Thousand Bones

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Organized Play Member. 165 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Elijah Snow wrote:

I'll post here and wherever this request pops up - I'd love an official epic level rule set for Pathfinder. I'd buy a hardcover devoted to it or just use rules that appear in a future adventure path.

It continues to boggle my mind that so many players would spend so much of their time arguing against the existence of official epic level rules. Don't buy the book. Don't allow the rules in your game. But please let the rest of us enjoy them.

Most companies are not as inclusive and responsive to their patrons as Paizo, which is why my brand loyalty is so high, so don't take this as a rejection of discussion of the pros and cons of future products. I just don't quite understand the anti-epic movement. It's a very large and passionate one - and it makes me nervous that it could roadblock this important (if optional) rules expansion.

1. Epic rules means epic support - modules, AP, sourcebooks. It's not just "one book I won't buy", it's an entire line that doesn't jazz me...

2. ...but which will tie up Paizo's resources away from things I enjoy.

3. No, I don't care about what others enjoy. Capitalism doesn't work like that.

3- i am a socialist. Bring us a Mythic book

KoboldOracle wrote:

Kaymanklynman's comment sparked the idea that a Level 21+ book could be cool IF it it focused on the idea of mythic roleplaying rather than just the classic epic of "bigger/harder/stronger."

Way way back in the the day the Gold Box of AD&D did this by incorporating rules for immortality, and as many people saw it, they weren't so much just new level advancements, but a whole new game of playing as a legend in your own time. The rules as written don't help you account for managing whole governments. I'd like to see a book of subsystems that let you be the ruler of a nation or seen as a messiah in a religion, maybe even gain immortality. 3.5 had some rules that could be adapted with the divine rank for instance. As for being a king of a nation, though you could say "that's all up to role playing" I'd still like to see some mechanics in place to help it.

thanks for the support , but i must say that the name mythic it is not my idea , i think it was James Jacobs the first to propose this name if paizo one day create this book .

greetings from Brazil

Please paizo, give us a hardcover Epic-Mythic level book.

Because i live in Rio de Janeiro and i am enjoying the best carnaval of the world with the most beatifull women of the planet.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Top 5 RPGs–Q4 2011

Keep the good work paizo.

listen now

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:


I'm not much of a metal fan, but here's some Brazilian hippies for you!

cool, you like Mutantes , they were very important for brazilian music.

listen this

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

All right,

1) At the end of "related", put a "]". EDIT: Erase that [/url} thingy.

2) Delete the spaces between the new "]" and "I Was..."

3) Put a [/url] at the end.

EDIT: Or just press "Reply" on one of the posts with a link and see how it's done.

i made it ...hahaha

I Was Buried In Mount Pleasant Cemetery

i am stupid. I cant do this. is too much for me.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
kaymanklynman wrote:
Woods Of Ypres - Kiss My Ashes

Linking is easy and fun! [url=http://blah blah blah}Blah Blah Blah[/url}

Except those }s are ]s!



I Was Buried In Mount Pleasant Cemetery" [Official Video]

Woods Of Ypres - Kiss My Ashes

Wyrd_Wik wrote:

Thought I'd post a band that has been around for awhile but I just recently discovered


The link is a performance of Coffin Ships, great song. Anyways check the band out their stuff is on Itunes I've got The Gathering Wilderness and to the Nameless Dead and have been impressed with both.

Great band.

The best song for me is Autumn's Ablaze.

Metal always Metal.

There's still hope for the world.

Crimson Jester wrote:
kaymanklynman wrote:

I loved my holiday. I spent 20 days camping in an almost desert beach with a lot of friends( and a girlfriend) eating fresh sea food and burning in the hot sun.

Greeting from brazil.

That sounds like fun. Not much of one for the heat but damn fresh sea food and good friends, sounds like a blast.

The sleeping beach (Praia do Sono).

"The Boundless Azure Ocean in Elysium".

1 person marked this as a favorite.

i loved my holiday , i spent 20 days camping in an almost desert beach with a lot of friends( and a girlfriend) eating fresh sea food and burning in the hot sun.

Greeting from brazil.

I just read 'The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" (Karl Marx) . A great book.


Dear James.

How is going the plans for a mythic book?( i hope for the end of the year)

Any comments on D&D next?(i think is time to united the forces again).

13. If Aule had struck the hammer . we all would be free of this abominations.

After seeing the trailer of The Hobbit i am reading the book again (I´ve read 11 times already)

Hi james

Did you saw the trailer of The Hobbit? what is you opinion on the book and your expectation for the film?

I wish you a happy new year.

The Hobbit was the first big book that i read , i was only 9 year old(1989) so for me and many other this movie will mean a lot .

the Trailer is epic in every sense.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

MYTHIC LEVEL BOOK(after a huge playtest) and Npc guide.

Draco Bahamut wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
We can't use "DM" because that (and Dungeon Master) are trademarked by WotC.

Plus, as James said, we already had our "GameMastery" brand, so the decision to use "GM" probably actually took less time than writing this post did.

If weren´t for your GameMastery line, it would be cool if you called it PM (That stands for PathMaster). Here in Brazil we use DM but never use what it stands for nor we translate it, we just use Mestre(Master).

1- Do you actually study about others cultures when you write about a new culture from Golarion or do you create details based only in what you already knows ?

2- Did you like the Red Steel setting from Mystara ?

3- A lot of Brazilians think that would be cool if Golarion had a country based in our country. Our "Sertões", jungles, legends etc.. Brazilian culture is very different from latin america and besides the Red Steel setting we never had much screen time im fantasy. If we send books (in english) to Paizo about us, would you read it ?

3) Estou com você companheiro.I am with you brother.

1 - Arcadia
2 - Arcadia
3 - Arcadia
4 - Arcadia
5 - Arcadia

greetings from Brazil


Amazing book.

dear James

1 - Is there a plan to present(in a book) the stats of Old Mage Jatembe ( for me the best npc EVER) and The Ten Magic warriors?

2 - It is possible that we see in the distant future some novels/tales of the past of golarion (like a novel discribing in the details the tale of old mage jatembe and his adventure in the Doorway to the Red Star)?

as you can see i finished reading the Heart of the Jungle , and men, what a book. thank you guys.

Long live Jatembe.

Great news .

I can already picture the birth of Kayman Klynman a human priest of Iomedae that will bring order to the River Kingdom.

Long live Kayman Klynman.



James Jacobs wrote:
kaymanklynman wrote:


HA! Yay! Turosh Mak!

I am glad that you remembered him.

My opinion is: Orcs are evil so, RELEASES THE HORDES...SEEK and DESTROY.

Erik Freund wrote:

At the very end of the first large block of text, you use the word "oficcial", where you likely meant "official"

Also the phrase "may we walk through a safe path" is a little strange. The word "upon" or "along" might sound more natural. But it's not incorrect to say "through."


i will make the changes.

As promised the version in english. I hope you all like.

Please inform if you find any typos or bad expressions , my english is a little poor.

Just arrived, playing now.......

James Jacobs wrote:
Draco Bahamut wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

If you're not playing in Golarion, then my arguments and opinions on orcs are pretty much irrelevant. It's only if you're using Golarion, or looking to modify Golarion, or want to build a world LIKE Golarion that my arguments matter... and even then, I present them as nothing more than my philosophies so that folks can see why things are the way they are in Golarion, and so that they can make informed decisions about any changes they might want to make.

My problem isn´t that orcs aren´t good guys or bad guys, my problem with Golarion orcs is that they are kind of bland. Goblins got a nice redesign, elfs and drows too, but the orcs of Golarion brought no deepth. Where are the great orc shamans traditions or war-machines ? Where are the great orc warlords that shove fear in the armies of Lastwall ? Ok, the orcs of golarion are bad guys, but they aren´t villains, they are just low level thugs. I guess that after Red Hand of Doom mister Jacobs has been saving the spot of the great adversaries of humanity for the hobgoblins when they make their appearance in Golarion, but if they don´t give us legendary orc heros, they could at least let some infamous orc really bad guys slip by so we could relate to them.

Please, more love to Belkzen, Orcs of Golarion wasn´t inspired enought.

Fair enough. It's certainly true that we haven't done much at all with orcs.


That will change soon enough.

Great news!!!


Courtney! wrote:

Awesome trailer! LOL, partway through I was like, "Man, I wanna play this game! ...oh, yeah, I'm already running it. Right." So I count that as a win in terms of hyping people up for a game. ^_^;;

What music did you use?

The first song - Empyrium - Kein Hirtenfeuer glimmt mehr.

the second - Immediate Music - Lacrimosa.

I also recomnend this compilation of folk music.
Whom the Moon a Nightsong Sings


...hunn Mrs LOVECRAFT hunnnn......

darklopez wrote:
I learned a bit of Spanish, but i think I understood it's the oppening letter from Kingmaker #1, right?

You are right. it is an adaptation of the first letter.

Philip Knowsley wrote:
kaymanklynman wrote:

I made this for my players

The text is in portuguese but i think it will be easy to understand.

Dude! Beautiful - I wish I had skills like yours!

However - I think you hugely overestimate our Portuguese skills...

Any chance of making one in English?

Thanks , i will make a version in english , as to have my skills i use the program Magic Movie Edit , it is very simple and friendly to amateur like me.

RedPorcupine wrote:
kaymanklynman wrote:
OS PRACINHAS (The name of the brazilian soldiers send to war) , my granfather was one of then.
MAN! You can´t leave us with that ! Please translate the name at least.

here it is

you may have to translate the pages .

"PRACINHAS" is the name of the sculpture made to honor the veterans of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force.

The meaning of the word "Pracinhas" is dificult to explain in english but i will try.

PRAÇA(Soldado) means Soldier

PRACINHA means small soldier (but not in a negative way. Instead in a way that the brasilian people means to love/care for those who lost their lives in the war - like a mother love for his children).

The first was amazing...

I am very exited for the new one.

What you people think about trine?

Katrina Sinclair wrote:

Napoleon was not short. He was of the average height for a European man of his era.

Brazil fought in WW2. German and Italian submarines sank some of their shipping, and Brazil got so pissed off that they declared war and sent the allies an expeditionary force. This force was sent to Italy, and saw significant action. The Brazilians were the only South American nation to fight in WW2.

OS PRACINHAS (The name of the brazilian soldiers send to war) , my granfather was one of then.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Brazil has the largest population of japanese outside of Japan because when slavery was abolished the Japanese came to fill manual labor roles in agriculture. As employees, of course. not slaves.

Additionally there is a large italian population because as the japanese improved their standing over time and moved out of the roles of menial labor Italian immigrants came to replace them in the fields.

Cool that you know this because i presented that subject last week to my students.

I am a Geography teacher in Brasil.

by the way, You are right the were employees, but the condition of their labor was similar to slavery.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I made this for my players , i will start the campaign next month.

The text is in portuguese but i think it will be easy to understand.

Gorbacz wrote:
La la la.

La la la (2)

Congratulations paizo.

IMO every one who want to know of the importance of philosophy should read this book:

A History of Western Philosophy - Bertrand Russel.

There is a audiobook version on

fjw70 wrote:

It is going good. My 10 yo DMed my 5 yo and me through Black Fang's Dungeon. It was a lot of fun for all of us. He immediately took the GM Guide to bed with him and started making notes for a follow up adventure to run us through.

The Beginner's Box gets a huge thumbs up from me (this was my first time with PF but I am a verteran of AD&D and 4e).

I am so jealous of you , I have two high intelligent nephews( 7y and 12y, the older one it is already fluently in english). They are asking me every day when the "GAME" will arrive.

What is happening with Amazon? why the publication date is NOVEMBER 15?

I cant wait no more. I NEED that BOX.

A desperate gamer from Brazil.

Beautiful Merisiel.

Have you ever met with Castruccio Irovetti? Can you tell me a secret of him?

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