DonalGraeme |

Excellent. I have the huge Red from DDM, and the later of the two large Reds, but no medium. The huge is ok (although I bit cartoonish), but I don't like my large red. Having all three using the same art-set will be great. Especially because Red Dragons make for great foes for nearly every campaign.

Leo_Negri |

Awesome! The only thing that can make this even better is a Gargantuan Red! Hopefully we'll start seeing some Evolution of Metallics, Primals, and Imperials too (I'm especially interested in the Silver Dragon Evolution as well as a gargantuan-sized Silver Dragon as well). ^_^
Agreed, while I understand the need for the Red Dragon I have both the Huge Red Dragons, both the Large Red dragons, the Medium Red Dragon (all from the DDM line) and the Large Red Dragon (from the PB line) as well as the Colossal Red dragon from the DDM Iconics line, and the Red Dragon Samurai and the both Redspawn Spawn of Tiamat minis (from the DDM line as well), so I am a little Red-dragoned out. (Keep in mind that this will not stop me from buying the set).
Here's hoping the next evolution set is a Metallic (Ideally Bronze or Brass, both under represented in ppm) or an Imperial or Primal.

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I have a question. Is there a possibility of getting a medium base for the previously large red dragon figure.. so we can mount it on one of them so when we get the Red Dragon Evolution we can remount the large red dragons to match the size od the one in the evolution?
Basically asking for medium bases being offered as a side packet for purchase? With the pegs to mount the feet onto? :)
Thanks!! :)

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So we now know the Medium Red Dragon is a repaint of the Young Red Dragon from the Rise of the Runelords set, which is fine with me. I am eagerly awaiting the pictures of the large and huge figures.
I would be shocked if one of them (probably the huge) didn't look like this

Leo_Negri |

Illius wrote:I would be shocked if one of them (probably the huge) didn't look like thisSo we now know the Medium Red Dragon is a repaint of the Young Red Dragon from the Rise of the Runelords set, which is fine with me. I am eagerly awaiting the pictures of the large and huge figures.
Nah, that red is merely a large.

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The Large Red is the same size as the Medium white. No chance to change the Large red to something.....larger? Maybe? Or am I looking at the wrong one? Is the one in the middle the Large red and the one on the left is the medium?
Do not let the pictures here tell the tale on what the size is. Unless you sit them side by side you can't honestly tell until such time. The large (which is the one in the middle) may look like it is smaller then the medium of the White Dragon Evo... the picture itself of the Red Dragon in question is very deceiving. I have not seen them as of yet, but I trust what I am being told in the reveals of the above images that the Large Red Dragon is actually Larger then the White Dragon of the same size. Not to mention that the picture, while deceptive, when looked at in the blown up image, and looking at the base knowing it is a 2" diameter one, means that it does stand larger then the White Dragon too.

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The Large Red is the same size as the Medium white. No chance to change the Large red to something.....larger? Maybe? Or am I looking at the wrong one? Is the one in the middle the Large red and the one on the left is the medium?
The one on the left was a Large in RotRL, but has been rebased as a Medium for this set, for exactly the reason you said. The minis are arranged above in increasing size order.

Hobbun |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What I really wish is the PFB gargantuan dragons were bigger, more in line with the DDM gargantuans.
Yes, the PFB have (much) higher quality sculpts over their DDM counterparts, but I guess I want both. High quality sculpts and larger gargantuans. :)
And I would be ok with paying more money for them, as well.

Gandal |

What I really wish is the PFB gargantuan dragons were bigger, more in line with the DDM gargantuans.
Yes, the PFB have (much) higher quality sculpts over their DDM counterparts, but I guess I want both. High quality sculpts and larger gargantuans. :)
And I would be ok with paying more money for them, as well.
My thoughts precisely. I too want biggers gargantuan, or colossal, why not ? :)
That colossal red wyrm from the DDM icons is sooooo cool i want more.
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I'm pretty happy with the scale of the battles line. I like the smaller scale on the larger minis and think paizo have hit the correct scaling. I grew increasingly tired of the scale creep that plagued the DDM line.
So that's red and white, wonder when we'll see the others? Black should be an easy do - they already have two sculpts. Green and blue have their gargantuans so a set would round them out nicely. Perhaps the big announcement next week on the mini blog will be about this.

Curmudgeonly |

I'm pretty happy with the scale of the battles line. I like the smaller scale on the larger minis and think paizo have hit the correct scaling. I grew increasingly tired of the scale creep that plagued the DDM line.
So that's red and white, wonder when we'll see the others? Black should be an easy do - they already have two sculpts. Green and blue have their gargantuans so a set would round them out nicely. Perhaps the big announcement next week on the mini blog will be about this.
Yea, my guess is black next since they have the sculpts.
We'll have a Gargantuan White with the RoW set, which will make that the first set rounded off.
Still need a Gargantuan Red and Gargantuan Black >.>

Curmudgeonly |

So, am I the only one who thinks $40 for 3 minis is freaking insane? I'm so glad that Paizo came out with the Pawns line...$40 for a whole box of "minis", now that's value.
I like minis, especially Paizo's line and dislike pawns.
I also paid much less than $40 through the subscription discounts, ended up at $28 for this set.

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Is there a possibility of getting a medium base for the previously large red dragon figure.. so we can mount it on one of them so when we get the Red Dragon Evolution we can remount the large red dragons to match the size od the one in the evolution?
Basically asking for medium bases being offered as a side packet for purchase?
I re-base a fair amount of minis to "correct" their sizes in my eyes. It would be great if Paizo put out some blank bases in each size, but until then, Gale Force 9 makes some nice, heavy bases in medium, large and huge, or the Paizo makes bases in m/l/h for the pawns that have raised slots, but they're easy to trim off. Paizo (like DDM) had a fair degree of variability in it's sizes at first (think Troll) and suffered from stuffing too-large figures onto medium and large bases, but the last few sets have been MUCH better. Turning what was once a jumbo medium dragon into a better-suited large is an example of that.

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So, am I the only one who thinks $40 for 3 minis is freaking insane?
Not if you look at after-market (singles) prices. There have been two huge red dragons; one is $40 at the lowest, and the other is $55. There have been plenty of large red dragons; they usually sit around $25 to $30. Even the medium (small?) red dragon is $10.
And these three are of much better quality than those. Trust me, when this set is sold out and no longer available on retail shelves you will see each of these minis going for a premium.
Finally: I'm a snob. I really like using the correct mini for each of my encounters' creatures, and thus own thousands of minis. I could never use the pawns, nice as they are.

Curmudgeonly |

Looks like the ones in this video:
I guess they decided on a chance in color scheme. Ah well, they look great. Just surprised at the change from the images above.

Hobbun |

I'm pretty happy with the scale of the battles line. I like the smaller scale on the larger minis and think paizo have hit the correct scaling. I grew increasingly tired of the scale creep that plagued the DDM line.
I’m not really sure the official numbers on sizes of age (size) categories, but I’ve always had the impression the dragons have always been bigger and the DDM wasn’t a ‘power creep’ so much as portraying what I felt was in line for the size of a dragon.
But that said, the PFB line is MUCH better quality, and I certainly am not complaining (too much). Still plan on purchasing what Paizo/WizKids puts out for any of the dragons, and eagerly anticipating my red dragon box.

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So am I the only one whose minis have black backs and black spikes on their head?
I mean, by no means is it a bad paint job, it looks intentional, just makes them almost half black and half red dragons :P
Huh. Bizarre. Mine do, as well, and I hadn't noticed the ones in the pictures above were different until you pointed it out. Honestly, the black spikes is what made me like the PFB ones so much. It made them look much more menacing and unique. If it was a mistake, it was a happy mistake, for me at least.

Bushtroll |

why such a price jump...19 to 34.....are they silver plated.
yeesh paizo...love your stuff but price creep or price gouge.
i have subscription.....maybe 100 AP is our parting way.....with the cost of canadian dollar and your price increase......be watching the bargin bin
i has other outlets....to use and they are cheaper and i get more discounts on top of that.
a complaint...yes..maybe...but a fact....my gamer dollar is drying up.....yes you need to put out products...but mini quality meh....and the basics are not there for the RPG.....you need to go back to the very beginning....the D&D 1st edition mods....and use basic monster and classes. thanks it been a nice journey and a expensive one. but enough is enough.
your bloating...and your getting over priced.