Celegon |
Celegon takes aim at the left giant on the ground and sends an array of arrows into its back. (Attacks: FAIL, 27 (for 25), 30 (for 23), 29 THREAT to crit (for 30 damage) 24 to confirm (for +41 damage).
Glimwick sends another blast of Empowered Magic Missles into the nearest giant. (25 damage)
Ironperenti |
Assume Glimwick and Celegon are standing on top of a boulder, otherwise they cannot see the giants. Moved Aram so that his channeled energy does not heal the injured giants.
Grobral manages to climb over and slide between boulders so that he covers 20' toward the others. Celegon peppers his giant target causing the beast to howl in pain. Glimwick's magic missiles kill the giant to Padraig's left.
Athos, invisible, Padraig, giants
Ironperenti |
Athos withdraws from the invisible creature in the direction of Aram. As he moves across the battlefield he pulls a potion of cure moderate wounds and drinks it. Padraig kicks the giant once and it bellows in pain. He kicks it again and it stops moving.
cure mod wds: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (2, 7) + 3 = 12
Celegon |
Celegon rushes forward for a better view of the area and quickly begins the incantations for Shadow Conjuration to emulate Glitterdust. He aims the center of the burst so that it comes near his allies without hitting them.
See yellow square for 10'-radius burst area. DC=19 Will save for disbelief. If it makes the save, 20% chance it is still effected. It is revealed and DC=19 Will save for Blindness.
jscroggs |
Seeing the dilemma before the group, Glimwick unleashes a Glitterdust burst north of Padraig as well, trying not to overlap the burst from Celegon.
DC=21 Will save to negate blindness
If that fails to show the assailant, then Glimwick throws a Quickened Glitterdust south of Padraig.
2 blue squares, bottom square would only be needed if the first doesn't reveal the hidden character.
Celegon |
Seeing the glittering figure escape up through the air, he points up through the trees with his arrow notched on his bow and lets fly with a cluster of arrows, one after another.
First arrow: 30 to hit for 27 damage
Second arrow: 24 to hit for 29 damage
Third arrow: 18 to hit for 27 damaee
Fourth arrow: 27 to hit for 29 damage
Celegon |
Glimwick moves forward and spots Celegon's target through the trees and casts targetted Dispel Magic attempting to remove Fly from the target.
Targetting Fly specifically for this so caster level check is 31 against the DC of the Fly spell with no spell resistance. If successful, the target falls slowly for 60' per round as the spell fades.
Ironperenti |
The team moves south back toward the frozen mire. There on the banks of the cold marshland they use a wand to cast protection from elements, setup their tents back in the foliage and soon find restful sleep (with a rotating watch of course).
Due to their disturbed evening, they sleep in a bit. By mid-morning, they are awake, dressed and ready to move out.
Celegon |
Celegon casts Communal Phantom Steed and has everyone mount up to head back to the start of the trail. Hopefully this time they can make it in without being detected. Even from a good distance away, he gets everyone to pull in close and casts Invisibility Sphere so they will be undetectable.
"Alright, we should be able to make it in there this time without being seen. Once we head over the glacier, remember to beware the phantasms that we saw below us."
Ironperenti |
The team flies back over the city toward their last location. This time, they fly straight over the city and avoid the glacier covered in undead. In a large open area (marked G on the map) there is a large diverse camp of giants (Prof Soldier check to estimate numbers). Further north, about halfway across the artisan district, you see three cloud giants swatting a floating ball back and forth. Then you realize the ball is a chubby humanoid with spindly limbs. It grunts each time it is smacked from one giant to another.
Celegon |
Glimwick stares hard at the chubby humanoid trying to determine if this is some sort of summoned demon or a fairer race that may need to be saved.
Celegon |
Glimwick points down to the make-shift “ball” and gets the group to slow down. “We should see if we can help that person. Any thoughts on how to do that without being seen?”
Celegon |
Celegon voices his agreement with the plan. "If we can get close enough to him, I can hit him with Feather Fall while he is in the air and we can grab him and hit him with Invisibility as well."
He does frown at Glimwick though, "I'm not sure what we'll do if he decides to attack us. It would probably be wise to have Comprehend Languages or something else active to ensure we can communicate our intentions to him."
Celegon |
Celegon directs the horses down and tries to predict where the creature will be launched and casts Comprehend Languages on himself. Once it comes close to them, he hits it with Feather Fall and they move over to catch it and Glimwick hits it with Invisibility.
If it speaks, Celegon will attempt Linguistics to determine what language it is speaking if it is not one that he knows.
Ironperenti |
When Celegon grabs the spindly guy he hears the thing say, "oh, by all that is merciful in the dark, thank you."
As for the cloud giants they look confused and a little irritated. One of them looks at the last to swat the creature, "Louis, you hit it too hard and popped it."
The one called Louis shakes his head, "It just disappeared. I think it went invisible."
"Can they do that? I didn't think they could do that." the third giant said.
Louis considered the question again, "I don't know what all they can do but if it could turn invisible, why didn't it do it when we first cornered it. No, I think something else is about." As he finishes speaking he begins looking around as do the other two giants.
Celegon |
Celegon spots a building not too far from one of the giants and in its line of sight. He glances at where the invisible odd creature should be in front of him on his steed and puts a single finger up against his lips as he tries to recall as many details about it as he can. He casts Silent Image in a large area where one of the giants is glancing. He creates the image of the creature sliding out of invisibility and running quickly around the side of the building, making sure the giant sees it. He attempts to make the illusory creature run just slow enough with a gimp that at least one other giant spots it before making it vanish around a corner. If all goes well, he waves with his hand to the others as the take their phantom steeds over to the roof of another building while staying as silent as possible inside of the invisibility sphere.
Ironperenti |
The original accusatory giant sees the image go around the corner. The giant points and says, "Louis, there it goes around the corner."
Louis turns and just sees the last part of the image disappear around the corner. "Oh no you don't. It won't be that easy." After saying this he moves after the image. The other two follow.
The team slips away. Then they...
Celegon |
Celegon watches the spindly creature's reaction to Padraig's question to see if it is able to give an answer or even if it understands the question. If it is unable to, Celegon casts Voluminous Vocabulary to give the creature the ability to communicate in Common for 8 hours. With a Spellcraft check (23 against DC=15) he also imparts Thassilonian to the creature.
He then asks the creature, "Can you understand us now?" and gives a recap of the questions.
Ironperenti |
When the creature spoke it used Thassilonian. Since it cannot answer Padraig's question right away the Voluminous Vocabulary spell gets dropped and suddenly we have communication.
"Thank you kind sirs. My name is Morgiv. I am one of the spared." The lanky armed creature says in Thassilonian/Common (I assume the spell changes its words as necessary). "I have been trying to find you. I saw what you did to the giants and lamias. You are the foretold."
The heroes obviously ask foretold to do what? And so Morgiv continues, "Our great priestess who founded our colony foretold of a time when the Spared would be enslaved again and that great warriors like those in the old pictures would come to rescue us. You are the great warriors and we are enslaved. Please come with so that you may unenslave us."
Celegon |
Celegon takes a 5' step away from the nearest skulk, continues reciting a poem of an epic battle against vampires, and unleashes a holy maelstrom of arrows against the nearest skulk. If it drops, he will continue firing the remaining arrows into the other skulk.