krobrina's page

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What considerations are required for the keeping of gnomes in long term captivity? I have heard that they do not survive long because of bleaching.

Asking purely out of intellectual curiosity, of course.

- High Magister Phar, Servants of the Unceasing Light, All Await The Coming Of The Last Ones.

Before I write this into an adventure, I thought I would check the rules.

What sees ethereal?

What can affect ethereal?

Ethereal Jaunt:

Standard rules for ethereal plane, or just this spell?

Mountain Stance says you must be touching the ground. We will ignore the ridiculous question of "If I wear shoes does it fail?" (even though it may explain why Shaolin monks were often barefoot). Instead, what happens at sea, or on a flying cloud?

I remember reading Elric. They had "Ship Which Sails over Land and Sea" (a flying ship) and Elric had to negotiate the permission of both the lords of the Earth and Water elementals in order to operate it.

edit: The physics says that the weight of a ship or aircraft is borne on a column (more like a cone) of water or air and from there into the ground, but I don't want to use physics in my fantasy game.

These are all spells: Prestidigitation(*), Mage Hand, Animate Object, Animate Rope, Hand of the Apprentice. There are others.

I want to do mundane healing with bandages at range via magic telekinesis.

You can't do this because of (checkmark as applicable)

[ ] The Balance
[ ] The Lore
[ ] Those spells don't work like that

(*) This is an old wizard's joke. I bet I can spell something you can't, Mr Wizard. That's impossible I can cast every spell. OK then, spell Prestidigitation. Uhh... that's not what I meant ... uhh P-r-e-s-d ... uhh ... fireball! fireball! teleport!

I am working on some prototype rules for armor functioning as damage resistance instead of to affecting hit rolls.

Before I go too far into it, I just wanted to collect peoples' thoughts especially if they've tried it before in this, or any other, edition. Are there any known 2E 3PP supplements for this?

Intelligent items are significantly more independent than they were in older editions. The language to describe them has changed to “the item may, if it wants to...” leaving no doubt that they make their own decisions about when to activate.

”GMG 88” wrote:
As a default, intelligent items have control over all their own magic, meaning an intelligent magic weapon could deny the effects of its fundamental and property runes if it so chose, and intelligent items perform their own activations when they wish. Intelligent items can typically use 3 actions per turn, acting on their partner’s turn. These actions don’t count toward their partner’s 3 actions. They have a reaction if any of their activations requires one.

Animals are -5 and -4 intelligence modifier.

Beasts are -3 (score 4) and higher and it’s specifically stated that some beasts can speak. Wargs can and are -1 (intelligence 8). Linnorm are -3 and speak 3 languages (aklo, dragon, sylvan).

Some beasts are probably equivalent to a dumb human with mittens on. Wargs certainly are. As they can speak, you could explain tool use to them but they should also be able to figure it out after watching you. Even animals have been observed to use tools naturally (birds and monkeys). Monkeys use sticks to poke things out of trees and birds can use hooks to get things from a bottle.

Why isn’t golarion full of tool-using beasts? Why are magic Druid animal companions so restricted in what they can do? I could load a rifle wearing mittens,. It should be possible for an animal smart enough to speak.

We played one recently and it seemed a very cumbersome mechanic. I'd prefer choosing a creature type and sub type ("soldiers of the white moon army" or "orcs of the bright plains") and let the player change it daily.

I know the monk has a version of this.

If everyone has it, does it matter? What would monks get instead?

Players will know when they need to roll by having someone with a low or high score go first and this will affect combat. Does it matter?

'CRB pg 559' wrote:
Magic ammunition deals damage on a hit normally in addition to any listed effects unless its description states otherwise.

Spellstrike (pg 560)

You activate spellstrike ammunition by Casting a Spell into the ammunition ... A creature hit by activated spellstrike ammunition is targeted by the spell.

By RAW this should do regular damage in addition but no-one I talk to agrees.

Viper (pg 561)

The shaft of this arrow is covered in fine green scales, and its iron head comes to a pair of points almost like fangs. After an activated viper arrow hits a target, the arrow transforms into a viper (Pathfinder Bestiary 302). The target is affected by the viper’s poison, as if it had been bitten. The viper then lands in an open space adjacent to the target.

By RAW that thing should do regular damage, but their wording leaves me unsure of their intent.

Let's compare with explicit examples.

Sleep arrow

"An activated sleep arrow deals no damage, but a living creature hit by it is subject to the effects of a sleep spell (DC 17)."

Explict no damage.

Beacon shot

The shaft of a beacon shot is studded with tiny flecks of glimmering gemstones. When an activated beacon shot hits a target, it embeds itself into that target and spews sparks for 1 minute ... A creature can remove the arrow or bolt by using an Interact basic action and succeeding at a DC 20 Athletics check.

Damage by RAW, and I don't see how it's possible to argue RAI disagrees.

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So here you are in the Pathfinder re-enactment of Agincourt, under longbow volley fire from 200 meters (600 feet). Someone turns to you and says “you are a mighty wizard, can’t you just blow those archers up?”

At this range they are basically firing aoe mode aiming at the block of infantry and not individual targets. However, they were still effective.

What are your options?

The executioner in the GMG npc gallery has what is essentially functionally equivalent to 1E coup-de-gras. 3 action attack on a helpless target; make a strike; on damage then fort save or die.

Missed this. Wanted it back. I know people get upset if the GM uses it on their characters, but GM isn't required to use it.

Anyone see any issues with it, apart from the obvious "dishonorable death of our party"?

Not really sure why I am typing this. I have nothing more to say that isn't in the title.

I can't think of a way to do this because of level scaling. I don't want a low level item to give appreciable focus back to a high level PC, and I don't want the potion unavailable to low level PCs.

Making a potion only work for certain character levels would provide correct mechanics but feel clunky. Making a potion's effect keyed to the PC's maximum focus feels better.

The item may be problematic but I want to try.

There's nothing much in the guidelines about wishing for objects. Would you allow it, or is it just "free money" if you can?

In money value, at a minimum it might be the cost of a scroll of a spell that Wish can duplicate. Would you add the casting cost of Wish? What's the maximum, if you allow it?

Extinction curse has the juggler at, which allows you catch a missed throwing weapon.

What if the weapon has the returning property?

Which takes priority?

Do you roll to wrestle the weapon?