
kenshi33's page

49 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.



il serait agréable (si possible) pour nos compagnons anglophones de traduire nos conversations afin que se crée une communauté PFO unie. (même si nous ne parlons pas un anglais correct) de plus l'alliance entre quebecquois et francais est une chance !


it would be pleased (if possible) to translate every conversation we have on this blog for english speakers, to make a single strong PFO community. (even if our english spoken is not so good). although we are very far away from north american, an ally between us is a chance !

merci pour ton initiative Armenfrast !

Great news for the Goblin Squad, and pleased to hear you Mr Dancey.

1/ find this news on internet : " Goblinworks Inc. is raising funds for Pathfinder Online: A Fantasy Sandbox MMO on Kickstarter!"

2/ i read the GW blog : these goblins are really crazy, they want to make THE mmorpg i wanted

3/ i cant wait now !

We will wait so :) thanks avenaOats

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Mr Ryan Dancey :

after months we are discussing on this blog about Pathfinder Online,

but Could you (Please !) give us one or two new screenshots of PFO,
just to keep dreaming for months ?

Best regards

perhaps collecting could be more active if you have to aim the ressource area wich became more tiny with the time ( if you harvest out of the ressource, you tool could loose durability or broke sudenly)

you could activate a special harvesting skill that make you more accurate

or one that give you short endurance to collect more ressources each time

or special skill that allow you to get more raffined ressources but that reduce the total amount of ressource spot.

or beeing attacked by parasites, or insects or vegetal effects during harvesting if you're not reactive, accurate, in good health etc etc

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Hardin Steele wrote:
The Finder wrote:

Hardin Kell is in the Guild.

See everyone in game.


Kell Staninn I got you as. Glad it's working!

Now to get Duncania's connection fixed!

It's working too, glad to see you all

+1 for treasure maps during escalation time
+2 for treasure map leading deep on the bottom of a dungeon

but in DFUW i really don't like there's two servers separated

the world is ONE region, a world single server could create greats kingdoms competition and wars at any time.

An empty game is annoying without social/pvp/trading/interactions.
Please give us just ONE server :)

Great Idea !

it remember me a quest i organized in asheron's call 1, for my guild members. a Secret meeting of the members, a letter from the king wich gived them mission to find the stolen crown, searching a cave monster and go into without armor and defeat the olthoi queen as a proof of their loyalty to their king, and finding the crown on a hidding chest. etc etc and go back to received a honorifidc title from the king.

cool adventure and lot of funny moments.

i hope PFO will offer such flexibility and player made contents.

I support your plots !

this thread was forgotten for about 6 months, it's good to see there'is always a debate, and reflexion around !

Gedichtewicht wrote:

update on the player in limbo:

the support patched the problem with the server connection. yeahy
But, the patch stoped downloding after 6773 of 6774MB.
15times validating data later this hadn´t changed.
so, instaling the game - reinstaling the game, same problem.

Support recommended using the installer from the darfall hp.
doing that now, we´ll see whathappens.

@kenshi33 & the Finder:
how about you guys?

still out of the game :(

no response from support service since 6 days...
no response from customer service since 4 days

i 'll try to patch tonight
what do u mean by : " using the installer from darkfall HP ?

Nihimon wrote:
Hardin Steele wrote:
Tab and sticky targeting make me feel like I am playing a game, where area targeting is more like you are living the game. It is far more realistic.

I have the exact opposite feeling. Manual Aim feels very "gamey" to me.

Ultimately, though, I think it's going to matter a lot less in PFO than in other games. In PFO, you probably won't be running and jumping around a lot, so having better twitch skills won't help you as much.

Just have to make jumping and running 10 x more expensive in stamina points than just parry or using other combat technics : the guy who is jumping will be quickly exhausted and received a malus to all the action he 'll try until he recovers a good stamina pool. It is too difficult ?

I'm agree with Andius and Hardin, I like realism, if that don't make the game borring. I like loosing my loot when dead, if that don't push everybody to became PKers...

I want balanced realism even it's more complex, more difficult to make such a game , but It's not themepark game, it's the price.

good news for you, hope i 'll be able too.
do you know when the server maintenance will be launch ?

i suppose aiming is not compatible with roll dice system they use and stamina regeneration.

Do the devs told about this subject since months ?

in my experience, i really liked aiming when i was in ranged combat (more excitting than just auto targeting and activate skills

in close combat, staying around and close to the target is enough

Does aiming is actually possible with the combat system developped in the secret ??? :)

Kenshi, unafiliated, but reading the forums daily and trying to contribute sometimes. i'm focusing on Role play elements making players long term involved in PFO.

not sure it will far better for me, they dont sent me email since monday... i begin to think i'll no longer play this good game.

ok, so i will compare to my reports

@ Gedichtewicht

did you create 2 players ? or just 1 before you can't connect?

and thanks for your help, i already sent a ticket yesterday, so i 'm waiting for their response before following the above instruction in your text.

hope we 'll be back soon

Hardin Steele wrote:

Duncania Blade has a problem much like Gedichtewicht. She is in France (I think she is a she?). Lhan hasn't had much trouble, but maybe the connection to the NA server from Europe is a problem? No idea, just seems a strange coincidence.

she is a he in fact ;)

the problem seems to appears if u have two players on both servers

Gedichtewicht wrote:
kenshi33 wrote:

next step answer the following questions.
1. Are you using steam to connect to darkfall unholy wars?
2. Game account name: which i mentioned allready above
3. Country that you are logging in from?
4. Als please let us know if your issue is connected with any recent change as far as your connection to the internet is concerned. Do let us know if yxou recently changed ISPs, networking hardware or the way you connect to the internet in general.

i checked everything (firewall pc and internet box, torrent, antivirus, no steam connection, no change on my apps, reboots, updates etc)

the ONLY thing that i done is I CREATED a new player on the european server, after that i was unable to connect to both servers...

Hardin Steele wrote:

Now it's time to pony up and apply for membership. We have almost 20 members in the clan, and will be reaching out to other PFO posters, fans, and prospects. We want to ast as wide a net as possible first to the PFO loyals, but then to lots of other folks. We are trying to drum you, Lisa and PFO some new customers so when this clan gets shut down we'll all just segue right into EE.

Send an application to the Goblin Squad, but let us know who you are in a PM.

Looking forward to it! And bring some friends!

Hardin (Glistenheath in DF)

I cant login since yesterday... invalid response from server...

aaargh, hope see you soon

Great Job AvenaOats, and very good ears too

AvenaOats wrote:
Yeah, that's a tall order. kenshi33: I'll try to listen again and bullet point various Q&As - that might be the optimal path to take?! Though as said, my hearing is sub-par. I can hear a mouse in a quiet forest, but put me in a busy watering-hole and I can't hear anything shouted in my ear!

it would be nice

@decius : "never" is a word that doesnt exists until you reach the end of the eternity

Duncania Blade (Mahirim skirmisher)

Bluddwolf wrote:
Ryan Dancey wrote:
@Bluddwolf - I have no idea where you got that idea but it's wrong.

Which part, the settlement or the faction warfare?

The audio was not the clearest presentation, hopefully there will be a transcript.

do you know when this transcript will be released ?

rhha i need to speak a little bit more english... i don't understand anything of this Q & A, the accent is too prononced for my ears, it's so frustrating !

actually i try Mortal Online, which provides system of full pvp, territory competition etc. it's free to play.

ok seems to be more complex than my explaination... so i accept wearing hudge lead boots !

Being wrote:
Onishi wrote:
kenshi33 wrote:

the purpose of this post is just to balance the two gameplays, making it as fair as possible for everyone who choose to be most of the time in groups and those who prefer to live on they're side and enter a group when they decide to.

The key to this idea, is they can't be balanced evenly. ...
Is 'evenness' between independence and interdependence (or codependence) really a critical factor in designing a multiplayer game environment?

i'm not totally agree with you Onishi, they CAN be balanced evenly... only with a good XP and loot reward rating as you wish.

Make soloers capable to hunt/travel/explore/harvest alone in the wilderness or enter a dongeon using specific solo oriented abilities (stealth, surviving, healthing etc) must be possible, and don't have to be opposed to interdependance with groups for others kinds of activities... i hope i could choose if and how i can do such things alone without thinking it's just impossible because monsters get artificial 200 000 health points. I need to prepare myself, my spells books, armor, find potions, bind the correct localisation, travel safety, explore the place, and need to use strategy reach the deep of the dongeon, even if the Boss is too powerfull to be slay by myself... and it's a long way too, as long as your group search.

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@ Nihimon

it's good to hear The Seventh Veil is the guardian of fun RP gaming before EE ;)

An idea of "things that add flavor" comes from asheron's call is : Writable Items

Books, scrolls, messages, should be writable and give a player the possibility to make is own content and share it.


guilds could write their charts, history, on books.
player could create a mission for others just giving them a scroll
a lord could send private official message to his rival for a secret meeting... a proposal of mariage, an war declaration etc...

this objects could be found, exchanged, sold or stolen... etc...

In the same way all items like armors or weapons could be writable:

A steel sword + 2 keywords could be described as "Great Sword of Mirandis (name of the first PC), enchanted by Maegan The Mage with a fire golem heart in the Stronghold settlement forge. etc etc.

More RP with basic ideas.

@ Bludddwolf

i agree with your point of view, but i need to dream sometime ;)

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Andius wrote:

I would at least like in-character reasons for long distance communication ...

i consider long distance communications making some bad realism, you would be allowed to have conversation just with people around, or in a hex at the maximum

Guild chats, whispering, and private chats all around the world is a mistake if its possible in PFO on my own.

Why don't give a letter to a messenger, why not going into the guild hall meeting us each others, to discuss goals, rules etc or to prepare groups before a travel or a search for a dongeon ?

+ More strategics in the game, (a spy needs to come back to his settlement hex to inform his commandant an army is growing in another settlement... or it's now time to attack the leader)

+ More realism, you can just wisper, speak or shout in a hex, and never call you're mates to help you if u're under the fire at the opposite side of the world... if you die, when you respawn, you can tell someone to help you, or ... Perhaps only a magical link to your guild hall divinity shrine could be used between players for long distance communication ?

hehehe, i 'm totally agree with you Onishi just because,

Onishi wrote:

The overall intent of the developers is not to create 1 consistant story that every player walks through, nor do they have time to possibly develop 500,000 unique stories for each person to walk through.

why 500.000 stories ? it's just 20 classes / majors quests to create :

level 1 for warriors - "Enter the Gardian Path" : proove you master you can defeat the gobelin king during an escalation... (that requier to have a good weapon or staff with the apropriate elemental enchantment, good armor, etc etc -> this only one quest would requier lot of time for a newbie, lot of golds, lot of explorations to find the goblin, lot of tryies to accomplish this ... and it's fun ! no problem for devs.

level 1 for spys " A knife in the night" Go and kill without any guard alert a lieutnant into the settlement on the coords X-Y...
hard but cool !

Bluddwolf wrote:

@ Kenshi33

The same could be done for PVE, where a solo character has a much smaller aggro attracting radius, making them less intrusive (detectable) explorers to the senses of NPC mobs.

This idea sounds good, and make possible real exploration as well.

i don't know well enough the flag system to say if they need to create specific one for solo players...

the purpose of this post is just to balance the two gameplays, making it as fair as possible for everyone who choose to be most of the time in groups and those who prefer to live on they're side and enter a group when they decide to.

Hi Nihimon,

I did check the video, and we can't speak about specific "content for solo" on this speach.
Stephen Cheney told us what a solo player could do in PFO in extreme condition into the wilderness (and a large group do that better too). (monster bashing, harvesting, and others things).

Oh yes, I will feel a lot of stress and pleasure to do such things too, as i keep the reward for me.

But how can be longtime involved in the story of the game if we don't participate to large assaults on sttlements, or in dongeons ??
perhaps a long story line quest provides such a link with the background, and keep the player active too for his community as he's a bard, druid, hermit or such alone character on solo paths.

Maybe i'm wrong, but it's a path that does'nt be explain so much.

for sure i see what you mean, just having some difficulties to understand how they'll implement solo content in a such mass pvp world.
I'ld hope long term quests requiering scouting, crafting, important choices, combat tactics, or soloable dongeons... but i didnt read anything about that.
Solo is more a participation to the social, economic, productive organisation of your clan : i doubt there is really exclusive epic "content".

Woot ! it Sounds Epic to my ears.... hehe

Seriously, i'm really interresting about the solo content... i believe i have on my mind some things could be fun, but i don't know if it already be plan or exists ...

Could someone well informed list here solo activities proposed on the blog ? many thanks !

Bordeaux, France (only a few miles away East from Manhattan)

Where you from all ?

Bordeaux in France here

Lifedragn wrote:

Having things in the world that last long enough to organize around and exploit and have potentially come under prolonged conflict if two powerful groups seek to dominate that exploitation would be very well worth finding and very well worth paying for information about so that a buyer can either get there first or try to dislodge someone else.

That would make for pretty awesome gameplay in my opinion.

Agree with that, the long time duration of ressources spots guarantees the nearest settlements value and possible conflicts for them.

On an other hand, as Viscount K says, perhaps a slowly moving world content (ressources, creatures , NPC camps etc) will provide a more realistic experience, and avoid long term camping, ultra domination, and the possibility to buy a full map : exploration will be a real knowledge of actual world and his evolution.

for my part, i consider radar is like a GPS :

when you go somewhere with it, you never remember the path you choosed, even not the lanscape around you, you're like a blind man, so it has no importance for who wants to be IN the world.

But i admit it's now became an usual UI Tool for themepark MMO, but if you got a map, no need of it

woot ! it looks like being a great news for adventurers, and explorers involved in the world environment discover.
I hope Ryan keep this feature for release. This guy is creating the game i want to play !

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A Pathfinder, is an explorer, a pioneer, a scout or a guide...

do you think an adventurer needs a radar on the right corner indicating creatures, resources or others players like on others MMO ?

On the same way does a full map will be available on the release ?

I'm not sure this is necessarly requierments for such a sandbox which make yourself an adventurer in the middle of a big wild world.

i'll be more excited if i can add marks to my personnal map when i find a settlement, a cavern, some ressources spots, or long term quest informations... or having the luck to find a scrollmap indicating a lair, a camp or a little dongeon. And we could share these informations with allies or guild companions for example, and make secret the localisation of others...

To resume, i want longtime adventures, search for things i'm interest in, and not artificial help to find my way...

any suggestion?

(sorry but my english is'nt correct)

lot of ideas on this post ! for my part, i'd love seeing creatures flying in the sky before escalations, or hearing creatures sounds from nearest forest when the night comes.