Superstitious Mercenary

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James Jacobs wrote:

I only outlined Strange Aeons and wrote a bunch of the monsters and backmatter articles. I wasn't directly involved in the writing or development of the adventures, nor have I read them.

Space is often an issue in products, though, and part of the developer's job is to pick and choose what gets explained or expanded on, and what doesn't. It's almost NEVER a case where the author provides backstories and answers for everything and then during development the developer has to cut content. In fact, it's very often the case that the developer ends up adding in this content to give weapons, NPCs, locations, whatever more flavor and more backstory (it's not uncommon for an adventure turnover to even omit something as simple as an NPC's physical description).

So my guess in this case was that there just wasn't words to expand on the topics in question, so the developer never created the additional lore in the first place.

Certainly neither of those things are from Lovecraftian lore, so there's no pre-Pathfinder stuff to explore there either.

Considering the theme of the Adventure Path, I suspect a purple glowing sword is more an attempt to do something unusual and creepy in a Lovecraft way. Purple is a color I've often used to make a monster feel more alien, since it's not a very common color in creatures in the real world. I doubt it has anything to do with Mace Windu's light sabre at all.

Well it certainly grabs your attention. Thank you.

I am currently playing in Strange Aeons. We have located the following swords in the course of our adventures and I am curious about these blades.

I noticed one thread indicated that the Red Destiny has no back story. This is mildly interesting and taken with the Lowls crusader sword, seems to be indicating some sort of pattern. So I am asking for information explaining the placement of these items.

One of the Lowls ancestors has a longsword +1 that sheds a pale purple light. This is a unique light color choice. I am unaware of any such color choice prior, even going back through the days of AD&D. Couple this choice with the fact that this ancestor is a Mendevian Crusader, if not a knight very close to a knight. I could not help but conclude a possible homage to Mace Windu the only other purple blade wielding knight I can think of.

Did I puzzle out some clever homage?


I am currently playing in Strange Aeons. We have located the following swords in the course of our adventures and I am curious about these blades.

I noticed one thread indicated that the Red Destiny has no back story. This is mildly interesting and taken with the Lowls crusader sword, seems to be indicating some sort of pattern. So I am asking for information explaining the placement of these items.

One of the Lowls ancestors has a longsword +1 that sheds a pale purple light. This is a unique light color choice. I am unaware of any such color choice prior, even going back through the days of AD&D. Couple this choice with the fact that this ancestor is a Mendevian Crusader, if not a knight very close to a knight. I could not help but conclude a possible homage to Mace Windu the only other purple blade wielding knight I can think of.

If anyone can point me to some information that talks about these items as "easter eggs" or some other such fun, please share. It just feels like something more than a random thoughtless thing.


Thank you all. I did get my package last night. I am not sure why it had to be so hard.

Well he weekend passed without any sign of my package. The local USPS seems to think it has a package, but has no data for said package - limbo.

Still cannot get the dang link from the email above to work for me -limbo.

Apparently I am stuck in limbo. Not really happy, but too early to get upset?

Any information would be helpful.

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That is extremely helpful, thank you. That enabled me to locate it from my local USPS, going to get it tonight before 8pm.

Again, greatly appreciated.

I got the email saying Paizo shipped it. However I cannot track it on UPS from the email link or manually at UPS. I have even tried from the paizo link and still no luck.

text of the shipment email
Dear Bryan,

A package containing 4 items from Paizo Order #29273405 is about to ship from the Paizo warehouse via Standard Postal Delivery, estimated 4 to 8 business days in transit.

Shipping Address:
Bryan Richter
7941 Tetotom Park Way
Antelope, CA 95843-4631

The following products are included in this shipment:
1 x Set of 7 Dice: Opaque?Orange/Black
1 x Pathfinder (1E) Dice Tray
1 x Starfinder Dice Tray
1 x Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide Special Edition Hardcover

This order has been processed and finalized for shipment. It can no longer be altered.

Track your package at:

You may view your order online at

Thank you for your business.

Best regards,
Paizo Customer Service

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I noticed the same thing. The bulk issue has been mentioned to be resolved and to be printed in errata.

The cost issue concerns me though. What prevents me from spending 7sp on an Adventurer's pack to get all stuff and 2 weeks of rations (8sp otherwise) and then selling the extra stuff back? Sure the remaining stuff comes in a at 8sp 3cp, say I keep 3 torches, 8sp; but that sells back for 4sp. Which means I got my 2 weeks of rations for 3sp net.

Even if I added wrong, the point remains, I am getting a huge break in cost and then selling off what I do not need for an even bigger break. I am fairly certain this is not what was intended.

For the record the climber's kit is the same way. Same cost as 50' of rope (and it comes with 50' of rope).

If there is an official answer, other than the video, please point me in the right direction.

I have looked for this and can find no answer.

I take Advanced Weapon Training (Feat) to choose an Advanced Weapon Training (Option) and pick Item Mastery. This requires me to choose one and I pick Teleportation Mastery.

1. The text of Item Mastery (Advanced Weapon Training option) says you get an Item Mastery Feat as a bonus feat. Seems to indicate it is not a Combat Feat. (Which makes perfect sense if you take it as the option.)
2. This is AWT as a Feat that is specifically designated as a Combat Feat.
3. AWT Feat (Combat) can be taken as a fighter bonus feat. If you take it as a bonus feat you can swap it out later with the fighter class ability.
4. If you swap out AWT Feat (Item Mastery) for another Combat Feat you lose the associated Item Mastery Feat.
5. It appears that when "purchased" this way that Teleportation Mastery would be both an Item Mastery Feat and a Combat Feat. (Or also count as a Combat Feat for the purpose of abundant Tactics.)

Does Teleportation Master taken via the Advanced Weapon Training Feat (Combat) count as a Combat feat?

If it does then I could use Abundant Tactics with it. I am looking for ways to cast Dimension Door ad increase the number of times I can do it. I am aware of the Barroom Brawler-Abundant Tactics path - but the rule about not being able to go over the times per day, no matter how many ways you can access it limit appears to cap this.

help is much appreciated.


Deep, compulsive greed gnaws at you. Whenever monetary treasure is divided, you must end up with a greater share of that treasure than your companions or you’re wracked with feelings of jealousy and ill will. When treasure is divided, if you do not end up with at least 10% more treasure than any other individual companion does, you have a hard time being helpful to your allies. You become irritable, and can’t take the aid another action for the next week.

When I read this I get the following rules from this.
A) When dividing monetary treasure (which I understand to be coins, gems, trade goods)
B) IF you do not get 10% more than other party members,
C) You cannot aid another for a week (take the Aid Another action).

Nothing in the rules requires me to express my "Avarice" in role-play or argue for a larger share at every opportunity. Nothing in the general information of Drawbacks requires more, that I found.

Am I missing something?

kaid wrote:
Is there a steam powered giraffe?

That is hysterical.. until you think about it then it is just freaking evil. No stealth for you and "hoof to the head."

Now I want one.

Thanks all. This is EXACTLY what I read. I wanted to be sure that I was not missing some alternate interpretation.

I figure this was by design for the fleet battle with the Chelish, to make it almost guaranteed that you run them off.

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I have one layout issue not listed yet (or I missed it).

Action description section (page 7 - Upper left corner of 8) where the icons are explained - due to the layout of the paragraphs the 1-action icon is readily apparent and appears to be the ONLY one actually defined. However when you turn the page, in the upper corner is the Activities paragraph and the last two sentences of that paragraph have the 2 action and 3 action icons in the sentences in a smaller font. (I puzzled the icons out correctly, but it was guess work until I had turned the page for the third time. That time I noticed the Activities paragraph.)

My suggestion: In the Action header show all the action icons, example:
Action <<A>> (<<AA>> - 2 , <<AAA>> - 3)

This way right when I check the 1st page the index sends me to, I can see all the icons. You can repeat them on the next page with the Activities heading if you like. (Personally, the introduction of a second term for Action(s) is a waste and I think you should drop it. They use the Action symbol and you complete them by spending Actions. The explanation of Actions dials you into Actions and how many you get a round. I flip over to fighter and see Power Attack I know how to use it.)

Layout of the Success/Failure results
Fuzzypaws and Snowblind, thank you for mentioning this. This bothered me when we first saw the success/failure block in the playtest blog. I gave some ideas then about what I thought was more readable. That said, I think, the use of an indent for the Critical results below the normal results is a genius use of a tab and easily creates the readability I want without major layout changes.

As always, these are suggestions you may do with as you please.

Cevah wrote:
The Price of Infamy, p66 wrote:
A fleet gains one boon for each significant character who travels with the fleet. Ifthe significant character associated with a particular boon is not present in the fleet (either because that character was elsewhere at the time of the battle or because that character's squadron was destroyed), the fleet does not gain that boon.

You loose the character giving the boon, you loose the boon. This may have side effects, see the boon description for details.


So break down how overwhelming works, assuming that the character with that boon has just left the battle due to squadron morale damage.

I have been looking for some discussion on how this boon works. Specifically the question is what happens when you lose it mid-battle, ie. the squadron with the significant character who provided it to the fleet gets sunk.

Since I assume it has already been discussed, providing the link to the relevant thread would be much appreciated.

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We all made the pirate council. Then we proceeded to vote against our own interests, more than once. Players decided what their characters really wanted and voted that way. I have a Diplomacy of 22, so I was wrangling votes. On two occasions I made the rolls, only to have fellow party members vote against my efforts (which were at the Captain's behest).

It was sad and the best ever, all at once. That was a really fun part of the campaign.

We renamed the Man's Promise, the Besmara's Lust.

When my wizard, Jamest Iberiu Skirk, got his Shackles Letter of Marque and christened his own ship, he named her Inceptum. She has been added to our fleet and Jamest commands a squadron from her deck.

Our Party as it began.

Andrazzi - Archaeologist Rogue
Ariel Triton - Priestess of Besmara
The Kindly Sisters
"Bloody" Mari Kindly - Priestess of Besmara
"Black" Jaqi Kindly - Swashbuckler
Grug Treesplitter - Orc Barbarian
Jamest Iberiu Skirk - Air Elementalist Wizard (me)

At the time of the mutiny:
Andrazzi - Captain
"Bloody" Mari Kindly - Pilot
"Black" Jaqi Kindly - Gunner
Grug Treesplitter - Master
Jamest Iberiu Skirk - First Officer

Ariel had been "killed" by Andrazzi, her body tossed overboard. Our GM spared her and she is now a wereshark, I think, who has yet to return and wreak vengeance upon us.

Two months after the mutiny, Andrazzi decided to "retire". The dice hated him and the player was just dying living by his rolls. By that time Ariel had been replaced, by a pixie-fairy we met on Bone Wrack Isle, Misbell. We also found a eager officer bent on vengeance against his extended family, Talathel. Bloody Mari lost her arm to a 30' shark in the sahuagin cave, presumably sent by her dead grandmother and Besmara, which she replaced with an enchanted replacement of iron.

The Besmara's Lust, as we have been since Rickety Squibs.
"Iron" Mari Kindly - Captain
"Black" Jaqi Kindly - Gunner
Grug Treesplitter - Master
Jamest Iberiu Skirk - First Officer
Talathel - Officer
Misbell - Activities Director

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Dastis wrote:

You have officially made good > law..... Paladins are now Asimov robots free of making moral decisions. Great....

I would like the option to choose law > good. Otherwise we are just Good kinda lawful not Lawful Good.

Glad to know other paladin alignments will be considered. Asmodean Paladins ftw(a great example of law>evil).

I noticed the Laws of Robotics too. Not to worry, I think; Asimov's robots had great opportunities to apply the laws, creatively without breaking them, to help mankind. This move sets a framework for playing paladins and capturing their singular feature - morality.

It is a great move.

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I am not sure that I like shields not getting potency runes. I look forward to playing the other new shield rules.

You mentioned Bracers of Armor, could we sub bracers with bracelets, or earrings, or some other such item. I am asking because I am presuming that the AC and TAC bonus from Bracers does not stack with AC and TAC from a suit of armor. Then I can "reuse" the item as something more flavor oriented. (I am a bad GM and will do it anyway, but I do appreciate the design and am curious if this factors into your design thoughts.)

The natives of Bezodan, a jungle island chain, wear no armor and minimal jewelry. They carry spears and shields which they now threaten you with. Bracers would flavor wise be out of place for these islanders, though mechanically they provide exactly what I want for the chiefs bodyguards.

In older, other FRPGS I would just hand out +1 or +2 shields and call it good. I do not mind changing it up, say to "totems of power", since they do the exact same thing as bracers. I just like to know that I am being smart and not working directly against the design of the game.

Does this now mean that we can wear a shield and use a polearm? Make an attack and then raise my shield (conveniently hiding whatever crazy hand work might be required to do the polearm and shield thing).

Love that proficiency adds to AC and TAC - well it adds to the item bonus granted to AC and TAC.

Thanks for the heads up on what is coming.

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Uri Meca wrote:

Nice, I like it!

I expect my group won't be able to spend so much. They are playing Island of Empty Eyes now and are still securing the island and dealing with ghost Bikendi.
But some do have an eye for showmanship so I'm curious to see how it will play out.

We did Bikendi last. The haunting of the first night spooked us good, so we did everything else then came back to the fort.

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Now that the thread is open again. I can deposit my 2 cents.

I noticed this in your column Critical Hits and Critical Failures Fri, Mar 30, 2018 and I waved off of any commenting, because I wanted to relax and see what formatting you would ultimately use with Critical Successes and Failures.

Now that the spell blog has released, I am seeing the same formatting and it seems appropriate to comment.

In Vampiric Exsanguination your success/fail block appears like this:

Success Half damage.
Critical Success No damage.
Failure Full damage.
Critical Failure Double damage.

I get the order of success then failure, but it screws me up to read success then critical success in the context of the entire block.

Realizing that I do not know your requirements for publication and what not. The following is a suggestion that changes the order of items in your block, but does not change the layout of the block as a whole but improves the readability.

Critical Success No damage.
Success Half damage.
Failure Full damage.
Critical Failure Double damage.

I imagined gaming and how I would use this at the gaming table; how would I read this after a roll and my DM needs to know what has happened to the monster. I used your spells, detailed in the spells blog, as my guinea pigs for my imaginary "look up and read".

Hope this helps you.

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Cuup wrote:
How did one character (a newly arrived one, from the sounds of it) have 150k? You should all have been around 10th-level by the party, and even a 13th-level character would only have about 140k including gear, consumables, etc.

She joined us during the first book, Mutiny on the Wormwood. She had been accumulating since Bone Wrack Isle (where we found her), with some small expenditures along the way.

We have been a very aggressive ship taking crew and that is where the money is when you go pirating. We are a party of 6 and or DM has beefs up encounters as he feels necessary. We do not use wealth by level and Misbell has been successful at absconding with extra shares of loot.

For that matter we went through first two books with a coin that doubled our chance of random encounters, we caught a lot of ships and got a lot of loot and plunder. We did get lucky and get more ships than sea monsters.

Cuup wrote:
So, cool story, but it kind of trivializes the entire party when one character can just do a buy out for the whole group when other skill checks were otherwise so important in getting a seat on the pirate council.

It is a cool story and since none of us knew the rules governing the party as we played it out, nothing we did was trivialized. It was the best way to play it and we loved the outcome. Everyone shined at they favorite thing, including Misbell at going ridiculously extreme.

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In our run through Skull & Shackles, we lost a cleric of Besmara early (not dead, but left for dead..) and that player brought in MisBell. MisBell is a pixie-fairy, our GM and I worked out what this 6 inch tall race is (ARG - another interesting story).

Well MisBell took it upon herself and her loot to make arrangements for the party at the end of the The Island of Empty Eyes. Our Captain, Iron Mary Kindly, had made arrangements and then the Calistrian fleet arrived to fulfill their contract with MisBell.

There was a water show, imagine a choreographed swim number from a 50s film, say White Christmas singing but on/in the water. This featured hundreds of actors, via illusion, doing their number which culminated in the priestesses of Calistria "arriving" on the backs of two deinosuchus's, charmed just for this opening act of the dinner. There were fireworks before desert was served, a 10 minute spectacular described as Disneyland's nightly show. Then when the real drinking started, the green slime wrestling began. Lots of drinking during the wrestling, after which there was a wrestler meet and greet. Followed by poorly coordinated amateur bouts. More drinking and finally exhaustion and passing out.

Naturally interspersed, per the module, our worth was tested. After the party and all the trials our GM took the time to do the scoring with us. He explained how the module did it and we went through the steps of scoring. It was a nail biter, we had some significant failures with the trials; we were at 14 points and it looked like we had secured the Captain's spot on the council. Then he said there was one last category for score, we all gasped - some of the scoring had been negative in nature, do x or get no points. The last category was "How much additional did you spend on the party? Get 1 point for every 1,000 gold."

We were desperately doing mental math, as we had spent 2k or 3k on invitations. When MisBell's player asked, "Does what I spent for the party count?" We all looked at the player first; our heads all turning in unison to hear our GM answer "Yes." There was silence and some one asked "How much did you spend?" The player giggled and our GM said "Add 150 points to your score and you have gotten the best result from the party. You are all admitted to the Pirate Council as Free Captains."

150,000 GP spent

1) Bravery
Dragon: I am scaring you armored guy. Roll!
Fighter: I am being scared. Bravery gives me a bonus! To my worst save... which makes it only marginally less likely that I will turn tail and run from this iconic match up...
Wizard: Why are you running, what happened to Bravery? Oh wait that is your worst save... I am getting eaten aren't I?
Dragon: Crunching and mumbles: I like scaring away the ones with the hard candy shell.

Fighters should get to use Fortitude for Fear saves and get the bonus based on level.

2) Encumbrance and Armor Training
Work it out so that above average stats (12-13, +1 mod) on a Fighter actually allow him to wear heavy armor and be unencumbered. The way I think Armor Training intended at 7th level (for that matter make sure it works with Medium armor too).

Currently the rules are weak and if your GM implements encumbrance by weight you suddenly are penalized. I suggest that Armor Training, the second part (moving at normal speed in med/heavy armor 3rd/7th) mean that the armor is weightless for purposes of encumbrance penalties, but still counts against total weight carried.

3) Attacks, Attacks, Attacks
NPC: (to the fighter) So what skills do you bring to the table?
Fighter: I hit stuff, stuff hits me, it takes a while.

Fighters always used to be the multi attack guys, then 3rd edition gave multiple attacks to everyone. Pathfinder kept this up and the Fighter has faded as a core member of a party. Make it the Fighter's thing again. Everyone gets three attacks (if you go full attack), give the fighter ways to cut down the negatives, give him extra attacks. Make him the melee monster he is supposed to be. The quintessential tank, Hit Points to burn, AC, damage output like the light from a small city.

4) Captured Spellbooks
Provide some way to attune them to you, so you do not have to make the daily check. That way there is a benefit to keeping captured spellbooks. Make a check to "learn" the book, just like learning a new spell. Then eliminate the daily check to use a spellbook that is not yours, because after you "learn" it, it is treated like yours.

Ultimate Magic has books that work like this - just carry those rules to all spellbooks. Nothing better than an enemy wizard using your spellbook against you.

5) Eliminate Feat Taxing
Make all feats count and, personally, make them all more modular. Combinations of feats build cool stuff you can do; so from the first one you take to end of a chain - you are doing awesome stuff.

My 2 cents for right now.

I have been looking at the Spell Index and noticed the Elementalist Wizard radio button, to filter by class. I clicked it and the index appears to provide all the correct spells. (The index table itself works a little weird to me, but that may just be me.) The problem is that not one of those spells tells me what element school it belongs to. Without that the list is not very useful.

Perhaps a good solution would be to only be able to search by the various Elementalist Wizard types, at the class level. That is you could only search by Air for your first search, then by Water for your second, etc.

Thank you.

Thanks, I thought I was missing something. It seemed I had to be missing something.

Thanks, I had missed that.

I have looked over the evasion threads and I am not finding what I am looking for. If what I have been looking for is out there feel free to link to it so I can look it over.

The scenario is this: There is a character that has evasion and grapples his opponent. Said opponent in an air elementalist and uses Lightning Flash. Does said evasion character get to use evasion as he is actively attempting to maintain physical contact with the air elementalist?

I have read the grappled condition and it only applies penalties to the "victim". It ignores the fact that the attacker is equally penalized to a third party who comes upon the two grapplers. The attacker has to focus on his victim and maintain physical contact.

Lightning Flash clearly does not take into consideration the scenario where you are in forced physical contact with your opponent. It says that the you unleash a flash of electricity... to all creatures in 5' radius of you.

It seems to me that if you as the attacker are actively maintaining contact with a dangerous source, like a hugging a fire elemental or something similar then you get "burned".

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:

Far-Roaming Familiar.

Archives of Nethys and d20pfsrd have search functions :-)

Thank you!

Does anyone recall the name of this feat? I had read a while ago and now that I am playing a wizard with a Familiar I want to use it and cannot find it.

I was the resident DM for my group and had been taking some flak, because I never tossed in "goofy" stuff. The Players had just entered a new dungeon and hit the first 4 way intersection. I checked for wandering monsters and was hit with inspiration... a lone duck waddled and quacked through the intersection across their path. I figured, "Now that is goofy." The player who had complained the most intensely about wanting me to throw in goofy, drew his sword and killed the duck. I was dumbstruck and as I recovered, irritated.

Well complaint boy, took the opportunity to take charge of the party and promptly and unerringly led them to the nastiest thing in the dungeon (5 or 6 hill giants), discovering the secret door that allowed them to bypass the rest of the dungeon. To make matters worse, I rolled several criticals for the giants, delivering a one to complaint boy, taking him out first.

Needless to say the players were irritated with me and claimed that I was retaliating for the duck. I pointed out that complaint boy wanted goofy and I had delivered; further I could not be held responsible if they followed him into the worst thing in the dungeon.

The next time a duck waddled by quacking, they spent an hour trying to woo it for its divine blessing...

In regards to number 1), there is under Additional Rules, Carrying Capacity, a potentially different modifier.

In short, you compare the weight of your gear against your Str, and arrive at a load (light medium, heavy). Then you use the greater of the two modifiers (armor or load) in each category (move, skill check penalty, max dex bonus). This might, change the modifier for the swim check.

Pathfinder SRD Link search for Carrying Capacity

Number 3) Copied from the SRD

Frightened: Characters who are frightened are shaken, and in addition they flee from the source of their fear as quickly as they can. They can choose the paths of their flight. Other than that stipulation, once they are out of sight (or hearing) of the source of their fear, they can act as they want. If the duration of their fear continues, however, characters can be forced to flee if the source of their fear presents itself again. Characters unable to flee can fight (though they are still shaken).

Pathfinder SRD Link search for Fear for the entire entry.

So the character makes 1 save, when he gets within range of the Bone Devil's fear effect (5ft per the Bone Devil fear Aura description). The player fails his save and is Frightened, the DM rolls a 6 for the duration of the effect. The character leaves, per the fear effect, if he attempts to return before the duration expires, he will flee again, automatically. If he returns after the duration expires he rolls again when he enters the aura's area of effect. Once the player saves, he is immune from the effect for 24 hours (from this Bone Devil, maybe all Bone Devils) -- as I recall, but I could not locate a section in the SRD to link to.

Hope that helps.

Thank you and well said.

This is a serious hinderance on Armor Training, as it is very easy to negate the benefits of Armor Training(with encumbrance by weight).

I had hoped, again, that a designer might comment. Providing a insight into what the intent of Armor Training was (the spirit of the rule, if you will). In part to make sure my fix, was in keeping with that intent, and in part to determine if the interesting new idea regarding that intent might be more accurate.

Saying "a Fighter with Armor Training treats his medium and heavy armor as light armor" is so much cleaner a statement. It also opens up Feats like Fleet for fighters in all armors, adding mileage to, IMO, an otherwise never used feat.

Now I will be altering not only Armor Proficiency (see 1st link); I will also have to alter Armor Training. Adding "Fighters with Armor Training treat their medium(3rd) and heavy(7th) armor as light armor."

Completely unrelated,

Merry Christmas.

Thank you for the well argued response. Any thoughts on Armor Training and Encumbrance by Weight (Additional Rules - Carrying Capacity)?

Ravingdork wrote:

Apparently, in Pathfinder you can take feats multiple times. However, their benefits don't stack unless they say they do.

The Dodge feat grants a +1 dodge bonus to AC, and according to the Core book dodge bonuses stack with other dodge bonuses. Does that mean I can take the Dodge feat multiple times and have it's effects stack? After all, it heavily implies that it stacks with itself by calling it a dodge bonus to begin with.

The Feat description should tell you if you can take it multiple times and if it stacks with itself.

Quickly from the PFSRD,
Dodge cannot be taken multiple times (rendering stacking with itself moot)
Fleet can be taken multiple times and stacks with itself
Toughness cannot be taken multiple times (3.5 Toughness was different and did stack)

As always, if this does not meet your needs or style of play, change it.

Hope that helps.

Some time ago I posted the following question.
link the 1st

Today I came across the following.

link the 2nd

In short, the relevance of the 1st link to the 2nd, for the purpose of my original question (1st link), is that the encumbrance by armor is deemed adequate unless you have a lot of gear. Fleet pretty explicitly makes knowing what kind of a load you are carrying very important; thus requiring the use of encumbrance by weight (not needing to use encumbrance by weight, renders my question moot).

Fleet offers an option where Armor Training appears to make one eligible for the benefit (since the fighter treats his armor like light armor, normal movement, for purposes of encumbrance by armor) but would otherwise not qualify for (he is not wearing light armor).


How is Armor Training affected by Encumbrance by Weight?

Does Armor Training make wearing Medium(3rd) and Heavy(7th) armor count as wearing light armor (for purposes of feats like Fleet)?

Specifically, is there some errata or ruling, that I am unaware of/missed that answers these questions? Or, am I left with my own interpretation of the rules?

I think that I see your problem. The player wants to take some time and avoid any obviously stupid mistakes and the guards deserve that the player make a roll.

I suggest that you offer the player 1d10+10 for the Sleight of Hand roll. That way you eliminate any obviously lame attempts and still leave it up to a roll to determine how well he has done.

Hope that helps.

tejón wrote:

Huh... I swear I remember 3.5 making explicit mention of certain item types fitting themselves to non-humanoid forms, but I don't see it. Maybe that was 3.0?

Kind of annoying that both 3.5 and PF are careful to specify that the slots listed are for humanoid forms, but mention nothing about other body types.

There was in 2nd Ed mention that boots, rings, belts, hats, helms etc. (excluding armors, wondrous items) would resize themselves from Hafling to Ogre. I might be wrong about how small, since this is off the top of my head, but I know Ogre is right on the high end.

Dragon magazine way back also had one or more articles that talked about how dragons could wear rings on their claws and them still work; special feature of dragons. I always apply the principle to everything that has a slot that is reasonably close, dogs use toes for rings, squirrels would use their tails - for example. This is for those items that are not specifically tailored to the critter in question - like Horseshoes of the Zephyr for hoofed critters.

Did the Arms and Equipment Guide have howdahs? Maybe in the Bestiary under elephant or mammoth; or in the 3.5 Monster Manual.

Hope that helps.

I am not aware of items slots for animals specifically mentioned, either. If there are, someone please correct my ignorance.

I would look at the slots for a humanoid and transfer the appropriate ones. Some items might not work for all companions, Bracers of Archery, for example require that you be able to fire a bow. Bracers of Armor, would work fine; Bracers of Brachiation (which do not exist anymore, but help to illustrate my point) might not work for companions that do not climb trees naturally - dogs, but might work great for those that do - squirrels. The effect probably will not look like exactly the companion swinging through the trees like Tarzan. It would do the same thing - give a movement score in the canopy - just look more appropriate to a squirrel.

As to using an item with an activation... Do any of the items have a minimun Int requirement to use them? No. So this is not an obstacle. What will stop the use of most activation items, is the use of a command word. Perhaps with Animal Handling, the druid's companion could be taught how to say the word (make a sound close enough to activate the item). Do activation items require a command word in your campaign? If not, then why not. Again, not all items would be usable.

Druids also gain the Share Spells ability with their companion. This allows them to define their companions as themselves for purposes of spell targeting and effect. You could expand this, allowing the companion to carry an activation item and let the Druid speak the command word. I would probably not allow a companion to use wands this way, but I would let them use a Ring of Invisibility. The difference being that the one targets just the wearer, the other does not; keeping with the intent of Share Spells.

Hope that helps.

Watcher wrote:
Yeah.. but I'd rather just tell him it's an armor bonus and not a shield bonus and be done with it. I just want a better stance than "because I said so".

Have you read the Shield spell thoroughly and considered all its implications? I would not work against the player, rather work with what he has done. Take the continuous Shield spell and identify a down side to using it all the time.

For example, having an invisible shield of force hovering in front of me, would prevent me from eating or drinking normally. If he responds, that he moves it out of the way at those times, then it is much more like a real shield and thus not always usable for AC.

I was once told by a wise DM, "Give the players all the rope they want and stop worrying. They will hang themselves without ever taking up the slack." Work with him and the crash will be all the more spectacular - especially if he did pull one over on you.

Thank you gentlemen. I appreciate the interest.

I had hoped to get the company position. Failing that I will use my own solution; armor proficiency will negate the weight of proficient armor for purposes of calculating encumbrance by weight.

Armor still limits your Dex and impacts your skills and the weight of the armor counts against max load. All in line with the encumbrance rules and it keeps Armor Training effective.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am familiar with encumbrance by armor, and was working on a home built charactersheet, when I noticed something odd.

When a fighter gets Armor Training, he can move normally in med armor. Which means, using encumbrance by armor, he moves like he is in light armor. However, if you do encumbrance by weight, the fighter can easily fall into the med load category and his training no longer counts. (This is as written, as I read it -- which may be lacking.)

I ran some numbers and discovered that there are lots of cases, Str 13-14 or less where you can be in light armor, NOT be weak - str 9 or less, NOT a lot of gear, yet you fall into med load.

This got me to wondering if Armor Training also kicks in with encumbrance by weight? This seems the most logical, since otherwise, you have to define "lots of gear" and weak. Further, it would render useless the fighter's cornerstone ability.

If Armor Training does not effect encumbrance by weight, then you can end up in the situation where you should be moving normally, applying your high dex, using skills without penalty, but your 7th level fighter cannot, because his gear is too heavy.

What is the official position? How does Armor Training work with Encumbrance by Weight?

Page 30
Table 3-1
In the table it refers to the ability score increase in the singular.

Advancing Your Character
In second paragraph of this section, it refers to the ability score increase in the singular. In the third paragraph, it refers to "..any ability score increases due to gaining a level."

I assumed that both ability increase refer to a single +1 every 4 levels. This is how 3.5 worked. After searching every related topic to character advancement, I was able to confirm this by referencing page 454-455, where a sample NPC is created. Not any easy find for the inexperienced.

This is probably not a huge issue for 3.5 players. It could be a huge issue for brand new players that have never played 3.5 or any game based on the d20 system.

I would suggest that the table be edited as follows, under the table add the line: Ability Score: +1 to any ability score.

Thanks for all the hard work.

I would like to see the return of information that allows me to easily go crazy with flavor.

I reach back to 2nd Ed, Combat and Tactics, there was a huge list of weapons in the book, with descriptions of each. This list did not offer any variety in terms of new weapons dealing xd8 at range, etc. What it did do was allow me to easily introduce some historical weapon into my campaign. Why? Because sometimes you find stuff from centuries ago, in ruined cities from races millenia old, before they vanished.

The Armor list and the piecemeal system were significantly shorter, descriptive, and just as bereft of variety, statistically. Oh but the feel of describing the approaching soldiers clad in Lorica Segmatta. It added such a touch of tangibility to the campaign. I for one knew what Roman legionaires wore, but I did not know what it was called until I read Combat and Tactics.

The piecemeal system was nice, because you could quickly figure out what the wacky combination of salvaged armor was worth. I liked it for gladiators, escapes, or any unfortunate encounter with water.

For the record, I have not compiled either list yet. So my apologies for lagging with my suggestion.

All told these ideas do not really constitute a book worth of stuff. So add them into "Iron Fist & Velvet Glove" the Pathfinder kingdom sourcebook. You could provide mass combat rules, followers, henchmen, mercenaries, fortress construction, weapons, armor and all in tables... Basically give me all the information I need to easily and quickly create or manage realms, armies, etc. and/or get something randomly.

Because you know your players will go there.

"..., to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet." REH

Velderan wrote:
Another thing that a friend and I have tossed around is an increase of base AC equal to 1/4 or 1/2 BAB (my preference is 1/4). I know this is a large change, but it would go a long way to mitigate the issues of scaling BAB versus nonscaling AC.

This sounds like SAGA SW. For two talents (feats by another name specific to class) you can get your level (feel free to look it up and correct me, don't have it in front of me) plus 1/2 your armor's rating. Which is an improvement, most characters half to take the armor rating, unless they do not wear armor (then they get their level - yes high level characters should not wear armor). Armor grants a bonus to reflex and fortitude (SAGA drops the AC concept replacing it with relfex and this is why high level characters might enjoy armor).

COL: Would a system like that help in your scenarios?

TreeLynx wrote:

I think Bagpuss and Kirth have the right on this.

What CoL proposed wasn't all that off the chain, under the monster advancement rules as currently presented. This may be a problem with the current CR system and advancement rules, but these are the tools we have.

Just a question...

Why not abandon the CR system and go with the Unearthed Arcana "Set amounts of XP option"? Why not drop CR all together?

Kirth Gersen wrote:

I'm not clear on why you can't make a frost brand glaive, for example. Use the price difference between a glaive and a sword, if you must calculate down to the gp. Otherwise, just make the daggone thing a glaive.

Now, if you want a life stealing sword with more "plusses," take the base weapon price and subtract from the total. That's the premium for the new special quality. This isn't hard to do (I've done it myself many times); it just takes a calculator. Why Paizo hasn't gone ahead and done that (which seems to be what you're demanding) is probably explained by the fact that they have bigger fish to fry (like making fighters viable above 11th level).

As far as "keen," it's a corner case. "Impact" does the same thing for bludgeoning weapons, and doesn't violate common sense. Originally in 3.0, a name that could have been applied to either would have been great, but they didn't do that, and now everyone knows what "keen" is, so there you have it. If you insist on a vorpal equivalent for bludgeoning weapons, it's easy enough to use the vorpal specs but call it "skullcrushing" or whatever -- no one will stop you.

Overall, a table like you describe would be nice, but not nearly as nice as finishing the classes re-writes and working out the remaining systems kinks that plagued 3.0 and 3.5.

I can make a frostbrand glaive, a vorpal blunt weapon, and use keen for any weapon. Which I do.

Yes, succintly the tables are the majority of the point. The remainder being lift the restrictions and enjoy the possiblities.

It is unfortunate to hear that the classes are so screwed up, that everything else pales in comparison. I would disagree that so simple a thing should be cast aside.


Krome wrote:

I'm not sure I follow this thread.

Can you give some examples of what you mean from the EoM since I do not have that text?

Certainly. In the old days (AD&D, and 2nd Ed, to be clear) you used to have your standard +1-5 swords and weapons. Further you had a swords only table and misc magic weapons table. On these tables you would find flame tongues, frostbrands, or Hammer of Thunderbolts, Scimitar of Speed (respectively).

In EoM (Encyclopedia of Magica, 4 volumes), they compiled 25 years of magic items. They had both a swords table and a weapons table, maintaining the separate headings for ease of use. What they did different was put the "enchantments" together for both tables. You could randomly roll up a +4 Defender Glaive or Longsword of Thunderbolts. There were a few exceptions, things that only appeared on one list or the other, but even these were written up in a more non-weapon type specific way.

This supported what I have always done which is mix them up. Why not have a +4 Defender Glaive? How would a Vorpal Hammer work? Not all of these combinations worked with the same style as the original incarnation (Vorpal Hammer for instance, not as satisfying smashing a head v slicing it off).

What I am after is everything goes with everything combinations for magic weapons (and how about a nice table while you are at it). Which natrually means I want the restriction on Keen (my example originally) only applying to bladed weapons lifted (mechanically it just expnads the critical threat range of the weapon). I would also want any other limitations to weapons/enchantment combinations lifted also. Further, take the specific weapons and specific swords and make those enchantments (albeit more powerful ones); allowing more weapon/enchantment combinations. I realize that some may not work; I would find it hard to adapt Arrows of Slaying to things not ammunition. Even with these difficulties (there cannot be more than 6), you would increase the options (and fun, IMHO) a hundred fold.

Did that help?

modus0 wrote:
lordrichter wrote:
Let us look at my favorite example, Keen. Keen is only for piercing or slashing weapons. Why? In 3.5 they released seperate enchantments for blunt weapons and, I think, bows. Why? Keen did the job, mechanically, so why new enhancements? Because the word Keen refers to things with an edge. Do not let the definition of the word, restrict your creativity (especially when you are redefining the word in the context of your game).

So we should reject common sense (and an equivalent, more appropriately named enchantment) for nostalgia or "creativity"?

I would have thought that allowing more weapon variety, which the d20 rules do, would increase andencourage creativity, not restrict it.

lordrichter wrote:
Further, you used to be able to get Frostbrands in Shortsword, Longsword, Any-kind-of-sword varieties. I went further and tried out staves, hammers, Any-kind-of-weapon-I-wanted varieties. The same was done in the EoM. Some worked great, some not so good, but they were all fun.

Have you bothered to look over what the 3.5 (or Pathfinder) frostband is?

It's nothing more than a +3 frost longsword (says so in the weapon's description). Which means you can replace "longsword" with any other weapon name for the same effect.

+3 frost warhammer? Check.
+3 frost crossbow? Check.
+3 frost gauntlets? Check.
You can even have a +3 frost sling if that floats your boat.

First: Why waste the paper to print the same thing several times, just to satisfy "common sense"? Or do you object to the description of a bow as keen?

Second: I have read the section in question. Most recently pages 348-350 of the Pathfinder Beta. These pages include the "Specific Weapons Table" and the description of the Specific Weapon: Frostbrand (+3 Frost Greatsword). Since this is a specific weapon, should I not yield to "common sense" here and not modify it. Or are you suggesting that this enchantment need not be a specific weapon, which then begs the question, why have specific weapons? Yes, you are correct I can do as I please, but that was not the point.

Third: D20 does not have more weapon variety. It has less. The point of all of the polearms, swords, etc from prior versions was not to have hundreds of things with the same damage ratings (or even different damage ratings). The point was that you had at your fingertips the information you might want to build to suit your creativity. You had the flavor text to write up Roman Legionaires, in game terms, in gear that your players would recognize as Roman. It did not matter who you called them or whether they were even human, what mattered was added oomph from the description.

Fourth: Since D20 uses a shortened list, be kind enough to include random tables to do what I want and make sure all the powers are such that they go with everything. (Or at least 90% of the stuff.)

Fifth: The point of referencing an older product was not to burden you with nostalgia; rather it was two fold. 1) Give an example of what I am talking about so that others could reference a visual aid and converse intelligently; 2) Point out that it has already been done and thus should easily be done again (especially in light of the open and creative d20 system).

I seem to recall seeing a picture in one the Pathfinder books with a quarter cut of the same picture in different stages of vision.

Can some one point me in the right to the book/PDF I need to buy?

Looking to find a Group in the Windsor, Ontario, Canada area to play some Pathfinder 1e,2e or Starfinder.
Please contact me so we can meet up for a coffee and see if we are compatible to game with.

Carrion Hill
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun
Down the Blighted Path

These will be played by 2 experienced games and 2 players that have very little experience.
Only one player has experience with Pathfinder, the other 3 are D&D 5e players.

I need a module I can finish in two 4 hour blocks.

Can someone direct me to a blog for Pathfinder games that has great write ups and pictures of games.
Looking to do some reading.


Can anyone please post a link to corpse tokens I can print out for my Pathfinder games?

Basically looking for one inch squares and 2 inches squares to print up that have a dead body on it (prefer monster and human).

Something to mark a fallen monster or NPC (PC) to hinder combat.


How can you kill a vampire in mist form?

Is it just spells? Or can magic weapons do anything?

Thanks in advance....

What items out in the realms increases your CMB?

Looking to crank it up a little bit more.


Can the spell Paladins sacrifice from the APG book allow a character who failed a save from a Werewolf bite and has already become a werewolf (for one night) let the curse go from him/her to the paladin and in essence destroy the curse?

Thank you........

If a creature bite has poison and you have to save once per round for 6 rounds, 2 consecutive saves cure it.
Effect is 1d3 str.
Does the character take 1d3 str. Damage per round they fail a save, till they save 2 in a row?

If yes, someone could take 6d3 str. Damage if they failed all the saves? That sound right?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

First off, I have my books in my night stand and my wife is asleep so doing this from memory, sorry if my terminology is a little off?

I have a huge Octopus attacking the group this weekend and want to see if I will play it right?

If I have a Octopus arm grapple someone, I can only move the Octopus 15 ft in water? usually 30 ft but a grappled person makes the Octopus move at half move.

If I have 2 Octopus arms grapple someone that counts as aid another in the grapple?

If the Octopus "jets" with one or more P.C's it moves 100 ft? (half the jet distance of 200 ft)

If the Octopus successfully grabs someone can it bring the P.C adjacent to it's self? or does it have to grapple the opponent first then move it adjacent to it's self?
I ask as I want to know when the P.C enters the water.

One of my more enjoyable players (wink) wants to create a magic item.

He likes to add fun to the game as well, so something that has a negative is encouraged.

His current item is a deck of Summon monster cards that summon creatures at random to the battlefield even if it's a Dolphin in a Dungeon :) He enjoys the use of props so has a special Taro card deck he uses for this.

The next venture I need help with he plays a Halfling Wizard who just had to kill one of his long lost exiled brothers who had turned to the Whispering way, Ala lichedom.

So he is a specialty Evocation Wizard of 9th level and has a set of rocks with runes on them. At 8th level he has been using the Elemental wall theme from his School and wants to carry on the theme.
With these rocks he wants to place them in the bag and randomly pull one out and use it to cast a random wall?

So how the heck do I price out something like this, I myself am not to well versed at item creation, so please help out a D.M to make this?

Finally got the kids to play!

Buying the Beginner Box today at my FLGS but need,

Can someone please point me in the direction of a 5th pregen character for this box and any and all downloads for this box too?

Thanks in advance............

Can anyone at Paizo please consider having a variant subscription (or allow this variant for International subs) that does not give a PDF of the item purchased?
I ask as with shipping cost I can purchase your products cheaper through amazon, for example my September, November and December orders will be approximately $30.45 cheaper allowing me to purchase a hard cover book through amazon.
If the cost per book is reduced $2 per book with no PDF I would be happy shopping here. A free book every month if I choose to buy a novel instead is just to hard to pass up.
I do not use the PDF's and frankly do not even download them, please paizo check.

Please post here if you also would like a variant subscription also?

If you are posting to justify I (and others) should support Paizo stop now, you are actually derailing the conversation, I will STILL PURCHASE PAIZO PRODUCTS but from another source and Paizo will still make money from that purchase but they can make more by selling to me directly.

Please keep it civil..........

What Divine and Arcane level 1-3 spells should a wizard and cleric take?

They would be for a 6th level character.

I ask as the most knowledgeable players in are group are no longer playing with us and the 2 new (really all of us are new) need help with what spells should are wizard and cleric take?

Thanks for your help.

First off I know nothing of the Pathfinder Society.
How long does a scenario take?

I'm looking for a Pathfinder Society Scenario (or Scenarios) that will fill 5-6 hours of playing to introduce 2 new players to how skills,combat and ROLE playing.

Can someone here point me in the direction of some Scenario(s) that will fill that many hours and have a good mix of ROLE AND ROLL playing?


I have the trap coming up for my party which is Acid Fog.

the spell deals Acid damage to creatures and objects in the area of effect of 2d6 damage.

Potions should be fine, glass should not get affected by the spell, should the item that seals the potion get damaged and ruin the potion?

Also how would you handle a party of adventures in an acid fog?

I can see scrolls on a belt getting destroyed right away but how about a spell book in a back pack be handled?

Been awhile since I have played getting slowly back into it and have a Question about the feats creatures have in the Bestiary.

The group is going to be battling a Huge Air Elemental.

Do I add a +4 to initiative from the Improved Initiative feat? or is it already worked into the Initiative stat for the creature?

Do I add Iron Will to the Will save for the creature? or is it worked in?

I assume Mobility is added into anytime it moves?

Thanks for the help..........

I had a 6th member join are group and I'm running the second book in the Carrion Crown Series.

I was adding 25-35% more monsters or 15-20% more H.P's for one monster and adding around 15% more experience to the pool, it seemed to work.
Now with Harrowstone completed (well they have to go back to the town, then it's done).

What would you do with a 6 person party for experience and monsters to the second Carrion Crown book for Experience and monsters?

add 40-50% more monsters and 20-35% more H.P's for one monster creatures and experience for a quick easy way.


keep it the same and use the quick level advancement for the group?

Please post your thoughts,suggestions (or in my opinion) help me with the proper rule.......


I had a 6th member join are group and I'm running the second book in the Carrion Crown Series.

I was adding 25-35% more monsters or 15-20% more H.P's for one monster and adding around 15% more experience to the pool, it seemed to work.
Now with Harrowstone completed (well they have to go back to the town, then it's done).

What would you do with a 6 person party for experience and monsters to the second Carrion Crown book for Experience and monsters?

add 40-50% more monsters and 20-35% more H.P's for one monster creatures and experience for a quick easy way.


keep it the same and use the quick level advancement for the group?

Please post your thoughts,suggestions (or in my opinion) help me with the proper rule.......


Hello all,

I had a few questions from my last session and want to know your thoughts about them?

1. A crawling hand is attacking a P.C and grappled him, what are the modifiers I should use if another P.C try's to attack the crawling hand?
If the P.C misses what should I do to see if he/she hits their own party member instead of the intended target.

2. My question was if you become a werewolf do you autocratically become C. Evil?

3. And the damage to armour and weapons?
Basically is it up to the GM if the attack bypasses hardness ... ie fire vs scrolls ... sonic vs glass ... acid vs metal.

*edit* feel free to add in any page numbers to help, well me read up on the asked questions.


I'm looking for a gaming Oath I can have my players and myself take before we start are campaign.
Something I can have everyone raise their right hand and promise to commit to the campaign and anything else neat to throw in :)



I'm about the start a new campaign and what "other" stuff do you keep track of during your campaigns?
What I mean is the non-important things.
1. Numbering the session, like this is number 42 since we have meet to game
2. Even how much time the group has spent gaming
3. Number of deaths in the party and even a wall of remembrance for the dead P.C's.


Well what do you track?

I like the picture on page 14 of the core Pathfinder rulebook about the example of play crossing the bridge and getting attacked by the undead and the Undead knight leading them.
What product was that picture used in?

Thanks in advance...............

Hello Everyone!

Some Background,
It's been 3 years since my last venture into RPGing.
I have a bad habit of selling things I don't use for a few years and unloaded my 3.5 ed. stuff about a year ago.
Now I'm getting back into the hobby and picked up a Pathfinder RPG rulebook today.

What I need from posters on this board is suggestions on modules, be them adventure path or just modules.
I'm looking for a basic dungeon crawl adventures from Pathfinder something to take my group starting from level one OR level 3.

So please post some good Pathfinder Dungeon crawls.

For example I like the picture on page 14 of the core Pathfinder rulebook about the example of play, was that a good Dungeon crawl adventure? or was it a Pathfinder adventure path book? if so which one?

Please no adventure paths before Legacy of Fire (think that's the name) as I bought that today also and it's 3.5 looking for Pathfinder system only.

Thanks for your time..........