Thousand Bones

kaymanklynman's page

Organized Play Member. 165 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Gorbacz wrote:
Elijah Snow wrote:

I'll post here and wherever this request pops up - I'd love an official epic level rule set for Pathfinder. I'd buy a hardcover devoted to it or just use rules that appear in a future adventure path.

It continues to boggle my mind that so many players would spend so much of their time arguing against the existence of official epic level rules. Don't buy the book. Don't allow the rules in your game. But please let the rest of us enjoy them.

Most companies are not as inclusive and responsive to their patrons as Paizo, which is why my brand loyalty is so high, so don't take this as a rejection of discussion of the pros and cons of future products. I just don't quite understand the anti-epic movement. It's a very large and passionate one - and it makes me nervous that it could roadblock this important (if optional) rules expansion.

1. Epic rules means epic support - modules, AP, sourcebooks. It's not just "one book I won't buy", it's an entire line that doesn't jazz me...

2. ...but which will tie up Paizo's resources away from things I enjoy.

3. No, I don't care about what others enjoy. Capitalism doesn't work like that.

3- i am a socialist. Bring us a Mythic book

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Top 5 RPGs–Q4 2011

Keep the good work paizo.

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i loved my holiday , i spent 20 days camping in an almost desert beach with a lot of friends( and a girlfriend) eating fresh sea food and burning in the hot sun.

Greeting from brazil.

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MYTHIC LEVEL BOOK(after a huge playtest) and Npc guide.

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I made this for my players , i will start the campaign next month.

The text is in portuguese but i think it will be easy to understand.

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I voted EpIc/Mythic level because i really want a book covering this subject, but for me every level is fun to play.

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More CR 21+ Monsters.

(my "mythic" subconscious)

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My political views are on the far far far far left , so i sometimes dream(hope) that the idea of an UNIFIED WORKING CLASS is really happening.

obs: For me and many others, the USSR was a disgrace for the idea of socialism.


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What about Old Mage Jatembe(for me the npc with the coolest history)? in the Inner Sea Magic he is true neutral , but i always thought he was Neutral Good.

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Great Idea , i will buy for sure.

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I love Heavy Metal.

Master of Puppets.




Reign in Blood.


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"POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Like many, I want to thanks paizo for this wonderfull product. I will buy the box for my nephew ( he has 12 ) even knowing that i will pay a lot to ship this thing to brazil( and I am not a rich person). But i see the hard work and love that you guys put in all the products. Also i am a school teacher and i will try to teach( besides Geography) what is pathfinder to a vast number of students.

Júlio Trindade.