

:Arcane Talent: Only available to Elves, Half-Elves, and Gnomes. Allows the character to select one 0 level spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list to cast 3 times a day as a spell-like ability with Character Level as Caster Level

sins the svirfneblin is a undergnome would the feat above work?

It's a bit vague, as Gnome is both a subtype and a specific race, and the feat specifies half-elves which are only a race and also have the Elves subtype. I would imagine that when the feat was written, it was only intended for the race Gnome, rather than the subtype, because if it was referring subtypes mentioning half-elves would be unnecessary.

However, the interpretation can go either way, and it definately comes down to your group/GM.

EDIT: On a sidenote, I think people would have prefered if you'd started a new thread instead of raising a 4 year old one; you're aiming for arcane archer, not necromancer, after all.

well thank you for your help and im knew to the sight and pathfinder still not sure hoe to make a new/ havent looked

hey im thinking of making a svirfneblin pc that will be an arcane archer and im wondering if this feat will work for my needs

:Arcane Talent: Only available to Elves, Half-Elves, and Gnomes. Allows the character to select one 0 level spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list to cast 3 times a day as a spell-like ability with Character Level as Caster Level

sins the svirfneblin is a undergnome would the feat above work?

hello im just wondering if there is some convoluted way that a sorcerer can craft a wand of cure ___________ wounds? via a scroll or something.

so on another side note the reason i want to swap my spells around now as opposed to later is so i swap some spells that are relatively useless to me know like acid splash swap for resistance, mage armor or identify swap for snowball due to i have a wand of identify and more armor ac than mage armor provides and my other can trips do more damage than acid splash plus my dm seams to be giving us free thinks to help just befor we need it and i al ready have fire based spells that will kill off trolls

cavernshark wrote:
o0NAVI0o wrote:

so i have a question i would love answered i have a sor lvl5/dd lvl2 and i was wondering if i take one more lvl of sorcerer to change my spells on the even lvl of 6 for sorcerer and 2 of dd do i have lvl 7 caster lvl spells or do they stay as 6th level spells????

o and i have side note for the multi class or prestige class of my lvl5 sorcerer and lvl2 dd by bab, fort, reflex, and will saves should be added together like bab 1+2=3 fort 1+1=2+mod reflex 1+1=2+mod will 4+1=5+mod basicly do i add them on top like they stack with each other or are they separate ex the highest supersedes the lower???? please answer fast i think im going to level next session. thank you for the help

If you're a Sorcerer 6, DD 2, you cast spells as a 7th level Sorcerer for the purposes of spells known and spells per day. If you have magical knack, this increases you to caster level 8 for the effects of those spells (7 + 2, no greater than your character level which is 8). This is exactly the same as if you went Sorcerer 5, DD 3 since your third level of DD also increases your bloodline and gives you +1 level in your original spell casting class (Sorcerer). There is literally no advantage for you at this point to take another level in Sorcerer until Sorcerer 5 / DD 5. When you go to DD 5, Magical Knack will keep your caster level up, but you won't get additional spells per day or spells known on that level. Your bloodline will advance, however.

The BAB, HP, saves, etc are calculated separately for each class and they stack as your example.

i don't have magical knack

kestral287 wrote:

A Sorc 5/Dragon Disciple 2 casts spells as a 6th-level Sorcerer.

A Sorc 6/Dragon Disciple 2 casts spells as a 7th-level Sorcerer (but so does a Sorc 5/Dragon Disciple 3, which is a strictly better choice).

Save bonuses from multiple classes are added together.

o and by the way my toon here stas are 16 str(16 base - 2 for race 14) 20 dex(18 + 2 for race) 17 con 17 int 14 wis 20 cha( 18 + 2 for race)

just thought you may what a clue as to what you help was for thanks

kestral287 wrote:

A Sorc 5/Dragon Disciple 2 casts spells as a 6th-level Sorcerer.

A Sorc 6/Dragon Disciple 2 casts spells as a 7th-level Sorcerer (but so does a Sorc 5/Dragon Disciple 3, which is a strictly better choice).

Save bonuses from multiple classes are added together.

thank yo so much you have know idea how much this helped me

so i have a question i would love answered i have a sor lvl5/dd lvl2 and i was wondering if i take one more lvl of sorcerer to change my spells on the even lvl of 6 for sorcerer and 2 of dd do i have lvl 7 caster lvl spells or do they stay as 6th level spells????

o and i have side note for the multi class or prestige class of my lvl5 sorcerer and lvl2 dd by bab, fort, reflex, and will saves should be added together like bab 1+2=3 fort 1+1=2+mod reflex 1+1=2+mod will 4+1=5+mod basicly do i add them on top like they stack with each other or are they separate ex the highest supersedes the lower???? please answer fast i think im going to level next session. thank you for the help